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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 2 Entire Tourney + PPV RP Archive
House Of Kain (RP 1)
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JosephKain Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Classic Heel

(usually booed; often plays dirty)

10-13-2013, 05:07 PM

Seven O'clock Monday afternoon and the sun had just set on a beautiful day in the woods: Joespeh Kain is shown standing in the woods in the middle of nowhere probably around his home area. His deer stand behind him in a decent sized tree with his gun strapped over his torso. Grinning and scratching the stubble on the side of his face.

I went home for a couple weeks. I was strongly debatin' on whether or not quit. I made some life style changes. No more drinkin'. No more partyin'. My father would be pissed at me for bein' a quitter. (laughs) Jokes aside though, I am one of the first straight-edge rednecks I think.. and it feels weird. But at the same time I started enjoyin' life a little more. My relationship is based on more than just sex.. And I have to say that feels real good. I was enjoyin' life. Then I got a call from a friend. He reminded me of the Lethal Lottery tournament comin' up.. so I packed up and I'm prepared to head back to Cali next Wednesday. To whoop some ass.. nothin' more. My drinkin' days are behind me. I will touch on my revelation later.

I find myself in an interestin' situation this week don't I? I have a chance to prove myself. And with my team, I think I can walk out with the ole 'W'. No other team stands a fuckin' chance. I'm as ruthless as I have ever been. No filter on what I say and do to the people involved in our match. My leadership would be enough to get the job done, but I have three very talented people under team Kain.

My team members..
Jessica Diaz. She is a tough bitch there is no doubt about that and a champion..Trio champion to be exact.. So I KNOW she knows how to work on a team. She also informed me not to say shit that could come back to haunt me with that Egyptian woman. And if I weren't taken and she wasn't a lesbian I would throw her a bone. Cute face with eyes that can be decievin'.. I can dig that type of power on my team.

Christine Nash. I have to be honest.. I don't know what that chick is thinkin' half the time. I think she may be a little off her rocker. But that's all well and good that is welcomed on my team. I have seen what she can do in that ring.

And finally...

Matt Lennox. He is a true competitor. He is a wrestler and not a "watereddown" bullshit Extreme wrestler.. He has talent. And I truly admire what he is doing with Hunter Payne these days. It proves that he is capabale of mind games, and once again that is more than welcomed in the house of Kain. But if he thinks for one second that I'm gonna let him call the shots he is sorely mistakin'. Like I have said on several occasions, Matt, I have no beef with you. But if you wanna turn on the grill then bring it bitch.

Our opposin' team is composed of an odd combination of people. I honestly don't see how some of them could possibly co-exist with eachother.

John Austin. A member of the Family. I man who has been going through an identity crisis as of late. I'm startin' think he hears voices or some shit. Scary.. Naw not really. I'm a tough son of a bitch, he's naturally a gifted athelete. That bein' said, when we step in the ring together we are gonna tear the roof of that place..Not tryin' to suck up, just statin' facts.

NAZI. A member of the Black Circle. He is teamin' with people who don't seem to like his bosses. And that makes him the most unliked man in this match. And not just because of whose dick he sucks, but because of his view on life. We are all equal under God....except for Peter Gilmour. Go ahead and take care of that massive waste of space. I don't give a fuck.

Steve Davids. The newest member of the Brotherhood, who honestly seems like a fuckin' douchewibbler. He had the say so on kickin' Hunter Payne out of the group, and that is bullshit. Hunter Payne has already been through so much shit


Matt Ward. I think we was romantically linked to Christine Nash at one point? He was rapist or somethin' I think? I don't know for sure.. All I do know is that if there is still some bad blood there it wll be entertainin' to see them rip eachother apart.

So Warfare is goin' to be pretty intense, and it is almost a gurranteed win for my team. Hope there isn't no issues with any of my partners not fallin' in line.. Which brings me back to Matt Lennox. I'm gonna need you to get your fuckin' head out of your ass and not worry about the Hunter Payne shit.. That's your business on Madness. Do not bring that baggage with you to the match or I'll drop you myself.

The XWF footage fades to black with the sinking sun peering through the trees and Joseph Kain is taking in his surroundings. It appears as if he is truly loving life.

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[Image: Josephkain_zps03edef6b.jpg]
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