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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 2 Entire Tourney + PPV RP Archive
A little family reunion. (RP 1)
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Cam Lang Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

10-12-2013, 01:49 PM

We're shown of a plan room, all metal walls, everything in sight is the color grey. We have a metal table in the center of the room a long with two chairs opposing each other on either side. Suddenly, the camera zooms out and suddenly were looking at the room through bars! Could it be some sort of prison, or perhaps an asylum? With all of this being processed, a man with a suit on proceeds to walk into the celled off area and stands near the side of the table...

You're good man, come on in...

With that being said, CAM LANG walks in and is wearing his signature casual attire, along with a pair of sick shades which he doesn't take off and proceeds to walk in and takes a seat on one of the chairs.

You've asked for this, but let me warn you he's worse then before... MUCH WORSE.

Lang acts like he hasn't even acknowledged the man's comment, but in reality he's listened to him perfectly clear. Cam's amnesia has gone over but he's not been in the mood to chit chat, but will we see a different Lang or will the same one come back? All of a sudden, we hear a noise of someone speaking with static in the back round as the man pulls out a walkie talkie...

You can send him in now if you wish.

The man looks at Cam, who still hasn't budged since sitting down and still has his shades on his face. We see through the bars two security guards, and behind them is another man who we don't get a full view of. They unlock the gate and proceed to come through, they stand on both sides of the table to reveal a man with an orange like prison suit on, the man has very thin, greasy long hair but he's well built and looks like someone you wouldn't wanna fuck with. He's cuffed and the security officers pull the chair up and the man walks around and takes a seat. He pulls himself closer to the table, meanwhile Lang still hasn't moved and the man across from him starts to giggle a little bit.

Oh brother, my sweet baby little brother... you look..... irritated?

Lang still doesn't move, looking dead into the eyes of this man.

Word around the joint is that you decided that it was time to move on? The word around the joint is you jumped off the rafters of some arena... isn't that right? MY BROTHER... the wrestler.

The man seems to be content and is smiling, meanwhile Cam is simply showing no emotion whatsoever.

I've known this entire time, you had something deep in yourself and couldn't figure what it was. This feeling of darkness took over your soul, nearly wrapping it in a gift bag and chucking it off of those rafters. Why Cam? What reason would my dear brother have for committing something like that, us Lang's aren't known for such acts.

Lang lowers his sunglasses and reveals one eye to his brother, who seems yet happy at seeing a reaction out of his brother.

Brother... you killed two people.

The man staring across from Lang has stopped acting so joyful, however he still maintains the smirk he's had for practically the entire time.

Alright, let me correct myself... us Lang's, we're not WEAK. We're not idiots either, and what you decided to do was pretty idiotic.

No, fuck that.

Lang takes off his glasses and chucks them against wall but remains seated, but instead of a slouching position he had once he bends over against the table as much as he can to get closer to his brother so he can hope he'll hear this very clearly.

What's idiotic is committing a crime which gets you HERE for the rest of your life. What's idiotic is taking away the lives of the misfortune, what's idiotic is for no reason taking a 12 gauge and blowing the fucking brains out of two people.

It was fun brother... I had fun. But how about you? Why should we focus on myself so much? How much fun are you have wrestling at that whatever it's called federation.

Lang looks at his brother with a look of disgust, obviously not pleased with his brother even though these murders have taken place and they took place a while ago.

It's not supposed to be fun, it's BUSINESS.

Lang looks at his brother and gets another bit of laughing, Lang looks more and more pissed by the second but still hasn't completely broke his gasket yet and gone on a huge rant.

Father was a janitor... mother was a teacher... I'm a convicted felon who's going to spend the rest of his life in someplace like this... and you're planning on being this person? The wrestler, Cam Lang? You had potential of being the NORMAL one Cam.

Cam looks down at his brother, surprisingly not looking at him for the first time since he walked into the room.

Brother... let's not talk about that, my apologies. How about lets talk about your time you've spent so far in the XWF.

Lang looks up, his attention has obviously been caught and he looks on yet again at his older brother.

The word around the cells are that you're losing? Way to represent the Lang name brother, you're doing nothing but disappointing our parents, grandparents, great grandparents, all the way down to the beginning of our blood line.

I'm not the one in cuffs right now motherfucker.

Lang's brother leans back and gives a quick smile before standing up and the guards take charge and get ready if anything were to happen...

You're perfectly right, you're living the dream aren't you? While you live it up on the outside, you think I'm in here each and everyday rotting a little more don't you? Far from the truth, while you go out there and perform self injury on yourself, I'm in here being taken care of, three square meals a day and quite honestly I couldn't provide this for myself even if I was out there. But with all that being said, let me tell you something that you secretly already know. You're a loser...

The man turns around and starts walking away, signalling that's all the time he wants to spend but he stops once more before exiting the cell.

You'll ALWAYS be a loser.

[Image: CL.jpg]

Creds to BBD!
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