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Sincere Lee Wild
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Sincere Lee Wild Offline
XWF's Ultimate Sin

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

09-25-2013, 12:56 PM

REAL NAME: Amber Strikeland
IN-RING NAME: Sincere Lee Wild
DATE OF BIRTH: September 28, 1982
WEIGHT: 125 lbs.
PICBASE: Shelly Martinez AKA Ariel

IN RINGT ATTIRE: Ring attire changes regularly, more of a gothic look.



FIGHTING STYLE: A very Unorthadox fighter her style varies and uses many different styles of fighting in the ring.



SETUP MANUEVER: Sincere Lee Yours


FINISHER: The One Time 69

FINISHER DESCRIPTION: Tombstone Piledriver, usually swivels her hips erotically before dropping her opponent onto the mat.


THEME SONG: Relax by Peaches

ENTRANCE DESCRIPTION: After their match both Liz and Jenna Silver look beat resting against the turnbuckles of the ring when suddenly the lights cut out leaving the arena in total darkness. A purple strobe light begins to flash illuminating the stage as Relax by Peaches begins to play over the PA system. The fans let out a wave of m. A pink smoke begins to fill the top of the stage as a steel throne chair covered with sculpted snakes and dragns begins to lift from the bottom of the stage. As the smoke slowly begins to fade the fans can make out Sincere Lee Wild sitting comfortably in the throne chair her legs kicked up over one of the arms her coal black hair in pigtails and wearing dark gothic clothing. As the music gets louder and the smoke completely clears Sincere Lee Wild removes her legs from the chairs arm and stands to her feet glaring to her left and then to her right at the crowd, her arms slowly raise and then snaps them back down to her side, flame pyrotechnics begin shooting from the sides of the stage ramp. Sincere Lee Wild stands to her feet as she slowly make her way down the stage ramp, eager fans try to reach out for her, but the heat from the flames top them. She makes her way to the ring apron and grabs the bottom rope and pulls herself up to her feet and turns back around towards the stage ramp and quickly drops doing the splits. The male fans let out a roar of pleasuring chants as she slowly caresses up and down on her glistening thighs. Sincere Lee Wild reaches up and lifts the bottom rope just enough to where she can fall slowly backwards into the ring. She rolls over and sets up on all fours seductively crawling to the middle of the ring as the lights slowly illuminate the ring and the music softly dies.

BIOGRAPHY: Possibly one of the most unpredicable and controversial women to ever step foot in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. She made a huge impact during her rookie years and became one of the top Diva's in the company until she tried to burn one of her opponents alive with gasoline during a live XWF Pay Per View event. She was later told she would never wrestle in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation again and after failing repeated Psychological Evaluations she was committed to Sunny Daze Mental Hospital in Tampa Florida where she had been undergoing treatment for the last year. After her release from Sunny Daze she immediatley contacted Trisha Medinia and recruited her in helping her return to the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. Many of the General Managers, fans and Roster memebers still think that she in unstable and not fit to compete due to the massive amount of drugs prescribed to her and her unusual personality.

[Image: jf84dg.jpg]
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