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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Shove-It! Boards » Shove-It! Results
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Shove It: Night Of Payne 08/03/13
Author Message
Hunter Payne Offline
RIP Ray Peterson

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08-04-2013, 08:32 PM


-Last Man Standing by Asher Roth featuring Akon plays-

-Cheers from the entire arena as we go live! The announce table is empty and there is no time keeper or ring announcer, just two microphones on the mat of an empty ring. Then suddenly...-

-'Use Somebody' by Kings Of Leon plays. Hunter Payne and Joy Giovanni make their way to the ring to cheers, they both grab microphones that were already in the ring-

Payne dressed like:
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQGOs4BUcLm6jPyP8Jm__2...BqARC9Iq0v]

And Joy dressed like:
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5b0I4CH1cYt1ZuAzqH4r...J4DMYktB4-]

Payne: Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Welcome to Shove It: Night Of Payne! Are you ready for this?!

-Fans Cheer-

Payne: What? I couldn't hear you. Now I know you can do better than that. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?!

-Fans Cheer Louder-

Payne: What a night we have for you. All 5 members of the connection will compete in singles action tonight!

Joy: Then in the main event those members of the connection will team up against all of their opponents tonight in a huge 10 person tag match!

Payne: But let's not forget we have not 1, not 2, but 3 returns tonight! Neil Capra, will compete for the first time since late April!

-Fans Cheer-

Joy: And wrestling for the first time since early June... Crimson Dong returns to action tonight.

-Fans Cheer-

Payne: And let's not forget the very attractive ass-kicker Ursula Areano competes for the first time since early April tonight!

-Fans Cheer louder-

Joy: But first how about an Xtreme Title match? But we gotta hear -sexy seductive voice- how bad do you guys want it?!

-Fans Cheer even louder-

Joy: However some of you might have noticed, we have a bit of a problem here.... An empty little section over here.... So without further adieu the time keeper as well as other miscellaneous jobs for tonight Kevin Smith portraying Silent Bob....

-Kevin Smith/Silent Bob comes out to a warm reception from the crowd, then goes and sits down by the announce table-

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRjmgf7OVIC1jsgCIkAttR...xtXGnweBlq]

Payne: How are you doing Silent Bob?

-Silent Bob with a thumbs up-

Joy: So silent Bob, I think timekeeper is the perfect job for you. So why don't you go and try it out.

-Silent Bob grabs the ring bell and hits few times and enjoys it-

Payne: Alright next, that color commentary table looks pretty empty... So why don't we welcome.... Michael Cole everybody!

-Michael Cole comes out with no music to a staggering amount of Boos, and sits by the announce table-

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS7QJaGuDCEDycsK1B-WN6...5rWgl_2fyQ]

Joy: I don't think they are very happy with that Hunter. Why don't we welcome his partner in crime for tonight. Ready to get Xtreme?!

-'13' plays as Taz comes out to a big reaction, and joins Michael Cole at the announce table-

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRlVknLFVG5SBAyWU3__qe...V3Aj2Sje5I]

Payne: And last but not least, Please welcome the lovely ring announcer for tonight.

-'Light It Up' plays as AJ Lee skips out an unreal reception. AJ skips around the ring a few times before entering it and getting handed a microphone from Silent Bob-

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQxfCr_mrnEz3Q1uDz-BXb...eLKugePz6w]

-AJ waits almost a minute for the crowd to quiet down, as an AJ LEE chant breaks out-

AJ: Wow. Thank you for having me.


Payne: Not a problem. Looks like they really love you here in Anaheim California!

-More cheers-

Payne: Enjoy the rest of the show everybody...

-Hunter Payne and Joy exit as the show has it's first commercial break-


Cole: Alright, that's enough Silent Bob!

Taz: Calm down. He's just having some fun. Lighten up will ya.

AJ: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Xtreme Championship...

'You're The Best Around' by Joe Esposito plays

AJ: Weighing in at --- pounds The Xtreme Champion AND the UFO Champion! STEVIEEE TYYLERRR!

Taz: That's a lot of gold Stevie Tyler has with him.

You Ain't Woman Enough hits...

AJ: And his opponent, from Miami, Florida! DWAYNE!!! "THE ROCK"!!!!! JOHNNNSON!!!

Taz: What a great job by AJ Lee so far. So tell the fans about these guys Cole.

Cole: These are two of the more uhh... unique wrestlers in the XWF.

-The referee hand Silent Bob the UFO Championship goes to the center of the ring and raises the Xtreme Championship for everyone to see-

Taz: There it is! That bad boy is the only title up for grabs tonight.

Just as the Ref is about to hand it to Silent Bob, Stevie Tyler snatches his title and runs to bash The Rock's head in with it.


The Rock ducks it! Rock with a big right hand! Causing Tyler to drop the title.

And another right hand!

And another right hand!

And another right hand!

And another right hand!

And another right hand!

And another right hand!

And another right hand!

The Rock takes three steps back and puts his right hand high in the air.....


Rock layeth the Smackdown on Stevie Tyler! Sending him over the top rope! Rock follows hitting a clothesline on Tyler. Now Rock looks under the ring and pulls out kendo sticks, a metal trash can, brass knuckles, and a fire extinguisher. Rock looks under the ring for more weapons... He pulls out the metal trash can lid just as Stevie Tyler turns around and...


Trash can lid to the skull!

Taz: What a shot!

The Rock picks up Tyler...


Tyler picked up the brass knuckles when The Rock wasn't looking. Now Tyler grabs the fire extinguisher at both ends, lifts it over his head, and attempts to hit Rock.

Rock catches Tyler by the waist, lifts him up and hits a spinebuster on the trash can!!! Denting the trash can beyond repair. Rock with a pin...




Rock grabs one of the kendo sticks and proceeds to swing away at Tyler's back again and again until the kendo stick breaks! Now Rock gets the other one, and just as he is about to unload on Stevie Tyler again....


Taz: The hell?

The lights come back on to see Stevie Tyler is gone and in his place is this big guy standing and staring at The Rock.

Cole: I heard about this guy Gary, he's Stevie Tyler's evil alter ego.

Rock stares at this creature, then just shrugs his shoulders as to say "Fuck it" and hits Gary with the kendo stick to the skull... Gary doesn't move! Rock does it again! And again Gary doesn't move! Rock tries it a third time... But this one is caught by Gary.Gary takes it away from Rock and breaks it across his knee. Anybody else would be frightened at that sight... but not The Rock, as he just shrugs his shoulders again saying "Fuck it" and hits a loud right hand...

And another!

And another!

And another!

Rock takes three steps back, puts his right hand high to the sky and...

SMACK! No! Gary grasps Rocky by his throat. And drops him with a chokeslam on the entrance ramp!

Taz: Wow!

Gary picks up rock and hurls him into the ring. Gary grabs a steel chair from under the ring and comes in then waits for Rock to come to.


Gary has got a crazy look on his face... crazier than usual anyway...




Gary quick to his feet... Rock with a Samoan Drop! Gary quick to his feet again.... Rock twists around Gary and hits a DDT! Gary again is quick to get up... Rock with a spinebuster! Gary stays down as Rock makes it around Gary The crowd goes nuts! And so will Rock in a minute. Rock swings his arms back and forth goes off the ropes..... off the other ropes...

Gary is back up! Big time clothesline by Gary with his whole massive frame!!! Ala Mark Henry. Gary off the ropes... Big splash! cover!




Gary now with a body slam to Rock! Pin attempt.




Gary with a running powerslam! Pin again...




Gary grabs the steel chair from earlier... And Whacks The Rock with it! Pin.




Taz: Damn!

Cole: Gary is throwing everything at the Rock and it doesn't seem to be enough!

Gary places the chair on the mat and calls for the chokeslam... on the chair!


Rock lifted by the throat!

The Rock jumps off to the side!

Gary turns to Rock...


Taz: It's over!

Rock covers!




Rock is in shock! Rock get up. Shakes his leg and gets in The Rock ready stance....

Taz: Here we go... The Brahma Bull getting pumped...

Gary is getting up....


Cole: NOW WHAT?!

The lights come back on and Gary is gone! Now it's Stevie Tyler standing up, not realizing The Rock is behind him. He turns around....


Rock with a cover...




Taz: He got it!

Cole: It's over! We have a new Xtreme Champion!


The Rock get handed his Xtreme Championship. The ref raises his hand with the Championship in the other. An ecstatic Rock goes to the top turnbuckle and puts one arm in the air dangling the Xtreme Championship.

Taz: Night of Payne a new champion is crowned!

Rock goes to Stevie Tyler who is talking to the referee... Rock offers a handshake. Tyler accepts and shakes Rock's hand. The Rock stands in the middle of the ring one more time to enjoy this moment...





Taz: What the hell was that?!!

Stevie Tyler quickly grabs the Xtreme Championship and runs to AJ Lee and grabs his UFO Championship and jumps over the guard railing into the crowd with both his titles and books it out of the arena...

There's major confusion as the ref talks to AJ Lee...

AJ : Ladies and gentlemen as per the 24/7 defense rule, your winner and NEW-ER Xtreme Champion, STEVIE TYLER!


Taz: There you have it, the 24/7 rule coming into play seconds after Rock won the championship!

Cole: The Rock was screwed over tonight! This is not right!

-Rock's yelling in the ring. He is absolutely furious!-


-Rock leaves cussing up a storm because his moment was taken right from under him-

-Commercial break-

Cole: What a shocking turn of events that transpired before the break!

-Replays of Rock winning, then Tyler winning his title back are shown-


AJ: The following contest is a 2 out of 3 fall match!

'God Give Me Everything' by The Rolling Stones hits. Chessmaster master makes his way to the ring.

AJ: First, From Chicago, Illinois! Weighing in at 220 pounds! CHESSMASTER!!

Chessmaster comes to the ring cracks his knuckles and waits for Aldway...

'Money' by Pink Floyd starts to play. Andrew Aldway arrogantly walks to to the ring and enters to a chorus of boo's.

AJ: And his opponent, reprenting the Connection, ANDREW ALDWAY!

AJ: The first fall. An arm wrestling match!

An official arm wrestling table with the pads and handles is in the center of the ring.


Cole: This is kind of do or die for Andrew Aldway. Chessmaster an obvious favorite in the chess match.

Referee holds both men's hands in the center.

Ref: Ready... Set.... Go!

Aldway gets the upper hand early!!!!!

Chessmaster is at a disadvantage now!!!!

Aldway is getting cocky! Laughing at Chessmaster....


Chessmaster fights back!!!!


Chessmaster is coming back!!!!

It's even again!!!

Chessmaster starts to get the advandage!!!

But Aldway still has fight in him!!!

Aldway is able to power Chessmaster back to the middle!!

Now Aldway has Chessmaster's arm almost all the way down....

Chessmaster's arm hits the pad and it's over!!!!

Aldway: 1 Chessmaster: 0

Now a chess board and the peices are being set up in the center of the ring...

AJ: Now the second fall... a chess match!

Aldway get the first move... He moves one of his Rooks over his pawns.

Referee tells him he can't make that move.

Aldway moves the Rook back. Then chooses to move his King over his pawns.

Referee tells him he can't do that ethier.

Taz: You kiddin' me or what? This guy doesn't even know how to play chest?!

Aldway finally moves his his pawn, and expects the ref to tell him something, but it was an actual legal move....

Four moves later.....

Chessmaster queen has been unleased!!!

Three moves later.....

Checkmate! Chessmaster wins!!!!

Aldway: 1 Chessmaster: 1

Taz: Yeah, next time you know you have a chess match make sure you learn the rules. What a joke!

-After the crowd gets a quick laugh at an embarassed Aldway, he throws the chess board in anger and punches Chessmaster to the floor-

Cole: Cheapshot!

-The ref waits for Chessmaster to get back to his feet-

AJ: And the final fall... A wrestling match!


Chessmaster goes on offense quickly. With Jiu-jitsu kicks to Aldway's knees 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8 and a snapmare takedown. Chessmaster off the ropes and hits a grounded dropkick. Pin cover.




Aldway is up, Chessmaster with a heel kick. Another cover.




Taz: I'm impressed with Chessmaster's speed here.

Chessmaster with a dropkick. No! Aldway dodges it and hits a T-bone suplex.

Andrew Aldway with a fisherman's suplex and bridge.




Running Knee lift by Aldway sends Chessmaster flying. Now Aldway with headbutts in the corner. He runs back and goes for a splash in the corner...

Cole: Nobody home!

Chessmaster with more martial arts kicks! staggering Aldway. Chessmaster with a kick to the head.

No. It's caught by Aldway. He swings the foot sending Chessmaster to spin 360 degrees and gets hit hard with with an uppercut he never saw coming from Aldway. Alday lifts him up for a suplex and he hits it. Aldway with a pin.




Double Underhook backbreaker by Andrew Aldway. Another cover.




Cole: Andrew Aldway has relied all on his power.

Taz: Well it seems to be working for him.

Small package by Chessmaster...




Andrew Aldway gets up immediately and continueously stomps Chessmaster, making sure that doesn't happen again.

Alday lifts Chessmaster up for a powerbomb.

Cole: X Factor facebuster! What a counter by Chessmaster!

Taz: Lets see his next move! Hahahaha.

Chessmaster with a DDT! And heads to the top turnbuckle.

Cole: High risk, High reward up there.

Illinois Riot (450 Frog Splash)


Andrew Aldway gets up and hits a big boot on a grounded Chessmaster. Now Aldway goes to the top turnbuckle.

Taz: That's a big boy up there. This might not be the best idea...



Taz: I Told him...

Both men reach their feet at the same time... Clothesline by Chessmaster is ducked by Aldway and Aldway hits British Bomber (Liger Suplex)!


After a few seconds Chessmaster taps out...


-Aldway celebrates his win in the ring as we head backstage-

-The camera cuts to Hunter Payne and Joy Giovanni in their General Manager's office watching the show-

Payne: Do I know how to run a show or what? AJ Lee ring announcer for tonight. And how about later on, for the first time ever, a Live Payne and Joy Podcast right in the center of the ring.

Joy: Future General Managers are going to have a hard time following up what we're doing here tonight.

-Just then Hunter Moore barges in-

Moore: Hunter.... PAYNE! Hey I'm here to talk to you about forming a team, I know we've talked about it before and I think now would be a great time to start Moore Payne as you suggested.

Joy: When was this?

Payne: About a month ago.

Joy: You never told me about this...

Payne: Was I supposed to?

Joy: Uhh yes. Obviously! Being your manager I should sign off on things like this.

Payne: Well if that's the case, me and Hunter MOORE want to start a team of Hunters, called MOORE PAYNE!

Joy: That's cute, but I don't think so...

Payne: Ummm... what?

Joy: Yeah, I think you should focus in single's competition. Hence, is why you haven't joined any other group or faction around here.

Payne: Hmmm.... Mr. Moore, I'm sorry but we are going to have to discuss this another time... Me and Joy have to have a little talk in private.

Moore: Not a problem, Get back to me as soon as possible Mr. Payne.

Payne: Will do sir.

-Moore leaves, and Payne give Joy the 'I'm mad at you look' right before he speaks we go to commercial-

-Commericial break-

-The Camera is focused on the announce table zoomed into Michael Cole and Taz-

Cole: We are back. And this next match is all too personal...

Taz: Andrew Morrison vs Alexandra Callaway.

Cole: In prehaps the most emotional match we have tonight. And this all started when Andrew Morrison had a truce with JTC...

-A video package highlights this ongoing feud. It includes the Morrison & Callaway win at Leap of Faith and the romance after, then the Morrison/Cross truce, Alexandra getting upset at the truce, Morrison's Apology to Callaway, Hunter Payne making the match official at the bar, Callaway talking about having Morrison's Achilles heel, Morrison snapping at the his belief that Callaway stole his mom's tombstone "Allegedly", And it ends with both saying how they are going to hurt the other-


AJ: The next bout is scheduled for one fall and is a bikers chain match! Where a Bikers chain will be hanging on a pole and the person that retrieves it, can use it legally for the remainder of the contest.

-'Night Of The Hunter' by 30 Seconds To Mars hits and Alexandra Callaway comes through the curtain-

AJ: First, from Dallas, Texas. Weighing in at 110 pounds, ALEXANDRA CALLAWAY!

Taz: I'll tell ya what, Alexandra Callaway is one hot tamale.

Cole: And tonight she faces a former good friend of hers.

-Alexandra Callaway makes her way down the entrance ramp-



Morrison proceeds to stomp Callaway numerous times.

Cole: A sneak attack by Andrew Morrison! But can you blame him? Emotions are running high in this match.

Taz: Yes but you can't let your emotions get the best of you...

Morrison tosses Callaway into the steel steps! And does it a second time! And a third! Morrison gets a running start a goes for a big boot in between the steps!

Cole: Nobody there! Callaway moves out of the way.

Taz: Oh man, This match hasn't even technically started yet!

Morrison holding his foot. Callaway shoves him into the steps. Alex takes this opportunity to get something from under the ring...



Cole: Callaway just sunk to a whole new level...

Callaway throws Morrison in the ring, then proceeds by throwing the tombstone to the side like it's trash.

Cole: Complete disrespect...

She goes in the ring.


she looks and goes for the bikers chain on a pole in a far corner.

Callaway makes her way up the top turnbuckle. Puts a hand on it.

Taz: Cat-like...She's very agile...

Morrison with a sudden burst of energy charges at the Bikers chain corner. Morrison uses all his power and pushes Callaway off the top turnbuckle!

She goes flying!...

Callaway's rib cage crashes into the guard railing!

Morrison takes a minute to get his head right after getting hit with a tombstone... An actual tombstone... his mothers tombstone... after shaking it off he goes out after her. He picks her up and hangs her ankles on the railing, Hooks her arms and...


Taz: I don't like the way Alexandra's head hit the floor...

-Reply shown-

Morrison tosses her back into the ring. Morrison gets on top of her and starts bombing away with hard mounted punches and elbows. Morrison pulls Callaway up by her hair and hits a big powerslam! Now Morrison goes to a corner and waits for Callaway to reach her feet...



Morrison run into the corner, but stops just before hitting it. Quickly turns the other way and as Callaway turns around he charges...


That one hit!

Cole: What a spear... WAIT A MINUTE!!!

Callaway locks in the Hell's Gate submission!

Taz: Hell's Gate Cole!

Morrison's hand goes up. Will he tap? Not yet.... He's losing consciousness. Morrison feeling for anything near him to help him escape. He finds nothing. He tries to stand up to get leverage. He does, Callaway's shoulders are down!



Kickout and a release of the hold!

Andrew starts hitting Alexandra with everything he's got, making the most of this second opportunity he got himself by escaping Hell's Gate. Powerful Spinning Spinebuster by Morrison. Pin cover.




Morrison can't believe it! Wondering what else does he have to do to put Callaway away. He spots the bikers chain. He starts a slow climb to grab it...

He's at the top and places his hands on it...

Callaway from behind. She gets Morrison in the powerbomb position. She tries to powerbomb him... Morrison is holding on to the bikers chain. It comes off! Now Andrew Morrison can legally use it! Callaway walks with him on her shoulders, lifts him up even higher! Goes for The Apocalypse (Last Ride)...

Morrison hits Callaway with the bikers chain while lifted up! She falls backwards. Morrison grabs Callaway's legs for a rana pin!




Taz: 2 and 9/10ths!!!

Morrison is irate! He sets up Callaway for the Vortex Piledriver!

Callaway trips him up! Then holds on to his legs and flips over him for a jackknife pin!




Cole: Callaway!!! NO! She didn't get it!

Callaway argues with the ref. Morrison crawls to grab the bikers chain he can legally use. Callaway sees him and grabs one of his legs to keep him from reaching it. With the other leg Morrison kicks and kicks and kicks! Until he kicks Callaway so many times she falls back... Morrison got the Bikers chain and hits Callaway over the head with it again! Morrison drops the Bikers chain and crawls over for the pin...



Cole: Hell's Gate again!!!

Taz: I bet he wishes he held on to the chain...

Morrison crawls to the ropes....

But it's too far!!!

He tries to reach for the bikers chain!

But it's too far!!!!

Morison refuses to tap out!

But he's fading!!!

He's out!!!

NO! He's up!

Cole: Give Morrison credit, he refuses to give up!

Powerbomb to Callaway!!!

But she didn't release the hold!

Taz: Morrison WILL NOT tap out! How has he lasted this long?!

Morrison is fading!

His arm that was in a clinched fist, now hits the mat...

Referee lifts his arm up...

It falls!


Referee lift his arm up again...

It falls!


Referee lifts his arm up again...

And it stays up!

Morrison hits Callaway with his free arm and the little strength he has left...

But it's not enough! As he passes out again!

Referee lifts his arm up...

It falls!


Referee lifts his arm up again....

It falls!


Referee lifts his arm up again.....

It falls!



Cole: And this one is over...

Taz: Wooo! That was a show-stealer for sure!


Callaway finally releases the hold.

Cole: What a match!

Taz: How the hell are these two going to compete again later on tonight?

Cole: Andrew Morrison was in the Hell's Gate submission for minutes before passing out...

Taz: I don't know how he lasted that long...

Cole: I don't know how Alexandra Callaway kicked out of that bikers chain to her skull earlier in the match!

-Morrison and Callaway are both on the mat as medical personal come out to check on both of them as we go backstage-

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSy2MZPziF03axN-pJEh5b...LEImsdD_sw]

-The casket that will be used later tonight is shown. It's revealed to be an old school WWF casket-

-Commerical break-


AJ: Ladies and gentlemen performing 'Party Rock Anthem' L!... M!... F!... A!...O!...

-Halfway through the performance Crimson Dong come out naked-

Cole: OH MY GOD!


-Dong starts shuffling. Naked. As the whole front row of fans up the entrance aisle squirt massage oil at him as he dances and air-humps by-

Taz: We gotta get some clothes on that guy!

-As soon as LMFAO stops playing an official runs down the arena with a small gift wrapped box, and almost slips on all the oil on the floor. He runs all the way to Michael Cole, and he is so close to the camera that we can hear him speak-

XWF Official: I have been given orders that you have to hand Crimson Dong the contents of what is in this box.

Cole: Me? What's in here?

-The official leaves without answering, so Michael Cole opens the box-

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQv0NxKt3jtIIxbC7G-mWi...5EpYoR3SPQ]

-Cole pulls out dirty stained underwear. Then gags. Then runs to the ring apron and throws the underwear to Dong, and runs back to his seat-

Taz: Hahahaha that was hilarious. Now I'm LMFAO! Hahahaha.

-Cole gets a water bottle and dumps the whole thing on the hand which held Dong's underwear, then returns to his seat to Taz still laughing-

Cole: That was by far the worst thing I've had to do in my career.

Taz: What about that one time... With Heidenreich?

Cole: You promised to never speak of that!

-'Computer God' by Heaven and Hell hits and out comes John Austin-

Spotlight goes on John Austin as he walks down to the ring, he almost slips on the excess oil from Dong's entrance. He gets in the ring, looking disgusted at Dong. Dong is forced wipes the oil off himself so he is not slippery.

-Crimson Dong and John Austin get connected to the same rope. And have a face to face stare down in the center of the ring-


John Austin starts right away with the smack talk. Dong does the hand signal that implies Austin's breath smells. John Austin with a slap to Dong's face. Austin with punches to Dongs head until he gets to the ropes, then John Austin punch knocks Dong out of the ring. Austin tags the nearest corner.

1 for Austin.

He goes for two but Dong is able to pull hard enough on the rope to pull Austin out of the ring. Ouch! He head hit the apron on the way out. Dong with a throat thrust. Dong pulling Austin by his hair and throwing him back in the ring. Dong wraps the rope around John Austin's neck, choking him.

Cole: Dong is choking him!

Austin on his knees. Dong grabs the cowbell starts dancing gangnam style. But every few seconds throwing his arm downhitting Austin in the head with the cowbell. After hitting him a rediculous amount of times Dong goes to tag the corners.

1 for Dong.

2 for Dong.

3 for Dong

Austin charges towards Dong in the corner to cause interference! But misses! Dong With a butt thrusts in the corner.

Cole: Very unique offense by Dong!

Austin falls into a seated position on the bottom turnbuckle. Dong backs up and pulls down his stained underwear.

Taz: Ewww nobody wants to see your Dong Dong!

Cole: Crimson Dong with a stink face on John Austin! Oh man!

Taz: A bare ass stink face on top of that.

John Austin looking like he's going to throw up.

Taz: Dong this is your chance! Tag the 4th corner!

Dong is too busy enjoying John Austin's discust. As Dong pulls his pants back up an angry Austin hits a low blow! The ref was looking away, not wanting to see Dong naked he missed the low blow.

Cole: How did the ref miss that?

Austin follows it up with a snapmare.

Taz: Well just like that Dong has to start all over.

John Austin with a big powerbomb into the turnbuckle.

1 for Dong.

Taz: That one counts for Dong.

Cutter by John Austin. Starting the count over again.

Taz: Well so much for that.

John Austin with a german suplexes...




Dong kicks backward hitting a low blow of his own out of the referee's view.

Taz: Ohh! Wow!

Dong with a very erotic hurricanrana. Dong goes to tag corners.

1 for Dong.

2 for Dong.

3 for Dong.

Austin pulling the rope with everything he's got! Dong is so close to his last corner! And Austin is able to pull Dong towards him...


John Austin had the presence of mind to grab the cowbell as Dong was running towards him and he bashed it over Dong's head!

Cole: Austin using the only legal weapon you can use in this match to take Dong out...

1 for Austin.

2 for Austin.

3 for Austin.

Dong runs to Austin's last corner.

1 for Dong!

Now Dong stands in Austin's way of tagging his last corner. A stand off insues. Austin tries to juke out Dong but it doesn't work. Austin gets fusrated and just charges at the corner...

Dong leans against the turnbuckle and lifts his boots up!

Austin runs right into Dongs boots and fallls.

Cole: John Austin after being so close has to start all over!

Crimson Dong with a flurry of erotic offense!

Crimson Dong hits THE ROCK BOTTOM! Taking one from his Dong and Schlong Connection teammate, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

Cole: I guess you'd call that the Dong Bottom!

Dong crawls to tag the other corners.

2 for Dong!

3 for Dong!

Austin leaps and grabs ahold of Dong's leg like a little kid when their parent is going out. Dong must start over as he tries to get out. Austin turns it into an Ankle lock! Dong is screaming in excruciating pain for almost a minute! But then Dong grabs the cowbell, rolls on his back, pulls Austin in and...


Taz: Oh man, John Austin looks out of it!

Dong tries to stand up but still feeling the effects of the ankle lock, he falls back down and crawls to the corners once again...

1 for Dong!

Austin's starting to come to...

2 for Dong!

John Austin is up!

1 for Austin!

2 for Austin!

3 for Dong!

3 for Austin!

Taz: All tied up. Dong tries limping to the corner and Austin is walking but is farther away!

Dong leaps!!!


All 4 for Dong!



AJ: Here is your winner C...

John Austin with a chop block to Dong!

-Crowd boos!-

Taz: Come on!

Cole: What a sore loser...

The referee frees John Austin's arm so he can leave... But he doesn't. He starts stomping on Dong's ankle. Then he goes outside and pulls Dong's ankle and slams it against the steel post! Dong screaming in pain as Austin leaves...

Taz: Gotta wonder how this will affect Dong for the main event.

-commercial break-

-a set very similar to Christian's 'The Peep Show' is made up in the ring-

AJ: Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome back Hunter Payne and Joy Giovanni for A Live Payne and Joy Podcast!

-'Use Somebody' by Kings of Leon plays, and Hunter Payne comes out alone-

Cole: Hunter Payne coming out alone for this?

-Hunter Payne enters the ring and hugs AJ and grabs the microphone in his seat-

Payne: She wanted her own entrance. So without further adu, Joy Giovanni!

-'Hard' by Rihanna plays and Joy comes out to cheers and whistles. She grabs the mic on her seat and joins Hunter Payne-

Payne: .....

Joy: ......

Payne: We're backk!!!!! Welcome to the Payne and Joy Podcast #18 Live! From the Honnda Center in Anaheim California!

-Crowd cheers-

Joy: Did you guys miss the Podcast?

-Crowd cheers some more-

Payne: We got a lot to catch up on. And I have a whole lot of shit I need to get off my mind... So where have we and our show been you ask?

Joy: Well you we're preaching for a good minute...

Payne: Ahh yes Preacher Payne. Many asked, why did you stop being Preacher Payne? And to answer that. Malcolm X...

Joy: Malcolm X u say?

Payne: Yes you see, there are two ways to go about things. The non-violent way, the MLK way. That was Preacher Payne... But alas in the world that is professional wrestling. Malcolm X's strategy works best. "Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery." -Malcolm X... Preacher Payne didn't believe this. Preacher Payne believed we could wrestle and I could save you... That's not the case. Hunter Payne's new mentality is, if you put your hands on me and we wrestle, Then I will be sending you to an early grave! Then, you don't have to take Preacher Payne's word for it, you will see God in all of His Glory for yourself.

Joy: Strong words from Hunter Payne.... Now on with the smack talk, you've been too quite to this criticizers so let's reiterate what some of these idiots said and your counter argument. Andrew Aldway pretty much said you're a stupid general manager and that you aren't good at making matches.

Payne: Let's start turning heads around here again. Yes I could be criticized well at least I know how to play chess. What the hell was that earlier. Aldway stick with to teaming with the mean street posse because watching you lose at chess was way more interesting than watching you wrestle by yourself.

Joy: The Seattle Slew, Jessie Diaz said nobody takes you seriously anymore.

Payne: Jessie DIEEZZZZ NUTS!!! For somebody that doesn't get "taken seriously", you sure do mention me A LOT don't you think? Like A LOT! Too bad I'm not into whores, otherwise Dieezz-Nuts would be on my nuts.

Joy: Fatass... I mean Peter Gilm... no wait fatass was right. Fatass bragged about pinning you, but neglected to mention you pinned him at the same time.

Payne: I used to think Peter Gilmour was this guy that was always screwed over in his chase for Championships, crowns, and regconition from his peers. But after getting to know him more I found out he is just a 500 pound fucking crybaby. Whatever he pinned me and I pinned him simultaniously, great now he can continue to be the Eric Cartman of the XWF... The sad thing is his momma's boy probably doesn't get that reference because his mom doesn't want him waching that show.

Joy: Luca Arzegotti said you steal the way he makes jokes about people.

Payne: He jokes? I always thought that he was serious, or maybe like everybody else, I don't find the Luca and Satellite...or Lucalite banter as funny as they think it is.

Joy: Well you attacked all the King's men. Why not the king himself? You know the guy who's pretending to be a masked Mexican so he can win a Royal Rumble that he shouldn't be in.

Payne: Alright Juan Madison... Ugh, your mask is almost as bad as your Spanish! You think you can make a mockery of my people?! I should enter this Rumble just to get the opportunity to kick your ass! Here's something you can take to the bank "Lucador", If we end up in the same ring Monday. I'm throwing your ass out! Then I'm going to wait for Jin Madison, you know that immigrant from a country in Asia that you're also going to enter in this Rumble match? Yeah I'm going to throw his ass out as well. And every Tom, Dick, and Harry you want to pretend to be! Pinche Puto!

-spanish speaking fans cheer-

Joy: Smooth transition here, from one "Latino" to another. Mr. Payne, I got a question for you. I was wondering why did you go out of your way to get Ursula Areano, Alexandra Callaway, and AJ Lee on your our show?

Payne: Because I thought they would make for a better show. Anaheim am I right?

-crowd cheers-

Joy: So you don't think I can bring in male viewers by myself?!

Payne: You have a problem with women on this show Joy?

Joy: No. Weren't you listening? I have a problem with YOU specifically going out to ask them to be on the show.

-Hunter rests his head on his hand, showing obvious boredom-

Joy: -Directed at the crowd- Do you know how much he is paying AJ Lee to be the Ring Announcer tonight?!

Payne: And she was worth it. These people are crazy about her.

-Crowd cheers, AJ LEE chant breaks out again-

Joy: Whatever! It's about time to end this Podcast.

Payne: Good point. Enjoy the rest of the show everybody.

-Payne drops his mic, and holds the ropes open for Joy-

Joy: Joy and Payne out! ;)

-Payne goes back and gets his mic-

Payne: No no no! It's PAYNE and Joy out.

-Joy rolls her eyes and exits, Payne follows-

-Commercial break-

AJ Lee- The following match is a 3 out of 5 falls match! In this match you must record 3 pin falls in order to beat your opponent!

Nightmare by Aveneged Sevenfold begins to play as Nightmare and The Apprentice make their ways to the ring.

AJ Lee- First, on his way to the ring accompanied by The Apprentice. Weighing in at 280 pounds. Nightmare!

Nightmare enters the ring and waits for his opponent. Welcome home (sanitarium) by Metallica begins playing as Neil Capra makes his way down to the ring.

AJ Lee- And his opponent, making his way to the ring weighing 201 pounds. Neil Capra!

Michael Cole- This is Neil Capra's in ring return. He's missed some action for a while.

Taz- Yeah but these fans seem not to have forgotten him. They are in a frenzy.

Neil enters the ring and you could easily see the height advantage Nightmare has.

Taz- Holy shit! Look at how tall Nightmare is! He's like a sky scraper compared to Neil.

Michael Cole- Thats not Nightmares only advantage, remember The Connection is somewhere around here. These guys like traveling in numbers.

The ref rings the bell as Nightmare steps slowly towards Neil. Neil realizes he has to be quick in this match so he begins quickly moving from corner to corner. Nightmare watches in amusement and finally Neil comes in for a quick kick to the big mans legs followed by two more shortly after. Neil began going for another on but Nightmare grabbed his leg and shoved him back into the corner. Neil looks some what shocked at Nightmare's strength and then begins moving around the ring again. Only this time Nightmare has his fists up ready to go following Neil around the ring. Neil then rolls out of the ring trying to re think his strategy until The Apprentice starts slowly making his way towards Neil. Neil and the apprentice begin arguing until Nightmare grabs a hold of Neil's hair and pulls him on the ring apron and begins swinging away on Neil's chest. Finally after 6 or 7 hits Nightmare turns Neil around and suplex's Neil back into the ring. Nightmare then lifts up Neil and tosses him like a rag doll across the ring. Neil then crawls towards the corner but Nightmare grabs him and gives him a huge spine buster and goes for the pin.


Nightmare then picks up Neil and is going for a powerbomb but Neil begins fighting out of it by giving lefts and rights to Nightmare until he drops backwards making both men fall. Neil sees the opportunity and begins hitting Nightmare with The 5 Stages Of Grief. The final kick lays out Nightmare but the apprentice hops on the ring apron distracting the ref. Neil sees this as another opportunity and pulls the turn buckle off the ropes and then lifts up Nightmare and drives him face first into the open turn buckle and goes for a pin.


Neil then gets up and the ref then starts putting the turn buckle back on. And Nightmare also gets up and when Neil turns back towards Nightmare, Nightmare goes for a spear but Neil moved and Nightmare nailed the ref knocking him out. The crowd begins going insane hoping to see these guys get hardcore until The Apprentice gets in the ring and low blows Neil Capra. Nightmare then rolls out of the ring and grabs 2 chairs and comes back in the ring and hands one to the apprentice. The ref is starting to move a little as Nightmare nails Neil with the chair and then tosses the chair out of the ring. While Nightmares back is turned The Apprentice hits Neil with his chair but this time the ref saw. Both Nightmare and Apprentice look shocked as the ref calls for the bell.

AJ Lee- The first pin fall goes to Neil Capra due to disqualification!

Neil Capra- 1
Nightmare- 0

The ref then throws out The Apprentice and sends him back to the locker room. Nightmare then becomes furious and lifts up Neil by his hair and powerbombs Neil across the ring. Neil is almost knocked out but is showing a little bit of life as he crawls for the ropes but Nightmare steps on Neil's hand and begins stomping on Neil's arm over and over again. Finally Nightmare lets up and picks up Neil and clotheslines him out of the ring. The ref begins counting as Nightmare gets out of the ring.
Nightmare kicks at Neil some more in the already hurt arm.
He then picks him up and tosses him knee first into the stairs.
Neal tries his best to get back up but Nightmare is on him still and gives a hard kick to his arm again.
The two men finally get back in the ring.
Nightmare is then setting up for the Nightmare Slam. But as he is lifting him up, Neal counters into a DDT. Both men are laid out but both men eventually make it to their feet at the same time. Neal then runs off the ropes and hits the big man with a hurricarana. Neal is getting pumped up and waits for Nightmare to get up and goes for a German suplex but he is having trouble lifting him up due to his larger size. Nightmare then elbows Neal and shoves him to the ground. Nightmare then begins signaling again for the Nightmare Slam and actually connects with it and goes for the pin.



AJ Lee- Nightmare now has one pin fall!

Neil Capra- 1
Nightmare- 1

Nightmare then gets up and Irish whips Neil into the corner followed by a stinger splash knocking Neil to the ground. He then goes for another pin.


Nightmare picks up Neil again and puts him back into the corner and does a couple chops to the chest making the crowd yell woo after each chop. After the third chop Nightmare stops and goes to the other corner is going for another stinger splash but Neil moves out of the way and then hits Nightmare with a bulldog. Neil is beginning to pick up momentum and then hits Nightmare with a swinging neck breaker. Neil then gets up on top of the turn buckle and goes for a normal elbow drop but Nightmare rolls out of the way. Neil hits the ring hard and the pain in his arm from earlier begins really bothering him. Nightmare realizes how bad his arm was hurting and puts a little arm lock on Neil's arm. Neil starts screaming in pain, the ref starts asking Neil if he has had enough but Neil is trying his best to fight out of it. They aren't far from the ropes so Neil begins trying to reach for them and he is only a few inches away from reaching them. Finally Neil gets enough strength and reaches the ropes making Nightmare have to release the hold. Neil rolls out of the ring trying to catch a quick breather. He is holding his arm until Nightmare comes from behind and grabs Neil by his arm and bashes it off the ring post. Nightmare then does a scoop slam on the concrete outside and then puts Neil back into the ring. Nightmare goes for the cover.


Nightmare then hits Neil with a running powerbomb and goes for the pin again.


Nightmare is now losing his patience so he then starts calling for his other finisher The Break. As he is putting Neil into it Neil counters out of it and does a huge jumping super kick like move to the head of Nightmare making him drop like a ton of bricks. Neil then gets Nightmare to his knees and his setting up for his finisher the Mind Breaker. But as soon as it looks like he is going to nail it, Nightmare flips him over his head. Nightmare looks out of it but manages to grab a hold of Neil and hits him with The Break. Nightmare crawls slowly over to Neil and goes for the cover.



AJ Lee- Nightmare now has two pin falls!

Neil Capra- 1
Nightmare- 2

Nightmare gets up again and starts going for The Break again to put out Neil. However, Neil starts to wiggle out of it and hits Nightmare with another super kick. Both men are laid out in the middle of the ring as Neil goes for a pin.


The crowd is going crazy with how back and forth this match is going. They appreciate the heart Neil Capra has with his constant fighting even though Nightmare has a slight advantage. Neil then lifts up Nightmare but Nightmare pushes Neil into the turnbuckle and lifts Neil to the top rope and is preparing to go for a superplex but Neil starts giving huge strikes to Nightmares head and Neil does the Mind Breaker off the top rope and goes for the pin.



AJ Lee- Neil Capra now has two pin falls!

Neil Capra- 2
Nightmare- 2

Both men get up slowly and walk back into their respected corners. The crowd is rooting for both men with chants of "this is awesome". All of a sudden The Connections music hits. The crowd goes crazy with boos but nobody is walking out. The ref and Neil Capra are watching the top of the ramp waiting for The Connection. Nightmare takes advantage of the distraction and does a quick roll up.


3! No wait last second kick out!
Neil gets up quick and starts giving several kicks to Nightmare's chest. It looks like his last one is gonna be a huge kick but instead he runs off the ropes and does a missile drop kick. He goes for a pin.


Neil then leaps to his feet and begins kicking at Nightmare. He then Irish whips Nightmare and hits him with a flying clothesline but Nightmare won't go down. Neil goes for another one but this time Nightmare catches him and hits him with a huge spinebuster. Nightmare then gets up and throws Neil outside the ring to catch a quick breath. A couple seconds later he rolls out and grabs Neil and throws him into the barricade that's blocking the audience. Neil tries to get back up but Nightmare is right there and throws him into the corner of the ring. Neil is shouting in agony with his back arched in pain. You can tell Nightmare is now just toying with Neil but Neil begins hitting at Nightmare when he gets up trying to fight back. Both men get back in the ring and Neil takes out Nightmares legs. And locks in a Boston crab leg lock. He locked in in perfectly right in the middle of the ring. He has it locked in until The Connections music hits again. This time Andrew Aldway and Ricky Desmond walk out. Neil releases the hold and Ricky then begins distracting the referee while Andrew slides in the ring with a chair. Neil turns to Andrew and Nightmare who is now standing back up. Andrew hits the chair on the ground and drops the chair and rolls out of the ring while Nightmare drops to the ground acting like he got hit. Ricky stopped distracting the ref and when the ref turned around he looked at Nightmare and Neil and the ref called for the bell.

AJ Lee- The ref is now calling for a disqualification on Neil Capra. Therefore the winner of this match is Nightmare!

Taz: Tribute to Eddie Guerrero by the Connection!

Cole: Neil Capra just got screwed over by Connection tonight!

All of a sudden Hunter Payne's music hits and he walks out with Joy in tow, and he has a pissed off look on his face.

Hunter- Hold on one damn minute! Ref, You failed to see what happened here, while you were busy chatting it away with Desmond, The Connection cheated! Take a look for yourself...

The X Tron shows the replay of what happened.

Hunter- Therefore I am restarting this match. Both men still have 2 pin falls and The Connection is banned from ringside!

The crowd goes insane as Andrew Aldway and Ricky Desmond leave ringside pissed off. The ref calls for the bell as both men lock up in the middle of the ring and Neil hits Nightmare with his knee and gets him in a headlock followed by a bulldog. Neil is becoming pumped up and starts building momentum and finally hit Nightmare with a German suplex and goes for a quick pin.


Neil then picks up Nightmare and is going for another German suplex but this time Nightmare counters and hits him with his own German suplex. Nightmare then whips Neil into the ropes and hits him with a huge spear. He then grabs Neil and slams him into the corner and hits him with a stinger splash. Nightmare then lifts up Neil and hits him with a Nightmare slam and goes for the pin.




AJ Lee- Here is your winner Nightmare!

-Nightmare leaves with his arm raised high as we go backstage-

-The camera cuts to Hunter and Joy walking back to his office backstage-

Payne: Man, what a night this has been! Night of Payne will be a night to remember!

Joy: And we are going to be shoe ins for permanent general managers...

Payne: One Night of Payne at a time Joy.....

-Just then they both stop. The camera zooms out to see Ursula Areano standing there.-

-The crowd erupts with cheers at her appearance-

-Payne and Areano stare at each other in silence-

Joy: Come on Mr. Payne, you're needed.... elsewhere....

-Joy pulls Hunter's arm in her direction but he doesn't budge. Instead he gets closer to Areano-

Payne: ..... Good luck out there tonight.

-Hunter Payne offers a handshake-

Areano: Well thanks, glad to be back.

-Ursula extends her hand as well, to complete the hand shake with a smile on her face.-

-Hunter walks in the opposite direction with a big smile on his face but Joy doesn't move-

Payne: Are you okay?

Joy: She's never that nice with anyone... But she is with you. Are you cheating on me?!

Payne: What? No!

Joy: Don't fucking lie to me Hunter!

Payne: Joy I AM NOT cheating on you! Now come on I wanna see this next match.

Joy: Yeah now you wanna go?! You didn't budge when Ursula Areano was here!

Payne: Come on, don't do this. You're overreacting. Let's go.

-Payne and Joy walk off-

-Commercial break-

"No More Word" echos through the arena, followed by a round of cheers as pyros go off at the stage. Lightning comes out from behind the curtain to a thunder of cheers and he races down to the ring.

AJ: The following contest is a no disqualification match, scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring, he is LIGHTNING!

He slides under the bottom rope, and posing at the corners. He jumps down and faces the entrance, awaiting the arrival of Ricky Desmond.

'Money' by Pink Floyd bellows out of the booming speakers. Ricky Desmond struts out from the curtain with a sad smile on his face. He is wearing white wrestling pants with 'Business First' written on them in black. He is also wearing a grey blazer and is equipped with a stapler, his favorite weapon in X-Treme rules matches. He strides down the ramp and grasps the middle rope, pulling himself up onto the ring apron whilst the crowd jeer relentlessly.

AJ: His opponent, representing The Connection, RICKY DESMOND!

Placing the stapler in the corner of the ring he raises his arms in the air and stares at Lightning.

Cole: Here we go, no disqualification between two rising stars.

The referee calls for the bell. Ricky offers a handshake to Lightning after taking off his blazer, and Lightning goes to accept it but Ricky offers a cheap thumb to the eye to get the crowd booing immediately. Ricky whips Lightning at the ropes but Lightning comes back with a flying forearm sending Ricky to the mat. Lightning runs off of the ropes but Desmond rolls under it, then leaps over the forthcoming Lightning who turns into a kick to the groin. Ricky runs off the ropes and goes for a scissors kick but Lightning ducks under it turns with a kick to the gut and a devastating DDT in the middle of the ring. He goes for a cover but Ricky immediately kicks out. Lightning now heads to the top turn buckle but Ricky
is up fast enough and he punches Lightning in the face as he's on top of the turn buckle. Ricky leaps up onto the middle turnbuckle and hits a devastating T-Bone suplex off of the top turnbuckle leaving both men down on the mat!

Cole: Both men are down here...

The ref begins the count on the two downed individuals....



Ricky begins stirring, rolling onto his stomach...



Lightning starts crawling towards the bottom rope, as Desmond makes it to a nearby





Ricky makes it to his feet with the assistance of the turnbuckle, while Lightning make it to the second rope, still down.



Lightning finally makes it to his feet, and is met with a violent boot to the face,
dropping to the mat.Lightning gets to his feet fast though, and Ricky turns and hits a clothesline. Ricky rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair. He slides in ring, but Lightning is up. He hits a drop kick and the chair smashes Ricky in the skull knocking him down to the mat. He goes for the cover.



Kick out!

Ricky gets a shoulder up at the last minute. Lightning heads for the top turnbuckle now, and he goes for a flying leg drop but Ricky rolls out of the way though and grabs Lightning by the leg flipping Lightning around and locking in a single legged Boston Crab that he calls 'Business First' but Lighting spins out of it, knocking Ricky to the mat and he goes for a sun set pin. Ricky kicks out immediately though. Both men stand up looking intensely at each other. Lightning throws a punch, but is blocked. Ricky throws an elbow, connecting with the side of Lightning's skull. Lightning drops quickly to the mat, with his head conveniently hitting the chair still in the ring. As Lightning is lying on the mat, Ricky slides back out of the ring and grabs another chair. He slides back in, chair in hand. As
he hovers over Lightning, he brings the chair up above his head....


Con-chair-to! Ricky hits Lightning in the head with the chair, with the other chair still under Lightning's head on the mat.




Cole: Come on! Enough already!

Desmond drops the chair on the mat, and turns to pose towards the crowd. A flood of boos echo throughout the arena!


Taz: Hear that Cole? He represents The Connection if you didn't know...

Ricky then turns back to Lightning, rolling him onto his back and goes for the cover...




Taz: Wooo... That was close...

Ricky looks shocked. He hits Lightning with another elbow to the face while on the mat and goes for the pin again....



KICKOUT again!

Ricky heads outside to of the ring again, and comes back in with a small bag and a kendo stick whilst Lightning is down on the mat. Ricky empties the bag in the center of the ring as tacks drop out and Ricky grins. He turns around to pick up the Kendo stick but Lightning is back to his feet, Ricky turns and is on the receiving end of a suplex into the tacks!

Taz: Oh Damn!

Ricky screams out in agony as Lightning goes for the cover!



Kick out by Ricky this time!

Lightning grabs the Kendo stick and begins to unloads smacks into the back of Ricky relentlessly. Tacks are impaled into Ricky's skin as Lightning points to the top turn buckle. Lightning goes for the suicide dive but Ricky some how rolls out of the way! Lightning screams in agony this time as tacks also impale into his skin.

Cole: Tacks everywhere!

Both men to their feet but Ricky has the stapler! He staples Lightning in the chest!


Taz: OH!!!

Cole: Staples!!!

Ricky then staples multiple more staples to the chest until it runs out and he throws it to the outside. He runs off the ropes and he hits it! The Million Dollar Bill! (Clothesline From Hell)!Ricky goes for the cover!



NO!! Kick out! Lightning kicks out again some how.

Desmond is starting to show signs of frustration, and heads back outside the ring. This time, he head over to the announcer's table and removes the topper and the monitors. He has a menacing look on his face as he returns to the ring. Lightning is just coming to his feet, when Ricky hits him with a stiff kick in the gut. He then sends Lightning into the ropes, but Lightning stops himself with the top rope. Suddenly, Ricky runs at Lightning....Million wait! Lightning ducks and pulls down the top rope causing Ricky to fly over, landing on the floor below. Lightning then runs to the opposite ropes, bounces off and jumps onto the top rope. Using it, he elevates himself for a legdrop...


Ricky catches Lightning midair and powerbombs Lightning through the Spanish announcer's table with immense force. The arena erupts with a "HOLY SHIT" chant, as Desmond rolls onto his back.

Taz: Well there goes our Spanish colleagues announce table!

Both men are clearly hurting bad, with Ricky getting up yet very slowly. Although it appears Ricky is wanting to make sure Lightning doesn't make it to the main event later tonight. He reaches under the ring and pulls out a ladder. He puts it into the ring and slide in. Lightning is still lying in the wreckage of the announcer's table, so Desmond has no concern for him right now. He proceeds to set up the ladder and then heads back out the ring. He then grabs a table, and slide it into the ring. He sets it up and looks outside the ring. Lightning is beginning to get back to his feet, placing more emphasis on his back. Desmond slides back over to Lightning poised to hit him, when suddenly....


Lightning delivers a sharp right hand to Desmond's jaw. Ricky drops immediately, from a more devastating then normal punch. It appears that Lightning was wearing a pair of brass knuckles, which causes Ricky to be out cold. Lightning looks into the ring and see the set-up by Desmond. Lightning decides its time end the match, so he drags Ricky into the ring and sets him up on the table. Lightning starts the climb to the top of the ladder.

Cole: Lightning going to his happy place, which his whole career has been on top of ladders.

Suddenly, Ricky awakens and climbs up the ladder. The two meet at the top and trade blows, until the ladder starts to shake. Then, after a few more traded the ladder falls over in the ring. Both Lightning and Ricky fall to the ring below and....


Both men crash through the table!

Cole: OH MY!

But Lightning lands on top of Ricky Desmond...





-Lightning gets his arm raised barely conscious as we go to a commercial break-


The scene opens up to a pitch black room with only a light shining from the doorway. In the light is a chair. Suddenly you see a match being lit and little puffs of smoke begin to flow through the lighted area.

Voice- You can say that previously I was some what of a joke. You can also say that I was on a road destined for nothing.

The person in the chair scoots the chair a little bit out followed by more puffs.

Voice- This time around I'm gonna make myself more of a threat. I don't have anybody with me anymore to hold me back. That's all those people did was hold me back. Especially Jacob Lewis.

The chair scoots into the light fully now and you see Matt Lennox sitting in the chair puffing on a cigar.

Matt- The old me was not me. I am not "the incredible one" I am Matt Lennox. I'm not from Canada, I'm from Baltimore fucking Maryland and proud of it. Those people I teamed with meant nothing to me. Do you really think I wanted to be "the incredible one" teaming with "the incredible people" fuck no! Listen folks, I know some people are watching this. That was nothing more than a cheap gimmick that the XWF management put together hoping it would take off. I tried coming in as Matt Lennox, but they said oh the people won't like just Matt Lennox. They want more!

Matt takes another puff off his cigar and sets it down next to him on a little ash tray.

Matt- Moving a little further, I entered the XWF as this Canadian who thought he was superior than everyone. At first I thought I might like this little gimmick, maybe they are right. Maybe just maybe I can get somewhere with this thing. A few weeks passed after and I pretty much reached the peak. XWF found some random guy that they gave the name Jacob Lewis. Jacob's real name was Tony. XWF found him at a bar when we were in New York where he was bouncing. They offered him a contract and said we need you to come out to the ring with this guy and stand there and look intimidating. First off, me and this man did not get along at all. Second off, they said he was from Canada as well and they even through in the fact that he was in the Canadian army! But that wasn't good enough, the management then came to me and said, "Matt the people just aren't digging this thing. They want more". After they told me that they left and I thought, what else is there to do with this. They give me some moron who has never wrestled a day in his life and now they want more. A few days later I was called into the managements office and they sat me down and told me "Matt, we think this will work. We want you to make a faction called The Incredible People" I looked at them and said are you fucking serious. Of course they said yes. So I walked out and an hour later they give me three names to join my little "faction". We all know who they were so I'm not gonna give names. All three are great wrestlers but they were thrown into something that would never take off.

Matt gets up from the chair and begins walking down a hallway and into the curtain to the entrance ramp and walks out onto the stage with a mic.

Matt- Now how about I continue out here shall I?

The crowd has mixed reactions since we haven't seen Matt in a few weeks.

Matt- Moving along, so me and Jack Killborn get a shot for the tag titles at the last paper view. We were pumped up, we knew that this was our big shot. So before the match the management wrote off the crimson knights and made it look like this group called the connection attacked them. Me and my "faction" were confused because the management were really behind us and were pushing us and this group comes out of no where. So we lost the match, and as the week progressed we were put into a match against the connection. You all know the connection right?

The crowd boos

Matt- So let me think, it was Thursday. A few days before our match against the connection. I get a call and who do you think it is, the management! I walk into the office and sit down and they say " Matt, these past couple weeks haven't been good. The incredible people just aren't as big. We are gonna have to pull the plug."

Matt look around the arena and shakes his head.

Matt- I looked at them and told them are you fucking kidding me. I have worked my ass off for you people. I told them I never wanted the incredible gimmick to begin with. The last thing that was said was me telling them all to go fuck themselves. So I walked out and before my match on Madness I get a call from the secretary in the management. Yes the fucking secretary! She tells me, " Matt after your match tonight. I have been informed to tell you that you are suspended for a few weeks." You know what I did? I hung up. A few minutes later Paul Heyman comes to me and says I'm gonna have the connection jump you and Killborn before the match and we are going to write you off as injured okay. I just said whatever. We all saw what happened that night! We lost the match and I left. Few weeks later and now I'm here talking to you lovely people.

The crowd some what cheers for Lennox.

Matt- Two days ago, I went up to XWF headquarters. I went up to the tippy top floor and there was a huge table. My agent was sitting there and about six other XWF management members. I walked in and sat down and of course I apologized for my language and what not. So after that they started rambling on about this whole new gimmick for me. I finally stopped them and I told them if you want me here then you will let me be myself. Of course they didn't understand what I was saying so I went into further detail. I told them when I first came to XWF I told you I wanted to be just Matt Lennox. So after they went through all the paper work they finally found it. They read the paper over and over and over again and finally looked at me. They were gonna give me one shot with being me. I told them they need to give me more than 1 month like the last time and we finally came to agreement.

Matt looks around the arena again and puts his arms out.

Matt- This is the real Matt Lennox ladies and gentlemen. I'm just like all of you, whether you like it or not.

Matt drops the mic and walks to the back.

-We come back to Hunter Payne and Joy Giovanni back in their GM office-

Payne: So I think... overall, Night Of Payne went pretty well.

Joy: You know what I don't get, you control this show. You could have put yourself in a match that would have gotten you on the fast track to championship gold but you didn't. Why?

Payne: Because if I get an opportunity, I'm going to earn it by being the best!

Joy: Yeah? Well what's taking sooo damn long???

Payne: Don't start again Joy. It's been a good night, don't ruin it.

Joy: No! This is it! I'm drawing the line. You've had it your way since this whole Payne & Joy thing started and how much has it gotten you?

Payne: .....

Joy: Exactly. If this partnership... No If this relationship is going to continue. Things are going to change! I'm going to be in charge now!

Payne: Yeah... That's not going to happen...

Joy: We'll see about that...

-Joy swiftly exits, leaving Hunter Payne perplexed-


[Image: russellmaniabanjkkjkjkjkjnerjpg_zpsb5a46b0c.jpg]

Cole: I can't wait for Russell Mania next week!

AJ: The following contest is a casket match! The only way to win is to enclose your opponent in the casket!

8 'Pall-bearers' carry down an old school casket and place it right by the ring apron.

Cole: And there it is the ominous casket.

-After a few seconds of silence, Ursula Areano's theme song hits to a massive ovation-

Ursula comes out from behind the curtain. When she gets to the ramp, shower fireworks reign down on her, as she salsa while the shower falls.She walks down the ramp with her hips moving back and forth and she is swinging her arms.

AJ: First, weighing in at 131 pounds, from Buenos Aires, Argentina! Making her return to the ring! URRSULAAA! ARREANNNNOOO!

-big cheers for her name introducion-

Cole: A very partisan crowd here in Anaheim tonight.

Taz: Someone like Ursula who has a lot of Latin pride, in a place full of Latin people. Of course she's a favorite here Cole.

She gets on the apron and jumps over the ropes to get in the ring. After that she walks over to the ropes on the right side and stands on the first rope. She then bends over and looks at the fans with a smile on her face. She then gets off the ropes and walks to one side of the ring and waits for her opponent.

-'This Means War' by Nickelback is played, to loud boo's from this biased crowd-

Lights begin to flash on the entrance ramp, and suddenly familiar images of Adam Rollins begin flashing on the screen. The man himself walks out from the back and he takes a few steps out into the light. Adam Rollins looks around for a bit before he brings his arms close to his head and then spreads them out in his signature “Release the doves” taunt. There's resounding hate from the crowd, although there are a very few cheers mixed in there, and Adam takes a few steps forward before he drops to his knees and spreads his arms wide again, setting off a set of fireworks as he heads down to the ring. He slips into the ring, and then jumps up on the 2nd rope and does his signature “Release the doves” taunt again.


Cole: And here we go... The crowd is very behind Ursula Areano tonight.

They lock up. Adam Rollins with a side headlock. He yells at the crowd, "Haha. She's a woman!"

Cole: Very misogynistic by Rollins.

Taz: What are you taking about?! That my friend is called a side head lock...

Cole: No Taz, misogynistic means you hate women.

Taz: What straight man hates women Cole?

Ursula pushes Rollins off into an irish whip. And Areano with a hip toss! Areano quickly off the ropes and hits a bulldog. Adam Rollins rolls out of the ring to get a breather.

Taz: Yeah that's what you get for being massage-in-is-tic!

Cole: Misogynistic... And how good does Ursula Areano look in the ring? She hasn't lost a step.

Taz: That's what I said massage-in-is-tic, and I agree she looks very good in the ring...

Cole: I was referring to her wrestling ability.

Taz: What?... Oh yeah... me too...

Rollins runs back in attempting a spear!

Areano side steps it. Rollins off the ropes... gets hit with a dropkick by Areano. Rollins again rolls out of the ring.

This time Ursula goes after Rollins. Smashing his head on the ring apron before throwing him back in the ring. Ursula Areano measures Adam Rollins, waiting on the apron for him to get to his feet... and springboard dropkick!

Nobody home! Adam Rollins moved out of the way in the knick of time! Now Adam Rollins easily picks up Ursula for a gutbuster.

Cole: Oh wow!

Adam Rollins now hits a gutwretch powerbomb!

-Loud boo's from the fans-

He picks her up again and hits a backbreaker.

Cole: Adam Rollins impressive. Working on the back of Ursula Areano.

Taz: To the disliking of this crowd.

Adam Rollins with a delayed vertical suplex!

Taz: Ouch!

Adam Rollins charges and hits a kitchen a kitchen sink knee to the abdomen of Ursula!

Cole: And a knee right to the solar plexes of Areano! Rollins is in complete control here!

Rollins waits for Ursula to reach her feet... and hits a german suplex!

Adam Rollins is about to hit a superkick...


Taz: Counter! What a low blow boy! That hurt me!

Ursula feeding off this crowd, gets up and hits Rollins with martial arts punches, kicks, and uppercuts. Roundhouse Kick to the head by Areano!

Taz: Ursula is feelin' it!

Areano wrenches Rollins arm and sticks her boot in his face and...

It's countered! Rollins pulls down the other foot and wraps them and attempts the sharpshooter!

Areano uses her leg strength and is able flip Rollins. Ursula hits a Buenos Aires Superkick!

No! Adam Rollins ducks and lifts Areano up for a Death Valley Driver!

No! She slips out! and throws him toward the corner. Areano runs to hit Argentina Train (Elijah Express)

No! Adam Rollins moves out of the way. But Ursula is able to purge herself on the the second rope. She turns around and jumps...


Cole: OH MAN! What a spear! After an incredible sequence!

Taz: Now all he has to do is get her in the casket!

Rollins glances at the casket and yells "Not yet!"

Adam Rollins taunts the crowd. Then Lifts Areano on his shoulders.



Both wrestlers are down.

Cole: Now whoever can get up first will surely get the upperhand here!

Taz: Thanks captin obvious.

Both are slow to their feet, Ursula needed to use the ropes to get up but Adam Rollins was able to get up on his own power.

Rollins charges...


Hits on the button! What a superkick! Areano signals that it's over and goes and opens the casket...


Joy Giovanni pops out of the casket after it's opened and starts pounding Ursula Areano!

Taz: CAT FIGHT!!!!

Cole: What the hell is Joy Giovanni doing out here?! And why the hell did she attacking Areano?!

Taz: And why would she hide in the casket???

A hair-pulling, nail straching, cat fight insues. After rolling all around the ring with each other, Joy gets the upper hand. Until her slap is blocked. Then Areano rolls and gets on top then attacks with a series of grounded mat slams.

Rollins attacks from behind. Allowing Joy to get a few more slaps in before Rollins lifts Areano up and....


Cole: What impact!

Rollins is hurt and slow to get up. So Joy rolls Ursula into the casket.

Taz: And in she goes!

-Joy goes outside on the right side of the casket-

Cole: Damn it! Not like this!

-The shocked crowd abruptly starts cheering... It's Hunter Payne!.. he rushes down to the casket-

Cole: Rollins is going to win via screwjob here!

Joy waves bye to Ursula then blows a kiss. Then grabs the lid of the casket and slams it down.

But it doesn't close!

Hunter Payne is on the other side of the casket. Holding the lid and keeping it from shutting.

Joy tries overpowering Hunter and leans into shutting it, but to no avail! As Hunter easily lifts the lid back up. Joy walks over and starts yelling at Hunter Payne. Adam Rollins is stirring.

Hunter Payne decides to reach in the casket and pull out Ursula Areano and lays her by the steel steps. Joy looks on in disbelief. She tries to to kick Ursula inbetween the steps, but Hunter Payne grabs Joy before she can. Payne puts Joy over his shoulder, spinebuster position and carries her to the top of the stage and lets her walk. She continues to yell at him.


Joy slaps Hunter Payne, leaving a red mark. Before she runs backstage. Hunter Payne stands there in shock for a few seconds before going after her.

Taz: Uhh... Wow... Well I guess this match continues.

Just as Taz said that Adam Rollins begins stomping Areano against the steel steps.

Adam Rollins goes for another Death Vally Driver. This time into the casket!

Ursula at the last second is able to close the lid!


Cole: Did you hear that impact?!

Rollins rolls her back in the ring and opens the casket. Adam Rollins sees Areano starting to come to already so he runs in the ring. To the nearest corner and charges!


No! Ursula moves her head at the last possible moment!

Rollins comes back. Areano with a quick arm wrench and...


Cole: She hits it! Desperation move by Areano!

-Ursula chants begin to fill the arena-

Both eventually make to their feet Ursula off the ropes!

Rollins leapfrogs the first round.

Ursula comes back with a flying forearm!

Both are down again!...

Ursula with a kip-up!

Rollins is up...

Ursula Areano with a headscissors into an octoopus stretch!

Rollins struggles!

He's fading!

He's fading!!!

He rams Ursula akwardly into the turnbuckle.




NO! FOUR.....



SEVEN TIMES! Before Ursula Areano releases the hold.

Both of these athletes are exhausted!

Ursula hits a roundhouse kick to the skull sending Rollins to the ring apron...

Areano grabs Rollins from in the ring...

But Rollins lifts Areano from his position on the ring apron!


Rollins sets up for the DEATH VALLEY DRIVER from the apron into the casket!!!

Ursula Areano with elbows to the head, trying to wiggle out!

And she does!

Areano slips off back into the ring...


To the back of Adam Rollins head! Rollins falls and hits his head on the casket lid before falling in...

Ursula crawls back to the ring apron. And reaches for the casket lid and grabs it and shuts it! And this one is over!


-Ursula Areano music hits and she stands in the center of the ring, "WELCOME BACK" chants fill the arena. Areano tries to hide back tears while salsa dancing-

When the lights go out...

'Relax' by Peaches hits.

Taz: What the hell is this?!

-After quite a few seconds, Sincere Lee Wild comes through the curtain, her appearence shocking everybody-

Cole: Sincere Lee Wild???

-Sincere Lee Wild walks up the ramp and into the ring. The whole time Ursula Areano jaw is on the floor, she is in shock. :O -

Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, Sincere Lee Wild wasn't scheduled to be here tonight. She wasn't even on the active roster a few days ago... What is she doing here?

-Sincere Lee Wild has a face-off with the phyicially exhausted Ursula Areano... Then raises her hand in victory-

Taz: Now that's sportsmanship.

Cole: Sincere Lee Wild wanted to come out and congradulate Ursula Areano on her return and victory tonight.

-Just as Michael Cole said that Wild hits a clothesline on Areano!-

Taz: Woah! Guess not...

Wild picks Areano up. Arm wrench then puts her boot to Ursula's face, and she is just rubbing her boot all in Areano's face. Adding insult to injury and complete disrespect. Wild laughs...

Then drops Ursula with her own EAT THIS finisher!

-Commentator silence. Just a chorus of boo's-

Now Wild lifts Areano up and thrust down hitting the THE ONE TIME 69 (Tombstone Piledriver)

-Sincere Lee Wild just stands in the ring, embracing the hate coming towards her from this Anaheim crowd-

Taz: -whispers- Wow...

-Sincere Lee Wild goes to look under the ring, and gets gasoline-

Cole: Oh my God...

-Wild pours the entire container full of gasoline on Ursula, then takes a match out of her boot-

Cole: NO!

-Just then AJ Lee, Silent Bob, The Ref, even some crowd security, and even Taz go to the ring and create a barrier between the two women-

Cole: Well thank God it looks like disaster has been avoided for now.

-After almost a minute, Wild leaves up the entrance ramp, laughing at what she just did-

Cole: An uncalled for attack by Sincere Lee Wild... Well if see wanted to show that she's back, then she certainly got our attention.

-The crowd yells the loudest Boo's of the night-

Cole: But why Ursula Areano of all people???

-Gasoline covered Ursula Areano starts to come to. Refusing to be helped up. She leans on the middle rope and staring at Sincere Lee Wild, giving her a look of death. Wild stares back but with a look of happiness of what she had done, the stare-off is the last thing we see before we go to commercial-

-commercial break-

Static is shown

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTUQkzRJMgtws9hYHNFCc3...SW0WzsWMsQ]

For a split second a picture is shown

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCsA8uKSL97zjkqefB_X3...Wb804fkh4w]

Then goes back to static for a few seconds before ending

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTUQkzRJMgtws9hYHNFCc3...SW0WzsWMsQ]

-We come back to a frantic Hunter Payne walking all through the back-

Payne: Has anyone seen Joy?

Honda Center worker 1: No.

Honda Center worker 2: No.

Honda Center worker 3: No.

Payne: Have you seen Joy?

A production worker: No.

XWF staff 1: No. Sorry.

XWF staff 2: Nope.

Payne: Fuck...

-Hunter Payne runs off still searching for Joy, as we return to the ring-

-Taz has returned to the annouce table as we see the ring has been cleaned and cleared of everybody but AJ Lee-

Cole: Scary event that almost transpired. I can't believe Ursula Areano was able to leave on her own power, with no assistance.

Taz: That Ursula Areano has got heart, and I can guarantee Ursula isn't going to let what just happened to her slide. These two bombshells will settle this in the ring one of these days and from the looks that Areano was giving her, it looks like Sincere Lee Wild just started World War 3!


AJ: Anaheim, this next match is THE MAIN EVENT! And it is an 10 person elimination tornado tag match!Set under Falls Count Anywhere rules!

'Money' by Pink Floyd is heard, and out come The Connection. 

AJ: First, the team of Andrew Aldway, John Austin, Andrew Morrison, Nightmare, and Ricky Desmond, they are THE CONNECTION!!! 

The Connection enters the ring, getting each other pumped for this match. 

'God Give Me Everything' by The Rolling Stones hits and Chessmaster waits on the entrance ramp. 

'Night Of The Hunter' by 30 Seconds To Mars plays and Callayway joins Chessmaster. 

'Party Rock Anthem' plays through the speakers this time as Crimson Dong joins his partners.

'Welcome Home' by Metallica plays and out comes Neil Capra. 

'No More Words' hits and Lightning high steps out but still selling the effects his match from earlier. 

All 5 walk to the ring like they're on a mission. 


This match is underway and after an 8 person stare down. Everybody attacks their opponents from earlier. Aldway brawls with Chessmaster. Morrison brawls with Callaway. Nightmare and Capra go at it. And Desmond and Lightning continue what they started earlier. But Dong and Austin are playing more of a cat and mouse game. 

Taz: All hell has broken loose! 

Cole: Did you expect anything else from a main event this huge?

Ref #1 is the only one in the ring as the other 3 refs wait for the action to spill to the outside. And it does as John Austin kicks Dong's hurt ankle, and throws him through the middle rope. As John Austin celebrates, Alexandra Callaway hits a beautiful dropkick. Sending Austin to join Dong. Then Andrew Morrison clotheslines Alexandra Callaway to the outside. Now Morrison gets dropkicked out by Chessmaster. 

Taz: Let the bodies hit the floor!!!

Chessmaster gets lifted up by Nightmare into a military press.... 

Cole: OH MY! Lookout! 

Nightmare tosses Chessmaster over the top rope onto Callaway and Morrison. 

Taz: There goes the Chessmaster. Wonder if he saw that move coming? Hahahaha. 

Neil Capra from behind! Caught by Nightmare. Nightmare lifts Capra over his shoulders in another military press. And goes to throw him over.

Cole: That's all power!

Taz: 2 for 2 for Nightmare. 

Cole: No counter by Capra! 

Neil Capra counters with a hurricanrana in between the ropes. Sending Nightmare to the ringside floor. 

Neil Capra now on the apron springboards off the ropes and hits a diving moonsault on the crowd of bodies on the floor. 

Cole: And Neil Capra! With a springboard moonsault on everybody! 

Taz: Hey what's Desmond doing? 

Desmond talking to Aldway. Then Aldway kneels down and Ricky Desmond climbs and stands on his shoulders as Aldway slowly walks to gets Desmond closer to everybody on the outside. 

Taz: How the hell is Desmond keeping his balance?! 

Desmond jumps off Aldways shoulders and hits a flipping senton onto all the carnage on the outside of the ring! 

Taz: Holy... 

Cole: Desmond showing us he can fly as well. 

Clothesline by lightning on an unexpecting Andrew Aldway. Sending him over the top and to the floor joining the other competitors. 

Taz: Lightning the last man standing. Oh what the hell is he doing now?! 

Lighting goes to the nearest top rope, which isn't very near. Puts two fingers out and puts his arms to his sides and yells "XTREME!" And jumps! Hitting a Superfly Splash on everybody! 

Cole: Lightning putting his body on the line! This is pure chaos! 

Taz: You can say that again... 

Nightmare is the first to his feet. And has his pick of who he wants to attack. He picks Alexandra Callaway, and throws her back into the ring, away from all of her partners. Nightmare goes in and grabs her. 

Cole: This is not good... Wait a minute! Small Package by Callaway! 




Taz: Haha Small package. I bet your wife has used that term before huh Cole? 

Clothesline by Nightmare is ducked. And a crucifix pin by Callaway! 




Now a victory roll by Callaway. 



Broken up by Andrew Aldway! 

Cole: And here comes Dong! 

Taz: Hahahaha! 

Dong with a Thesz Press on Aldway!... 
Dong then starts humping Aldway. Aldway gets freaked out and pushes Dong off quickly. Aldway with an angry clothesline. John Austin enters the ring and helps Aldway stomp away at Dong. On the other side of the ring, Callaway now with an Oklahoma Roll on Nightmare. 



Austin and Aldway go to break it up, but before they can Alexandra is pulled out of the ring by Andrew Morrison! Morrison grasps Callaway's neck and is choking the life out of her. Austin and Aldway turn back to focus on dong but Chessmaster with a double clothesline from the top turnbuckle! Taking Austin and Aldway out. 

Cole: OH MY! 

Taz: Where did Chessmaster come from?! Checkmate I guess... 

Chessmaster with Jiu-jitsu a kick to Austin! And now one to Aldway! And another to Austin! And another to Aldway! And a third to Austin! And a third to Aldway! 

Taz: Chessmaster is on fire! 

Chessmaster grasps both Austin's and Aldway's heads and hits a DDT on both of them at the same time! Chessmaster gets up and Immediately gets a big boot to the face by Nightmare. Now Nightmare begins to beat down Chessmaster. 

On the outside, Callaway about to pass out, kicks Morrison with a low blow! Now stiff strikes to the head. slaps, punches, and elbow strikes. 

Cole: Oh what a low blow to Morrison! 

Callaway then pulls out a bikers chain from under the ring. It looks like the same one from earlier.

Taz: Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. 

Cole: Quoting poetry Taz? 

Taz: Is that where it's from?? 

Alexandra Callaway loses it and proceeds to beat the shit out of Morrison with that Bikers Chain! 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring by the english annouce table. Ricky Desmond has been getting double teamed by Lightning and Capra. 

Both Lighting and Capra set Desmond up for a double suplex, right in front of the English announce table. They lift him...... and drop him! 


A loud thud as Desmond hits the table but it doesn't break. Instead, the impact bounces Desmond off almost into Cole and Taz. 

Cole: Ricky Desmond falls right in front of our laps! 

Taz: Bet you like that eh Cole? Well this smart on Desmond's part. It's harder to pin him if he is hiding under the announce table. Ouch! 

In the ring, Nightmare just hit a running powerbomb on an already pummeled Chessmaster. Followed by a pin. 



Broken up by Lightning and Capra. Nightmare tries to get space between them. Capra charges... But gets a spear for his troubles! 

Cole: What a spear by Nightmare! 

Lightning charges now and ducks a clothesline attempt by Nightmare and unbelievably quick jumps all three ropes and WHISPER IN THE WIND!... 

Cole: CAUGHT! 

Nightmare barely catches Lightning and akwardly powerbombs him... 

Taz: Wow, Lightning hit the mat head first. 

On the outside of the ring Alexandra Callaway is still whipping and choking Morrison. But Morrison is fighting back. They are working their way up the ramp to the stage, but Calllaway is relentless! She hits him across the skull with the bikers chain. Giving Morrison a huge cut on his forehead. Morrison spears Callaway, and a grounded fist fight on the stage ensues. 

In the ring Nightmare is the last man standing and lifts Chessmaster up in a military press and slams him into his knee! 


Nightmare with a cover... 





Just then Crimson Dong pulls Nightmare in from behind in a roll up and pretends like his riding a bull. Holding on for dear life he grabs a the middle rope for leverage. 





Taz: I don't believe this! 

Dong runs around the ring celebrating! 

Cole: Lookout! SPEAR! 

A pissed off Nightmare hits a spear that nearly splits Dong in two. 

Cole: That was uncalled for! 

Taz: Why don't you go up to him and tell him that Cole?!

John Austin crawls and gets the cover on Dong. 





Cole: John Austin able to get revenge on Dong!

As Nightmare leaves he sees Alexandra Callaway fighting with Andrew Morrison. Nightmare grabs her. Manhandles her and throws her against the stage that holds up the X-tron! Before finally leaving. 

Cole: Nightmare just threw Alexandra into the steel that holds the X-tron up! 

In the ring we got some tag team action as Lightning and Capra fight Austin and Aldway. Austin irish whips Capra and runs after him. Aldway clubs Lightning's back. Aldway lifts Lightning up. Capra leapfrogs over Austin and hits a dropkick on Aldway, making him drop Lightning and fall into the corner. Lightning lands on his feet. And hits a front dropkick on John Austin who was about to hit Capra from behind. Austin whipped into the opposite corner as Aldway. 

Taz: I think I know what's coming... 

Lighting goes on all fours in front of Austin, Capra with a running start, canapolts off of of Lightning and heel kick in the corner on Austin. 

Cole: Poetry In Motion! 

Taz: Wait they're not done! 

Now Capra gets on all fours and Lightning charges! Boosting off Capra and hitting heel kick as well, this time on Aldway. Lightning turns him over and covers. 



Kickout by Aldway! 


Taz: Where the hell did Desmond come from?! 

Cole: He just turned Neil Capra inside out with that move! 

Immediately after that, Lightning and Desmond tackle each other and start having a grounded fist fight. 

Outside of the ring one of the four replacement refs is waiting on the stage ramp as a bloodied Andrew Morrison crawls and crawls and crawls to pin Alexandra Callaway......... He finally gets there and can barely put his arm over her for the pin.... 




Cole: Look at how much blood Andrew Morrison lost! That is a nasty sight. 

In the ring Desmond gets the upperhand on Lightning. Lighting gets hit with a backstabber. 

Cole: Backstabber! Cover! 



Kickout by Lightning! 

On the stage, Callaway recovers and hits a reverse roundhouse kick to the skull of Morrison. Alexandra has a crazy look in her eye. 

In the ring, Desmond just hit a tilt-a-whirl side slam, and another cover.

Cole: Tilt-a-whirl side slam by Desmond. And another cover... 




Cole: A kickout again by Lightning! 

Desmond angerly picks up Lightning wraps him arm and picks him up for a pump handle slam. But Lightning slips out! Lightning with a kick to the gut, and twist of fate! But Lightning is pushed off by Desmond, and runs into a Yakuza Kick by John Austin. Now Aldway comes over as Desmond and Austin get Lightning in a double back suplex and place him on Aldway's shoulders. And toss him with a triple powerbomb! 

Cole: OH MY! 

Taz: Tribute to The Shield by Connection! 

Cole: It's over for Lightning! 

Just then Andrew Aldway spots Callaway draging Morrison to the side of the stage, right on the edge on it. Aldway runs to help Morrison. 

Now Neil Capra is back up, John Austin charges after him. Capra ducks and delivers a back body drop right over the top rope sending John Austin to the ringside floor. 

Cole: There goes Austin! 

Capra runs and ends up on Desmonds shoulders! but jumps off and hits Dark Descent (Wheelbarrow Suplex)! Cover... 



Kickout by Desmond! 

Taz: Wow that was close! 

John Austin is getting back to his feet. Neil Capra see him and goes off the ropes and leaps off hitting a corkscrew body splash on Austin.

Cole: Look on the stage! 

Callaway has Morrison in between her legs and throws a fist in the air to cheers from the crowd. 

Cole: She can't do this! 

Taz: Apocalypse off the stage! 

No. Aldway attacks Callaway from behind before she is able to lift Morrison up. Aldway with knife edge chops to Callaway. She's getting close to the edge of the stage. Headbutt by Alway. 

Taz: She's gonna fall Cole! 

Callaway as quick as a cat grabs Aldway and monkey flips him off the stage! 

Cole: Off the stage!!! 

Taz: That's a long way down! 

Callaway looks over the stage to see the damage she caused...Andrew Morrison shoves Callaway from behind! Causing her to fall off the stage as well. 

Cole: Callaway pushed off the edge by Morrison! 

Andrew Morrison a bloody mess, walks towards the ring, almost collapsing on his way there. 

Meanwhile, Neil Capra just got a fluorescent light tube from under the ring. Just as Austin is getting up, Capra leans back and gets ready to bash Austin's head in. But Ricky Desmond reaches through the middle rope and grabs the light tube. After a struggle Neil Capra pulls the light tube away, swings, and breaks the fluorescent light tube over Desmonds head. 

Cole: That Fluorescent tube just broke into a million peices! 

Taz: Yeah, over Ricky Desmond's head! 

Desmond falls to the mat. Capra is grabbed from behind by John Austin and hurled over the railing into the crowd! John Austin climbs over the railing and a referree follows. 

Taz: Looks like this match has spilled into the crowd of the Honda Center! 

John Austin with vicious right hands sending Neil Capra deeper into the crowd. The right hands continue until Capra falls onto concrete stairs. Capra then draws Austin in and hits a drop toe hold onto the concrete stairs! Ouch! 

In the ring, Lightning has recovered and has climbed the top turnbuckle. SWANTON BOMB! 


Pin by Lightning. 




NO! Broken up by Andrew Morrison! 

By the stage. Alexandra Callaway is up but holding her ankle. One of the referrees is looking at it. Aldway is coming to as well. Callaway limps over for a DDT. But Aldway picks her up from that position and carries her into past the curtain into the backstage area. Ref follows and we have a brawl backstage. Aldway throws Callaway onto some nearby production crates. Andrew Aldway lifts Callaway and powerbombs her on the crates... 


Cole: Hell's Gate by Callaway! OUT OF NOWHERE! 

Taz: Connection members know that submission all too well!  

Aldway screaming in pain! And eventually taps out. 


Cole: Aldway is gone, and it's even now. 

In the ring. Morrison and Lightning are trading punches. Morrison with elbows, a running elbow smash! Lightning is dazed. Morrison goes for it again. But Lightning counters with striking Lightning (Jawbreaker)! 

Cole: That's vintage Lightning! 

Andrew Morrison is still out on his feet. Lightning with a Twist of Fate! 

Cole: Twist of Fate! 

Taz: Good night Irene! 

Cover by Lightning. 



Ricky Desmond pulls off Lightning and begins to strike him with grounded punches to the back of his his head. 

In the crowd, Capra and Austin made it up all those stairs and are on the upper deck on the lowest level. Neil Capra is hitting John Austin with anything he can get his hands on. A fan hands Neil Capra a drink with a lid on it. Capra removes the lid and throws it at Austin. Austin screams at the top of his lungs! It was hot coffee. 

Taz: Who the hell drinks coffee at a wrestling show?! 

Neil Capra gets handed a 'STOP' sign. 

Taz: Who the hell brings a 'STOP' sign that far away from the ring?! 

Neil Capra goes after John Austin with it, but John Austin hits a low blow! Capra goes down. John Austin now with an Airplane spin. 

He spins and spins and spins! Releases! And a dizzy Neil Capra almost falls over the big railing. 

Taz: That's a LONG way down! 

John Austin goes after Neil Capra. Neil Capra hits a low dropkick causing John Austin's head to hit the same big railing. Neil Capra runs to grab the 'STOP' sign. Then runs at John Austin hitting a crossbody with the 'STOP' sign! 


Taz: HOLY SHIT!!!!! 


Both men fall on to what is assumed to be a giant speaker, because the sound feed goes off. 

Both men roll off the speaker and fall even farther to the bottom floor of the arena! 

The sound feed comes back on to 'HOLY SHIT' chants from the crowd.

Cole: We need to get some help for those two. 

The ref runs back down the stairs to check on both men as replays are shown. Desmond who was in control of Lightning, looks at the replays on the X-tron in disbelief. 

The ref looks at Austin and throws up the 'X' sign, then looks at Capra and throws up the 'X' sign. EMT's from the back rush out to check on both guys. The ref runs back and tells AJ something. 

AJ: Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has just informed me that he has deemed both John Austin and Neil Capra unable to continue this match.... Therefore John Austin and Neil Capra have been eliminated! 


Taz: That's huge! 

Cole: This match has come down to the wire. The final four. Desmond and Morrison vs Lightning and Callaway! Speaking of Callaway. 

Alexandra Callaway limps back to the ring as the crowd cheers. 

Morrison hits a spinning spinebuster on Lightning before he spots Callaway. 

She slides into the ring. And goes ring after Morrison. Desmond pulls her off and goes for a Clothesline From Hell. But Callaway somehow counters with an STO! 

Morrison goes to attack, and Alexandra Callaway again counters with an arm wrench. And heads to the top turnbuckle. 

Taz: No way she can do this with one leg. 

Callaway walks the top rope and hits Old School!

Cole: Old School connects!!! That's vintage Callaway! 

Taz: It's been years since I've done commentary with you, and you still use the same damn lame terminology! 

Callaway goes for the pin. 



Desmond hits the ref from behind because he couldn't make it to break up the pin. A new ref comes in and yells at Desmond. Alexandra with a school boy girl on Morrison! One ref is out. One is distracted with Desmond. A third ref that was standing comes in for the count. 



Cole: And Desmond with a boot to the head of Alexandra Callaway! 

Taz: That was a nasty boot to the face! 

Lightning with a running clothesline to Desmond taking them both over the top rope to the ringside floor. 

Morrison is up before Callaway. And hits a stiff neckbreaker on Callaway. He then picks her up by her hair, and yells "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He then puts her in between his legs and hits a violent Vortex Piledriver! Cover. 





Cole: Now Lightning is all alone. 

Lightning crawls back into the ring. Morrison grabs him and puts him in position for a Vortex Piledriver... Counter! Back body drop by Lightning. Lightning pushes Morrison into Desmond, who made it onto the apron for a brief second before getting sent off by Morrison. Morrison turns around into a Twist of Fate! 

Cole: TWIST OF FATE by Lightning! Cover... 





Lightning turns around just in time to catch MILLION DOLLAR BILL (Clothesline From Hell) by Desmond! Lightning flipped before hitting the mat hard! Desmond with a pin attempt. 





Taz: What a match! That definately lived up to the hype!

Connection members join Desmond and a blood soaked Morrison in the ring. All except John Austin, who is still being looked at after the fall he took earlier in the match. Aldway hands Morrison a wet face towel to wipe the dried blood off his face. 

-The 4 members of The connection are celebrating in the ring when Ricky Desmond grabs a mic-

Desmond: Did you see that? Did you see what we did! We are the most dominate team i...

-'Hard' by Rihanna hits, and Joy Giovanni makes her way to the ring-

Taz: What the hell is she doing?

Cole: This is not smart on her part.

-Joy enters the ring and begins to yell at The Connection but it's inaudible because she doesn't have a mic-

Taz: Joy get out of there!

-The Connection begins to draw closer and closer to Joy eventually backing her into the a corner-

Cole: Oh no... This is bad!

-The crowd erupts when they see Hunter Payne on the ramp sprinting to the ring. Hunter Payne slides in and immediately attacks all 4 connection members.

Taz: Yeah go Hunter!

-Hunter Payne delivering hard haymakers to Desmond, Morrison, Aldway, and Nightmare-

Taz: Look at Hunter go!

-Hunter Payne still fighting off all four men with punches-

Cole: Lookout!

Nightmare with a big time clothesline taking Hunter Payne down. Now the numbers game catches up and all 4 men circle Hunter Payne and begin stomping away as Joy watches from the corner. Nightmare picks up Payne and...

SAMOAN SPIKE! By Payne to Nightmare out of nowhere.

Taz: He's still got some fight in him!

Payne with hard punches he knocks down Morrison and Aldway. Chop block by Desmond!

Hunter Payne on one knee and Desmond goes off the ropes...

MILLION DOLLAR BILL (Clothesline from Hell) by Desmond!

Hunter Payne is picked up by the masses and thrown into Aldway.

BRITISH BOMBER (Liger Suplex) by Aldway!

Now getting his arms hooked by Morrison


Payne's brusied and battered body is easily lifted over Nightmare's head in a military press and held there.

-Ricky Desmond grabs the mic-

Desmond: We are the connection!!! Drop Him!

-Ricky Desmond drops the mic-

Nightmare drops Hunter Payne into his knee. Exucuting THE BREAK.

-The Connection looks on, proud of what they just did-

Cole: Oh my God Taz... Hunter Payne isn't moving...

Taz: We need to get some help from the back...

-The Connection looks at Joy, she looks angry at first, but at the flip of a switch she starts smiling-

Taz: What the hell...

-The Connection then exits the ring-

Cole: What is going on here?

-Joy just stares at an unconcious Hunter Payne-

Taz: That is one cold chick man.

-Joy assists Hunter Payne to his knees and again says something inaudible then pulls him by his hair, kisses him, then takes a long look at the crowd in every direction-


-Joy heartlessly slaps Hunter Payne, his already knocked out carcus hits the mat-

Cole: She set him up! I thought I knew Joy Giovanni, but I guess I don't because she is a psycho!

Taz: I could have told you that a long time ago Cole.

-Joy grabs the mic Ricky Desmond left and kneels by Hunter Payne's head-

Joy: This has been Shove It: Night... of... JOY! ......

-Joy with an evil look on her face-

Joy: .......... JOY and Payne out! ;)

Cole: I can't believe what we've just seen. Joy is like a completely different person. But why? Why did she do this??

Taz: Take what she said, "JOY and Payne out"? I think she wants to be the dominate one in this relationship going forward...

Cole: Well that is the show for tonight. I can't believe it's ending like this.

Taz: Neither can Hunter Payne from the looks of it.

Cole: Night of Payne will certainly be a night Hunter Payne will never forget. Joy Giovanni made damn sure of that...

-Night of Payne ends with Joy Giovanni happily kneeling next to a lifeless Hunter Payne-

-A video showing all the Highlights of tonight is played. The XWF logo closes out the show-

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(08-05-2013), Andrew Morrison (08-05-2013), Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (08-04-2013), Lightning (08-04-2013), Matt Lennox (08-06-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-04-2013)

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