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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Cross-Promotional Event Boards » Cross-Promotional Rosters
"Twizted Thoughtz" Joe Montuori
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The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-17-2023, 08:16 AM



Wrestler's Real Name: "Twizted Thoughtz" Joe Montuori

Wrestler Age/Date of Birth: 42 

Height: 6'5

Weight: 260

Hometown: Bronx, NY

Alignment (Face? Heel? Antihero?): HEEL

Pic Base: Randy Orton

Backstory/Important Character Details: Got kicked out of highschool his senior year to only get involved in the family drug business until the day came he got introduced to wrestling. From then, its been a take off. It started with The Elite and when they all retired, that is when TWIZTED THOUGHTZ was created and the stable FOCUS, one of the best all time started and took the wrestling world by storm. Once that era ended, he took a hiatus until 2 years ago, he was asked to come back to help a promotion which he did and sky has been the limit ever since. Looking better then ever and winning titles north, south, east and west. And he did the unthinkable. Got engaged to Mia, putting his party life to the side and even had a baby with her. Baby G Mont who is almost 7 months old now. Stay tuned because this story is going to have more added to it in the coming months. 

Strengths: Mind Games, Experience, Quick thinker, does anything he can to get the job done. 

Weaknesses: Gets too cocky sometimes and lets the voices in his head takeover.

Entrance Theme Music (Provide YouTube link as well as name and version): Money Power Respect by DMX

Ring Entrance (PLEASE write one out for use in match/show writing):

See I believe in money, power, and respect

First You get the money

Then you get the muthafuckin, power

After you get the fuckin' power

Muthafuckas will respect you

[Pyros shoot off like its the 4th of July. When the smoke clears, standing on the entrance way with a grin that all the fans cant stand. J Mont walks down the aisle to cheers and boos and just laughs it off. When he gets into the ring, he climbs up the top turnbuckle, looks around then raises his arms like he is the king of the world.]

In-Ring Style (Technician? High Flyer?): Methodical wrestling style

10 or More Standard Moves:
German Suplex
Quick Powerslam
Lariat Clothesline
Over the shoulder arm drag
Hip Toss
Irish WHip
Shoulder jawbreaker
Armbar leg sweep
Shoulder Block

Trademark Move Name(s): J Mont Hung DDT
Description(s): This move can be set up either through the opponent standing on the apron and is pulled through the middle rope, or if J Mont tosses his victim through the middle rope but maintains a headlock. J Mont pulls his opponent through the rope until only his feet are still in contact with the ropes. From this elevated position, J Mont holds the victim in place for a beat before dropping them head first onto the canvas in a DDT. This is the standard version, but J Mont has been known to perform this from a variety of positions, such as from the turnbuckle, off the top rope, from the ring apron, announce table or security barrier to the floor. This is almost never followed by a pin attempt, and is the lead-in to his finishing maneuver. It damages the opponent's head and neck.

Trademark Move Name(s): J Mont Stomp
Description(s): J Mont approaches a prone opponent and stamps his foot onto their arm. He then continues to circle the downed victim and connects with more stomps on both of their legs/ankles and other arm/hand. This is usually done methodically and not rushed, and concludes with either a stamp on the face or a jumping knee drop. Occasionally in multi-man matches, J Mont will do this simultaneously to two or more opponents, stamping on various body parts. It is performed more for show than causing significant pain. This causes damage to the opponents' arms, legs and head.

Trademark Move Name(s): J Mont Stomp
Description(s): This move is performed on a downed opponent that is prone on his hands and knees. J Mont gets a warped expression on his face, and backs up into a corner. He then charges towards his victim and strikes him with the sole of his boot, similar to a punt in football or a soccer kick. Although this move is associated with J Mont, it doesn't connect hugely often, as it has been used in storylines to give superstars concussions. The move damages an opponent's head.

Trademark Move Name(s): J Montlock Backbreaker
Description(s): This move can be performed stand alone, but is often employed by J Mont as a counter or a means to kill the momentum of his opponent. J Mont stands behind his victim and wraps his arm across their throat in a standard headlock. He then turns 180 degrees so they are back to back, but maintaining the grasp of his opponent. J Mont leans forward, falling to his knees, pulling the victim down across his own back, jarring their spine.

Finishing Move Name(s): JKO
Description(s): a variation of a cutter, this move sees the wrestler jumping towards the opponent and grabbing the opponent's head in a three-quarter facelock while parallel to the ground, and then slamming the opponent's face to the mat in a cutter. a variatio

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Anywhere he can get the win. 

Additional Notes (What are some things that they would ALWAYS do? Or would NEVER do?): They will never kiss anyone's ass. He will do whatever it takes to win and have all the attention and hate on him. His ego is bigger then the United States.
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