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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy 1-12-23
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-15-2023, 12:21 PM


[Image: BbV3NBt.png]



- vs -

- vs -
Five Count Match!

A pinfall will need to go to a count of FIVE!

- vs -

- vs -
Steel Cage Match!

- vs -

- vs -
Go To Sleep Match!

The winner MUST make their opponent lose consciousness!

- vs -

OOC: ANARCHY RULES is 1 RP with a 1K WORD LIMIT unless stated otherwise. Tag Team matches require one collab RP per team rather than two separate ones.
Hard deadline for Anarchy will be WEDNESDAY, 1-11-2023 at 11:59pm board time. Good luck!


The atmosphere was ripe with excitement as the first Anarchy of 2023 was about to kick off. The backstage area was a flurry of activity as stagehands rushed to prepare the broadcast. The camera angled down, focusing on the pitter patter of tiny paws as Sassafras trotted through the hallways. XWF employees and talent a-like parted like the Red Sea as the tiny pup barked to announce its presence. The tiny dog stopped short, turning its attention to a woman with thick rimmed glasses and a tight skirt and matching suit top taped a makeshift sign to the door.


The woman shrieked as she grabbed her chest, heaving in fright, and looked around in confusion before her eyes finally found the source of the commotion that had startled her. The woman adjusted her glasses and focused on the pup. Her black hair was pulled into a bun that was so tight that it pulled her eyes back into a painful slant. She waved her hand to shoo the dog away.

Woman: “SHOO!! YOU GO, NOW!!”


The woman screamed, kicking her feet at Sassafras, as she scrambled back, nearly falling over a stack of equipment boxes.

Bama: “HEY! Hang on there little lady!!”

Bama T rushed over catching the woman before she could fall ass over teakettle and hit the floor. He got her back to her feet, looking her up and down to make sure that she was okay.

Bama: “You okay?”


The woman hissed at the tiny dog, forking her fingers as if to curse the pup. Bama laughed as he reached down and scooped up his constant companion.

Bama: “Don’t mine Sass, he just wanted to come over and say hello! I guess, I wanted to as well, since I haven’t had the pleasure of making your acquaintance, Miss. I’m Bama T, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Bama stuck out his hand and the woman stared at it awkwardly for a moment and then at the tiny dog in his other hand. She reached over quickly, latching on to his thumb and forefinger as she gave it a rapid shake, then withdrew it just as fast.

Woman: “My name Dani, Dani Chow.”

Bama couldn’t help but to frown at the woman’s accent, made all the more strange by the fact that she was clearly Caucasian. He knew he shouldn’t ask her about her heritage, but it was foremost on his mind now.

Bama: “Miss, pardon me for asking, but I have know, where exactly are you from? I…”

Suddenly the bright light of a camera was turned on him and a boom mic dropped awkwardly into the scene, nearly hitting him in the head.

Bama: “HEY, WATCH IT!!”

Woman: “Dani, who is this…handsome man, and why is he in my light?”

They both turned as the newly signed member of Anarchy stood there staring at the two of them. The woman was tall and lean, obviously well-on into middle-age and likely a good deal more, though plastic surgery had obviously helped stay the process, to a degree. The woman looked Bama up and down with lecherous eyes, then sipped at the Starbucks coffee cup she held, then absently held it out as Dani rushed over and took it from her.

Dani Chow: “Ma’am, this Bama T.”


Sassafras chimed in, startling Dani, who spilled the drink all over herself. She screamed as she apologized profusely and struggled to open the door to the dressing room.


The woman rolled her eyes as she walked to the door, putting herself between Bama and Dani. She licked her lips as she eyed him.

Woman: “Don’t worry about her, she’ll be just fine.”

She reached over and brushed the side of his face, narrowing her eyes seductively.

Woman: “But, if you’re still in the mood to check up on someone later tonight…you can come find me.”

She retreated into the locker room as the cameraman followed, and the door slammed behind them. Bama stared at the makeshift sign that Dani has put on the door…


Bama couldn’t help but to frown as he looked down at the tiny dog tucked under his arm.

Bama: “I think I had a pin-up poster of her in my locker…back in 1985!”

Bama shook his head as he turned, making his way towards back into the arena.

The night sky of Toronto lights up in spectacular explosive colors as the legendary fireworks display of XWF Anarchy dances across the firmament and turns the black nothingness into a neon fever dream.

Women weep. Children learn to dream. Men start to believe in possibilities. The Anarchy Razzle Dazzle Spectacular brings new hope to another town.

Also there are people in the arena stands with homemade signs!





The CamBot drones then swirl around and gather around the broadcast desk os XWF Anarchy commentator supreme and XWF Owner, “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane. Next to him as always are the undefeated tag team champions of color announcing, Bama T. and the adorable chihuahua Sassafras.

Vinnie: "Welcome to Anarchy! Folks, up here in Canada we are having a hard time with the broadcast so forgive us for any interruptions… can you believe these guys don’t have 5G yet?!"

Bama: "5G gives you COVID, Vinnie! Ain’t you watched that Rogan link I sent you yet?"

Vinnie: "Uhhhh, I’ll get to it, I promise. ANYWAY! We’ve got a stacked show for you tonight, everybody! The XWF is rolling towards Snow Job and it is all systems GO! We’ve got Aphriya Adler in action against Major Jung, John Grayson taking on Jess Anderson in his Anarchy debut, and a BRAND NEW face to the XWF, Sid Grey, taking on GVZ in a five count match!"

Bama: "Her face ain’t new at all, it’s been on this Earth since LBJ was in office… but she’s new to the XWF at least! And new to my spank bank! You know what else gets my veins poppin’ Vinnie? Cashe verse HGH and Raab verse Cletus! Those are some slobberknockers right there!"

Vinnie: "Well that’s awful imagery, but I agree with you about the matches! And to round it all out we’ve got two major matchups as Latina Submission Machina and Mastermind square off in a Go To Sleep match, and then finally in the main event, the Super Dear’O Ruby defends the Anarchy gold against Tommy Wish! We need to hurry up and get this party started!"

Bama: "I’m already three BlewChews deep, Lane! Let’s get it!"

- vs -


Winner by Pinfall - John Grayson

"Gotta pee, gotta pee! Please oh please don't pee on me!"

The voice transfers to an echo as Jason Cashe enters a bathroom backstage. Moving to a urinal, he lifts out his manhood and a mean stream of splashing picks up in audio for the viewers.

Cashe: "Aaaaahhhh that's nice.."

With his head tilted back and eyes closed. Cashe doesn't see the urinal next to him get occupied. As his stream begins to weaken, he opens his eyes and catches his urinal neighbor in his peripheral.

Cashe: "Ohh.. Hey…"

It was a woman. At least it looked like one and Cashe wasn't about to question someone's pronouns of life choices. It wasn't the first time he had seen a female use a urinal but as his eyes fall to the urinal 'she' was standing in front of, it wasn't being used.

Female: "Hey.. I'm Miranda!"

Cashe: "I'm Cashe.. Sup.."

Not one to ever be rude. Cashe nods as he goes to make eye contact and find that her stare is on his pee pee region. The awkwardness was rising so he blurted out the first thing that came to thought.

Cashe: "Come here a lot?"

He follows it up with a 'Heh' as he shakes and returns his big boy parts back into his pants. As her eyes finally come back to meet Cashe's, he gives her a grin and turns to leave the urinal. Moving to the sink, Cashe begins to wash his hands and allows the idea of a chick in the men's bathroom fade from his mind. There was a match to be mentally prepared for tonight and a bunch of other shit running through around in thought. She wasn't a problem until she was..

Miranda: "Paper towel or air dry?"

The question confused him at first as he shook off the excess water dripping from his hands and turned to her. Was she a bathroom attendant? Did Anarchy have those now? No way was what Cashe told himself as he reached for the paper towel dispenser.

Miranda"I'm a fan.. Sorry if this is weird but I- I just HAD to meet you!"

Cashe:"A fan huh?"

It was at this point Cashe took notice of her being cute. Nice little frame but bottom heavy. He imagined she had a very nice pooper. Not that he had interest but it was nice to have fans.

Cashe: "Do you want an autograph? Wait.. How did you get backstage?"

Miranda: "Pssh.. It's not like they have Top Flight security here. Will you sign my breasts?"

It took Cashe by surprise. He had been asked to do so in the past. At one point, females would ask him to bite them and leave teeth marks. That was before he got the permanent front teeth. It's been a while.

Cashe:"Ummm.. I don't have a pe-"

She presented one before he could finish his excuse not to do it. It's one thing to do it in public with witnesses but in the bathroom? Seemed like a setup.

Cashe: "Maybe later? I have a match to get ready for and I'm a little tense.."

Moving to the door to leave, he pulls it open and takes a step through the doorway.

Miranda: "How about a blowjob?"

To say he froze in place would be an understatement. Putting aside his severe fear of STDs, Cashe wasn't going to play with fire or his relationship with Josslynn. Turning to face the 'loving fan' he could see that her excitement had grown thinking he was going to accept her offer.

Cashe: "Yeaaaaah… No!"

Backing out of the doorway, Cashe pulls the door closed.

Cashe: "Stranger Danger ass female.."

On the other side you could hear the chick's excitement turn to rage as she growled into a scream.

Cashe: "Oohhh dang! I need an adult!"

Moving faster than casual, Cashe hurried down the hallway, away from the scene.

- vs -
Five Count Match!

A pinfall will need to go to a count of FIVE!

Vinnie: "Bama, we've got a debut match up next... and Sid Grey might be the oldest rookie we've ever seen on Anarchy!"

Bama: "Age ain't nothin' but a number, baby, and in this case Missus Grey got the number I love most on my women... fifty!"

Vinnie: "Whatever floats your boat, dude! Even if it's a nineteenth century schooner!"

“Suffocate” by Cold begins to play as the lights dim all through the arena. Fog rolls through the entranceway as a bright light shines from behind it. A shadowy figure is projected through the fog, the sexy figure grinding to the beat of the music. Sidney Grey emerges and surveys the crowd as they boo her loudly. She smirks as she flips off the crowd and moves in time to the beat, going into yet another seductive grind, which ends in a tremendous eruption of pyrotechnics as she runs her hands all along her body, tosses her hair back, and heads to the ring with a laugh. Sid walks slowly down to the ring as she arrogantly taunts the crowd, blowing kisses to some and threatening to slap others all the while with a condescending smile on her face. Sid slides underneath the bottom rope and goes to the far corner of the ring as she stands on the turnbuckle and continues to taunt the crowd, while smiling sadistically as she waits for the match to begin. Sid grabs the mic and starts badmouthing the crowd, the ref, and pretty much everyone she can think of, including the LFL and specifically the Cincinnati Hit-Girls!

Vinnie: "Welp, Sidney is NOT one to keep her opinions to herself!"

Bama: "DANG Vinnie! You heard what she just called you? That's a slur I ain't heard since the seventies when my daddy had them special midnight toga meetings!"

Ladies and Gentlemen by Saliva plays as Gina steps though the curtain, she smirks as she walks down the ramp. She stops halfway and raises her hands above her head before running the rest of the way to the ring. She leaps up onto the apron, then leaps over the top rope.

Vinnie: "Gina Van Zyl has been a real force on Anarchy since her debut, Bama! A little bit of a stumble against Adler last time out, but dude, the deck was stacked on that one!"

Bama: "Says the guy who stacked it! GVZ ain't a submission wrassler, Vinnie, you screwed the poor girl over! Now she's gotta pin someone for five??? What you got against Gina Van Zyl?"


Gina Van Zyl opens the match with a running big boot which takes Sidney Grey off guard and knocks her to the mat but not for long as Grey rolls onto her front and whilst raising to her feet grabs Zyl's legs and trips her onto her back and fights back with a single legdrop into Zyl's stomach before transitioning into a Boston Crab! Which Grey fights quickly to get out of and gets to the bottom rope kicking Grey away who stumbles over herself and moves towards the center of the ring; Zyl spins around and gets to her feet missing a forearm as Grey ducks and goes low for a sucker punch to Zyl's gut which winds her enough for swinging neckbreaker! Grey hooks the leg for the pin.




The two separate from one another and quickly entangle into a key lock, Grey using mat wrestling and experience to get a waistlock takedown and goes for another cover which doesn't even get a one as Zyl kicks back and gets Grey to her feet; a roundhouse from Zyl is ducked but was feigned by Gina as she transitions beautifully into an on the fly scissor kick which gets Grey to the ground; Zyl turns on a beat and leaps into a stranding moonsault which meets nothing but canvas as Grey rolls out of the way; Zyl clutches her chest as she gets to her knees meeting Sid's boot with a drive-by mafia kick! Grey doesn't let up dropping a knee down onto Zyl's throat and using her knee brace to choke out Gina Van Zyl who struggles in the chokehold, the ref interrupts as Sidney gives a sadistic smile patiently waiting as the referee almost gets to 5 and she releases the hold and immediately turns to the ref, indicating that the count was far too quick, theatrically counting on her fingers as she berates the ref.

Bama: Say, Vin, if the ref counted to 5 would Sidney would have won?

Vinnie: W-what? No, dude!? What? That wasn't a pin!

Bama: Zyl's shoulders were down, just saying.

As Grey continues arguing with the ref, she doesn't see Gina sneak up behind and go for the inside cradle with a handful of tights! The ref counts!




The crowd pop prematurely some of them forgetting as well as...

Bama: Gina with the sneaky vic-oh.

KICKOUT before 4!!!!

Vinnie: You good, man?

Bama: It's been a long night!

Vinnie: It's the second match!

The two roll apart, Zyl managing to step up first and nails Grey with a surprise enzuigiri! Grey stumbles out, holding her jaw! Zyl sprints to the ropes and springboards off looking for an elbow but Grey manages to counter, shifting Zyl's weight and drops her with a nasty brainbuster! Zyl bounces from the impact and lands clutching the back of her head! Grey picks up the pace, running and wrenching Zyl forward with a seated bulldog, whipping Zyl's head forward quickly before Grey continues her momentum and hits the ropes once more, clapping the inside of her arm and going low with a roar as she almost takes Gina Van Zyl's head off with a brutal clothesline! Grey goes for a tight cover, her feet pushing against the ropes!




And the ref points out the cheating at 4! And Grey gets quickly in the ref's face once more, this time keeping an eye on her opponent.

Vinnie: Sidney keeps this up she's gonna end up in a handicap match against Gina Van Zyl AND our very own Lawanda Sass!

Bama: I've seen Universal Champions cower before Sass, shows how ballsy Grey is.

After stern words and a threat of throwing the match out Grey backs down and turns back to Gina Van Zyl who is getting back up with aid of the ropes. Grey grabs a handful of Gina's hair but is caught off guard by a stiff elbow to the gut and Grey doubles over, Zyl follows up with an open-palm uppercut! Gina doesn't stop with the comeback, a spinning backfist from Zyl knocks her opponent back and Zyl gains momentum, sprinting to the corner and kicking off the turnbuckles and landing a gorgeous hurricanrana with multiple twists and spins before throwing Grey to the ground; Sidney with the experience however manages to stop the main brunt of damage and rolls out onto her feet into the open arms of Zyl who lets her meet the mat with a perfect belly-to-belly suplex!

Gina Van Zyl throws her body over trapping Grey's arms into a modified hammerlock and gets the cover!

The ref slides in for the count!






The crowd pop huge as Grey manages to get out and scrambles to the apron as she stumbles onto the outside towards the commentator's table! In the ring Zyl is dumbfounded and turns her rage towards the ref, screaming that it should have been a 5 count!

Vinnie: Man, Sass is getting a mouthful tonight.

Bama: Is Sidney Grey okay? She's clutching her shoulder pretty tight here.

Sidney Grey gives a pained expression holding a hand out to Vinnie Lane for some kind of comfort it looks like.

Vinnie: Oh damn, you injured Sid? Everything okay?

Sidney urges Vinnie to hold out his hand and he does and Sindey grabs it saying thank you while sobbing but after a moment her face goes back to normal as she quickly turns dropping to a knee and adjusting her hands.

Vinnie: Weird.

Bama: What was that about?

Vinnie: Not a clue, dude.

Zyl is pacing the ring, her face turning red as she adjust her neck and rubs the back of her head, urging Grey to get back in the ring. Sidney hides a smile as she feigns an injury with her arm, keeping her hand out of sight.

Vinnie: Wait a minute... That crazy chick stole my Hall of Legends ring!

Bama: Oh snap, baby! That thing's crazy expensive!

Vinnie: Solid gold and bejewelled with diamonds, big too! ... And could do some damage... Oh I see... Man, I better get it back.

Zyl charges as Grey gets back in the ring getting some good wild strikes it before Grey knocks her back with a calculated chop to the sternum and Zyl backs up before screaming in anger and charging again with a crazed lariat but Sidney Grey dodges and moves to Zyl's side before throwing a haymaker into Gina Van Zyl's head who drops in a heap motionless and Sidney Grey wastes no time covering!

The ref slides in for the count!






Winner via Pinfall - Sidney Grey!

Sidney pockets the ring in her tights before raising her arms in victory as her theme plays!

Bama: Impressive display from Sidney Grey, experienced fighter and one wicked mind!

Vinnie: ... I'm not getting my ring back am I?

- vs -



Winner by Medical Stoppage - Aphriya Adler

- vs -
Steel Cage Match!


Winner by Cage Escape - Cletus

Pacing backstage, Cashe is seen fully dressed in his ring attire. He was ready to go to work. Looking up, he notices the camera recording. Taking it old school, he readies himself to shoot on tonight's match and opponent.

"HGH! You like to talk about demons? I've got demons you wouldn't understand! You say I'm on a pedestal, show me where? I have taken losses MORE than you have in these last few months! You saw the match against Raab, cool! Nice of you to catch up with what is going on around you!"

Scratching the jawline of his face, he shows his growing irritation that only gets remedied when the bell rings on nights like this.

Cashe: "You asked me what was behind your eyes? Well shit motherfucker, I'm not a mind reader but I will say it must be fueled on boooshit if you think that here tonight we will see you standing with your hand raised over me! Tonight is MY night and unlike this past year, I am changing the landscape as I should have done my first year signed to this company and THIS roster!"

Slapping his chest with an open palm, he looks off to see Josslynn enter his view. Not letting her presence influence his process, he continues with eyes back at the camera.

Cashe: "You want to take an opportunity from me to advance the progression? Be my guest but in my presence you will not find a sweet smell of success but the sour foul of defeat. I am TIRED of these close outcomes with peon FUCKS like yourself, like with halfwit Raab!

I MIGHT be the one labeled 'Face' but I will NOT do or say nice things to ANYONE inside the ring with me in Twenty Twenty Three.. You're first up, new year, new season.. You are my Opening Day and you are not ready for my rotation or what I got lined up to leave everyone.. Expired by my Match Climax."

Josslynn: "Let's not spend all your energy in the ring.."

She steps in and wraps her arms around him as he places paws on her. Kissing her on the top of her head, Cashe gasps as he stares down the hallway.

Cashe: "Shit.. It's her!"

Ripping away from Cashe, Josslynn turns to see what he was seeing, who he was placing eyes on and as the camera turns to show the viewers, it was the girl from before. Miranda the Blowjob offering Fan.

Josslynn: "Who?"

He completely forgot to tell her about the bathroom incident. Now he would just look guilty but he swallowed that concern and tried to give her the highlighted version of the story.

Cashe: "So.. Remember when I went to the bathroom?"

Her eyebrows rose as she gave him a suspicious glare.

Cashe: "I was minding my business at the urinal just living my best life right? And.. Well.. She offered to suck my…"

Before the words could leave his mouth, Miranda was joining the conversation.

Miranda: "How's that tension working for you? I offered to.. Help relieve it.. Your loss!"

Putting what Cashe almost told her and what this bitch said, Josslynn got the gist of what went down. Biting his top lip, Cashe steps back as if he knew what was coming next. Josslynn attacked, yanking Miranda by the hair and snapping her head back before her right fist buried into her face in a rapid session.


Clapping to show he was entertained, Cashe turned spectator real quick. Fan in the stands was him as he watched Josslynn slam this fan to the ground. Kicking her to the mouth with the heel of her shoe until blood spits from Miranda's mouth and her head bounces off the floor.

Josslynn: "Suck on THIS Bitch!"

Suddenly the camera's recording becomes shaky and fumbles around. Miranda's face comes into center before the lens is smashed into her face! Again and again the camera is used as a weapon while it is recording. Each hit leaves new open gashes on her face as the blood adds a wetness to the lens.

Josslynn: "There! You got your facial.. Happy Ending hoe."

Cashe: "Daaaa-hahaha-aaamn!"

You can't see anything but the wall as the camera lays on its side but you can hear a slap in the background followed by a painful response from Cashe.

Cashe: "Owww! Why you gotta slap? That shit stings! I told her no!"

From there, you can only hear their foot falls as the cameraman starts to lift up the camera and the scene jumps to another location.

- vs -


Winner by Pinfall - Jason Cashe

- vs -
Go To Sleep Match!

The winner MUST make their opponent lose consciousness!

A figure is seen walking out from the back wearing a black hooded sweatshirt on. The hood was over his head so he couldn't be seen, and his head was looking down.

He stood in a stance. And as a white light appeared on his front, he unzipped his sweatshirt and showed the front of the t-shirt:

[Image: 4235893084%20Front.jpg]

As it continued he turned around and took off his hooded sweatshirt and revealed the back of the t-shirt which read:

[align=center[Image: 4235893084%20Back.jpg][/align]

He turned back around and stood in a pose as the white light bathed on him to reveal: MASTERMIND

He then smirks as he walks all the way to the ring, with the Misfits Manager Antony The Jerk, walking not far behind.  Followed by Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs and Kris 'The Hammer' Von Bonn.

Vinnie Lane: "Here comes Mastermind - what a 2022 this guy had, Bama! Anarchy Champion for a good chunk of it... he's here to see if he can repeat in '23!"

Bama: "The man got to the mountaintop, Vinnie, now he's been starin' back up at it ever since!"

[b]As soon as LSM's theme music hits the speakers the lights go dim as the crowd starts cheering for their favorita luchadora. As the bass bumps through the arena the crowd chants along to the slightly modified music. A spectacle of green and red pyrotechnics shoot up twenty five feet in the air from their base on the entrance platform. A complimentary arrangement of pyro shoots up through the four turnbuckles of the ring.


A green, a red, and a white spotlight shine down from the rafters, randomly perusing through the rambunctious crowd as they await their X-treme Champion. After a few seconds all three of the spotlights are directed towards the entrance tunnel.

Who's this?

Latina Submission Machina pops out onto the illuminated entrance ramp alongside an additional burst of multicolor fireworks. The crowd pops hard for the champion as she holds the belt up high over her head.


Announcer: Weighing 145 pounds and standing at 5 foot seven inches tall, fighting out of Ciudad Juárez, she is your reigning XWF X-treme Champion....she is LATINA SUBMISSION MACHINA!

The luchadora bounces around just outside the tunnel before holding the X-treme championship belt up at eye level and staring into it's center plate with a satisfied smirk. LSM flips her hair to the side before she tosses the belt atop her shoulder. With a big belt on one shoulder and a big chip on the other, LSM starts walking down the ramp amidst thunderous applause. The multicolored spotlights follow LSM every step of the way. The champion briefly pauses to give out a few high fives and to take a few courtesy photos with the front-row fans.

When she finally hits the squared circle Latina Submission Machina slides beneath the bottom rope and into the ring. LSM hands her championship belt over to the referee for safekeeping before she starts pumping up the crowd to cheer louder. Moments later Latina Submission Machina quickly breaks away and starts running the ropes of the ring, testing out the squared circle and getting a feel for it's qualities. Once she's content with it's fitness, the luchadora grabs a hold of the ropes and comes to a controlled halt. She turns to the referee and tells them she's ready to go. The luchadora heads to the corner as instructed and begins reveling in the applause of her fans as she blows many kisses out to the crowd. [/b][/b]

Vinnie Lane: "Here's another former holder of the Anarchy Gold, Bama! Back after a bit of a hiatus, LSM is eying 2023 as a return to form! Remember, she took the gold last March... she wants it even faster this year!"

Bama: "And what better way to earn that shot than to take out a more recent title holder!"

Vinnie Lane: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have a special announcement to be made. Flown all the way from The United Kingdom, to perform their classic rendition of the song Lullaby!! The Cure!!!"

[Image: vW1A8d.gif]

We see a spotlight shown upon the band that has been seated next to the announce table, that for some reason has been overlooked by everyone in attendance as well as the camera crew. The band starts to play the song as the singer Robert Smith begins to sing. This causes Mastermind to get distracted, giving Latina Submission Machina the opportunity to jump on his back and lock him in a sleeper hold.

Bama: "I have a feeling that Mastermind has never seen so many men wearing more makeup than Latina Submission Machina!"

Vinnie Lane: "Ever considered that he could be a lifelong fan of them???"

Mastermind recovers as he uses his massive strength to gain an advantage over LSM, pulling her by the arms and yanks her off of his back. He then grabs her by the waist and sets her up for a German Suplex as LSM manages to land on her feet while Mastermind gets up to his feet and starts to dance to the groove from the cure classic.

Vinnie Lane: "I think it was Shakira that said that hips don’t lie?"

Bama: "My eyes!!! I cannot take anymore!"

Mastermind slowly turns around, believing that he has the match under control. Only to walk into a dropkick from LSM onto his left shin. This causes him to drop down hard on the canvas when LSM locks a Crossface Chickenwing submission hold, the official is checking in on Mastermind as he slowly starts to fade from the hold, the pain in his leg and perhaps the music from the Cure as Robert Smith tells the band to restart the classic song as we see Mastermind manages to break the hold as he manages to power out of the hold. Whipping LSM into the ropes after getting back to his feet, clotheslining her down before setting her up for a Powerbomb in the middle of the ring and then goes for another one

Vinnie Lane: "Mastermind wants to make sure that LSM is incapable of performing any wrestling moves after suffering multiple Powerbombs!"

Mastermind picks LSM up one more time, extending his arms in the air before lifting LSM up in the air for a third time. Only to have LSM catch him off guard by locking him in a Dragon Sleeper hold after she frees herself out of his grip!

LSM pulls Mastermind to the mat and then she wraps her legs around his waist and cinches the sleeper hold in deeper! That causes Mastermind to slowly fade.

The official checks in on MM as she senses that his eyes are closed and when he comes into contact with the canvas is completely out of it before calling for the bell.


Winner by Removal of Consciousness - Latina Submission Machina

Vinnie Lane: "Latina Submission Machina just put Mastermind to sleep! She's got some momentum behind her now!"

Bama: "Heck yes she does, Vinnie! What a win!"

- vs -

It shows Tommy in the shadows in a corridor somewhere on the X-Tron in a hoodie, then it fades back into the arena where the lights flicker and the camera see's him coming down to the ring in his jacket hoodie, with him waving a Kendo Stick around him. Then he nods his head to the beat, and he gives some fans some dap as he walks down to the ramp, then he slides into the ring, and gets on the turnbuckle and poses to the crowd with the stick in the air. Then he comes down from there, and stands on the corner leaning on the corner as his theme fades off.

The crowd is watching in awe as crewmen pull a long, wide, pool of water out from a side utility door that had been cordoned off for the event. It takes several big trucks to pull the massive amount of water out, but they slowly get to the ringside area as the Anarchy Champion’s music plays!

Then, after the pool is in position, the Semi-Sidekick PEBBLES emerges waterskiing on a pair of porpoises! She holds onto a handle attached to the sea mammals with one hand and drags a long yellow and green banner behind her that says RUBY!

After Pebbles and her porpoises make a u-turn and disappear back behind the curtain, RUBY RIDES AN ORCA OUT TO THE RING!!!

Swinging the Anarchy Title over her head, Rubes rides side saddle like Lady Godiva, then leaps into the ring with a FLIP that sends the crowd into a frenzy of applause.


From the start, Ruby does her best to let Tommy Wish wear himself out. Thought they have met several times, Ruby knows better than to underestimate any opponent and so she does not take anything for granted.

Wish has to throw caution to the wind just to make contact with Rubes, and he does it successfully with a tackle! He brings her down and stays on top of her, trying his best to batter and bruise the 4-Timer with strikes, before Ruby is able to scramble to her feet and counter a big clothesline into a float over DDT!

Ruby confounds Wish for several minutes after, using some creative leverage moves to keep the heavier and stronger Wish off of his vertical base. Ruby sends Tommy flying out of the ring with a big shotgun dropkick, and then follows it up with a TOPE CON HERO!

Outside the ring, Wish manages to turn things around for himself when John Black distracts the champ and gets in her face - he sprays her with a can of spray paint!

The ref didn’t see it, somehow, and Ruby is on the floor clawing at her eyes… HERE COMES CENTURION!!!

Vinnie Lane: "We haven’t seen Cent in a while, but  you know he’s always around to support his lady!"

Bama: "He’s about to support her by whipping John Black’s ass, Vinnie!!"

Cent knocks Black out over the guard rail and into the crowd, then attends to Ruby. He helps clean her up and Rubes insists she’s okay to continue.

Ruby rolls back into the ring and Tommy hits her with a HIDEYAFACE!!! Ruby didn’t see it coming!




Vinnie Lane: "Close call there for the Blur! I thought Tommy was gonna win it right there!"

Bama: "He should have! How the heck did Ruby kick out after the HYF with a face full of spraypaint???"

Tommy tries t get his fearsome Fetish Lock onto Ruby, but the champ wriggles free and staggers Wish with a backflip kick!

Ruby hits a RUBY CUTTER!!!

Wish is down but Ruby heads to the top rope, she wants to make sure it’s definitely over so she can clean the filth from her eyes. She leaps off for the RUBY IN THE ROUGH!!!


Wish rolls Ruby up from behind, and he yanks her tights so hard the screen pixelates - he must have revealed an entire cheek!







Vinnie Lane: "Dude WHAT?!"

Bama: "I don’t know Vinnie! These new officials you hired must be half blind, I could have done a damn limbo under Ruby’ shoulder, but they called it over with!"

Winner and NEW Anarchy Champion - Tommy Wish

As the official hands the belt over to Tommy and he starts to celebrate with JB, Centurion and Ruby argue their case.

Cent points up at the AnarchoTron where the replay is showing how Ruby obviously kicked out at the count of two, but the ref isn’t having it.

Vinnie Lane: "I gotta do something, dude…"

Vinnie Lane takes off his headset and enters the ring to some cheers, but he waves them off and asks for a mic from the ringside crew. Centurion is already having a panic attack in his face.

Vinnie Lane: "Dude, dude, dude… chill dude!"

Vinnie pats Cent on the shoulder and Ruby pulls him back by the arm.

Vinnie Lane: "Dude, I KNOW! But Cent…. Rubes… you both know the rules. And I know rules are important to you, Ruby. The official’s decision is supposed to be final! I’m not supposed to interfere… Tommy is leaving Toronto as the Anarchy Champion!"

The crowd boos loudly as Ruby looks down at her feet, though she nods. She knows the rulebook front to back and knows Vinnie is correct.

Vinnie Lane: "But what I CAN do is make sure this doesn’t happen at Snow Job… because Tommy, you are giving Ruby a chance to regain that gold at the big show on January 29th! And instead of a typical XWF official… the referees are going to be YOU Centurion…"

Huge cheers!

Vinnie Lane: "And you, John Black!"

Boos. Deafening boos.

Vinnie Lane: "We’ve gotta keep it fair, guys! Centurion isn’t unbiased! Neither is JB… but here’s the catch. If EITHER temp referee interferes in ANY WAY, their preferred opponent will lose! JB, that means if you do anything to Ruby, Tommy loses the title  immediately. Cent, you lay a hand on Tommy Wish and Ruby throws away her shot, just like…"


Vinnie Lane: "Dude that’s so cool that it worked. Anyway! That’s it! Tommy, congrats on the gold. Ruby, make the most of it at Snow Job! I’ll see you both there!"

Vinnie drops his mic (he tried to do a sweet little flip toss to his other hand but missed) and leaves the ring as Tommy, JB, Cent, and Ruby just watch and stare each other down.

Bama: "What a turn of events! Tommy Wish is Anarchy Champion? Centurion and JB are gonna be referees? What a wild way to end the show! Let’s get on out of here now! GIT!"

Anarchy fades from the air as Tommy Wish holds his golden belt high.


Jason Cashe
Sidney Grey
Atticus Gold

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