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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend (June 29th) PPV RP Archive
Heroes and villains.
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

06-29-2013, 09:36 AM

There’s a hero in every single one of us. No matter how deep down it is. The darkest people have a glint of hope inside them. There are many ways of looking upon life… Every shining hero has darkness inside them, just like KnightMask. Or every darkest villain has hope inside of them, just like Steve Davids.

A couple of months ago, KnightMask held the United States championship and for a brief moment, the darkness inside of him was brought out. The feel of that sleek championship against his skin was something that even he couldn’t resist. Temptation is a terrible thing. Yet beneath the mask lies a man who fights for justice and fights for what is right. A hero.

Whilst Steve Davids is nothing other than a man who enjoys torturing other souls. A man who believes in death. When a man worships death you can question his heart. You can question his being. Yet beneath all of that hatred was a man crying to come out of the evil shell. A long battle with his Father that needed to come to a tragic end. Blaine in hospital again was something that will suffocate him. The monster has been slain. A new hero is beginning to form. In a man that you would least expect.

All Men Must Fall…..

End of Prologue

Sitting in the locker room, just hours to go until that bell rings. My head is between my knees and I stare at the floor. Emptiness surrounding me. I needed time to be alone. Thoughts were flowing through my mind. Was there really something other than evil inside me? I am not so sure. I wanted to please people now. The eternal battle with my Father was over and I need to move on from all of that torture. There is no need to get revenge on the world anymore. No need to force people into unnecessary suffering. Perhaps my motives have been wrong this whole time. Perhaps there was no need for me to do the things that I have done. All the hurting. Injuring Angelus all those weeks ago. Did I need to do that? Burning hatred had filled me though. What was I expected to do? It came natural to me. I want to hurt people in that ring though but for the right reasons. There is more to life then enforcing torture upon others…

The X-Treme Championship must be my next focus. To have gold over my shoulder at last is something that has been a need for a very long time. Maybe it won’t come tonight, maybe it won’t come for a long time. But I think I have found a new eternal battle to win. The battle against restrictions of glory. It is only a matter of time before Gold is held in my arms once more. I have only held one championship in the three months I have been here and for me that’s simply not good enough. Sweat trickles down my hairy chest as I turn and punch the locker behind me in anger. Unsure of my emotions and unsure of my feelings. I know I was to address the crowds before Wild Card Weekend got underway, but I needed time to think about what I was going to say… What I was going to do. It’s not as easy as it seems. Pretending to be a monster who wants to torture people is one way to go. Or I could come clean of the events that happened. Or how I have changed thanks to KnightMask. Time to do what needs to be done…

Isolation. Mark and Lacey were still looking after Blaine, again. I hadn’t seen KnightMask since the police and paramedics showed up to arrest my Father and Brothers, and save my Father… Respectively. Time to go…

My music bellows out of the booming speakers and the crowd begins to jeer at first. I stroll out of the curtains under the X-Tron. A sad smile on my lips, I stroll down the ramp, staring straight into the ring. Boos echo around the arena, and the tangy scent of sweat fills my nostrils the taste of salt into my mouth. I roll into the ring and hold my arms in the air, as the ring assistant hands me a microphone. I lift the mic up to my lips, waiting for the jeers to stop, and begin to proclaim to the crowd.

Steve Davids
“You people deserve an apology for all of my horrendous actions in the past weeks. From burning the bible, to burning the U.S flag. These actions were actions of hatred, stupidity and a lack of respect and I would like to completely undermine all of the things that I have done in recent weeks. I am sorry for my actions. I am a changed man.

Thanks to the enlightenment of certain events I am a changed man. I have been locked up in that disgusting asylum for the last few weeks. It made me notice that there’s more to life than destruction. I am sorry for everything…

This does not change who I am though. I am still a man who will hurt every single one of that locker room to reach the top. I understand it may take some of you a while to walk along the Psycho Path but I needed to do this…

Tonight I will win the X-Treme championship for all of you. My arms will be raised at the end of the night. Respect will be shown to my competitors and I will finally bathe in glory. KnightMask is the man to thank for me finding my inner self. He saved me from the pits of destruction. The deadly sins and the wrath of my evil Father. What’s done is done though… It is time to move on and this is the way to go…

Thank you for your time.”

I drop my mic and bow my head rolling out of the ring. I tap the hands of some of the fans whilst on my way to the back. As I reach the top of the ramp KnightMask strolls out from the curtains and offer me a handshake which I gratefully accept. He raises my arm in the air as the shot fades. The fans are bemused and puzzled. Some of them beginning to cheer, some of them in complete shock.

The bells of change are ringing relentlessly and forever more.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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