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Dean Rose is John Cenas favourite wrestler??????
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Dean Rose Offline
glasgows own

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-12-2021, 04:09 PM

A reporter in a clean suit is seen sitting at a white table shuffling papers.
He suddenly puts his fingers to his earpeice and in shock looks at the camera
"This just in folks, the hottest new star on the XWF roster has received a huge endorsement from the 16 time world champion, John Cena.

[Image: oiE0YvX.png]

"No, your eyes do not deceive you, John Cena currently follows Dean rose on twitter.
A few skeptics have made many unbelievable claims, an example is What Culture Wrestling who say that John Cena follows everyone back on twitter.
Though this could be the truth, more people are inclined to believe that this is a photoshopped image.
I think that the only way to see for yourself is following Dean Rose on twitter here - "

"So thats all for tonight folks, now on to the weather."

Once the reporter is finished, Dean Roses voice is heard saying...
"Alright good work bro, lets wrap this up."

Win record: Fuck you

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