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Hawaiian Hardhead Returning?
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Hawaiian Hardhead Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

01-23-2021, 11:21 AM

[Image: f34ikkt.png]

(found on page 3, paragraph 3, newspaper dated January 23, 2021)

"Former XWF wrestler Jack Hunter--better known to us Tampa citizens as wrestling icon Hawaiian Hardhead--was recently seen leaving the XWF Headquarters. This has led to many speculating that perhaps the former Hart Champion and brief XWF Owner is making his way back home?

For those unaware, from 2006 to 2011, Hawaiian Hardhead was an on-again, off-again member of the XWF roster. His biggest claim to fame is participating in "sing-alongs" on the old XWF snapvine channel and campaigning to be the owner in lieu of Hall of Legend member Jonathyn Brown. This came to fruition with Hawaiian Hardhead being given the majority of shares of the XWF and being named its owner for a brief period of time. After that, he won the Hart Title for a second time and attempted to find his way through the Reboot era. After leaving the XWF and having a few brief runs in WGWF, Hardhead fell off the face of the earth.

We've seen him around Tampa for the past 6 or 7 years and he's always seems chipper and upbeat. Until recently anyway. We've covered the Hunter family legacy for more than 20 years now and we've extensively covered the fallout between Hardhead and his son, David. While us at the Tampa Bay Times have never fully understood what has gone down in their personal lives, it is inarguable that that fallout changed Hardhead. He separated from his wife, Lydia Hunter née Deetz, and his daughter, Stephanie. He's moved out of his Tampa home and presently lives alone in an apartment complex near the bay.

What has gone down with Hawaiian Hardhead? What went down with his son and his family? Has the passing of his brother caused that much grief for him? We do not know for sure, but we do know that he has come into some financial issues recently. Could this be the result of past unpaid taxes? Perhaps gambling debts? Maybe this is all part of a private divorce? We do not know here at the Tampa Bay TImes. But we do know for certain that the Hunter legacy continues to be a strange yet interesting one for all of us Tampa citizens."
[-] The following 2 users Like Hawaiian Hardhead's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (01-29-2021), Theo Pryce (01-23-2021)

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