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The Investigation Continues
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Oliver Danielson Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(boring as fuck; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

01-02-2021, 11:00 AM

In the famine asylum
Disordered and delusional


Oliver just got off a phone call with his colleague Jim Trapper. He was an old buddy in the CIA who was was really piped into the ever evolving world of intelligence. Kind of a nerd. Photographic memory. Probably would get promoted faster if he had better social skills. But Oliver knew he had the weakness of being a genuinely good guy. Loyal. But useful. Oliver would bring him along in his rise to power.

He sat in his car on a private airfield just outside of New York City. He was waiting for his private plane to Italy. Even though this was a “red flag priority mission”, he’d been sent on this mission alone. Nothing about this made sense.

There was nothing to go one. Baphomet had seemingly not existed until two months ago. He came in from the wind. He was a ghost. It was baffling. There should be satellite footage of his face, there is for every living human being. Maybe he’d had some sort of plastic surgery, or he had lived off the grid his entire life. With nothing to go on, Oliver had resorted to the next level of a basic detective search. He knew Baphomet had joined XWF, so he would investigate XWF. But like many corporations, it’s difficult to gather information on the truth of it. Who actually owned it? Trapper had been able to find out. But what he said worried Oliver, and also explained a lot. He said the XWF was bankrolled by a billionaire who owned a security firm and had black ops experience. It had 3 owners but one had the billions.

Oliver had been watching the last few XWF events. Some disturbing things were happening with Baphomet and his group, called the Left Hand. But even besides them, there was something else. A guy named Peter Gilmour got stabbed to death right on national TV. Maybe it was fake, done for publicity, but it sure looked real. Oliver knew what a man getting stabbed looked like and that was it. The blood sprayed just like it should. But it seemed no one would be arrested for murder, not the wrestler that did it, not the general manager of the show, not the ref for aiding and abetting, not the owners of the XWF.

Why would a murderer like Baphomet join the XWF? Oliver was right all along when he guessed that he was hiding in plain site. But so were a bunch of other wrestlers there. He thought it had some connection to Starr, who had owned some other wrestling company. Starr had connections to mercenaries too. Looking into the XWF more, one of their general managers had ties to MI5. He couldn’t find much information on the rest of their staff but if he had to guess, they were all ex intelligence. If that was the case, why didn’t anyone at the CIA warn him? Trapper hadn’t. Gina hadn’t. They were sending him into a lions den.

The word ‘patsy’ crept into his brain. Maybe he was just being paranoid, but being paranoid was a life skill in this business. This kind of thing had happened before.

Oliver felt a familiar rumble in his pocket letting him know someone sent him a text. He was in no hurry to see which one. Which one had sent him a text? His wife Geena? She was mad that he had left home in Nebraska shortly after Christmas, bored of her small talk and more interested in this Baphomet case. Or was it Gina, his boss, who wanted constant updates just to make sure he wasn’t dead like the other agents they sent after Baphomet. No sense in talking to her. There was nothing new to report. Well, he could tell her what he found out from Trapper. But Oliver didn’t know if he could trust her.

He thought about the XWF. The other wrestlers there didn’t seem to take Baphomet seriously. Mocking his group, calling them goth. It was kind of odd, the whole occult thing. The “Left Hand”. If it was a joke, Oliver wasn’t laughing. He recognized the hand symbolism. A hand pointing upwards was the freemason symbol of faith in god. A hand pointing downwards symbolized the earth and science.

Almost every secret society on earth had it’s own secret handshake. Oliver was in a number of secret societies himself. Making these connections is how you get farther in life. Warren Buffet had introduced him to one in his younger years. Learning about this stuff at a young age had helped him later in life.

People that were born left handed were long thought to be sinister, to be possessed by the devil. They would be “left” behind when the rapture comes. Ben Franklin, a member of the “Hellfire Club”, used “The Left Hand” as a pen name.

There were two opposing approaches to magic, the left hand path and the right hand path. The right hand path was benevolent white magic and the left hand path of course was the malicious side. Now magic, as it is commonly thought, was not real. But what they teach you in these secret societies is that it symbolizes the ability to make a man do what you want him to do from a distance. Spooky action at a distance. Which is very real.

The invention of language was magic, or what is more correctly spelled “magick”. How you spelled a word changed what magical effect it would have. When the written word was invented it allowed ideas to spread farther and further. When a word is spelled correctly it is a magic “spell”. A book was called a grimoire, also translated as “grammar”. The Bible is the most successful grimoire of all time, and Jesus the most successful magician. The “word” of god was considered all powerful. But that was mostly white magick. The black magick is not necessarily “evil” though, good and evil is subjective. It was known since Operation Mockingbird was exposed that the CIA had been using these techniques in order to mold the opinions of Americans. Noam Chomsky wrote about it in Manufactured Consent. Adam Curtis’s documentary The Century of the Self explained how Edward Bernays used the ideas of his uncle Sigmund Freud in order to revolutionize the use of propaganda. Letting Americans know that this was being done to them gave the ruling elites permission to keep doing it. Oliver was just a foot soldier in this operation, but he knew it was ultimately white magick and done for their own good.

It was interesting that Baphomet seemed to use these techniques with his video packages. He, or whomever he had working for him, must have a studio with filming equipment. The CIA had done experiments on molding minds. Invisibility, remote viewing, phasing thru solid material. Some of these experiments had seemingly confirmed these things but Oliver knew that it was just an example of people being unknowingly dosed with LSD and really thinking they saw things. The sixth man to walk on the Moon, Edgar Mitchell, had founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences. It was clear that people’s thoughts, beliefs and intentions affected the physical world. It was the observer effect on a macro scale.

Oliver decided to watch Baphomet’s recent video again on his laptop, maybe he missed some clues. It started innocent enough, the song “Holy Night” played over peaceful Christmas time scenes. A Christmas tree with beautiful lights and ornaments. But slowly more sinister subliminal messages showed up. These were classic propaganda techniques. Just like with jedi mind tricks, they only worked on weak minds. What was most interesting was that it was titled “The Pale Horse arrives in 2021”. Who or what was the pale horse? In the book of Revelation, one of the four horsemen was Death and he rode a pale horse. Being pale symbolized being sick, which was what caused the most death. This was juxtaposed with the arrival of Jesus, who had the ability to heal the sick, and bring the dead back to life.

The other members of the XWF did not seem to be taking this seriously. Did that mean the propaganda was failing? Baphomet’s weird satanic gimmick might just be used to get them to lower their guard. The guy named Alias seemed to really hate him. Oliver would have to do research on his real name later. He looked familiar. A guy named Antony the Jerk seemed to be putting together video promotional packages intended only to antagonize Baphomet. They considered Baphomet to just be a wrestling gimmick. A lot of jokes about goths and hot topic were going around. Someone named Corey Smith simply asked where his creepy video was. The champion of XWF, Thad Duke, had taken umbrage to his brother being threatened by Baphomet. After looking at the crime scene photos of Tony Gold, Corwin Havens, Jared Sengir, Mary Jane Francis Fury, and Jonathon Keeper, Oliver knew it was no joke. They had been messily made to look like suicides and the media went along with it. Whatever happened to those other agents, it likely wasn’t pretty. By the way Gina was acting, Oliver guessed that she was worried that soon enough Baphomet and his little army would do the same thing to members of the XWF. It would get out of hand and out in the open and be impossible to cover up and prevent panic. They didn’t want to arrest Baphomet, because of whatever connections he had in the govt, but they also wanted him to stop raising suspicions. Maybe Oliver could somehow surreptitiously warn these guys, or maybe get them to become informants. He’d head to Italy, sit in the stands and observe this Wednesday Warfare, and slip backstage after the show. Hopefully he could meet Tommy Romeo there. His protege Shawn Wilde was scheduled to compete there. He’d try to meet with Tommy before the show, if possible, to see what he knows. He’d also try to meet with the owners of XWF, introduce himself and request a match. If he didn’t, people would start to get suspicious.

Oliver knew certain politicians pretend to be stupid and down homey in order to gain the support of middle America. Even Obama would purposely say “um” a lot when in reality he was a great orator. Was that the purpose behind Baphomet’s silly satanic, occult story? Baphomet already had gained several followers in his Left Hand group. Lycana, Marf, Ash Quinn, Geri Vayden. Each week it seemed a new one would join. People that were seeking a purpose in life. Classic cult leader moves. Was he hoping to take over the entire XWF? To what end?

Oliver planned to search thru tinder when he got to Italy. His wife Geena was probably already cheating on him because of the way he ignored her on Christmas. Remembering her, he took out his cell phone to check his messages. He saw Gina had sent him a number of texts. She had texted him:

Gina: Oliver any updates?

Gina: Oliver please respond.

Gina: Oliver what did I tell you I need to hear from you.

He wondered if she really cared or just had nothing better to do. There was a lot going on in the world these days that you would think would take up more of the CIA director’s time. Besides investigating who Baphomet was, Oliver had decided to investigate why his boss cared so much. It felt like the tip of an iceberg. The XWF was a wrestling organization, one of many. Why this one?

One thing that had set off a lightbulb in Oliver’s head was the research he had done after trying to visit Tommy Romeo. He had just been to his office in New Jersey but Tommy wasn’t there. His secretary seemed like she knew something but didn’t want to answer any questions. What was interesting was, after leaving Romeo’s office, Oliver had done a little research on RMI, Romeo’s wrestling management company. The secretary was named Erin Wallace, and doing research on her had revealed some interesting tidbits. She was an independent journalist and had written a series of expose takedowns of Danny Starr. He had apparently used his vast media apparatus to blacklist her from jobs but she had refused to back down. She had gotten into contact with Romeo, an ex wrestler, who then organized his ex wrestling friends to goad Starr into holding a wrestling event which got him out of hiding after he had been posing as someone else. The whole thing was a very elegant plan and Oliver had to give them credit. They did what the CIA and other intelligence agencies had failed to do for decades, gotten perhaps the world’s number one criminal mind to slip up and make a mistake.

Later he had stopped at a compound Romeo had rented out where a guy named Evan Blane was working out. He didn’t seem to know anything. Or maybe he just didn’t want to tell a stranger what he knew. He had seemed suspicious that someone was asking around. Oliver knew that Blane, like Tommy Romeo, had been involved in the operation to expose Starr. Blane was one of Romeo’s old friends. And then he too had apparently signed on as a new wrestler in the XWF, just like Baphomet. He definitely knew more than he was letting on, and was another possible lead.

Starr’s associates were being killed but as far as Oliver could tell Starr was still in federal prison awaiting sentencing. Talking to him might be interesting. He’d have to follow up this lead later, after he found out what Romeo knew. It could not be a coincidence that Starr got arrested after a wrestling event, and then a few months later his henchmen are being taken out by a guy who then joins a wrestling company.

Everywhere Oliver looked, more questions arose. But one thing he had to be careful about admitting to Romeo was he didn’t want to engage Baphomet. Not yet. He was not looking to arrest him. The CIA had enough evidence to charge him with multiple murders but what good would that do? He was likely just a hit man who worked for a bigger fish. There was always a bigger fish, and that is what intrigued Oliver with this case. Before he made a move he wanted to know who that was. Whomever it was was someone that was somehow connected to Starr, the High Society, and someone with real power. Oliver had to find out who it was. And maybe even ingratiate himself to him or her. He pondered what he would do if faced with Baphomet confronting him. Maybe the best way to infiltrate and go under cover was to join the Left Hand . . . ?

Suddenly Oliver’s private jet landed on the tarmac. It was time to head to Italy.

-Oliver Danielson
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