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Saturday Night Savage 11/14
Author Message
Karen Hunt Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

11-14-2020, 03:59 PM

[Image: V3i33MC.png]



- vs -
Brian Storm
- vs -
The Freak
Triple Threat Match

Micheal Graves
- vs -
- vs -
Ash Quinn
- vs -
Jim Jimson
4 Corners Elimination Match
Only two wrestlers will be allowed in the ring at a time, with anyone allowed to tag in.

Atara Themis
- vs -
Johnny Legend
Singles Match
Winner will receive a future TV or Hart Title shot

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[Image: xwftv.png]

Thunder Knuckles©
- vs -
Charlie Nickles
Thunder Knuckles may choose the stipulation for this match in his 1st RP

OOC: All matches are 2 RPs with 3k Word Limit. You must post 1 cold open RP before the soft deadline (Friday 6th 11.59pm board time) if you wish to post 2.

Atticus White is shown in his office, pacing back and forth in front of his desk with his phone to his ear. After a bit of waiting, he finally speaks, obviously leaving a voicemail.

ATTICUS: "Just me, again, wondering where the hell you are, 'cause it's certainly not at your job!!! You know, when you became co-General Manager, I knew you'd do a terrible job, but I never imagined you'd be THIS bad at it!!!! Tardiness, no call no shows, showing up to work high, getting high AT work, refusing to do the bare minimum required by a General Manager...................... you're on thin ice, D!!!!!! When you get this message, don't bother calling me back, just SHOW UP!!!!!"

Atticus hangs up aggressively and shakes his head.

ATTICUS: "Jackass."

We're taken to the arena where an array of fireworks shoot from the stage as the fans go crazy. Once the display is over, the camera cuts to Pip and Heather at ringside.

PC: "Welcome to Saturday Night Savage, the last Savage before High Stakes. I'm Pip Collins, alongside me as always, Heather Halliwell."

HHL: "And what a show we've got lined up tonight! Not only will there be a match to determine who gets a future shot at the Television OR Hart Championship, we've also got the TV Title on the line in our Main Event!"

PC: "In addition to that, we've got some Four Corners Elimination action, as well as a Triple Threat match to kick off the show!"

We see Infamous already in the ring flexing his muscles, wooing all the Chi-town hunnies in the front row, as all the fellas simply boo at him with the quickness.

Brian Storm comes in riding a clydesdale with a corncob pipe in his mouth, twirling a lasso high above his head. He rides the horse down the ramp and around the ring, back to the end of the ramp, jumps off, smacks the horse in the ass and the horse runs up the ramp, returning to its place backstage. Then Brian tosses his lasso in a corner and rolls into the ring under the bottom rope, gets up and waits for the fight to start.

The X-Tron shows images of Freak on the screen, then once the song starts playing the whole arena is in green lighting, with green smoke filling the stage. Then we see Freak coming out, and he poses with his green and black Kendo Stick in the air, then he walks down to the ring and slides into it. Then he gets on his feet, and waves the stick and slams it on the floor and pyro blast on all four ring posts. Then Freak walks around the ring as his theme cuts off.

- vs -
Brian Storm
- vs -
The Freak
Triple Threat Match


After the bell had rung, we see that all three men are looking at one another, then Storm and Freak turn their attention on Infamous. Then Freak locks his arms behind him, as Storm takes a shot at his gut. Then Freak and Storm switches, and Freak laid in some punches onto Infamous. Storm then lets go of the hold, and Freak Whips him off the ropes, and Storm and Freak connect with a double Haymaker to his gut, as Infamous kneel in pain. Then the both stomp on him for good measure.

Storm then picks up Infamous, and he hits a Hook Punch onto him a few times. Then he tries to position him for a Suplex, but Infamous quickly hooked his leg onto his, and he reverses it into his own Belly To Belly Suplex. Freak then jumps on Infamous with series of kicks onto his back, and it lead to Freak grabbing his back to hit him with an old school Atomic Drop onto his tailbone. We see Infamous sticking his butt out like how Rick Rude did, and he stumbles around, and Freak beams himself off the ropes and hits a Flying Uppercut on him.

Freak then goes for the cover, but Storm immediately breaks it up.

HHL: "Freak almost had him, but Storm saved this rookie."

PC: "Honestly, i much rather see Storm ontop of Infamous than Freak."

Freak and Strom start thrown bows at one another, and it lead to Freak getting into corner by him, and Storm takes a few shots to his gut, and finished it off with a Hook punch to his face. Then he beams Freak into the other corner, but Infamous managed to roll over and catches Freak with a cutter out of nowhere. As Freak rolled out of the ring, we see Infamous leap frogging over Storm who tried to chase him, and he does a Pele Kick onto Storm.

Infamous then flex’s his muscles out to crowd, which turned into boo’s and Infamous gives them the finger. Infamous walks up to Storm, but he ended up sweeping his legs and mounds onto him, and gives him series of punches to his face. We see Infamous trying to cover his face, but Storm kept hitting him, then Freak is on the apron and jumps to hit Storm with a Springboard Larait. Then we see Freak lifting up Storm, and he locks in a Sleeper onto him.

Infamous gets on his feet, and he locks Freak with a Sleeper of his own. Freak then manages to slip underneath Infamous’s hold, and managed to grab both men and hit a double German Suplex on the mat at the same time.

HHL: "Man, these three men are putting on a clinic here in the windy city!"

PC: "Yeah yeah, they are... but, how come Ye isn't the president yet. That's all I want to know."

HHL: "..."

Freak then goes to the corner, and he stomps on the mat. Doing some karate type poses, and he see’s that both men are slowly getting to their feet, and Freak charges at both of them. He manages to hit a various amounts of karate like punches, and kicks until Infamous catches his leg, and he gives him a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. As Freak is holding his leg in pain, Infamous looks at Storm, and nod towards one another.

Then both men give Elbow drops on Freak simultaneously, then Storm lifts freak up, and he lock Freak in a Front Facelock, and Infamous kicks Freak in the gut. Storm then hits a DDT onto the Freak, and he covers him, but Infamous pulls his hair to break the pin. Then Storm and Infamous get into it, as we see Freak on the hard cam putting something into his mouth.

Then we cut back to both men shoving one another, until Infamous is on the ropes, and Storm gives him a Hook Punch to his gut a few times, then he whips him off the ropes, and gives him a Big Boot, which Infamous held his jaw in pain, then Storm goes for a another Belly To Belly Suplex which he connects with, and pins him in the process..




PC: "Ooo, Infamous barely got out of there... he's lucky that the ref doesn't know what three is!"

Storm then gets up and punches him on the ground, and strangles him until the had to break it up by the count of three. Then he and the ref goes at it, as Infamous is holding his throat gasping for air. Storm then attempts to pick Infamous up, but Infamous gives him a Sitout Jawbreaker. Then Infamous comes after him with a punches that lead him into hitting a spinning back fist on Storm, who was dazed from it. Infamous then tries to go for a Piledriver, but Storm reverses it into a Back Body Drop.

Storm then rubs his thicc belly of his, and runs to the ropes and hits a Ground Body Splash on Infamous, then Storm goes for another Ground Body Splash!

HHL: "Man, Infamous is getting flatten more and more with the Splash from Storm!"

PC: "Hey, what you expect from that kinda guy, he's a bulldozer."

As Storm was taunting to the audiences, he turned around and gets a face full of Freak’s Mystic Herb, Storm then starts to swing out in the air due to him getting blinded by the herb, and Freak hit his Ode To Antebellum on him. Then he spits out some more Herb out of his mouth. Freak then waits for Infamous to get on his feet, as we see him holding his gut in pain.

Freak spits another of that Sweet mystic herb onto Infamous, who also spins around like crazy, and Freak hits the Naked Animal onto Infamous. Then he poses to the audiences by spitting out his left over her, and he stands at the corner observing the downed competitors in his way.

HHL: "Wow, this is such a sudden thing that happened with Freak tonight!"

PC: "Wonder how's he gonna capitalize on this..."

Freak then takes Storm's body, and drapes him over Infamous’s body for the three count, as Freak stands back into the corner.

HHL:"What's he doing?"

PC: "He's not actually gonna let his opponent have this, is he"



The Freak grabs Brian Storm and dumps him over the top rope. He then gets to his knees and places to hands over Infamous as the ref counts.




Winner- The Freak via pinfall

PC: "The Freak certainly lived up to his namesake there, he looked like an absolute monster!"

HHL: "He was so dominant, he had time to let his opponent receive a two count. Can't really argue with the results, though."

The Freak celebrates in the ring for a bit before the camera cuts away to the back.

We see Atticus sitting at his desk, head buried in his hands.

ATTICUS: "Why do I even have a co-General Manager?............."

At that moment, Big D enters the office, a lit blunt in his hand. Atticus looks at him in disgust

ATTICUS: "Where the HELL have you been?!"

Big D takes a long drag and exhales the smoke as he answers White.

D: "I've been getting ready for High Stakes. Me and Champ have some matches to win."

ATTICUS: "Do you even WANT to be GM? What's the point of all this, to piss me off?!?"

D: "Hey, I've done alot for this brand! I resigned Ned Kaye..........."

ATTICUS: "Who competes on every show BUT Savage."

D: "I signed Champ Sportsman!"

ATTICUS: "Who's yet to Debut, and is probably gonna be a bigger flop than the Boston Bruiser."

D: "I................. I...................."

ATTICUS: "Exactly! You haven't done anything good for the show........"

Big D looks at White, hurt in his eyes, before storming out of the office. Atticus tries to call out for him, but it's too late.

ATTICUS: "God dammit! Now I'm stuck running the show by myself, again!"

Jim Jimson's music hits. Jim comes out with a sign saying "Kill all Dolphins" people come out with him handing out Dolphin Rape Awareness Month, pamphlets, making sure that people know, just how evil dolphins are.

PC: "Interesting fella, he is."

HHL: "Indeed"

Smoke billows...Green pyro flashes off and on with Halocen coming out of the smoke, tongue out hands raised high. Throwing down her hands the pyro flashes higher and little green explosions pop down the ramp. She runs to the ring full speed, sliding under the bottom rope. She drops to her knees tongue out leaning all the way back pumping her fist. Jumping up she runs to the turnbuckle mounting it, tongue out devil horns high in the air!!

PC: Gotta wonder is she is at 100 percent after that heel attack from wish on Anarchy. Don't be surprised if she babies that leg

Purple and Pink fireworks pop off as Ash walks out onto the stage. She skips down to the ring smiling, jumps up on the ring apron sliding under the ropes. Mounting the turnbuckle she waves to everyone with a bright smile.

HHL: "Ash Quinn has a big match versus Jenny Myst coming up at High Stakes, you know she is looking to get on the right track here."

The lights go dark as "Violence" plays over the PA. Micheal Graves walks out to the stage as the crowd dumps on the untraviolent superstar. Micheal walks about halfway down the ramp before taking off in a sprint and sliding into the ring. Graves jumps to his feet and paces the ring waiting for the match to start.

Micheal Graves
- vs -
Jim Jimson
- vs -
Ash Quinn
- vs -
Four Corners Elimination Match

The bell rings and the match begins with Halocen and Graves in the ring. The two green haired superstars lock up, and Graves gets the immediate advantage with his strength. He lifts Halocen with a scoop slam and plants her in the center of the ring. He looks over at Ash, staring. Ash stares back, Graves cracks a sick smile.

Halocen is back to her feet, however, and chop blocks Graves from behind.

Pip: Graves caught thinking with the wrong head there, Heather!

HHL: "He is such a creep!"

Halocen stomps on him a few times as the big man gets to his feet using the ropes. He shoves her off. Halocen tumbles back tagging Ash Quinn in as she falls back. Ash climbs the top rop, hitting a missle drop kick on Graves. Graves falls back onto his back as Ash comes off the ropes and hits a lionsault. She hooks the leg.



Graves gets the shoulder up.

Ash picks him up by the head, and walks him over to the corner. She tags in Halocen and the two women double team Graves in the corner. Ash steps out. Halocen stays in. She puts a boot across the throat of Graves, pressing down. The ref counts to five, and she breaks the hold.

PC: "Halocen showing some aggression here trying to keep the big man off his feet."

Graves is immediately trying to get up, however. Halocen fires a few shots to the big man and goes to tag in Jim, but he refuses the tag. Halocen is upset at this, and shoves Jim. He grabs her by the hair and jumps off the apron and drives her upper torso off the top rope. She stumbles back into the arms of the waiting Michael Graves who plants her with a spinebuster.

Graves looks down at Halocen, but doesn't have a lot of time to process it because he is immediately hit with a spear by Ash Quinn.

Jim rolls into the ring and Ash and Jim do battle in the corner. Halocen, holding her back, is getting up. Graves is getting up as well. Halocen goes for a high kick, but Graves catches her foot.

Unicorns and Rainbows!! The Step up Enziguri and Graves is back down! Halocen rolls him over and hooks a leg for the cover.




Eliminated- Michael Graves

PC: "Michael Graves is hitting the showers early, if he showers at all, of course."

HHL: "I wouldn't say he did enough to even warrant a shower."

Halocen gets up and heads over to Ash Quinn, rolling her up from behind for another pinfall.




PC: "Halocen almost stole a second elimination!"

HHL: "That's why when you're in this type of match, you gotta watch your back at all times."

Halocen and Quinn begin brawling, giving Jimson the opening to retreat to the outside while they beat the hell out of each other. The two women exchange shots, with Halocen backing Ash against the ropes. She then goes to Irish Whip Quinn who reverses it and trips Halocen so she falls onto the second rope. Ash runs to the ropes, unbeknownst to her getting tagged by Jim Jimson as she does so, before hitting Halocen with the Angel Eyes. Before she can come back into the ring, though, the referee tells her she's not allowed to, signaling the tag Jim made. He then turns around to see Jimson laying across Halocen for a cover.




Immediately after the kickout, Jim heads over and tags Ash Quinn back in before retreating to the outside.

PC: "Jim Jimson might be wrestling the smartest match of his life!"

HHL: "I believe the word you were looking for is cowardly."

PC: "No, I don't think it was."

Ash climbs back in and gets met with a Kick to the gut by Halocen, before being set up for a Bridge to Nowhere. As Halocen tries it, however, Jim Jimson sneaks back into the ring and helps Quinn avoid it, rolling her forward so she wraps Halocen up in a Small Package.




Eliminated- Halocen

PC: "Halocen doesn't believe it! She thought she had Ash right where she wanted, but the Jim had other plans."

HHL: "Well, Jim's gonna have to fight for himself, now. There's no more participants around to distract his last opponent."

Ash Quinn slowly approaches Jimson, who looks at though he wants to bail. Before she can strike him, Jim pulls out a pine cone and offers it to Ash. She stares at it, unamused by his attempt to distract her, only to end up with it shoved in her mouth! Jimson takes a step back where he grows two extra legs and delivers a pinpoint Triple Superkick that drops Quinn to the mat. Jim hurries over for a cover.




PC: "I want to know where Jim gets those two extra legs!"

HHL: "I have no idea, but they're effective nonetheless."

Jim gets up and hugs Ash Quinn for fifteen seconds, before attempting a Belly to Belly Suplex. Quinn manages to dodge it, Arm Dragging Jimson forward and going for a Malevolence as he turns around. Jim is able to escape it and lock in a Rear Naked Choke.

PC: "The Jimson Affevtion! Hope Ash Quinn doesn't mind being complimented to death!"

Jimson's got the move in tight as he whispers all sorts of loving things into Quinn's ear. She tries to fight out of it, but she becomes so annoyed by Jimson's rambling that she gives up!

Eliminated- Ash Quinn

Winner- Jim Jimson

PC: "Jimson has been on a roll ever since aligning with Charlie Nickles! Not only is he no longer opening the show, he's WINNING."

HHL: "You gotta wonder if that success will continue later tonight when his partner takes on Thunder Knuckles for the TV Title."

HHL: "The winner of our next match will earn themselves a future Television OR Hart Title shot."

PC: "Johnny Legend came up short in his last Championship match, you can be sure he's, possibly literally, itching for another one."

HHL: "It's not gonna be easy, though, as he's gonna have to get through a former Xtreme Champion in Atara Themis. If SHE can win this match, she'll be one step closer to holding XWF gold, once more."

Hello Doves appears briefly on screens over the arena in pink accompanied by Atara's voice saying the same over the arena PA right before her theme hits the speakers. The crowd pops like crazy. Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage. Strutting with purpose, Atara emerges from the back taking spot at centerstage right before the ramp. Posing for the camera, a wink and kiss is given to the viewers at home.

Grunge walking to the ringsteps, Atara stops at the top and posturesconce more for the fans before going to the middle of the apron where she blows yet another kiss to the camera before entering the ring.

The lights dim down to black with Destiny by Stratovarius(a shorter starting) starts to play over the speakers. With only a few seconds passing with the intro, the song stops for a moment and an unknown, deep male voice calls out, "The Last Legend" while it also appears on the screen in writing. The music comes back forty seconds into the song as it starts to pick up.

Announcer: Hailing from Detroit, Michigan. Weighing in at 244 pounds...Johnny Legend!!!

Johnny Legend appears from behind the curtain in his sleek black robe with "The Last Legend" on the back. The stitching on the back lettering is starting to come loose and some holes in the robe, he raises his arms in the air to a mix crowd reaction. Sporting a smirk as he struts his way down the ramp, Johnny Legend keeps his distance from the fans as he hopes they don't put any more rips into his cheap robe. He climbs through the ropes and into the ring while his music slowly dies down.

PC: "A big opportunity awaits the winner of this match, get a victory here and you're one more away from becoming Champion."

The referee confirms that both competitors are ready, before calling for the bell.

Atara Themis
- vs -
Johnny Legend
Winner will receive a future TV or Hart Title match


Johnny approaches Atara, who immediately defends herself with multiple Kicks to the thigh. They don't have much effect, as Legend is able to grab hold of Atara and Irish Whip her into the corner. He follows close behind but is met with a Boot to the face that backs him up. Themis then charges at him, but Johnny drops her with a powerful Clothesline and falls on her for a cover.


HHL: "It's gonna take more than that to put down the former Xtreme Champion."

PC: "I'm sure Legend's GOT plenty more to give!"

Johnny stands up and brings Atara up just long enough to slam her down onto his knee for a vicious Backbreaker, which he follows up with another quick cover.


PC: "That Backbreaker certainly LOOKED back breaking!!! I'm a little surprised Atara kicked out of it!"

HHL: "I'm not......... she beat FUZZ for the Xtreme Championship, that's not something just anybody can do!"

Johnny Legend gets to his feet and hoists his opponent up onto his shoulders in Powerbomb position, before running towards the corner. As he does so, Atara uses the momentum, and her legs, to fling Legend into the top turnbuckle, causing him to smash his face against it. She then slips behind Johnny and rolls him up for a Schoolboy.


Both competitors hurry to their feet, but Atara's a step ahead, cracking Legend in the jaw with a Judgment of Pain. Johnny falls back against the ropes and bounces back, only to get dropped with Atara's Front Kick! Themis hooks her opponent's leg, hoping to end it right here.


PC: "Atara's legs are deadly! Not bad lookin', either."

HHL: "Better watch it, she might use 'em on you!"

PC: " think she would???"

Atara wastes no time getting back to her feet, grabbing hold of her opponent and getting into Northern Lights position.

PC: "Could be looking for the Titanomachy! One Northern Lights Suplex, followed by a second, bridged one."

HHL: "It could be enough to take the wind out of Legend and keep him down for the three count!"

Before Atara can lift him, however, Johnny clubs her on the back a couple times and escapes from her clutches. This allows Legend to position himself underneath Themis enough to flip her over his shoulders, causing her to land awkwardly, back first, on the top turnbuckle, earning a gasp from the audience.

PC: "That was a NASTY spill there, I don't even know if Legend meant to do it."

HHL: "Either way, Atara is HURT and you can hear it in her voice."

As Themis cries out in pain, Johnny heads over and drags her off the turnbuckle, easily locking in The Legendary. Atara, being nowhere near the ropes and knowing she's hurt, immediately taps out.

Winner- Johnny Legend via submission

HHL: "No shame in tapping out there, you can tell that last move did alot of damage."

PC: "Johnny Legend has earned himself a match with either Bobby Bourbon or the winner of tonight's Main Event."

Legend celebrates as the referee checks on his opponent. Johnny climbs out of the ring, arms in the air as he talks to Lucky about his win. He makes his way up the aisle and to the back as Atara insists the refs let her walk on her own, earning her a round of applause from the fans.

PC: "A nice show of respect here from the fans."

HHL: "I notice you're not clapping..........."

PC: "My hands are currently tied to my job."

Atara slowly makes it up the ramp, giving a few random fans fives, before heading to the back as the camera cuts to commercial.

HHL: "Welcome back, folks, coming up next is our Main Event, Charlie Nickles vs Thunder Knuckles for the TV Title."

PC: "As is usually the case, the Champion got to choose the stipulation and TK chose an Xtreme Rules match, wanting to beat Charlie at his own game!"

HHL: "Will he end up regretting it, or will it all work out in the end? We're about to find out!"

The music hits as a video package of Charlie Nickles laying fools out rolls on the X-tron. Charlie pops out through the entrance, absolutely vibing to the music and hyping himself up. He walks down the ramp with his arms held wide out at his side ala the Passion of the Christ, unconcerned with the jeers and taunts of the audience.

PC: "TK's had another great run with the Television Championship, but it could all come to an end here tonight at the hands of Charlie Nickles."

HHL: "That's right, Pip, Nickles has had shots at both the Xtreme AND Universal Championships, but was unsuccessful in each attempt. If he doesn't win here, it could be his last Title match for a while."

As he nears the ring, he suddenly brings his arms back to the center of his body, shaking his closed fists in the air while screaming something incoherent. He hustles over to the stairs, quickly ascending them before grabbing the top rope and stepping onto the ring apron. Charlie looks back at the audience with a toothy grin before ducking under the top rope and stepping the ring proper.

Twenty midgets with sparkers in both hands held as high as their little arms can reach, line both sides of the entrance ramp. The sparkers ignite as Thunder Knuckles walks past them, the TV Title around his waist. Once TK is down to the ring, he rolls under the bottom rope and, in one movement, pops up to his feet. With his back turned towards the camera, he raises his right fist in defiance. As soon as TK's fist goes up, counterfeit X-Bux with his face on them fall from the ceiling onto the crowd.

HHL: "When Thunder Knuckles first joined the roster, I don't think anyone could've EVER imagined he'd go down as one of the greatest Television Champions of all-time!"

PC: "If you had told me a year ago that TK would defeat Chris Page at Relentless thanks to a Foot DDT, I would've thought you were nuts!"

Charlie Nickles anxiously paces back and forth, as the ref asks Thunder Knuckles for his TV Title. He holds the belt in the air for a moment before walking over, handing it to the time keeper, and calling for the bell.

Thunder Knuckles ©
- vs -
Charlie Nickles
Xtreme Rules Match


PC: "And our Main Event is under way! There are no disqualifications and the winner will be the man who either pins their opponent for a 3 count, or makes them submit."

HHL: "Thunder Knuckles willingly took away his Champion's advantage in order to prove a point to Charlie, but will he actually make that point, or will his plan fall apart?"

Both men meet in the center of the ring, where Charlie Nickles offers an empty handshake to Thunder Knuckles, who slaps his hand away before following it up with one to the face. Nickles doesn't seem physically phased by it, except for the fact his smile has faded away. TK delivers another one, followed by a third; the last one lighting a fire under Charie, causing him to lash out with multiple rights to the Champion, backing him against the ropes. He then Irish Whips his opponent to the opposite side and goes for a Kick off the rebound, but TK catches his foot and wraps his arm around it. Before he can hit the Thunder Strike, however, Charlie yanks his leg away and retreats to the outside.

PC: "Nickles wants nothing to do with TK's famous Foot DDT!"

HHL: "I don't blame him, Chris Page is STILL trying to repair the damage his reputation took losing to it! Can anyone say demoralizing?"

Charlie makes his way over to the time keeper and physically removes him from his chair, before folding it up and heading back towards the ring with it.

PC: "I don't know why he had to steal poor Nipsy's seat, there's plenty of extras under the ring!"

Charlie turns to climb back in, but Thunder Knuckles is there with a surprise Tope Suicida that knocks his opponent off balance. TK lands on his feet and holds up two fingers, signaling for a second one, before sliding back into the ring and bouncing off the ropes.

HHL: "It looks like he's going for another one!"

As Thunder Knuckles runs back at his opponent and dives through the ropes, Charlie smashes him over the head with the steel chair, causing TK to crumble to the floor.

PC: "BIG mistake by the Champion; he should've disarmed Nickles before attempting another Suicide Dive!"

HHL: "That's 'Tope Suicida,' Pip."

PC: "Tomato, potato, same thing."

Charlie Nickles brings the TV Champion to his feet and rests him against the announce table, delivering a few Body Punches, before Irish Whipping him towards the steel steps. Thunder Knuckles manages to reverse it, though, sending Nickles, knees first, into the unforgiving stairs. He topples over them and onto the other side, where he grabs at his legs.

PC: "He's lucky his knees didn't bend the wrong way like that amateur mud show moron!"

HHL: "He came pretty close, though."

A cocky Thunder Knuckles casually walks over to his opponent, mocking him as he does so, before grabbing Charlie's foot and wrapping his arm around it. Once again, Nickles manages to escape the Thunder Strike, this time using his other leg to kick TK backwards into the barricade.

PC: "Nothing short of brilliant! Charlie knows if he stands any chance of winning this match, he absolutely CANNOT take that Foot DDT!"

HHL: "It's a sound, if not basic, strategy: don't get hit with your opponent's finisher, win the match."

Charlie goes to get up, but TK is right on him with a Sleeper Hold that Nickles desperately tries to fight out of.

HHL: "Looks like Charlie was so focused on defending the Thunder Strike, he forgot about the X-Bux Dream!"

PC: "TK's gonna have to get him in the ring if he actually wants to BEAT him with it."

Charlie reaches out and grabs onto the ring skirt, but Thunder Knuckles pulls him away. After a bit of a struggle, Nickles manages to turn them both so their backs are towards the steps, before running backwards and driving the back of TK's head into the top of the metal stairs, forcing him to let go.

HHL: "That last shot might've knocked Thunder Knuckles out cold!"

PC: "If Charlie can get him back in the ring, we could be looking at a new Champion!"

The challenger slowly stands up and shakes out the cobwebs, before dragging his opponent to his feet and leading him towards the announce table.

PC: "The ring's in the other direction, Charlie!"

Nickles pays no mind to Pip, who backs away from the table with Heather, as Charlie rolls TK onto it and climbs up with him. The fans go crazy as Charlie stands up, bringing Thunder Knuckles with him and underhooking his arms. He then looks into the camera and gives the people at home a wink before delivering a Double Arm DDT that drives TK, head first, through the announce table!


HHL: "Charlie Nickles just destroyed our table............... AND the Television Champion!!!"

PC: "They crashed as hard as TK's Title reign's about to if Charlie can get him back in the ring!"

Charlie, not being all there himself after that last move, drapes an arm over his opponent but the ref won't count it. The challenger cries out in annoyance before hobbling to his feet and attempting to pick up Thunder Knuckles, to no avail. No matter what Nickles does, TK won't budge, instead falling back over from the deadweight. Eventually, Charlie manages to slip himself under Knuckles' arm and lead him towards the ring. However, TK slides off of Nickles and onto the floor before he can roll him in.

PC: "If Thunder Knuckles wasn't unconscious, I would think he was messing with Charlie!"

HHL: "I'm not really convinced he isn't."

Feeling the TV Title slip from his grasp, Charlie snaps and begins kicking TK over and over again. After about ten of them, Nickles bends down and uses all the strength he can muster to ragdoll his opponent onto the apron. Charlie tries to roll Thunder Knuckles into the ring, but his arms fling out and wrap around the bottom rope, preventing this. After a few unsuccessful shoves, Nickles picks up the chair from earlier and whacks TK in the back with it not once, not twice, but THREE times, causing him to let go of the rope and roll in. Charlie's not far behind, sliding in and hooking a leg for the first, and possibly only, cover of the match.


HHL: "I don't know if TK was ACTUALLY conscious that whole time, but if he wasn't, someone's definitely watching out for him!"

PC: "It's Jesus, Heather; he brought Thunder Knuckles back to life AND saved his TV Title reign!"

Charlie Nickles begins pulling at his hair, even yanking a few strands out, before rolling back outside the ring. He searches under the apron for a foreign object, eventually coming back up with a trash can.

PC: "It looks like Barney Green isn't the only garbage man around here!"

Charlie tosses the can into the ring, before using the middle rope to climb onto the apron. As he stands up, though, Thunder Knuckles rattles his marbles with a Superkick out of nowhere. Nickles barely manages to keep hold of the rope, allowing for TK to wrap his arm around his neck and deliver a Vertical Suplex right onto the trash can, completely flattening it! He then rolls Charlie off of it and hooks his leg for a cover.


HHL: "TK thought he'd taken the trash out, but Charlie's not done yet!"

Thunder Knuckles slowly gets back to his feet, dragging his opponent with him. He struggles to give Charlie a Scoop Slam, but manages to do a half assed one(essentially just dropping him), before making his way over to the corner. TK begins climbing the turnbuckle, gingerly, eventually making it to the top and turning around to face Nickles.

PC: "The Champion's looking to fly!"

Thunder Knuckles jumps off the top rope, his elbow out, but Charlie Nickles manages to roll out of the way. TK crashes to the mat, before getting covered by the challenger.


PC: "Thunder Knuckles is one tough S.O.B.!"

HHL: "You don't become a Champion in XWF by being soft, Pip."

Charlie rolls over and begins hammering away at TK, his body preventing the Champion from getting his arms up to block. After about a dozen or so of those, Nickles slides back out to ringside and begins searching for more weapons. He immediately finds another chair, which he slides into the ring before looking for something else. Eventually he comes back up with a tied off red bag, getting cheers from the audience members who know exactly what's in it.

HHL: "Gee, I wonder what's in there?"

Charlie Nickles gets back in the ring and unties the bag before dumping it's contents all over where he stands: thumbtacks.

PC: "Damn, I thought for sure it was full of cookies!"

HHL: "You're an idiot."

Charlie spreads the tacks out evenly with his foot, then walks over to Thunder Knuckles and drags him over to the mess he made. Nickles hoists his opponent up for the Steubenville Screwdriver but, before he can execute it, TK manages to slip out behind him and lock in the X-Bux Dream, once again!

PC: "He's got him in the ring this time; if Charlie taps out it'll be all over!

HHL: "Charlie isn't the quittin' type, but he might not have a choice!"

Charlie flings his arms in every direction, desperately trying to find a way out. He tries to take a few steps, but TK applies more pressure and drags him back towards the center of the ring. They continue to struggle for a bit, until Charlie grabs onto his opponent's legs, lifting him up onto his back.

PC: "Smart move by Nickles, this will alleviate some of that pressure around his neck."

HHL: "He's still gotta find a way out of it."

With TK holding on for dear life, Charlie turns his back towards the pile of thumbtacks and slowly inches his way closer to them. Once within striking distance, Nickles falls backwards and drops Thunder Knuckles directly onto the tacks. He rolls around, crying out in pain as his opponent laughs at his torment.

PC: "Thunder Knuckles is finding out exactly WHY this is Charlie Nickles' game!"

Charlie gets down in the pile with TK, laying across him for the cover.


HHL: "The game's not over yet, Pip!"

PC: "Could you imagine how rich TK would be if he had 100 X-Bux for every tack in him?"

HHL: "He'd probably roll in some more."

A frustrated Charlie Nickles punches the mat, jabbing about a dozen thumbtacks in his fist, before getting up and bringing TK with him. Nickles sets up for the Devil Hook Drop, but a slick Thunder Knuckles ducks under his arms and runs to the ropes. On the rebound, he knocks the challenger off balance with a hard Running Knee to the face, before grabbing his legs and wrapping it around his arm. Before TK can hit the Thunder Strike, though, Charlie manages to get ahold of the chair he slid into the ring earlier, and crack it over his opponent's skull. The TV Champion falls forward, allowing for Nickles to roll him up for the pin.


Winner- Charlie Nickles via pinfall (NEW XWF Television Champion)

PC: "Charlie did it! Charlie Nickles is the new Television Champion!!!!"

HHL: "It took a chair shot out of nowhere and a roll up to do it, but Charlie Nickles has put an end to Thunder Knuckles' reign."

PC: "What a proud moment for Charlie, he finally holds a Title his kids can be proud of!"

The referee hands an emotional Charlie his newly one belt, which he holds up with pride. He runs around the ring with it, almost tripping over TK, before heading over to a camera and showing it to the TV audience, hoping his kids are watching.

HHL: "It's been a crazy night, but it's only gonna get crazier come High Stakes! We're gonna crown a new Universal Champion; Cataclysm will clash with Thad Duke & the Doctor for the Tag Team Titles, and you never know what else is gonna happen!"

PC: "And be sure to tune in to Anarchy this Thursday, the final stop on the road to High Stakes. I'm Pip Collins, with Heather Halliwell, have a good night, see you at High Stakes!"

Special thanks to:

John Black
Big D
Jenny Myst

And everyone who RPed this week.
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[-] The following 12 users Like Karen Hunt's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-17-2020), Atticus Gold (11-14-2020), B.O.B. D (11-14-2020), Corey Smith (11-14-2020), Doctor Louis D'Ville (11-14-2020), Jim "the Jim" Jimson (11-14-2020), Marf (11-14-2020), Miss Fury (11-14-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (11-19-2020), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (11-14-2020), The Freak (11-14-2020), Theo Pryce (11-14-2020)
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-14-2020, 04:36 PM

Good show. To my opponents, sorry for the no show. Life's been hetic, as it tends to be sometimes.

[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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[-] The following 2 users Like (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post:
Azrael Erebus (11-14-2020), Jim "the Jim" Jimson (11-14-2020)
Azrael Erebus Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-14-2020, 06:08 PM

"Dammit! Thunder Knuckles lost! I demand a rematch."

[Image: ybmVXWb.jpg]

2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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Halocen Offline
Punk Rock Princess

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-14-2020, 06:46 PM

Pretty great show!! The flow gets better each show. Congrats on the TV Title Charlie. Finally, a legit title to defend!!

[Image: BTzOS4e.gif]
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Marf Offline
THE Marf

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-14-2020, 06:49 PM

Another fun and well written show, congratulations Charlie!

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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