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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Backstage 24/7
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You Don't Get Away That Easy
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Halocen Offline
Punk Rock Princess

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-08-2020, 07:36 AM

The camera pulls in tight on the Punk Rock Princess sitting on a bench in the locker room an intense look on her face despite the pain radiating from her ankle from the match a few days prior.

[color=#98FB98] All right, I'm saying this one more time for the hard of hearing and the cheap seats. You come at me with some out of your head craziness, well I can deal. You don't want to settle beef I can deal with it. You sit in a rocking chair and watch over and over what you and your pal did and then say I suck and deserve what came to me, that my friend is where I cross the line.

I offered to settle this in the ring and squash the beef. You took time off from sucking JBs cock to tell me no it ain't happening. I laughed I really did. instead of stepping up and letting this grow or be settled, you brush it under the rug and act like I am beneath you. Guess what homeboy I am here and I will always be here until you acknowledge that the moves you made are that of a pussy coward running from the confrontation he started. You and your houseboy smacked and kicked a nest of murder hornets and expect those hornets to just chill and smoke a blunt and act like it ain't no thing.

I'm gonna be on the shelf for a lil bit but when I come back we will most certainly be nose to nose again and I actually crave it. Hell, it will keep me going through all the rehab and possible surgery I have to look forward to.

The thought of locking in my own submission hold and hearing your bones crack will sound like sweet music to my ears. You can run Mr. Wish, but you can't hide.
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