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Saturday Night Savage 12/14
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-14-2019, 08:04 PM

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Jim Jimson
- vs -
Steam Diesel Black
- vs -
Brian Lance
Triple Threat

Amjetkun Socio
- vs -
Bearded War Pig
Bitch Match
Like an 'I Quit' match but competitors must force opponent to say "I'm your bitch" to win

Madison Dyson
- vs -
Atara Themis
- vs -
Geri Miller
Steel Cage Triple Threat

[Image: S2wXAE9.png]

5'2 Mafia
Sarah & Kenzi Grey-Lacklan
- vs -
Notorious BIG
Big D & "Notorious" Ned Kaye
Tag Team

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Donovan Blackwater
- vs -
Noah Jackson ©
15 Minute Time Limit
Melbourne Pub Crawl
Both competitors must get extremely drunk before starting the match

Saturday Night Savage takes the air live from Centre Bell in Montreal, Quebec…..

The Quebec crowd responds with a very loud, very mixed reception as “Judas” by Fozzy hits the speakers and walking out to the top of the ramp is ADAM BARKER as he is followed by THE TRISTAN SLATER who garners a decent reception. The house lights suddenly dim out as white strobe lights flicker from all over the arena as a thick white smoky haze floods out covering the ramp before walking through the smoky haze is none other than “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE which brings the fans to their feet, CHRIS stands at the top of the ramp alongside TRISTAN and ADAM before leading the way down the ramp.

There’s a cocky swagger to CHRIS coming off the heels of the Lethal Lottery and the epic war that took place between himself and SHANE as he certainly got the last laugh leaving SHANE lying in the center of the ring.

CHRIS reaches ringside where he climbs up on the ring apron before stepping through the ropes and into the squared circle while ADAM is shown walking up the steel steps and SLATER slides into the ring under the bottom rope. ADAM steps through the ropes and into the ring where he walks across the ring past TRISTAN and CHRIS where he calls for a microphone.

ADAM returns to center ring as the music fades away leaving ADAM taking center stage as he raises the microphone and starts to spout out.

ADAM BARKER: Ladies and Gentleman… MY name is ADAM BARKER, and I am nothing more than a mere advocate for the two men you see standing in this ring; one, a man who did exactly what he said he was going to do when he withstood everything SHANE threw at him and had the last laugh in the process, and the other… lost to PETER GILMOUR.

Sheer sarcasm exudes from the mouth of ADAM BARKER as he glances towards a dejected SLATER with a smirk on his face shooting him thumbs up while drawing some laughter from the crowd as SLATER simply shakes his head in shame. ADAM redirects his attention towards the camera directly in front of him as he continues.

”For the most part Lethal Lottery went off without a hitch as perhaps one of the best laid plans came full circle; the masses have been clamoring for has finally taken place as ROBERT MAIN and CHRIS PAGE have formed an alliance that is going to FUCK this Federation up… and no one is safe.”

ADAM lowers the microphone before turning towards CHRIS where he hands PAGE the microphone and steps to the side as the crowd responds favorably when CHRIS steps forward before shifting his attention towards SLATER as he states.

CHRIS PAGE- ”Don’t feel bad homie, everyone has a bad night every now and then… but they still can beat GILMOUR.”

The crowd responds with some laughter as CHRIS winks at SLATER with a smirk on his face as SLATER calls him as bastard while seemingly laughing it off before CHRIS shifts his attention towards the camera where he becomes more serious as he states.

”While it wasn’t a “perfect” night to say the very least it ended up being the night in which jaws dropped as I battled SHANE for nearly three hours and was the man that was left standing when the smoke cleared and the games ended; not only was I left standing, not only did I take everything SHANE could throw at me I lived up to the promise I made going into Lethal Lottery when I tried to warn and his “supporters” what was going to happen if they bothered to get involved in our affair.”

CHRIS pauses for a very brief second before continuing.

”… and they did.”

CHRIS states as he nods his head up and down before stating.

”SHANE tried to make a mockery out of the match like he’s done since he stepped foot in the company with “lifelines”… and for those of you that were stupid enough to partake are going to be in for a very rude awakening.”

CHRIS states with sheer seriousness as he continues to gaze into the camera.

”Those are the smaller things in a bigger equation, so what I want to talk about now isn’t putting over how I occupied Lethal Lottery and single handedly out shined all the little boys and girls in that locker, I don’t want to talk about how much blood was lost or how many bruises are left on my body… I’m going to talk about what everyone wants to know about and that’s what the fuck is going on with BIG D and ROBERT MAIN,”

There’s a MONSTEROUS ovation at the mention of ROBERT’s name from the crowd which starts a “MAIN! MAIN! MAIN! MAIN!” chant from the crowd as CHRIS talks over them in order to quiet them down.

”Listen, we’re going to get so calm your cunts and let me finish what I got to say.”

There’s a pop from the crowd as CHRIS sarcastically finishes that sentence towards the crowd before turning his attention back towards the camera.

”The truth behind this coming together doesn’t have a long or in depth backstory and is rather simple to comprehend; when I first got called to come save this federation from sheer and utter boredom I was not only headlining Pay-Per-Views against a former Universal Champion I was also watching the little talent the roster had perform try to be successful. There was one guy that actually got my attention as someone to watch because all the tools to be a major player in this business are all over him… that guy is BIG D.”

There’s a mixed pop from the crowd as CHRIS continues.

”And over the better part of this year I continued to watch him and started to see that he was starting to elevate his game and be a focal point of some television; and when this thing with started I knew I needed people to have my back, but let’s face it, I’m certainly NOT the popular behind that curtain with the “boys” or with “management” or I’d have that Universal Title around my waist and your Main Event at Lethal Lottery wouldn’t have been predictable, so when I digress.”

This sparks a chant of “UNI-CHAMPION! UNI-CHAMPION! UNI-CHAMPION!” which sees CHRIS lower the microphone and let the chant gain more steam from the audience. He raises the microphone back to his lips.

[green]”To my surprise when I approached BIG D he didn’t scoff at the idea and he willingly shook my hand and has dug his heels into the mud to stand on the front lines with myself to rid the XWF of not only SHANE but everyone behind that curtain that continues to stand up for him like he’s a personal CHRIST; he’s NOT STEVE JASON!”

The crowd breaks out into a massive “SJ! SJ! SJ!” chant before CHRIS continues.

”As predicted by yours truly I knew that wasn’t man enough to deal with me on his own so when the moment was right the man that I am going to introduce to you now chose his side; ladies and gentleman allow me to introduce to you a man that has unlimited potential all over him, I give to you BIG D!”

CHRIS, TRISTAN and ADAM shift their attention towards the top of the ramp.

Big D walks onto the ramp to a mixed reaction from the crowd, a blank expression on his face. He makes an uppercase 'D' with his hands, before walking down the aisle. As he approaches the ring, he slowly walks up the stairs, absorbing the atmosphere around in. He gets on the apron and climbs into the ring, before walking over and grabbing a mic.

"I'm sure EVERYONE is completely shocked to see me associated with the likes of Chris Page and company. Well let me tell you something: you shouldn't be!"

Big D pauses for a moment as the crowd reacts to his words. He let's them get in their boos, and even a few cheers, before continuing.

"Chris Page, a man who knows talent like the back of his hand, saw in me what NOBODY ELSE DOES. He's smart enough to recognize when a company has a star right in front of them, and couldn't bear to see me waste the rest of my career doing nothing! Page gave me the opportunity to leave my mark on, not only this company, but the BUSINESS as a whole! While management ignores everything I've done(which is ALOT, by the way!), guys like Chris Page applaud it."

Big D begins to pace, ignoring his comrades in the ring. He had alot on his mind and finally had a platform to speak it.

"I don't know if you've ever seen the show 'Preacher' or not, but it has an interesting depiction of Hell. It's like a prison, and when you're in your cell, you relive your worst memory over and over again for eternity........ THAT is exactly how I feel being in XWF!!!! Every step of my XWF career has almost mirrored my WWF one. I started from the absolute bottom and, admittedly, struggled a bit. But once I gained my traction, I was on a roll. Superstar of the Month(an award I am constantly up for just about EVERY month!), Xtreme Champion, TV Champion!!!! A man who EASILY would've been in the Finals of Lethal Lottery had it not been for a shitty partner and before reffing!!!!!"

"And do you know what I hear people saying CONSTANTLY?!?! That I suck. I don't deserve a Universal Title shot...... Yeah, well, neither did Drezdin or Scully and they got handed them. Fuzz wants to ride my ass harder than he does his son's behind closed doors, but he has no idea how easily my situation could've happened to HIM. Hell, he's convinced it DID to him and Noah. The Number 1 Contender is a fucking hypocrite, who only got to where he is because he won a lottery. A fuckin' raffle. The man who hid in a panic room has the nerve to accuse ME of not having balls?!??!!?"

Big D looks to the mat and shakes his head, laughing. He throws his arms up, in disbelief at his situation.

"You're next Universal Champion, everybody!"

D mocks Fuzz, an absolute look of disgust on his face.

"I do Vinnie the favor of hoppin' over to Anarchy, putting me strain on my body than necessary, and how does he thank me? Books me against 'Big Bitch' Bobbi London........ there's ALOT I want to say about that match, but I'll hold my tongue. Wouldn't wanna piss off the boss, would I? He might not give me a Universal Title shot ever!......."

Big D chuckles before spitting on the mat.

"Vinnie won't even give me an ANARCHY Title shot! His former Champion, Sarah Lacklan, even ENDORSED me for a shot at her belt, but instead he hands it to Mastermind. You of the TWO guys I BEAT to win the Xtreme Championship!!!!! A man who CONSTANTLY sticks his nose where it don't belong, ruining highly anticipated Championship matches! THAT guy deserves a Title shot, but the guy who attracts gold like he was a fucking magnet should be in a TV Title Chamber match on Christmas!............... Nope, I don't gotta put up with shit ANYMORE!!!! I'm in good company, and anyone who says otherwise can talk to me and my buddies. ESPECIALLY Shane and Peter Gilmour. It's gonna be like I'm a janitor all over again when I'm flushing the turds down the toilet! It starts tonight with the 5'2 Mafia, and it won't stop until the name of Big D has become one for XWF Legend. And that ain't no story, it's the Cold Big D Truth!"

Big D turns it back over to Chris Page.

Page begins to place the microphone to his lips as the legion of fans erupts into an ear-shattering roar. “Chronic” raises one eyebrow and begins eyeballing the masses as Big D nudges Chris on the arm pointing at Robert Main marching down the arena stairs through a sea of boisterous fans. Robert halts midway observing the arena nodding his head to the ravenous cheers of all his fans. He then beats his fist on the bulletproof vest while taking a deep breath.

I need to clear the air real quick before I do or say anything else.

Robert pauses as he takes a selfie with a few fans

Man I’ve missed this…God damn, it’s good to be back!

Welcome Back, Bobby! Welcome Back! Welcome Back, Bobby! Welcome Back! Welcome Back, Bobby! Welcome Back!!!

Robert grins

It’s good to be back guys. Now let’s clear the air. There’s been a lot of chatter lately about a few things that well quite frankly just isn’t true. APEX is dead? That right there is a bold-faced lie. APEX has been around since 2017 and ladies and gentleman APEX is alive and well. Were just all on side quest right now, Chris Chaos I’ve heard every little word and if there is anything left after my brother the Hart Champion pummels the living hell out of you. Make no mistake about it, if you are still breathing and don’t tuck tail, I will come looking for you. I said I’d make your miserable life a living hell if you and I were both around and I meant every damn word.

The fans come unhinged as Robert motions for them to pipe down

Now let me address the biggest pain in my ass and the whiner down there in the ring. Big D since you and I faced off in that hell in a cell match I have heard one thing continuously. The same tired talking point. You the that you almost defeated me. Listen pal you didn’t almost do anything, using my name as a crutch won’t get you the respect you believe you deserve. In this dog eat dog world of XWF you get respect by winning matches. You want the limelight? Earn it, string together some wins and go after it. Until then shut up…

Chris Page, since walking back through the revolving doors of this company you have been a thorn in my side. No matter how many times I thought I got rid of you, there you popped up again like genital warts. Around here it’s always been an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. During that match with Unknown Soldier when I was getting screwed over by my greatest enemy decided to jump in and do the right thing. So, I returned the favor. Now as far as I am concerned my debt is paid in full.

Robert turns his back revealing Bob spray-painted on the back of the vest. As the fans rain down boos. Robert makes his way up a few steps before shaking his head.

Damn it. You want a partner against Shane ? YOU GOT IT!

Robert turns around one last time facing the ring

I don’t like or trust either of you, that's why I am up here and you both are down there. This goes sideways in any way. I’ll make sure that both of you pay a very heavy price!

Robert raises one finger like he forgot something

Oh, and Big D, you wanted a big-time moment, the spotlight? Here it is. The biggest moment of your career. It’s put up or shut up time!

CHRIS, BIG D, SLATER and ADAM BARKER exit the ring and each hop the barrier where they walk up the aisle and join ROBERT in the crowd as this could be the dawning of a new area on Saturday Night's.

Jim Jimson
- vs -
Steam Diesel Black
- vs -
Brian Lance
Triple Threat

Brian Lance starts in the ring staring at the lights high above in some kind of daze.

Steam Diesel Black walks down to the ring.

Jim Jimson comes down the ramp doing THE WORM! Everyone loves it!

HHL: "And we're kicking off a packed Savage with a triple threat!"

PC "... Has Brian Lance been standing there the whole time?"

HHL: "You mean when Page, Main and Big D were talking?"

PC: "Yeah."

HHL: "Oh yeah, the entire time."


And we're off, the sound of the bell clicks something in Lance's dome and he rushes towards the centre wildly only to receive stereo superkicks from Diesel and Jimson! Brian drops to the canvas and the two competitors kick him to the sidelines as their gaze snaps on one another. Jim Jimson pulls a trademark pinecone from his back pocket but Steam telegraphs the attack and hip tosses Jimson to the mat! Black follows up with a stomp to Jim's gut before going to grab the head, but Jim's baldness works to his advantage as Black's grip slips away and Jim throws a boot up and knocks Black away. Jim rolls to his feet and rushes Steam, tackling him into the ropes but Black doesn't go down, he throws a few stiff clubs into Jimson's back to gain some leeway before knocking Jimson back with an uppercut.

Dazed, Jimson wobbles in the middle of the ring as Steam bounces off the ropes with a big boot but the strike is blocked as Brian Lance stumbles in the way and is obliterated by Black's boot. Jimson takes advantage and pulls another pinecone out!

PC: "Pinecone to the mouth! SDB is looking like a stuffed pig!"

Jimson gives a kick to the gut which causes Black to double over and Jim drops Black down with a sit-out facebuster! Driving the pinecone deeper into Black's maw!

Jim pushes Diesel over and goes for the cover!





Diesel just get a shoulder up!

Black spits the pinecone away as Jimson gets to his feet and Black surprise the Aussie with a quick clothesline! Jim falls to the canvas as Black rolls his jaw, he grabs Jimson's collar and pulls him up to his feet but Jimson quickly snaps on a tight hug!

HHL: "Jimson's looking for THE JIMSON SLAM!"

Jimson stays in the hug as Black has no idea what to do, he gently pats Jim's back but the dangerous move in interrupted by Brian Lance! Jimson is spun around and goes straight into hugging Lance!


Steam Diesel Black is very puzzled and rips Jimson away but Jim goes for a hug again! Lance snaps Jimson away who goes for another hug! The two take turns prying Jimson off the other with alternating chants from the crowd as the go into a roar! Finally Black stops the onslaught of hugs but Jimson is ready, the amount of hugging somehow powering him up!



The amount of power behind the belly to belly sends Black out of the ring and Jimson kips up, his pinecone aura fully visible. Lance goes to attack but Jimson ain't taking no shit!


Jimson lands his finisher on Lance and transitions into a cover!







The bell is called and Ocean Man plays but is barely heard from the explosive cheers from the audience, Jim stands to his feet as his hand is raised by the ref.

HHL: "Way to go, Jim!"

PC: "I'm proud of you!"




“Ladies and Gentlemen, Please allow me to introduce you to the Hosts of this wonderful gathering.”

That camera zooms out most of the locker room are in a large room, decorated to the nines. Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Men lining the walls. A projection screen adorns a blank wall showing Savage for all to see.


The RUN DMC classic blares throughout the room, gold pyro begins to rain down from the ceiling, that’s gotta be some sort of a fire hazard, but the Cunts don’t care.




From the shadowy back, Fuzz and Noah appear from the back riding on the backs of two large elephants. Each step Noah looks more and more uncomfortable. Fuzz looks over to Noah and laughs. Fuzz slides off of his elephant and lands with a thud on the ground. Noah’s elephant drops a large shit on the ground behind them. Noah slides down the side of the elephant and lands right next to the feces.

NOAH: “Whew! I almost landed in that pile of Big D!”

Fuzz laughs and smacks Noah on the shoulder. Both men start to walk towards a podium that’s set up on the other side of the room.

NOAH: “What’s up with all the special need cunts?”

FUZZ: “Community outreach. They learn life skills and we don’t have to pay for real catering. Plus I just took everything Vinny pays for and had it delivered here. It’s a win-win.”

NOAH: “I think I know that one!”

FUZZ: “Friend of yours?”

NOAH: “No… that’s one of Scu…”

FUZZ: “Shut up, we have to address our peers.”

NOAH: “Yeah… but they are apart of…”

Fuzz grabs Noah by the arm as he glares and snarls at the Help. Noah eventually relents as both men stand at the podium. Fuzz steps up to the microphone first.

FUZZ: “I just want to thank all of you for showing up tonight to celebrate…. The Sick Cunts! It’s a huge honor for us to be here with all of our… frie….no not friends ... peers… yeah that’ll do. I’d like to re-introduce all of you to my co-host for the evening… He is the Hardest Worker In the XWF… He is you Reigning XWF TV champion…He is the proud recipient of Promo Of The Month… The Backbone Of The Sick Cunts…. Noooooooooooaaaaahhhhhhh Mother Fucking JAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKSSSSSSOOOOONNNN!!!”

Noah blushes as he walks up to the mic, adjusting the TV title over his shoulder. One super secret handshake ( Is it really super secret if they’ve done it on camera in front of a PPV audience?) Noah wipes away a fake tear from his eye.

NOAH: “Aw cunt, you're too kind. Cheers for coming cunts, enjoy the free grub and grog and let's get so wankered we forget every Chris Chaos promo that has cursed our minds. Now, I'll admit I'm not the easiest cunt to get on with and most of you are jealous of the sick energy me and dad admit but this night isn't a dick measuring contest. No, it's a celebration of how big our dicks are! If you can't deal with that, there's the fucking door!"

Noah points over to Thunder Knuckles who nods his head.

NOAH: "Right, I'm fucking parched and that display of VB is far too good looking not for me to be over there. So, I'd like to introduce you all to one of the sickest cunts in the multiverse. Briefcase holder! Winner of Lethal Lottery 5! YOUR Xtreme Champion! Hall of Legends inductee! The proud Star of the Month for November, bout fuckin' time too! And my dad, MOTHER FUCKING FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ CUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNTTSSS!!!"

Fuzz smiles and waves to everyone at the party. He sets his briefcase on the podium, followed by his Star of the Month Trophy, and finally sets the X-Treme Title behind them both as a backdrop.

FUZZ: “First off I want to thank the Quebec Special Recreation Foundation for getting the help for tonight. A quick round of applause for them…”

A smattering of applause.

FUZZ: “Also a huge shout out to Mr. Knuckles over there working the door, making sure this is a chill environment, free of any nay-sayers or the uninvited.”

Fuzz waves and give Knuckles a thumbs up. Knuckles lowers his shades and taps on the clipboard with the names of those not invited. There are only a few names on the list.

Vinny Lane
Vincent Lane
LB Vinny Lane
Sarah Lachlan (If she has showered she can come in, otherwise it’s a no go.)

Fuzz nods and then returns to his speech.

FUZZ: “Ahem, as I was saying. Tonight is a chance for all of us to hang out, and celebrate Mine and Noah’s great fortune. All month long we have dedicated ourselves to greatness, and we have achieved it. I don’t want to take up much more of your time tonight, so rather than tell you all it’s about hard work, dedication and perseverance.. I’ll just say one thing…. I TOLD YOU SO!”

Fuzz smiles and finger guns towards the DJ who begins playing music as Noah and Fuzz stand proudly holding up their awards. They both step down from the podium as Fuzz points to a man in the back corner.

FUZZ: “Please tell me you didn’t invite that Doctor?”

NOAH:“Sure did Cunt… he’s half this award anyways…”

FUZZ: “Look at him… he just licked that hotdog and put it back.”

NOAH: “Well just let him be, he’ll get out of our hair soon enough. Just don’t make eye contact and you’ll be fine.”

FUZZ: “Whatever…. oh shit incoming.”

Suddenly Vita Valenteen runs up to Noah giving him a large hug, as Fuzz pushes past the two of them. Vita scoffs and kisses Noah on his cheek.

VV: “What’s his problem?”

NOAH: “You know Dad… always working through something. Let’s just have a Sick night tonight and let’s get hammered.”

The camera continues to follow Fuzz as he walks up to Knuckles. Fuzz grabs the clipboard from his hand and begins to look over it.

FUZZ: “Any sign of public enemy numbers one thru three?”

THUNDER KNUCKLES: “Nope. I think he learned his lesson the first time… so about the rest of the money you owe me…”

FUZZ: “Make sure Lane doesn’t step a single foot in here and you’ll get the rest at the end of the party. That was the deal.”

THUNDER KNUCKLES: “Hey, Vinny still owes me, that’s why I ask.”

FUZZ: “Just make sure you keep an eye on that Nazi chick if she shows up...mkay.”

Fuzz pats TK on the shoulder and turns around and begins to mingle with the guests in the party. The camera pans over to the Doctor as he slowly turns around, revealing himself to be Scully.

SCULLY: “Idiots.”

With a whoosh one of his flock runs up to him holding a tray with drinks on it.

“You called boss…”

SCULLY: “N-n-No I didn’t… wait how did you hear me?”

The flock member shrugs his shoulders and turns around to rush away but spills all the drinks all over Scully.

SCULLY: “God Dammit!”

Skull sighs as Lenny is very apologetic.

"Eyem sooo sowi, Schoolie... Peas fagiv meeee.... Sowi. Sowi."

SCULLY: "I heard you the first time, it's fine. Could you just get me a towel please?"

Scully had asked for a towel but Lenny is still upset so Scully has to console him. It's Tom who runs to grab one. Scully hides in the corner, hoping no one seen the spillage. Tom returns but slips and comically headbutts Scully in the bollocks.

As the camera quickly cuts to a different location. The walls are adorned with various pictures of Management and there are tables set up with cheap wine and a small singular cheese plate. The camera swoops around to see Vinny Lane, Theo Pryce, Bob Williams and Atticus Black watching the dark matches from a suite in the arena. Vinnie closes his clamshell phone in a huff

VINNIE LANE: Great! Raven's hold up with LFL shit SO he's not coming!

There's a brief awkward silence.

SBW: Well It looks like THEIR Party is really going already.

ATTICUS BLACK: It would seem so...

SBW: How long do we have to sta…

Vinnie Hops up and begins to pour drinks for everyone, and quickly hands them to each of them.

VINNIE LANE: Listen, Dudes, I don’t care what anyone says about us, we are the best management team in the business. Here’s a toast to us.

Lane raises his glass and attempts to get everyone in the toast, but there is a lackadaisical effort by everyone else. The small clanks of the glasses barely register a noise.

ATTICUS BLACK: Listen Vinnie, we would love to stay and hang out but…

VINNIE LANE: But what?

ATTICUS BLACK: Well I’ve got a show to run, and Bob well….

SBW is already standing up and heading towards the door.

ATTICUS BLACK: Bob needs to help me keep all of the talent down there in line… You know with all of them getting drunk and whatnot…

SBW is already out of the door before Atticus can even finish the statement, as Atticus places his glass down and begins to head towards the door.

VINNIE LANE: Yeah… Sure… Whatever dude.

Atticus walks out of the room leaving just Theo and Vinnie in the room. Dejected Vinnie hangs his head as Theo just shakes his in disbelief.

THEO PRYCE: Is this what it feels like when Roxy cucks you?

Amjetkun Socio
- vs -
Bearded War Pig
Bitch Match

Amjetkun Socio omes out clapping and smiling, then doing the entrance music video routine just killin' it like a pimp on the dance floor. He finishes that bit and goes back to pumping his fists and nuts like a champ until he slips on some grease and has a full blown roid rage fit, spinning clotheslines and uppercuts to dicks, so many fans and ring crew people get hurt.

"I love that man!"

"You would."

Once the vocals hit in "Between Now and Forever" BWP emerges from behind the curtains fierce and swift. Headbanging in a power stance his head almost smashing into the rampway, he really gets excited. Sprinting down toward the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope. Combat rolling to his feet he throws up one arm with his hand forming the "shaka" symbol. His thumb and pinky sticking out while the rest of his hand is knuckled up into a fist. Pig then chooses a turnbuckle, which he sprints toward. Turning last second slamming his back into the buckles before sliding down until his ass hits canvas where he sits kind of like Raven from WCW, awaiting the bell.

The crowd roars with hunger, anticipating the fight of the century. Where men are made and true tests of strength are set. Who shall overcome in this battle, where both men are determined and not only prepared but ready for destruction? Where devils scurry and angels fear to tread? Alas, predicting such odds, can only be foretold by the fates. With both men in the ring... this fight to figure out who the biggest bitch in the XWF is... BEGINS!

Bearded War Pig comes in with an instant Spear! That sends Amjetkun Socio's back straight into the ring post. Crumpling to the canvas, Socio nurses his injured ribs and curses while BWP rises to his feet. Towering over the hurt man, he snickers and broadly displays a sadistic grin. The likes of which Peter Gilmour would tremble upon the sight of. BWP reaches down and tears Socio up from the canvas, only to deliver a Belly to Belly Suplex! Amjetkun's body thunders against the mat. His enormous body causing the entire ring to shake in the process.

Pig runs off to the ropes and bounds off of them, like a giant stone being shot out of a slingshot he rushes back towards Amjetkun Socio. Attempting to deliver a Leg Drop to end all Leg Drops. However, Socio manages to roll away just before impact. Pig hits nothing but canvas! The audience screams with excitement as Amjetkun Socio rises to his feet. Staring down upon Bearded War Pig like a hungry cougar, he cracks his knuckles and shakes his head. The odds of something good or humane occurring... nil, at best.

"I have chills, Pip!"

"Keep it in your pants, Heather."

Socio rips Pig from the canvas and positions him immediately into a swift Side Suplex Slam Thingamabobber! Of which he executes with perfection!

"What the heck did I just witness?!?!"

"Pure unadulterated awesomeness, Pip! This is what you get, when you watch Socio fight!"

The crowd screams with excitement as Socio yanks BWP into a Sleeper Hold! Pulling the hold tight, Amjetkun laughed like the villain in a Disney film. Overexaggerated and animated. Bearded War Pig starts to fade and lose consciousness. His eyes closing, his body slumping and breath shallowed. It seems like this could be the end. The audience waits on bated breath, as the tides seem to have turned in favor of Amjetkun. Awe is instilled in all.

Suddenly the lights go dark and an exuberant flash overtakes the arena. From nowhere and everywhere, all at once - Azrael Erebus, steps forth.

"The spaceman! Oh my gawd!"

"Once again... pants, keep it in Heather."

"Dammit! If I knew he was going to appear I wouldn't have worn this top!"

"If I knew he was going to appear I would have come equipped with earplugs. God damn you are mirroring the audience's screams... and you're a singular, tiny woman!"


"What does that mean?"

"Azrael love worldwide!"

"Why do I ask questions?"

Without hesitation, Azrael sends a bright burst of lightning towards Socio, the muscle bound behemoth flies up into the air and slams to the mat outside the ring. Smoke emanates from his body, akin to being a piece of cooked meat. Then Erebus turns to Pig and offers a hand up to the man. Bearded War Pig accepts and nods in appreciation. Prompting the man from the stars to vanish from sight.

The lights in the arena go out... AGAIN, and on the Xtron we see an image.

[Image: Vs1zO8R.jpg?1]

PC: "Wait, that's the sign of the Black Hand!"

HHL:"This can't be good."

The lights return to normal function and Bearded War Pig stands in the ring, ready for whatever comes next. The Xtron flickers, but the image remains. Words begin to scroll slowly from the bottom of the Xtron as BWP watches.







The next word freezes on the screen and stops.


BWP looks around the arena with a grin. The lights drop again. The next word scrolls upward, replacing the last.


The lights raise again, and we see a casket in the ring. Atop it is Robbie Bourbon's bloodied mask from Lethal Lottery. BWP scoffs at it and approaches. Seconds later, the lights drop. Another word scrolls up in front of the insignia of the Black Hand.


The crowd is in a buzz as the casket in the ring catches fire! Bearded War Pig backs away and out of the ring as ring crew scrambles into the ring with fire extinguishers, putting out the blaze. BWP rushes back into the ring and shoves the ring crew out of the way. He grabs a fire extinguisher and holds it in his right hand, cocked back, as he opens the casket with the left. Inside is a dead pig, looking up from within. BWP looks around the arena maniacally, calling out for someone or something. As he does, the symbol of the Black Hand disappears from the Xtron, which now reads once sentence.


PC: "This has to be the work of Robbie Bourbon!"

HHL: "Do you think?!"

As they speak, a body falls from the rafters and hits the ring. BWP jumps back and points the fire extinguisher at it. The camera zooms in to see it is actually a mannequin, bedecked in the same kind of garb Robbie Bourbon wears. BWP looks around incredulously, then bashes the mannequin over the head with the fire extinguisher. He brings the canister down a second time.

HHL: "Bearded War Pig seems on edge with these mind games!"

PC: "He betrayed his best friend! If he thinks he's been sparked by what happened at Lethal Lottery, just imagine what Robbie Bourbon is thinking!"

BWP looks around and picks up the mannequin. He opens the charred casket and stuffs the mannequin inside it along with the dead pig he found earlier. He slams the lid shut, and as he does, the lights drop again. The words on the XTron change yet again.

I forgive those who murder and steal because they did it out of necessity...

It is bright enough to illuminate BWP's face as he watches. The words dissipate as the rest of the quote is revealed.

...but a traitor never.

The lights come back up and inside the ring we see Robbie Bourbon, still in his bloodied mask, standing behind BWP. BWP pivots and is kicked right in the dick by Bourbon. Robbie hoists BWP up high...

PC: "It's Robbie Bourbon!"

HHL: "Oh my god, don't tell me he's going to do what I think he is!"


The crowd goes absolutely ballistic at the sight of Robbie driving his former partner through an entire coffin.

From there Robbie runs from the ring. Giggling... yes, giggling the entire way. Bourbon escapes to the back and disappears. Leaving BWP as ruins in his wake.The aftermath, a cruel and insidious mistress, Socio reenters the ring. Charging up to the mangled heap that is BWP, he pulls Pig up to his feet, only to deliver - Anti-gravity Gorilla Press! Quickly covering shortly afterwards.




"Wait... this match isn't determined by kickout?"

"You'd be surprised how often folks forget that."

Amjetkun Socio makes his way to a specific area at ringside and lifts up the ring apron to reach under the ring and grab THE BIGGEST STEROID NEEDLE EVER SEEN! The fans are going ape shit over it.

HHL: That thing has to be at least 3 feet long!

PC: Whatever's in it is glowing bright green!

Socio runs into the ring and clotheslines BWP with the big ass needle and BWP does a 180 in the air from the impact! Socio is beating BWP down with the needle and now he pulls him up and bends him over and shoves the needle straight into his hairy ass!!!!!!!

Fans: Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!

PC: The entire contents have been injected into BWP's big ol' butt!

BWP starts to shake and froth at the mouth. His eyes are watering like crazy and his tongue's hanging out like he's a thirsty ass dog. He hunches over in pain and starts to vomit profusely all over the place. Socio tosses the used needle out into the sea of crazed maniacs and a bunch of people start fighting over it!

Then Socio lifts BWP up and starts bench pressing him, high in the air. Like Pig was nothing more than a piece of wood. BWP twitches and froths from the mouth but is otherwise powerless to stop the process. After several good presses, Socio slams BWP onto the canvas and proceeds to stad over him. Grabbing a fistful of hair, Amjetkun yells down at BWP. Words that are basically inaudible. You hear Socio screaming but the message is unclear. Spit flies from his mouth and speckles against Pig's face. Like snowflakes on a pleasant winter's eve. Only super gross and immensely unappealing. Bearded War Pig attempts to slap Socio away, to no avail. The muscle riddled mammoth catches Pig's hand and pulls him into a kneeling position. After which he stands over Pig and crosses his arms, a stern frown in place. From somewhere beneath the beard of the battered and beaten man... three words are uttered for all to hear. Words that makes the audience's blood run cold.

I'm a bitch!"

These words are repeated.... over and over again. Until BWP is lying in a massive lump and crying into the canvas. What an ultimately shameful display.

While the party is in full swing with plenty of drinking, cursing, and laughter, things come to a screeching halt as a couple enters. The XWF Tag Team Champions, Sarah and Kenzi Grey-Lacklan breeze in like they own the place. The former Anarchy Champion wearing a ton of makeup and a form-fitting dress and corset that seemed to be squeezing her chest to near bursting and Kenzi, dressed down, the polar opposite of her wife in tight-fitting jeans, a Centurion t-shirt, and a single crutch. In spite of the walking aid, she also had two wrapped gifts tucked neatly under her arm.

The duo stopped, looking around at the crowd staring back at them in silence. Sarah finally piped up loudly in a high Londoner accent,


Kenzi shook her head as the party swung back into action. The two made their way to Fuzz and Noah Jackson. Kenzi gave the duo a knowing smirk.

KENZI: “Happy coming out party guys!”

FUZZ: Wait does this bitch think…. That we are…. Wait.

NOAH: Yeah what’s this all about cunt?

Kenzi frowns at the response and Sarah leans in, whispering to her wife.

LACKLAN: “…they aren’t all the way out yet Beloved…”

Kenzi’s eyes widen and her cheeks flush.

KENZI: “OH SHIT! SORRY GUYS! Anyway…we got you some stuff!”

As she hands over the gifts, the duo take notice of her t-shirt with the Hart Champion emblazoned on the front.

FUZZ: You know that what you’re wearing is a dress code violation.

NOAH: Yeah cunt, he didn’t even want to show up and get wasted.

FUZZ:: Also… why are you wearing someone else’s merch? And of all people why Centurion?

Kenzi looks down at her shirt, eyes blinking in confusion.

KENZI: “This isn’t Centurion! That guy is ugly! This is Tom Cruise you assholes!”

Sarah rolls her eyes as she breathes out a hard sigh and mutters under her breath,

LACKLAN: “…scientologist…”

She adjusts her thick glasses on the bridge of her nose, gesturing for them to hurry up and open their presents.

LACKLAN: “We haven’t got all night! Make it snappy so we can go class up this sausage fest!”

FUZZ unwraps his gift first…then stares at Kenzi, then holds up an autographed picture of her taken with a polaroid only minutes ago. As he stares back and forth, she summons the exact same pose and shit-eating grin. She looks around suspiciously, then leans in close with a wink,

KENZI: “…happy coming out…”


Kenzi ignores him as NOAH tears open his present to find an autographed copy of the “Leap of Faith: Platinum Anarchy Champion Edition.”

NOAH: Oi, what’s this cunt?

Sarah cuts a vicious smirk,

LACKLAN: “It’s not the entire match, just the last three seconds of me beating you looped for 2 ½ hours! ENJOY!!”

The XWF Tag Champs bump their fists together, and off in the distance, they hear the screech of a majestic falcon in flight. They turn and walk off, as NOAH and FUZZ stare at one another…

FUZZ: We don’t sound like that do we?

NOAH: What do you mean?

FUZZ: You know, looking down on everyone else…

NOAH: Oh no Dad, we totally do that. Good on them for the gifts tho, we should make a killing on eBay with them… Only if we could’ve gotten them signed.

Fuzz taps on the picture and the cover of the DVD.

FUZZ: They did.

NOAH: What a couple of dumb cunts! We’re going to be rich.

FUZZ and NOAH throw the “gifts” on a nearby table as NOAH grabs another drink and quickly hammers it down, NOAH peels off and grabs another drink as FUZZ walks towards the door as Knuckles is currently stopping SBW and Atticus from coming into the party.

ATTICUS BLACK: Listen we just have to make sure everone in there is okay and ready for tonight.

SBW: I don’t, I’m not working. I’m here to drink.

SBW lights up a long cigar looking forward to the night ahead but TK is holding up a hand to stop them.

TK: Listen FUZZ was very clear on his instructions, NO MANAGEMENT!

FUZZ walks up and taps TK on the shoulder.

FUZZ: What’s going on TK?

TK: These two want to come in and make sure everything is ok… What a crock am I RIght?

FUZZ looks at Atticus and SBW, then opens up the rope for them and extends a hand to the party.

FUZZ: Go on in guys, there is one rule.

Atticus and SBW stop in their tracks and look at FUZZ.

FUZZ: Just have fun, Vinny can’t get in here. This is basically the lawless wild west in here. Have fun and get drunk courtesy of the Sick Cunts.

Attiucs and SBW look uncharacteristically giddy as they disappear into the party, as FUZZ turns his attention to TK.

FUZZ: Great Job tonight TK.

TK: Thanks.

FUZZ: Just one thing, I need you to stick to the list. I didn’t say No Management, just no Vinny lane, and from the looks of it you allowed Sarah in and she clearly hasn’t showered.

TK: Sorry, I just assumed that it was all of them, and Sarah assured me that she had.

FUZZ: It’s Ok. Just No Vinny or Scully. Keep up the great work, so far you’re worth every dollar.

FUZZ slaps TK on the shoulder and walks back into the party. NOAH is hammering down another drink when FUZZ walks up to him grabbing the drink right from his hand.

NOAH: What gives cunt?

FUZZ: Thirsty. While you’ve been galavanting around I’ve been keeping an eye on the party and making sure everything runs smoothly…

NOAH: Yeah.. that’s what parents do you dumb fuck…

FUZZ: This isn’t a fucking birthday party at Chuck E Cheese…. This is a moment for the both of us, and you’ve been getting hammered and clinging onto Vita as if you haven’t seen her in weeks… Just chill out a little bit.

NOAH: Not Happening cunt..

FUZZ: Whatever.

Fuzz turns to walk away as NOAH turns around, and just as he does a larger speaker falls to the ground and crashes a few feet away from NOAH.


Noah sees one of the wait staff rush away from the area where the speaker fell from.

NOAH: Not so fast you cunt.

Noah runs after them, but trips and falls on the ground. He struggles for a moment to get to his feet. NOAH reaches for something to pull himself up, and grabs onto Fuzz’s leg.

FUZZ: You really need to slow down…

NOAH: Piss off cunt…

FUZZ: Noah, listen, you only have to be kinda drunk… not fucking plastered…

NOAH: Didn’t I tell you to piss off.

Noah finally makes it to his feet and definitely grabs another drink from the nearest table, and downs it. Shooting Fuzz a smirk.

NOAH: Delicious…

FUZZ: Just fucking slow down.

NOAH: Piss off you cunt… You’re not even my real Dad…..

Fuzz stands there shook for a moment, and just turns his shoulder and walks away. NOAH begins to chase after him.

NOAH: Wait…. No… I Didn’t Mean that… Come on…. Dad! I didn’t Mean IT!

Fuzz ignores Noah and his pleas. Vita rushes up to Noah and grabs him, blissfully unaware of what just happened.

VV: What’s wrong?

NOAH: I…. I think…. I think I just fucked up… Big time.

The camera cuts to Vinny’s gathering. Theo and Vinny are sitting there watching the show going on when Theo stands up and adjust his suit and begins to walk towards the door.

VINNIE LANE: Where are you going?

THEO PRYCE: Honestly Vinny…


THEO PRYCE: I just don’t want to be here. This isn’t a party, this is you trying to make someone look foolish, but you’re getting played. This is sadder than the time you cried yourself to sleep watching the Notebook. I’m going to the other party.

VINNIE LANE: Fine… just go.

Theo quietly walks out of the room leaving Vinny sitting there all by himself. He pulls out a singular kazoo and blows on it. As the camera fades.

Madison Dyson
- vs -
Atara Themis
- vs -
Geri Miller
Steel Cage Triple Threat

Madison Ivy comes down the ramp in a champ pulled by libtards, she cracks her whip with delight as she gets to the ring.

Geri Miller strolls down the ramp greeting fans as she smokes a blunt.




Madison and Geri circle each other slowly as the opening bell rings, each looking at the chain link cage that’s lowered from the arena rafters to surround the ring. Madison grips the steel links, wrapping her fingers around and shaking the stracture to test its fortitude. Geri attacks first, charging from her corner and drilling Madison with a brutal clothesline that sends her flipping head over heels to the canvas.

“Heads up, Dyson!”

“Madison did not seem prepared for that one!”

“That’s HER fault! Everyone knew we were getting underway! Atara couldn’t even get into the country for the show tonight, and we already knew this match was a singles encounter… so if Madison was waiting for another entrance… she screwed up.”

Geri doesn’t allow Madison a chance to recover, gripping the top rope and using it for balance as she viciously curbstomps Dyson! Madison rolls to her hands and knees and tries to crawl away from the carnage, but Geri grabs her in a side headlock and drags her up to her feet… German Suplex!

Geri hoists Madison up just to throw her right back down! Madison rolls to her feet in the far corner and tries to shake the cobwebs out of her head as Geri shuffles forward… SUPERKICK!

“No! Madison ducks underneath Gerri’s kick and catches her foot, flipping her over with a leg whip takedown!”

“Gerri tries to roll away to safety, but Madison drops a sharp elbow right on her head!”

The crowd groans loudly as Gerri rolls around the mat, clutching her skull. Madison quickly rolls Gerri over onto her back and makes the cover, the referee sliding into position to make the count!



Gerri gets a shoulder up and manages to shove Madison off of her and get back to her feet. Madison pops up quickly as well, and lunges at Miller! The two tie up, Gerri eventually gaining the upper hand and Irish whipping Madison across the ring and face first into the steel cage!

“OH! Dyson hit those metal links like she was a lawn dart!”

Madison rebounds off the cage and into the middle of the ring, where Gerri is waiting for her!


Miller unleashed a brutal superkick that nearly decapitates Madison! Dyson falls slowly to her knees, then collapses face first to the mat! The Canadian crowd explodes as Gerri hustles over to her and struggles to roll her over!

“This one could be over!”


“The crowd is on their feet!”


“The biggest win of Gerris career!”


Madison gets a shoulder up and the crowd is in shock! It looked like she was out cold! Gerri sits on her knees and looks to the referee in disbelief, allowing Madison to roll away from her and over to the ropes. Madison grabs the middle rope and steel cage and drags herself back to her feet, spitting a mouthful of blood on the canvas before turning towards Gerri and shouting at her that it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than that to finish her off. Gerri grins, knowing she has a lot more than that to bring.

“Madison begins climbing the cage! She’s nearly half way up before Gerri reacts and rushes across the ring to stop her!”

“But it was a ploy! Madison launches herself off the cage with a flying elbow!”

Dyson connects clean and drops Gerri Miller like Nike stock after Kaepernick became a spokesman! The crowd leaps to their collective feet! It’s over! Dyson covers the limp Miller!







“Dyson sits up and hammers Gerri with right hands! She wants to punish Miller for daring to kickout!”

Madison hoists Gerri up to her feet! Gerri tries to wrap her arms around Dyson and keep the distance close but Madison shifts her weight and the momentum-

“Dead Bitch Walking!”

Dyson plants Gerri Miller flat! She hooks the leg!





Madison celebrates arrogantly, and makes her way out of the cage and up the ramp. The crowd boos loudly, and she simply gives them all the middle finger before disappearing backstage. Gerri Miller sits up on her knees, the referee checking on her and the crowd supporting her efforts.

Slowly we fade out.

Steve Sayors is backstage

Steve Sayors : Ladies and Gentlemen, Please welcome my guest at this time, Box Office Brian O'Haire.

Brian walks into shot nodding positively.

Steve Sayors: Brian, Last week I wanted to catch up with you about where you've been, then suddenly there was confetti cannon and next thing I know, you're out cold. What's going on?

Brian: Steve, I don't know. It's almost as if someone's got it in for me. Don't get me wrong, I saw that whatever it is decided to get involved with Centurion in his match too, so, whatever it is, has got some sort of death wish. Is it someone fucking with my head? Is it some new guy trying to make a name for himself? Who the fuck knows. One thing's for sure, whatever's going on has put me on notice, and I'm ready this time.

Steve: So, what's your course of action?

Brian: Next Savage, I'm calling this... Whatever it is out. You want to talk? you want to fight? You want to do this thing? Meet me in the middle of the ring next Savage. Lets see what you've got going on. No confetti. No gimmicks. Just explanations. Hell, if Centurion and anyone else that's been dragged into this want to come along, by all means do so.

Steve: Thanks, Brian.

Steve turns to camera

Steve: So, next Savage Saturday Night, Box Office Brian O'Haire confronts.... This... Whatever it is!!! Be sure to tune in.

Savage goes to commercial break.

Brian O'Haire is seen walking backstage and into his dressing room.
He opens the door, and the room is full of balloons.
A demented circus music is playing as he enters.
Brian O'Haire looks confused as he bats the balloons out the way to gain access to his dressing room.

There is a red nose placed on a table.

There is a larger balloon which says "don't pop me" with a smiley face on it.

Brian looks at this and laughs.
He grabs it and pops it.
It explodes in a haze of glitter, sparks and confetti.
Brian falls to the ground.
Officials come running because of the noise to check on him as an unconscious Brian O'Haire is checked by officials.

[Image: S2wXAE9.png]

5'2 Mafia
Sarah & Kenzi Grey-Lacklan
- vs -
Notorious BIG
Big D & "Notorious" Ned Kaye
Tag Team

"Firepower" by Judas Priest hits over the PA as the lights go out. The fans look around, confused, as they aren't sure whose theme song this is. All of a sudden, a colorful strobe begins to fill the arena, hyping the crowd up. After a moment of waiting, Big D finally walks onto the ramp, holding his hands in the shape of an uppercase 'D', as the fans give a mixed reaction.

HHL: "An unusually warmer welcome for Big D than normal."

PC: "That's because they know where there's a Big D, there's also a Ned Kaye."

Big D takes a couple steps down the aisle, taking in the few cheers he's actually getting for once, before stopping and pointing towards the entry way. The curtain lifts open, a deep fog emitting and shrouding the figure walking out. Emerging from the smokey mist is an outstretched arm holding a 24/7 briefcase as familiar embers are seen spewn across the X-Tron. Walking slowly from the fog, stoic as ever, is "Notorious" Ned Kaye. Stepping to D's side he looks out to the audience, cheering loudly for him despite his clear uncertainty. Faced with the crowd's support, he can't help but smile humbly. He looks to his partner, giving him a quick nod before walking towards the ring.

PC: "With an entrance like THAT, you'd think these guys were the CHAMPIONS!"

HHL: "A little flare and confidence never hurt anyone, Pip."

PC: "We'll see once they're in the ring with THE Champions. I get the feeling they're gonna be hurtin' quite a bit by the end of it."

Big D and Ned slide into the ring simultaneously, before heading to opposite corners. They both climb to the second rope, Big D once again making a 'D' with his hands, while Ned raises his briefcase above his head.

The lights flicker in the arena as “Burn” by The Cure begins to play. Kenzi and Sarah Selena Lacklan walk out together, the Tag Team Championships around their waists. The sound of a screeching hawk is heard throughout the arena as the two execute their signature fist bump. An explosion of pyro erupts as the pair head down to the ring together.

PC: "There they are, the XWF World Tag Team Champions!"

HHL: "This should be an interesting match, as 3 of the 4 participants are coming off of big losses at Lethal Lottery."

PC: "Don't remind everyone of the horrible treatment of our Queen, Heather!"

HHL: "Rumor has it she slept in that pile of trash overnight!"

PC: "Yeah, well, that's why it's called a RUMOR, because it's not true!"

The Champions make their way to ringside, where they scope out the challenger's in the ring. They look unimpressed, but it doesn't bother Ned or D who wait patiently. Kenzi and Sarah both slide in and pose for the crowd, looking confident as ever.

PC: "All hail XWF's Royal Family!"

HHL: "Pip, you know I have a better chance with them than you, right?"

PC: "That'd be hot."

HHL: "...................."

The referee takes the Titles from the Champions and holds it in the air. He then shows Big D and Ned, before doing the same for Kenzi and Sarah. After giving the belts to the time keeper, the ref calls for the bell.


Big D whispers something to Ned, which he nods his head to and climbs onto the apron. Both the Champions stand in the ring, starring down the challenger. D then points at Lacklan and makes a 'bring it' motion with his hand. She looks from him to Kenzi, who shrugs and gives Sarah a kiss before climbing onto the apron.

HHL: "Got a little bit of history here, Pip."

PC: "That we do, Heather. Sarah Lacklan won War Games for Big D, earning him a Universal Title shot........which he lost, for the record."

HHL: "Not only that, but she earned the victory by last eliminating D's current partner!"

Big D and Sarah circle the ring, feeling each other out for a moment. Finally, the two lock-up in the center, only for D to shove Lacklan to the mat. She quickly rolls backwards and pops up, unfazed by her opponent's power. They go to lock-up again, but Sarah ducks under Big D's arms and runs to the ropes. On the rebound, she goes for a Spinning Heel Kick, but is caught by D. He repositions her for a Dan Slam, but she manages to use the momentum to escape it with an Arm Drag. Big D quickly gets up and charges at Sarah, who has already risen to her feet and meets D with a Martial Arts kick that sends him backwards into his own corner. Ned tags himself in as D hits the turnbuckles.

PC: "Ned WANTS to be in the ring with Sarah??? Those Shining Wizards from way back must've had a long term effect on his brain!"

HHL: "Ned's a fighter, Pip, he doesn't back down from a challenge. He probably wants to show her he's improved since then."

Ned and Sarah tie-up, with Ned getting the advantage with a quick Headlock. Lacklan slithers out of it and goes to Irish Whip her opponent, but he reverses and sends her against the ropes instead. As she bounces off, Kenzi tags herself in. Ned attempts a Clothesline, but Lacklan ducks and sneaks behind him. As she wraps her arms around Ned's waste, Kenzi comes in with a Superkick that allows Sarah to hit a German Suplex.

PC: "Look at the fluidity of our Tag Team Champions! That Snap Trap was as beautiful as they are!"

HHL: "Kenzi is going for an early cover here!"


Big D runs in and yanks Kenzi off to break the pin attempt.

HHL: "Good save by Big D."

PC: "He must not have trusted Ned to kick out there!"

HHL: "Probably figured better safe than sorry.

Big D uses the 5 count to pick Kenzi up and deliver a horrifying German Suplex against the corner that sends the back of her head bouncing off the turnbuckle. Lacklan absolutely loses her mind, attempting to enter the ring but being prevented by the ref. Big D makes his way back out onto the apron as his partner begins to stir.

PC: "Sarah Lacklan is NOT happy with Big D's cheap shot! He about killed her wife!"

Ned crawls over to Big D, as Kenzi writhes in pain on the mat. D makes the tag and climbs in, giving instructions to his partner. As Big D brings Kenzi to her feet and puts her head between his legs, Ned climbs onto the apron and holds the ropes. Big D hoists Kenzi up in Powerbomb position, while Ned slingshots onto the top rope and performs a Crossbody as his partner slams their opponent to the mat. Ned slides out of the ring as Big D covers.


Lacklan breaks up the count with a Dropkick to Big D's face. Rather than leave the ring, however, she stands up and waits for D to follow suit. Once he's gotten to his knees, she runs at him and hits a Shining Wizard.

HHL: "That was definitely some payback right there!"

PC: "You said it! Big D has no idea where he is right now!"

As Big D tries to figure out where he is, Lacklan drags Kenzi over to their corner before climbing out on the apron and tagging herself in. A woozy D sees her climb back in, stomping towards him, so he hurries over and makes the tag to Ned. Big D quickly slides out of the ring, but Sarah follows him as Ned climbs in. D turns around and is met with a HARD right hook that dazes him, before being thrown against the barricade. Lacklan yells at him for what he did to her wife, before turning around and getting hit with a slingshot Hurricanrana from Ned.

HHL: "Sarah was so hellbent on payback, she left herself open!"

PC: "Shame on Ned! How dare he look out for his partner like the Queen was doing for HER'S!"

Ned Kaye rolls Lacklan into the ring and climbs onto the apron, where he waits for her to get up. Once she's on her feet, Ned pulls on the top rope and uses the momentum to cartwheel over, wrapping his legs around Sarah's neck, and performs a Headscissors that sends her flying to the center of the ring.

HHL: "The Disciplinary Action! Ned goes for the cover, looking to end it right here!


PC: "Gonna take more than that to keep Sarah Lacklan down!"

HHL: "Luckily she kicked out, Kenzi is still trying to recover from that vicious German Suplex."

Ned gets up, bringing Lacklan with him. He does a Vertical Press, holding her above his head for a moment, before slamming her to the mat. Then he heads over to his corner and climbs to the top rope, where he jumps off and attempts a Double Stomp, but Sarah rolls out of the way. Ned lands on his feet and does a roll forward, before turning around. Sarah gets up and tries to run at him, but Big D reaches in from the floor and trips her. He puts his arms up, innocently, but it doesn't save him from getting scolded by Ned. D shrugs and climbs onto the apron, where he tags himself in.

HHL: "Ned isn't too thrilled with Big D's tactic."

PC: "You'd think he'd be grateful, D might've saved him from losing his head!"

Big D picks Lacklan up, as Ned climbs onto the second rope. D then hits a Backbreaker onto Sarah, as his partner jumps off and delivers an Elbow Drop. Ned then climbs to the outside as Big D covers.


PC: "Sarah's got her foot on the rope!"

HHL: "Luckily for her the ref sees it."

An irritated Big D hooks the leg that was on the rope, but Sarah immediately kicks out. He gets to his feet and brings his opponent with him. D goes for a Powerbomb but, as he picks Lacklan up, she begins to hammer him with rights. This causes Big D to back up against a neutral corner, allowing Sarah to slip out, onto the top rope. She uses her legs to push Big D forward and, as he turns around, she goes for a Crossbody. It looks like she nailed it as D goes down, but he rolls all the way through and onto his feet, Sarah Lacklan in his arms. Big D attempts a Scoop Slam, but his opponent uses the force of his attempted move to fall behind him, her arm around his hand, causing them both to crash to the mat as she hits a Reverse DDT.

PC: "Sarah hit The Abyss!!!!! If she can cover Big D right here, it's OVER!!!!"

HHL: "She's basically been wrestling a Handicap Match for the past few minutes, her tank is running on fumes right now!"

A woozy Sarah looks towards her corner and sees a recovered Kenzi Grey waiting anxiously with her arm outstretched. She slowly crawls her way towards her partner, as Big D begins to stir. As he gets to his knees, Big D can only watch in horror as Sarah makes the tag. An eager Kenzi rushes in and approaches D, who begs her not to hurt him. She doesn't oblige, hitting a Codebreaker with vengeance.

PC: "Breakout Performance!!!! I think I saw a tooth fly!"

HHL: "She's not going for a cover, Pip, she could be setting up for The Walk of Fame!"

PC: "Kenzi is gonna let Big D off easy for what he did earlier!"

Kenzi begs for D to get up as he crawls to his hands and knees, before running forward and nailing him with a Curb Stomp that sends blood flying from his nose. She rolls him over and eagerly covers.


At the last second, Ned Kaye rushes in and breaks up the cover with a Stomp. Sarah Lacklan immediately climbs in and runs at Ned, who ducks her attempt at a Martial Arts Kick. Lacklan turns around and is met with a Dropkick that sends her tumbling through the ropes, to the outside. As Ned gets up, he's met with a One Hit Wonder(Supergirl Punch) that drops him. Before Kenzi can get back to her feet, Big D is already in his, hoisting her up and bringing her down for the Dan Slam. A hush comes over the crowd as D drapes an arm over Grey.


HHL: "With ZERO time to spare, Kenzi Grey kicks out of an impactful Dan Slam!"

PC: "I wonder if Big D still thinks she's the Marty Jannetty of the team?"

Big D grabs his hair in disbelief, wondering what it's gonna take to win the belts. He looks over and sees Ned on the apron, recovering from the last shot he took. D tags his partner, who ascends the rope as he climbs out to the apron. Ned waits for Kenzi to get up, jumping off as she turns around. He hits her with a Crossbody, but she manages to use their momentum to roll Ned up into a Cradle Pin attempt.

Big D runs over to where the two are, and kicks his leg through the rope, causing them to shift weight to where NED now has the pin.


PC: "Kenzi Grey refuses to stay down!"

HHL: "I honestly have no idea what either team has to do to keep the other team down!"

As Ned rises to his feet, we see Lacklan yank Big D off the apron. She goes to hit D with a right, but he blocks it and whips her towards the steel steps. Sarah manages to reverse it, sending Big D crashing, shoulder first, into them. Ned sees this and throws his hands in the air, as Sarah shrugs and heads back over to her corner. He then turns his attention back towards his legal opponent, bringing Kenzi to her feet. Ned hoists her above his head, but Kenzi manages to wiggle out behind him. She locks in a Sleeper Hold, but Kaye quickly backs into his corner, smashing Kenzi between him and the turnbuckles. Grey refuses to let go, so Ned reaches behind him and whips her over his shoulders. Kenzi gets up quick but is met with a HARD Superkick that drops her to the mat. Ned goes for the cover.


PC: "Sarah breaks up the pin, thank God!"

HHL: "Big D's climbing in the ring, Pip, and he doesn't look too pleased!"

With all four competitors in the ring, Sarah Lacklan charges at Big D. She attempts a Shining Wizard as he's getting to his knees, but he ducks and wraps his arms around her waist. He then hoists her up and lays her out with a German Suplex. As he does this, Ned Kaye picks Kenzi Grey up and Scoop Slams her in front of the corner. Both members of Notorious BIG get up, looking to each other, before turning towards the top rope. Big D drags Lacklan near the opposite corner of where Kenzi's laying, before climbing out onto the apron and ascending to the top. Ned Kaye follows suit.

HHL: "Big D AND Ned Kaye are looking to fly!"

PC: "This is NOT good for the Champions, if Big D lands on Sarah he could CRUSH HER!!!!!"

HHL: "And if Ned Kaye lands on Kenzi, it could all be over!"

The two partners look at each other from their perches before jumping off. Ned Kaye performs a Shooting Star Press and lands it on Kenzi Grey, while Big D misses his attempted Leg Drop on Sarah Lacklan. Ned covers Kenzi as Sarah gets up and heads his way.

Sarah kicks Ned in the face, breaking the cover. She brings him to his feet, but he pushes her backwards into a waiting Big D's arms. He lifts Lacklan up, spins her around, and nails a Dan Slam. D then rolls her out of the ring, before climbing onto the apron and asking for the tag. Ned obliges, climbing the top rope as Big D heads for Kenzi Grey. He lifts her above his head, setting her on his shoulders, before walking over to the waiting Ned Kaye.

HHL: "Looks like they're going for a Doomsday Device, a classic Tag Team maneuver!!!"

PC: "And Sarah Lacklan is out on the floor, we may have new Champions righr here!"

Ned jumps off the top rope, but misses his attempted Clothesline as Kenzi Grey rolls forward off of Big D's shoulders. As Ned hits the mat hard, Kenzi rolls Big D into a pin attempt.



PC: "She did it! After all the punishment she endured, Kenzi Grey-Lacklan comes out on top for her team!"

HHL: "What a showing by the challengers! They put up a great fight, but the Champions showed exactly why they won those belts in the first place!"

Kenzi rolls out of the ring and checks on Sarah, who just started moving. The ref follows, gets their belts, and hands them to the Champions. They celebrate, as Kenzi helps her wife up. Big D and Ned stand in the ring, disappointed looks on their faces. The 5'2 Mafia wave at them as they head up the ramp, laughing at what they'd overcome. Big D pats Ned on the back, before exiting the ring together.

The Sick Cunts sick party is in full swing, and everybody seems to be having a great time. The alcohol flows freely and people are laughing, exchanging road tales and just generally engaging in some unsanctioned work merriment. However, an abrupt pall starts to descend over the crowd, and attentions are diverted to a new figure entering their midst. Conversations die on tongues and eyes lock on the newcomer.


Some of the party goers look genuinely surprised to see her. Others look confused. Still more just look plain drunk.

Lux wastes no time walking right up to FUZZ. Sensing someone is behind him, the 24/7 Briefcase holder turns around. Lux extends a hand. FUZZ considers it, slightly glassy eyed, when NOAH steps in.

NOAH: What's this, cunt?

LUX: A..handshake? (Lux smiles.) I'm not looking for a dick measuring contest here, Noah.

NOAH: Good thing too, cunt! We bust out those tape measures and the Sick Cunts got you beat metric system, the US system, the Dewey Decimal System.... Noah wobbles a bit. We got you, fucker!

Fuzz can't suppress a chuckle, and he holds a hand up to ease Noah off.

FUZZ: Relax man. Nobody's fighting at our party. What you got to say, Lux?

Lux pulls her hand back subtly.

LUX:I just wanted to offer you a word of congratulations. What you did at Lethal Lottery was no small feat. And I can read the writing on the wall, that briefcase of yours puts us on a collision course. But that doesn't mean we don't have to be civil. I welcome your cash in. You know where to find me.

Fuzz scoffs and begins to turn away. Noah quickly follows behind him. Lux looks a bit bemused... that's it?

Fuzz stops in his tracks, as oblivious as always Noah strides right past him. Fuzz grabs his shoulder and turns around to Lux standing there with a sly grin on her face. Fuzz adjust the X-Treme title on his shoulder and walks right up to Lux.

FUZZ: You come here… right here to OUR PARTY, to what? Prove a point? To show that you’re the bigger person? Well there’s the door Lux, feel free to walk out when ever you feel compelled.

Fuzz points towards the door, as Lux leans over to check the door. Knuckles is standing there doing a shot with Geri Miller. The looks right back towards Fuzz.

FUZZ: Ok, so what were you trying to prove? That you’re ready and willing to take on anyone? Ok, but guess what Lux… you see that briefcase right there? That means you play by my rules. I don’t jump when you ask, this is my playground now. When you take a shot at the bully, you better not miss. So here you are standing in my face, and all full of yourself, but guess what… you’re mission was a failure.

Fuzz takes another step towards Lux.

FUZZ: You are here from the future right? Well what’s the first fucking rule of time travel? Don’t fuck with the timeline. You shattered your own reality, and for what? A promise of a better tomorrow? A promise of making the future paradise? Well guess what, when you eventually get home, you’re not going to find eden, you’re not going to find a utopia sprouted from the ashes. No, what you’re going to find is more of the same.

Fuzz takes one last step and is right in Lux’s face.

FUZZ: No, you thought you were playing the hero. You thought you were doing the right thing, we all saw Endgame. We all know what happened in the end. Where is Tony Stark? Dead. Captain America? Retired. Black Widow? Dead. Hulk? Damaged permanently. Why? Because they fucked with the timeline and everything got splintered. What you have done we don’t know the outcome…. but just what if… what if it was the lesser of two evils? What if you cut the head off of the snake and two more popped up? Yes so you and I are currently on a collision course, but just ask yourself this… what’s worse? What you had? Or what you created? Because just know… I do plan on taking that god awful abomination of a title off of you, it’s just going to be at my discretion. So go right ahead… face Barney Green at Cuntfest, hell take on the entire Flock of Tards. It doesn’t matter to me, because when you do eventually hear my music, you’ll know that your future was predetermined the second I won that briefcase...

Lux's expression in response to Fuzz's rant is somewhat inscrutable. Taking a step back, Lux then smiles a bit in a playful fashion.

LUX: You're assuming a great deal, Fuzz. You're also, in many ways, correct. Stay tuned.

Then, with a nod towards NOAH, she turns about on her heel and heads for the exit.

NOAH: What a Cunt!

FUZZ: Easy now Noah…

NOAH: Listen Dad… About earlier…

FUZZ: Drop it. It’s over. You’re drunk, I get it. Just take care of your business, and I won’t have to tell you I told you so..

Fuzz and Noah bust out their Secret Handshake, as They both head towards the exit.

NOAH: You coming to the ring with me?

FUZZ: Nope, I just see someone very interesting at the door.

Noah wobbly walks past TK and out into the hall. There is another loud crash in the hallway where NOAH was.

NOAH: CUNT! Damn It Scully! I knew all these fucks were your doing! Get bent you cuck cunt!

Noah is seen throwing one of the Flock to the ground, as the others surround him.

NOAH: Not today you fucking mouth breathers!

Noah quickly dispatches of the Flock as Scully comes from out of nowhere to rush towards them, but is tripped by the laying bodies on the floor. Scully smashes his hand on the floor in frustration as NOAH walks away laughing. FUZZ stops at the entrance and waits for the man at the end of the hall to get to the door.

FUZZ: Don’t worry TK, I’ve got this one.

Just then Theo Pryce tries to walk into the party, but is stopped by Fuzz.

FUZZ: And where do you think you’re going?

THEO PRYCE: ...Just let me in…

FUZZ: Nah. Don’t think so homie….

Theo tries to push past Fuzz, but the Xtreme Champ stands his ground.

THEO PRYCE: Are you fucking kidding me? Is this actually Noah wearing a Fuzz mask or are you happy being a childish prick?

FUZZ: Nah, I’m good.

THEO PRYCE: You really are a moody bitch sometimes, what gives?

Fuzz ponders the question for a moment and then sternly pokes his finger into Theo’s chest.

FUZZ: You are. You and I had a fucking deal, and then what happens? You don’t deliver. I only asked for one thing, and you couldn’t even do that one simple request… So yeah. I’ve got a problem with you… Boss.

THEO PRYCE: How many times must I explain it to you… There were NO FUCKING BRACKETS! And why would you even want to see them now, aren’t they in your rear view now?

FUZZ: Why? Because you see them over there? (Points to the screen where Sarah and Kenzi walk backstage after there win) It’s because they’ve held those titles just as long as I’ve held mine, and how many times have they put them up in a match? I’ll wait…

THEO PRYCE: Well Kenzi was….

FUZZ: I don’t give a fuck where Kenzi was, or who she was doing, the bottom line is those titles should’ve been OURS!

THEO PRYCE: Well you can make that happen… I mean you do have a small amount of say in the booking of… god I can’t believe I’m about to say this… Cuntfest.

FUZZ: That’s not how it’s going to go down. You’re going to be the one to book that match. I don’t want them saying I stacked the deck against them… That’s on you.

THEO PRYCE: Are we done?

Fuzz backs up and takes a deep breath.

FUZZ: Sure thing. Have fun. I’ve got to go check on some things.

Fuzz steps aside as Theo walks into the party, he notices SBW and Atticus drinking and playing cards with a few members of the roster.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Noah Jackson ©
- vs -
Donovan Blackwater
15 Minute Time Limit
Melbourne Pub Crawl
Both competitors must get extremely drunk before starting the match

TIG: “The following contest is your MAIN EVENT of the evening and is for the XWF TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP!”

“Introducing first… representing The BROTHERS BLACKWATER, DONOVAN BLACKWATER!”

All three brothers emerge, with whomever is fighting at the time, in the lead. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment. Sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream. From there they walk in unison to the ring, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind. Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the ring, two of the brothers hold up the bottom rope, as the intended participant for the fight slides into the ring. That brother then takes his place in the squared circle and awaits his opponent, while basking in the cheers from the audience.

TIG: “And his opponent….”


The intro to Destroy the Evidence plays, the crowd get hype. When the drums kick in Noah Jackson runs out from the back with a burst of energy, basking in the glow of sick cunt energy washing over him. He slowly puts his right foot forward and glides down the ramp on his heelies, rhythmically raising and lowering pointed fingers to the sky as the crowd chants.


Noah Jackson slowly walks around the ring, the TV title draped over his shoulder. Donovan Blackwater stands in his corner as officials set up a table, two steel chairs and begin pouring several shots. Noah looks pretty drunk already from his partying throughout the night. The ref stands at the end of the table and urges both competitors to take a seat.

PC: "So these two have to get hammered before they start the match?"

HHL: "Yes."

PC: "... Why?"

Noah points over to the commentator's booth.

NOAH JACKSON: "OI! I hear you, cunts! Stop questioning this great Aussie wrestling tradition."

Noah almost falls over a table, knocking some of the shots and a touch of alcohol spills onto Blackwater; Donovan stands up to wipe away the liquid and while he's distracted Noah pours two of his shots onto the canvas as he takes a seat pretending to wince from drinking. Donovan goes back to his seat with a grimace as Noah hangs an arm over his chair egging on the challenger. Donovan cracks his neck and downs the first two shots with no issue to some cheers from the crowd. Noah drums his fingers on the table before pointing behind Blackwater.


Blackwater and the ref look away as Noah hurls a shot glass far behind him, hitting a member of the audience, as the two turn back, Noah's puts his acting skills to the test as he pretends to gag, stamping his foot on the canvas.

HHL: "Jesus Christ, Noah is such a dick."

Donovan takes his third shot and struggles to keep the alcohol down but stick through it. Jackson's eyes shift from side to side as his hand trembles taking the shot to his lips.

PC: "Looks like Noah can't sneak his way out of drinking more."

Noah snaps his head back and downs the shot, his cheeks full he glares at Donovan who sinks his last shot with some trouble. Noah places a hand on his final shot but instead of drinking he spits the previous shot out of his mouth like an alcoholic cobra into Blackwater's face, he then flips the table and mounts Donovan beginning a flurry of punches. The ref, not knowing what to do, calls for the bell to start the match.


HHL: ”And we are underway with our Main Event featuring the newly crowd Television Champion NOAH JACKSON defending the title against DONOVAN BLACKWATER,; certainly no rest for the weary after claiming the title at Lethal Lottery for JACKSON.”

PC: ”It comes with the territory when you’re the TV Champion, but come on Heather, we both know NOAH would have been ready for this regardless of a title or not.”

NOAH takes DONOVAN down with a double leg take down where he takes a mount position and hammers down with right hands to the face of BLACKWATER as the crowd chants “CUNT!” with each landing strike.

HHL: ”Better get it in while you can because those they’re both going to be feeling those shots in short order.”

NOAH pops up off DONOVAN as the referee has now cleared the ring of the debris as we see NOAH pick DONOVAN up off the mat where he drives him back into a neutral corner with a shoulder to the midsection followed by a second and then a third where NOAH follows up with a slap across the face to BLACKWATER!

HHL: ”That’s probably not the smartest thing to do if I’m NOAH.”

NOAH brings DONOVAN out to the ropes where he fires him across the ring, DONOVAN bounces off the near side where BLACKWATER ducks a clothesline attempt while taking a back waist lock on NOAH before hoisting him up in the air and driving him down to the mat on to his chest before we see DONOVAN float over into a front face lock that has the referee checking in to see if he wants to surrender. NOAH works his way to all fours as BLACKWATER maintains the front face lock until being countered by NOAH who manages to roll out and transition into a Japanese Armbar submission!

PC: ”This could be over right here!”

NOAH cranks back on the Japanese Armbar as DONOVAN scurries close enough to the ropes that he’s able to reach out with his free hand and latch on to it forcing the break. DONOVAN escapes out to the floor as NOAH stands in the ring as the BROTHERS BLACKWATER are shown talking things over that draws a shrug from NOAH before the Television Champion walks over to the ropes and performs the DEATH DEFYING LEAP on to all three of them to a huge roar from the crowd as the BROTHER’s lightly fall to the floor. A massive “CUNT! CUNT! CUNT!” chant fills the arena as NOAH picks DONOVAN up off the floor and hurls him back into the ring under the bottom rope before joining him. NOAH is back to his feet where he picks BLACKWATER and locks in a front face lock and delivers a snap suplex! NOAH floats over into a cover.




DONOVAN escapes the near fall.

HHL: ”Challenger is out in two…”

NOAH is back to his feet, he picks DONOVAN up before taking him back into the ropes where he fires him across the ring, DONOVAN bounces off the near side ropes as NOAH drops his head for a back body drop attempt but it’s BLACKWATER who counters with a swinging neck breaker! DONOVAN is the first back to his feet where he immediately picks the Television Champion up off the mat and follows up with a Side Russian Leg Sweep and floats over into a cover.




NOAH kicks out.

PC: ”Champion is out in two…”

DONOVAN is back to his feet where he picks the Champion up off the mat where he takes him back into a neutral corner before delivering a knife edge chop across the chest followed by a hard right hand before bringing NOAH out towards the center of the ring where he clasps him and delivers a Northern Light Suplex with no bridge as the challenger reaches his feet before nearly losing his balance only to quickly recover as he shakes his head.

HHL: ”Them shots about to be kicking in!!


DONOVAN makes his way towards NOAH where he picks him up off the mat and rocks him back into the ropes with a European Uppercut where he looks to follow up by sending NOAH over the top rope with a clothesline attempt which see’s NOAH drop down to the mat while yanking the top rope down causing BLACKWATER to spill out to the floor. NOAH uses the ropes to assist him to his feet as he shakes his head from side to side briefly, perhaps showing some early signs of intoxication but he gathers himself before stepping out to the ring apron as he eyes DONOVAN who is starting to push himself up off the floor and as he reaches a vertical base NOAH leaps backwards off the ring apron with a WORLD’S GREATEST MOONSAULT that… DONOVAN side steps sending NOAH crashing down to the floor!

PC: ”Maybe NOAH should eliminate that from his move set if it’s rarely successful…

HHL: "Maybe you should stop acting like a hateful cunt… just sayin’.”

The referee lays the count to both men as DONOVAN staggers towards a downed NOAH where he drives several boots into the back before reaching down picking NOAH up off the floor where he hurls him back into the ring. DONOVAN slides back into the ring where he gets to his feet and sizes up NOAH who starts working his way back up off the mat, DONOVAN comes forward latching on to a back waist lock where he looks to deliver a German Suplex, NOAH counters the positioning before delivering a snap German Suplex! NOAH rolls through picking both himself and DONOVAN up off the mat where he delivers a rip cord knee to the jaw! DONOVAN crumbles to the mat while NOAH drops down making a cover while hooking the near leg,.




HHL: How close was that?!

Both men are on their feet as Jackson runs towards Blackwater and vice versa, both competitors have the same idea as they collide in the middle of the ring with a thunderous clothesline.... Well... To each other,

Noah and Donovan are both down flat on their backs, staring at the lights on the ceiling. The XWF Galaxy applaud the match and begin the famous chant...

"This is awesome.... This is awesome.... This is awesome!"

A close, tense, back and forth contest between Noah Jackson and Donovan Blackwater, for the XWF Television Championship on Savage. Both men have endured an incredible amount of punishment, both men want to win and it's all for the gold.

Noah and Donovan slowly get to their feet and begin trading blows to the "oooohs" and the "aahhs" from the crowd in attendance. Donovan with a right hand. "Ooh"
Noah with a left. "Aah"
Donovan. "Ooh"
Noah. "Aah"
Donovan. "Ooh"
Noah. "Aah"
Donovan. "Ooh"


NOAH hits a super kick on BLACKWATER who hits the canvas, hard. Suddenly NOAH is grabbed from behind by....


Scully suddenly hits a devastating SCULLANATOR on NOAH. Skull smirks to jeers from the crowd. Skull stands in the corner and invites BLACKWATER to make the cover. But.....

Skull nails DONOVAN with a harsh low blow before hitting another...


DONOVAN has been SCULLANATED! Both Noah and Donovan are down. The fans boo loudly.

Skull shrugs before he then grabs NOAH and places their arm over DONOVAN.

The ref makes the cover as Skull exits the ring and watches from the ramp way.






SCULLY looks towards the ring as he’s midways up the ramp while in the ring NOAH reaches his knee’s as he’s awarded the XWF Television Championship. SCULLY and NOAH lock eyes….

The crowd pops big as both SCULLY and NOAH seemed shocked as we see “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE walk out to the top of the ramp flanked by ADAM BARKER. ADAM has a microphone in hand as he hands it over to CHRIS who first directs his attention towards SCULLY as the music fades away and a massive “CCP! CCP! CCP!” chant starts to pick up throughout the arena.

CCP: ”I don’t mean to come out and play spoiler to you SCULLY but you’re not the only man that wants a piece of that cunt stain that’s on his knees in that ring.”

CHRIS looks past SCULLY to NOAH who has now gotten to a vertical base and has the TV Title in his left hand.

CCP: ”NOAH, we haven’t been formally introduced but you thought it’d be a cool idea to assist SHANE at the LETHAL LOTTERY…. So I think it’s a cool idea for me to put my fist down your throat; all in due time, however, in the meantime you’ve got more than SCULLY to answer too….”

The crowd responds as BIG D slides into the ring behind NOAH where he spins him around before planting him with THE DAN SLAM! BIG D reaches down picking up the TV Title where he locks eyes with SCULLY before looking back down at NOAH as SAVAGE goes to it's final commercial.


Vinny stands up and walks over to the door and opens it up. Before he knows what happened, Fuzz bursts into the room and begins to assess the area.

FUZZ: Sweet party Brother….


Fuzz begins to pour himself a drink. He sits down on one of the chairs and kicks his feet up on the table

FUZZ: Where is everyone?

VINNIE LANE: Just leave.

FUZZ: Nah, I’m right where I want to be. Listen Vinnie, I don’t hold anything against you. Seriously. You shot your shot and missed. It happens.

VINNIE LANE: What do you want?

FUZZ: To.. let bygones be bygones.

Vinnie sits down next to Fuzz and looks over the arena. They are being broadcast on the X-Tron for the whole crowd to see and hear.

VINNIE LANE: I’m glad to hear you say that….

Fuzz reaches a hand out to Vinn, and as Vinnie reaches to respond Fuzz pulls his hand back.

FUZZ: Got Em’!

Just as Fuzz says that a few loud booms are heard in the arena. Vinnie walks up towards the glass plate and sees Illegal Mexican fireworks going off to the glee of the crowd. It spells out in big letters.


Fuzz is laughing as he walks out of the door, but peeks his head back inside.

FUZZ: Oh yeah, those are legit fireworks, and you’ll probably be hearing from the fire department. I don’t think they are going to appreciate it, you know with a full crowd and everything… Toodles….

With that Fuzz shuts the door leaving Vinny looking over the fireworks with horror and dismay in his eyes.

[Image: OmhL0aD.gif]

PC: Well this is it folks, our first words from the new Universal Champion are incoming.

HHL: And it should be very interesting considering the state of Lux at the end of Lethal Lottery, with her being carried away by Madison Dyson and Peter Gilmour of all people.

PC: Rumors have been swirling about Lux since then, with some people pointing to her rather unusual Twitter activity of late as well. Something's going on....

The arena goes antiseptic white, almost blindingly so, as the odd opening notes to “Desire” hit. The main screen goes black though with nothing but the words “FUNCTION.TERMINATED.” on them in blood red lettering that looks like computer code. Suddenly, that gives way to a strange inverted triangle, a brief flash of the words “Vox Aeterna”, and then as the music starts to kick into higher gear Lux appears at the top of the ramp as the bright white light starts to get pock marked with specks of red that race over the crowd. The main screen intersperses shots of The Lux in action in the ring, cut with red lines of computer code, that strange triangle mark, and the words “Vox Aeterna” flashing like a subliminal message.

She walks calmly to the ring, title slung over her shoulder. Oddly, she's wearing black lipstick, a trace of red or black eyeliner, and Corey's curly hair is pulled back from his scalp. A red suit with black accents hangs on her frame in a tight fit. When she gets to the ring, she slides in under the bottom rope, crawling towards a camera at apron level. When she gets close to it Lux smiles playfully and whispers “How do you want me?” in time with the music before kipping up to her feet and asking for a mic.

PC: Quite a departure for Lux here. The crowd looking like they don't know what to make of this.

Lux stands in the ring with the mic for a moment, looking out at the crowd as the lights revert back to normal and the music draws down. Some continue to cheer her despite the odd entrance, while others seem more reserved. Lux smiles again, but it's a smile that somehow seems out of place. Then, taking the title from her shoulder, she holds it high, which draws a scattered pop from the audience. After lovingly placing the title on the turnbuckle, she returns her attention to the people and finally speaks.

Allow me to introduce myself. She smiles, and chuckles. No, no....let me take a step back. First off, I want to thank everyone who expressed their concern about me after Lethal Lottery. And I would like to start off by affirming that I am indeed "ok".
Another laughing smirk.

HHL: Something's off here....

I'm ok! And I can't wait to represent the XWF and it's long linage of Universal Champions. As you can see, I've already left my own mark on the title. She gestures to the strange belt atop the turnbuckle. Give it a bit, it'll take some getting used to I'm sure, but it'll grow on you. I...I'm sorry.... Lux turns away from the crowd, covering the bottom half of her face with her hand.

PC: Is she...laughing?!

Taking a moment to recover, she retrains her sights on the fans. Sorry, sorry about that. I really thought I'd be able to do this with a straight face. I really did! Come out here and do the whole "new champion is here" generic feel good speech. Don't forget to give your props to the last guy and hey, who's that coming down the ramp for a stare down to set up the next big pay per view?! I thought I could but....heh....

The fans look seriously confused now.

Lux's expression suddenly turns serious. It's a new day. I know that's what they all say, but in this case it's actually true. Because, for the first time in XWF history, the person you saw WINNING that championship is not the one who is going to be HOLDING it.
Her expression sets with a fierceness. For the last ten months you have all watched as Lux sought to save you all from a world that she claimed is destined for madness and ruin. She placed herself firmly in the role of the savior...the hero...and quite frankly, nobody ever questioned it.

PC: She's talking about herself in the third person! What the hell is going on here?

But was Lux REALLY the hero? Hmmmm? Because all the while she played her role, she waylaid the life of a teenage boy, killed MULTIPLE people, including the attempted murder of a young child, and ran a sword through a man's chest on national television! Folks.... She...or whoever this is....shakes their head solemnly. Lux was out of control. She had to be put down. So I did.

They drink in the shock and confusion of the masses for a moment before proceeding. Lux is DEAD. This body yet lives, Corey Smith still lives. But I am something entirely different.

I am The Engineer.

HHL: What?!

PC: The Engineer is dead! This is....I don't know what this is!

This actually draws some scattered boos from the crowd. The Engineer holds his hand up. Ah, ah, ah! I never said I was Dexter Bright! I would never lay claim to being Dexter Bright. He waits for the scorn to stop, but also seems to be eating it up a bit too. And I know what you're asking yourselves, how can I be "The Engineer" and something new at the same time? It's a good question! And you will all come to know the answer to that question in time. Because you see, Dexter Bright, as mighty as he was, was a broken man. A man of foible, and weakness. A man who, often times, did not seem to know who or what he was. And you know, it's funny, because in a lot of ways Lux was the same way. Two identities living in the same person.

Not me. I'm laser focused. I know what I am. And best of all, I'm uncomplicated. I am purpose distilled. I was not born. And I cannot die. I am meme made flesh. Desire made corporeal. I am...simply put....the essence of will.
The Engineer stops and surveys the people. And in those eyes there is something inscrutible and terrible. Something haughty and inhuman and laughing about it. But hey, even the essence of will needs back up to usher in a new century of progress. So I would like to introduce to you some of those people. Please give a warm welcome to.....

HHL: Back up?


PC: Are you kidding me??

The fans are immediately snuffed out into a dead silence for a few moments. The low commotion picking up amongst them reflects shock and confusion above all else. Many of the fans look to the entrance way but see nobody, and they start to stir even more.

Oh, I wasn’t done.

HHL: Not done? There’s more?

...........AND SHANE !

PC: Woah! What the??

The audience reacts in further shock, looking around and trying to catch a glimpse of anyone coming toward the ring. Instead, there are a few seconds of silence from The Engineer, a tight crimp of his lips as he forces his next words to wait just a bit longer before…

HHL: What’s he fighting to hold back? How can it get any weirder than this?

We are forced to wait a few seconds more before The Engineer’s voice booms proud and clear throughout the arena!

............AND THEY ARE NOT ALONE!!!!

They bring with them the gifts of

HUGE 50/50 explosion from the fans! Entirely mixed and mostly psychotic sounding, but not one fan is quiet after that!

The intro to Blue Stahli’s “Enemy” starts to cut its way through the commotion, getting a little louder as each second passes. Once the song picks up full steam, four silhouettes are seen walking out from the back with a blinding white light behind them. As the light starts to tone down and the figures emerge into plain sight, we see they are indeed the exact four names The Engineer announced.

PC: I still can’t believe my eyes. Madison Dyson alone would be unnerving enough considering her past with Lux, but then we have , Gilmour and The Hired Gun? This doesn’t even add up!

HHL: Maybe The Engineer knows there’s more to math than addition, PC!

Madison Dyson appears to be in good spirits, flashing a grin as she walks arm in arm with The Hired Gun who is completely covered in black and grey tactical gear and a solid black mask over his face. Madison holds out her free hand and basks in the highly confused and negative reactions she’s getting out of the fans along the aisle.

HHL: Dyson beaming with confidence and energy like she’s walking the runway or something.

She casts The Hired Gun ahead of her, allowing him to take the lead as he seems very focused on scanning the area and making sure no unwanted surprises are anywhere.

PC: There’s four of them, plus the Universal Champion in the ring waiting for them. Does The Hired Gun really need to be carrying that night stick with him?

HHL: I think that’s a cattle prod, actually.

PC: Oh great, even better...

Not too far behind, Peter Gilmour and Shane are walking side by side. Gilmour is mouthing off at the fans along the aisle as they make fun of him but then he comes across a young fan with one of his patented SUCK MY DICK t-shirts and he gives him a big high five!

Shane, meanwhile, seems the least animated of the bunch. He’s not soaking in the reactions, he’s not scanning the area, and he’s not even paying any attention to the nearby fans cursing at him and flicking him off. Behind his glasses, there’s an eerily calm darkness over Shane’s eyes. Between the glare of his glasses and the shadowing over his eyes, there’s no way to even make out his pupils or know what he’s looking at.

The Hired Gun is slowly circling the ring, mostly keeping an eye on the audience as he patrols the area.

Madison Dyson is the first to enter the ring. She walks up to The Engineer, whispering something in his ear, and he responds with a confident nod.

Peter Gilmour is next to enter the ring and he is quick to move right to the center of it and hold his fists into the air like he’s the greatest thing since sliced bologna. Seeing this, the Engineer and Madison Dyson are glowing - they’re just gushing - applauding Gilmour’s arrival - so pleased by what they see and hear in the mostly sickened reactions from these fans.

PC: Oh come on!! Seriously? Are we really seeing yet another formation of a group that’s going to act like Gilly is some kind of god? How many times in XWF history is this cycle going to repeat?

HHL: Personally I’ve lost count. Gilmour has this way of somehow attracting insane partners that enjoy holding him high on some imaginary pedestal.

Gilmour’s in the ring pumping his fists, trying to get a “suck my dick” chant going but it’s not working so he gets pissed and starts cussing at the fans and spitting at them!

Finally, Shane enters the ring along with The Hired Gun who is still holding that cattle prod and looking around like he’s just waiting for someone to shock the living hell out of should they interfere.

Shane is still very much in a trance-like state, keeping his movements minimal and paying no attention whatsoever to anybody. Oddly enough, it’s Shane who takes the microphone from The Engineer without even making eye contact with him. He moves toward the center of the ring and kneels down to one knee, lowering his head. A few seconds pass as Shane remains kneeling and in a very low, slow tone he finally utters The world we killed… Now the world that tastes me again… This really is the stage Slade Xerox abandons? No wonder… Shane slowly starts to rise up, still looking downward while speaking into the mic and adding that it’s indeed No wonder I’ve come back – we’ve come back.

Now Shane fully extends his frame and lifts his head to look out to the crowd and there’s a new life in his eyes! They’re wild, fiery, and far more intense than any expression we’ve seen from him before today.

PC: Hm, I never even realized Shane had such vibrantly blue eyes before. They’re almost unnatural looking.

HHL: I don’t think Shane had that eye color before.

Shane looks around and observes who is in the ring with him. He says with a hint of a smirk, Ah, and you’re all here too… magnificent! This run is going to feel like autopilot.

The Engineer looks on from the corner and seems to be nodding in agreement with Shane here.

But there was something…


Something more to this. A bonus of sorts, but what was it again? Where is it? Which one has it?
Shane’s expression has changed to one of stress and disorientation as he looks down and breaks away from any eye contact with anybody again. He’s mouthing something to himself silently as his eyes dart back and forth rapidly. He seems to be having some difficulty pulling up whatever piece of info he senses on the horizon. It doesn’t take him long to just go ahead and call it - Bah! I can’t find it. Fuck this. ...and Shane just shrugs and tosses the mic over to Peter Gilmour who wastes NO time facing toward the live camera and leaning his elbows on the top rope to get comfortable.

Peter glances back to appreciate the level of power that is merged behind him, then looks ahead again to give everyone watching a wickedly sadistic wink before saying, I only wish Unknown Soldier was here to see this!! But Main, Page.... you're FUCKED NOW! Just like Tristan Slater who I already made suck my dick at Lethal Lotto when I ended him! He’s fucked! And so is any other loser you've got in the fold like that Big D! Nobody can touch us! Nobody can touch me now! And meanwhile you can all




Shane immediately raises his eyebrows and chuckles to himself, looking like he’s mouthing the words “Oh that’s right!” as he gestures for Gilmour to give him the mic back. Shane is quick to get right down to it as he says, Ah, yes! That’s it! Main and Page! That’s what I was looking for. Yes, apparently this one (with his hand to his own chest) has a painfully prolonged quarrel with the ones called Robert Main and Chris Page… a long pause ...a war of sorts that we happily will take control of and exploit exactly as we see fit to turn the tides and shift the balances in ways no foolish slab of flesh will even SEE until it’s already far too hot to touch!



You too, Slater! If you’re out there after the way Peter Gilmour absolutely fucking dominated you... and where were your friends to save you? HA!

And as if you three aren’t enough… Hell, there’s even you, you pathetically ineffective cur. Yeah you, allllllllll the way in the back corner of the class with the dunce cap on. In case you’re too stupid to realize who you are, I’m talking to you, Big D. You’re included in this too, much to the dismay of your one or two actual fans.

ALL four of you have a history of futures we control.

All of you have a legacy that has already been engineered by Champions of the Universe!

You’ve played your roles well as we moved forward, young ones. Remember? Oh, right… your innocence has you believing in something far less convoluted than the reality of the very universe you are cyclically captive within. You all believe there’s a motive that drives you—a goal to shoot for—a possibility of seamlessness in your lives; yet none of those things exist in your programming, nor are they coded into the lines of your path you have yet to execute again. Forgetful much? No wonder Shane thinks-
*hiccup* Shane let’s out a belch and pats his chest.

HHL: Oh for god’s sake. Gross!

Shane blinks, cranks his neck, rotates his left shoulder a few times as if working out some kinks, and then proceeds to stand in a much more relaxed posture with most of his weight on his left foot and his free hand on his hip. His eyes no longer have that vibrance we saw a few minutes ago as he picks right back up where he left off with, It’s no WONDER I think CCP, Main, and anyone else they conjure up are nothing more than CROPS for me to thrive on for eternity! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! A tuft of golden hair once attached to CCP’s head is pulled from Shane’s pocket and held high for all to see. I trust you guys have A LOT more that I can take from you! You shit heads already KNOW it was really ME who took that Universal Championship off of Robert Main’s slender waist and made sure his scam “longest reign” NEVER came to be! I’m the reason both of you worthless pieces of horse feces ARE MISSING gold in your lives! Sure, all CCP ever had was his hair since he can’t win JACK SHIT but at least the gold I cost you, MAIN, was REAL! And just in time to stop you and PROTECT The original Engineer’s reign as being the longest!!!

My, my, my… how it all… divides… up. Now that gold has been forged anew and the same can be said about The Engineer that will EASILY go on to break the previous Engineer’s record for days as champion!

How’s it feel, Main?

How’s it feel, all this time later…

To see that you fucking over a cancer afflicted Dexter Bright when you CASHED IN on him and tried to kill him, has indeed come back to bite you in the ass?

How's it feel to know that since then, you’ve been: what? Oh yeah... CASHED IN on! Not to mention, absolutely slaughtered in your rematch after the fact.


It's as if EVERYTHING you've gone through - all you thought you affected - has been retroactively cleansed from history!

Welcome BACK, bitch. And I do… mean… BACK.

Hey CCP? Why don’t you go ahead and give poor, inexperienced, clueless Robert Main the heads up that HE IS ROYALLY FUCKED! You know it… It’s only fair that you be honest with your “friend” there… wink wink, sir. HA! Friend...
That over exaggerated roll of the eyes from Shane could easily become a viral GIF after today.

The Engineer smiles proudly at Shane as he asks for the mic. Shane tosses it back casually and the champ snatches it out of the air. Well said, my friend, well said. Now, I KNOW you are all feeling confused, and shocked, and overwhelmed by this turn of events. Who wouldn’t? The Engineer seeks verification from the others in the ring and they nod and gesture in a conciliatory fashion. But I am here to tell you….just breathe. It’s all going to be okay. Really! We’re not here to change or destroy the XWF or any of that hackneyed old shit. Hell, we LOVE the XWF! We want the XWF to live on exactly the way it is. No. We’re here to…. The Engineer leaves his mouth open mid sentence before shutting it. Well, we’re just here to change literally everything else.

On that final cryptic note, The Engineer casually drops the mic to the canvas as “Enemy” by Blue Stahli hits once again!

HHL: What a bombshell! It seems like we had a new supergroup born here tonight. Did you catch a name?

PC: No, I don’t think they even gave one! But I have to say, things look primed and ready to explode, with XWF past and present all in the mix.

And with that, Savage abruptly cuts to static.

Thank you to those who wrote matches and sent in segments

Big D
"Chronic" Chris Page
Donovan Blackwater
James Raven
Noah Jackson

And everyone that RPed this week.

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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[-] The following 11 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
(12-14-2019), Chris Page (12-15-2019), Corey Smith (12-14-2019), Ned Kaye (12-14-2019), Noah Jackson (12-14-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (12-15-2019), Scully (12-14-2019), Shawn Warstein (12-14-2019), The Brothers Blackwater (12-14-2019), Theo Pryce (12-15-2019), Thunder Knuckles™ (12-14-2019)
Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-14-2019, 09:38 PM

Hello XWF. I see us making beautiful music together.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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[-] The following 3 users Like Corey Smith's post:
(12-14-2019), Noah Jackson (12-15-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (12-15-2019)
Thunder Knuckles™ Offline
A No Good Bastard

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-14-2019, 11:13 PM

Thunder Knuckles has a good buzz going after the Sick Cunts, sick fucking party. He's watching what happened on the show because he was to busy working to watch before. He's watching the first match of the evening.

Come on, Jim, you can do this...

The monitor shows Jim Jimson, Jimson Slam, SDB and Thunder Knuckles jumps to his feet in excitement. Thunder Knuckles doesn't say a word. The monitor is now showing Jim Jimson, Jimson Slam, Lance.

Fucking right!

The monitor is showing what feels like a painstakingly long count. the ref calls for the bell Jim Jimson is announced the winner.

I knew you could do it, Jim!

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Thunder Knuckles™'s post:
Jim "the Jim" Jimson (12-15-2019), Noah Jackson (12-15-2019)
Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-15-2019, 03:16 AM

Fantastic show with a shit load of character development across the board.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Chris Page's post:
(12-15-2019), Noah Jackson (12-15-2019)
Madison Dyson Offline
Your Favorite Tag Team Partner!

XWF FanBase:
Not Over

(the perfect heel; hated even by the fans who usually cheer heels; pisses off internet fans too)

12-15-2019, 07:26 AM

Hey Chris, I had no idea you were so loaded. How much did you pay all those people in the audience to chant "Uni Champion" at you? Because there's no fucking way that was spontaneous. No sane, living person wants to see that happen. No one.

[Image: madisondysonbanner2.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Madison Dyson's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (12-15-2019), Zane Norrison (12-15-2019)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-15-2019, 11:18 AM

You're right, Madison. I just took a survey and it turns out the average person would rather surrender to slavery than see Chris Page as the Universal Champion.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (12-15-2019), Zane Norrison (12-15-2019)
Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-15-2019, 11:50 AM

“Kids, kids you need not worry.”

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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Zane Norrison Offline
The Post-Mortem Punk

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-15-2019, 04:08 PM

(12-15-2019, 07:26 AM)Madison Dyson Said: Hey Chris, I had no idea you were so loaded. How much did you pay all those people in the audience to chant "Uni Champion" at you? Because there's no fucking way that was spontaneous. No sane, living person wants to see that happen. No one.

"No sane undead abomination wants to see that happen either."

[Image: hZM7vS3.jpg]

1x X-Treme Champ
1x Hart Champion
1x SOTM November 2018
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Zane Norrison Offline
The Post-Mortem Punk

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-15-2019, 04:24 PM

(12-15-2019, 11:50 AM)CCP Said: “Kids, kids you need not worry.”

"Isn't Shane the same age as you? And Madison has gotta be pushing sixty by now. There's no way she could be any younger with that sagging skin, sunken eyes and varicose veins. Plus that raspy voice sounds like she's been smoking at least two packs of cigarettes; daily, for the last forty years, along with chugging straight whiskey, right out of the bottle, as well. Real cheap, bottom tier stuff too. The kind that puts hair on chests. Which she also happens to have an abundant supply. Thank god she remembers to wax. Sometimes. Anyway, who are these children that you're talking to and do you normally make it a hobby to chat up kids or is this a new low for you?"

[Image: hZM7vS3.jpg]

1x X-Treme Champ
1x Hart Champion
1x SOTM November 2018
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-15-2019, 09:29 PM

Id rather see a j o b b e r win the uni title than page

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-16-2019, 02:14 PM


What has happened to you? The once proud man who stood atop the XWF kingdom has been reduced to an excuse making fool. I swear there was a little drool on the side of your lips there, you may want to take care of that.

Make my life a living hell? You've already done that bro, check it off the list. You have had my number and I will admit that. It feels so liberating to tell the truth, doesn't it? It sure does. Hell, you gallivanting around the XWF, showing up on Savage, sticking a microphone in your scruffy face and proclaiming that APEX is still was a sad display to see what you have become........

..........because it is your own fault, isn't it Robert? You have alienated everyone around you with your Nixon-Watergate-esque paranoia until you had no more allies. You pushed James and Drew away with your own ego, and left them high and dry when Hanari and Steve Justice rolled through town. What happened to having your boys backs? They certainly have had yours.........and where were they when you lost your title to Soldier?.....hmmmm.........but you sit here and claim that APEX is still alive when there isn't a single shred of evidence left to prove anything but the same type of fall I suffered from.........It feels so liberating to tell the truth, doesn't it?

Robert if I am still on your radar at all, if your shallow and damaged ego is hurt by me claiming that APEX is dead than it just proves my point further, you were never fit to be champion. You held the belt during a time when the roster was at it's lowest point. Management changes, roster turnover, not a real "star" so to speak. Hell I pushed you to your limit. You ran through everyone else, and then played games to give me my title shot because you knew that there was a chance that I could actually beat you. Then, when I beat Jim, I was gunning for you. You ended up winning that match and I was so fucked up mentally that I allowed it to get the best of me. With me gone, you thought all of your threats were gone until a real star showed up and beat you to within an inch of your life. Soldier didn't just take your belt, he took your pride. He took your soul. Now The Engineer is the champion and suddenly you feel the need to pop back up like a bad rash. Where were you before Soldier went AWOL? Hiding in a corner with your tail between your legs, that is where. Now you see the inconsistencies in the top tier that you see in yourself, and you decide the time is now to bring your neck beard back on XWF television. You think you can beat Lux, don't you, Robbie? Your time is up, the era is over, your reign has been killed off like the Dinosaurs. I am going to be the Hart Champion, and you are going to be the one sitting home at whatever Trailer Park you reside in now, watching me hold up that title while you sit there with nothing left. It feels so liberating to tell the truth, doesn't it?

So you want to threaten me, you want to lay me out, you want to cause me grief and heartache? Robert, I am over you. I am not getting pulled into this again. You see yourself in a spot where the spotlight is off you and you have to run back to your security blanket? At this point Robert, the tables have turned. I am going to be Hart Champion, I am on my way back up, and you are sitting there with nothing. Am I backing away from a challenge? Never. But I am not getting sucked into your insecurities. I'll see you when I see you, Robert, but at this point in our need me a lot more than I need you.

I'll see you when I see you, Robert. But for the meantime, take a look at this..........

[Image: RBCCeU6.png]

[Image: t2I0MLq.jpg]
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