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11-28-2019, 10:41 AM
"Well I'll be a bull frogs brother. Seems you should be hearing me loud and clear. Those extravagant gentlemen over at the XWF were charitable enough to leave behind this old tape recorder. Seeing on how things are a little slow this turkey day I thought I might elaborate upon just who SDB is via this journal. I think I might send it to them boys, let them do something with it..."
*You hear the sound of SDB flicking his lighter to ignite his Lucky Striker cigarette. You hear a deep inhale and then an exhale.*
"So who is Steam Diesel Black.....who is the barrel chested brawler? Well , I don't know how much I'm gonna tell y'all. I like the shroud of mystique behind me. Just know that I will be no pushover slim. I get worked up y'know, I get excited about my first match coming soon. Whom against, well that information hasn't been wired to me just yet, but for whomever has a wish for pain...and misery.....I'm ready to oblige...."
*Takes another drag*
"Bunch 'o' you boys see a big backwoods cat and expect some dumb incestual hilly billy. Underestimate me , I dare you. Walk down that ramp, and into this thunder dome and let your guard down in front of me and Victoria. Get a hold of Josh Arcanum and see what happened when he mistook me for a pushover, or Steven "Sugarfoot" Wilchezki. They made those same mistakes and I beat them......"
*Takes another long drag*
" I beat them to within an inch of there miserable fucking lives. The Roid junkies and Emotional car wrecks will have to head to there safe spaces when I'm through with em. Oh I'll eat them alive. Your muscles are a reflection of your souls.....artificial, and hollow.
I'm rambling now I'm afraid., and it smells like the gator tail is done cooking. So any of you whom.have the unfortunatnce of standing across the ring from me soon
You better know how to cut the mustard, you better have the hair on your nuts to survive..Because your gonna need it.
Y'all come on back no y'hear. Happy turkey day.
![[Image: 1FVv1Oe.jpg]](
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(11-28-2019), Atara Raven (11-28-2019), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (11-28-2019), Theo Pryce (11-28-2019)
Prof. Bobby Bourbon
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11-28-2019, 01:29 PM
Josh Arcanum! Steven "Sugarfoot" Wilchezki!
Robbie looks excited.
Tell me more about them!
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SteamDieselBlack (11-28-2019)
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Hardcore, psycho fans (cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)
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Joined: Sat Nov 23 2019
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11-28-2019, 08:16 PM
*Hours later Steam Diesel black (after engulfing pounds of ground Gator meat, two Mason's of moonshine and a half a pack of cigarettes) sits back down at the table on his front porch. Feeling a twinge of boredom over take him, he sees the tape recorder still laying there untouched. After a few moments of hesitation he fumbles it in his hands and presses the record button once more. Theres a loud click at the beginning of this second entry as he clumsily drops it to the table.*
"Well...shit.....I do hope it isnt fuckered after that, hell at least not as much as I am at the moment...."
*He chuckles*
"....No....ive been enjoying Thanksgiving a little too much i think....took a nostalgia trip after that last entry earlier today. Let me tell you about Josh Arcanum."
*His zippo lighter flicks as he lights, another , cigarette.*
"Josh was a mountain of a man. As mysterious as he was tall. We battled yall, THE STUFF OF FUCKING LEGEND. Ive wrestled other we all have. In the last establishment i had happened to be employed by this boy was the top dog, the Dark King he was called. That he was.....a dark fucking king...."
SDB grows quiet as his mind drifts back for a moment, reliving the hell he went through in those engagements with Josh.
" Im sorry...where was I......Oh yes, Now Being the no nonsense , piss vinegar, and mustard cutting motherfucker that I is, yes i is, i challenged him very quickly. Biggest cat in the yard...gottsta be heard. It was made to happen and i met the suicide phoenix in an extreme rules match the next week. We waged war upon the likes no one had ever seen. Blood, guts and gore looked like childs play in comparison. We fought and fought until he wrapped his hands around my throat and eventually i passed the fuck out. The bastard wouldnt let go either. He wanted me to tap. The ref tried to pull him off me because of the blatant choke and he knocked him the fuck out. Earlier in the match i had knocked one out because the zebra got in my way. Two zebras down, and me unconscious, the match got threw out. Yea only time ive seen a double DQ in a fucking extreme rules match. We met a few more times, casket match, hell in a cell, battling until once of us could no longer stand. Never raeally did solve the burning question of who the better man was those days....He was a bastard."
*SDB pops the top on another beer before he continues*
" Old Sugar foot, god damn he hated that name. The poor boy got thrown to me in a tag team match against a two other boys way back. He didnt particularly like me all that much. Challenged me to a match, the boy had a solid record behind him as well. Former TV champ, and well on his way to becoming a star. Sugar Foot had a superkick that make ya tongue slap ya brains out y know. So he tries to lay it on me, early on. I catch the scrony little spit fuck......"
*SDB Starts to laugh quite hard now as he tries to spit out the rest of his story*
"AND I HURL HIM TO THE OUTSIDE ONTO THE FLOOR. The little bastard looked like a coon trying to catch his breath the rest of the fucking match, Moral of the story.....i put his ass down......I put Arcanums ass down.......SDB is still always still standing. I NEED A FUCKI-"
*The Tape shuts off*
![[Image: 1FVv1Oe.jpg]](
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"The Wolf of Afghanistan" Joshua Schuler (11-29-2019), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (11-29-2019)