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Oh Sarah Lacklan 5
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TheHoodedMan Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-30-2019, 03:51 PM

[Image: Man-in-dark-hoodie-sweater-A.jpg]


Here's a special rendition of ALL BY MYSELF just for you.

I really hoped you enjoyed London.......

'When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
Livin' alone
I think of all the friends I've known
But when I dial the telephone
Nobody's home
Except for Kenzi'

'All by myself
Stinking out the locker room
Don't wanna be
All by myself
Because I stink of poo
Don't want to be
All by myself

'Hard to be sure
Sometimes I feel so insecure
I won the title
But no one cares
Because I stink so bad
And love so distant and obscure
Remains the cure
But not for me
Because they all can see
The shit that was dropped
Right onto my beautiful locks'

'All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself
Because I stink out the locker room'

'All by myself
Don't wanna live
Because of the
Fun being made at
My expense'

'All by myself
When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are done…'

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