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Saturday Night Savage 06/16/19
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-15-2019, 07:25 PM

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Pyro goes off all around the arena as the camera pans over the crowd.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome, to SATURDAY NIGHT SAVAGE! I'm Pip Collins joined as ever with the lovely Heather Halliwell!"

"Thank you kindly, Pip. Hello everyone, tonight we are in Maine! The 49th most visited state and the second best Portland, Oregon! Happy... To be here."

"You seem it."

"When in the heck are we going Texas?"

"Haha. Well folks you are witnessing history, isn't that right, Heather?"

"That's right, Pip. This is the last weekly edition of Savage! After this, we're going bi-weekly."

"And after that, we're going to be hosting the first ever XWF invitational tag team tournament! We've already seen one team and their manager makes an entrance from outside the XWF, excited to see more."

"Yeah! And if you're in a tag team and watching this, what the heck are you doing? Get the word out and get involved!"

"You've got your invitations! Now, without further ado, let's get on with-"

Pip is cut short by a burst of music.

The crowd erupt in a mix of cheers and boos as Donovan Blackwater enters onto the ramp.

Donovan Blackwater emerges from the entrance, microphone in hand. His eyes cast out upon a packed arena, full of screaming fans. Smiling, he raises the microphone to his mouth and begins to speak.

"I know you all were waiting on bated breath, for me to pick my MVP. I know, I'm an asshole for making you wait but I promise, the wait was worth it. Anyways, for me, the choice was simple and this person is more deserving, than anyone I know. They really stepped up and went the extra mile and for that, I am eternally grateful. Without further adieu, allow me to announce my official pick... Lux."

"Do great things, my friend. I wish you nothing but the best."

With that, Donovan exits as his music hits the speakers.

"After making us wait with bated breath, Donovan finally announces that LUX is his MVP!"

"I'm surprised it wasn't Robbie Bourbon to be honest, Heather."

"Both are certainly deserving but c'mon... It's Lux!"

Pip snickers under his breath as Savage goes to a very quick sponsor break, shout out to Dunkin' Donuts!

Decker Hollis
- vs -
Brain Storm

Decker Hollis starts in the ring.

Comes in riding a Clydesdale with a corncob pipe in his mouth, twirling a lasso high above his head. He rides the horse down the ramp and around the ring, back to the end of the ramp, jumps off, smacks the horse in the ass and the horse runs up the ramp, returning to its place backstage. Then Brian tosses his lasso in a corner and rolls into the ring under the bottom rope, gets up and waits for the fight to start.

Storm's horse heads on over to commentator's booth.

"Hello, horsie."

Heather gives the horse a pat as Pip stays silent.

"Oh c'mon, you're not scared of horses are you?"

"Heather, I am a small man and that is a large horse. It's only natural to be fearful."


Brian starts off by grabbing his lasso and twirling it before throwing the rope and constricting Hollis.

"Hey! This isn't a no disqualifications match! He shouldn't be allowed to do that."

The ref, however, is too busy checking Vinnie Lane's twitter searching for tweets she could use as some form of blackmail. Scandalous. Storm proceeds to hogtie Hollis who just kinda allows it to happen; Brian then begins to whip the shit out of Decker with the rope before letting out a long, drawn-out fart next to Hollis' face who vomits, just a little. Brian then slings Hollis over his shoulder and spins, with the momentum he releases Decker and he's slung to the outside to the awaiting Clydesdale, the horse bucks and kicks back with both legs knocking Hollis out cold.



Brian even cringes a little seeing Hollis' head bounce off the hooves and his body slam onto the floor. The crowd give out a sympathetic 'oof' before forgetting about it immediately and cheering on Storm.

The ref looks up and sees Hollis out prone and calls for the bell with a shrug.


The crowd applaud as Brian's theme hits.

"Well done to Brian but I think we all know the real winner here."

Heather says as she pats the horse who gives a knowing wink? How magical. With that, Savage goes to commercial.

The Miz
- vs -
Eli Stone

Eli Stone is already in the ring, stretching his arms and swaying back and fourth as he waits for his opponent.

The Miz walks out and poses. Then he waits for Paul Heyman to join him, and they walk to the ring, and they get inside. Paul then waits on the outside.

Paul Heyman joins the commentator's booth.

"Ugh, I think I would prefer the horse."

"Well he looks like a horse's ass at least but somehow smells worse."

[Image: sUHfK0l.png]
"Thank you for your kind words."


"How the hell did you do that?"

[Image: sUHfK0l.png]
"Do what?"


"I feel like the Earth is going to explode! The hell is that?"

[Image: sUHfK0l.png]
"I honest to god have no idea what you're talking about."

"NO STOP! You do not get to talk."

Heather shivers. Pip just stares at Paul, his mouth agape, confused and terrified of this bending of reality.

Ding… Ding… Ding

Miz locks up Eli and does a Side Headlock, which he transitions to a takedown. Eli scissors his head, and breaks the hold. Both men quickly get on their feet, with their fist in the out. Eli then gut punches Miz, and Headbutts him. Then he runs to the ropes and hits a dropkick on Miz. Miz is on the corner and Eli runs to the corner, and hits Miz with a Monkey Flip across the ring. Eli then grabs Miz leg and locks in a Single Leg Lion Tamer.

But Miz quickly got dragged to the ropes by Paul, and he breaks it up. Eli then stomps on the leg for good measure, and picks Miz up on his feet. He gives him some multiple Chest Slaps until it turned red, and Whips him to the ropes tries to hit a Forearm Smash, but Miz ducks and rebounds with a Flying Knee. Miz then ground and pound Eli with his elbows. The ref made a four count, and Miz breaks it off, then stomps on his head.

As Eli gets on his knees, Miz hits him with multiple kicks to the chest, then an Roundhouse Kick to the back of the head. Miz taunts to the crowd, as Paul cheers on his client. Then the Miz turn Eli on his back, and does a Cocky Pin….

"Miz thinks he's got this in the bag!"

Heyman goes to speak but Heather punches him very, very hard so he only releases pained groans.




Miz then starts arguing with the ref over the count, and Eli strikes him in the back with Back Rake. He kept doing it until there was scratch marks on his back, and Eli puts Miz in the corner. He lifts Miz on the top rope, and attempts to Butterfly Suplex, but Miz breaks it and shoves him off the top rope. As Eli is on the mat in pain, Miz then gets on the top rope with both feet and connects with a Elbow Drop on Eli and does cover once again…




As Eli once again kicksout, Paul then gets on the apron and starts to argue with the ref. Miz then has something in his hands, as Eli is slowly getting on his feet. Miz then Fireball’s Eli face, and Eli stumbling around the ring!

Miz then hits Eli with…


Then goes for the pin once more as the ref see’s them….







The Miz's theme hits and Miz celebrates like he won at Leap of Faith, Paul Heyman chuckles.

[Image: sUHfK0l.png]
"You see! That is why The Miz is so hated here, not because he's an outsider but because he's a dominating force! And he is, AWESOME!"

"Leave! Get out!"

"I hate everything about this. Cut to commercial!"

Savage goes to commercial.

- vs -
Barney Green
Submission Match

Barney Green starts in the ring.

"Lot of people starting in the ring tonight."


"I said there's a lot of people starting in the ring."

"... I don't follow."

Heather goes to speak again but Atticus Black shouts through her earpiece to stop breaking the fourth wall the rules!

The lights go out, and when they come back on, Mastermind is seen on top of the top right hand corner of the ring, and acknowledges the crowd before climbing back down.

"... Does that count as starting in the ring?"

The crowd goes wild for Mastermind.

"The crowd is going wild for Mastermind!"


Mastermind steps down from the turnbuckles and faces Green who is basically napping in the corner.


"We're closing in on Mastermind's 100th match, Pip."

"That's right, Heather. His first match was against Clyde Baker on the 21st of March in 2014. That match was a loss but the biggest difference is that Mastermind is here and no one, apart from XWF records knows who Clyde Baker is."

"And now everyone watching."

"... Shut up."

Heather giggles as the action continues in the ring. Mastermind begins to circle Green.

"Like the moon circling Earth."

Before Mastermind rushes in low, sweep Green's leg and locks in The Mind Controller!

"The Master of Minds locks in the deadliest submission move in the XWF!"

"... Mind Controller should be like a head squeeze, in my opinion, suits the name better."

Mastermind struggles shifting Barney's weight at first but gets the hold in.

"What would this be called then? Mind Melter?"

Barney screams in pain.

"Mind Eraser!"

But Green refuses to tap!

"Brain Buster! Wait no..."

The ref gets in close, even telling Barney to tap before his spine breaks.

"Brain Freeze?"

Green's hand hovers over the mat, the fans go wild.

"Never Mind?"

Green's eyes fill with tears. Mastermind reels back on Barney's legs.


Barney's hand raises up!


"Oh that's pretty good."

And he taps!



"YES! That's the one!"

Mastermind throws his arms into the air as his theme hits to cheers from the crowd.

"Oh it's over! Well fought Mastermind!"

"On the next edition of Savage he will face Lux for the Television Title on his 100th match, sure to be a barn burner."

The camera stays on Mastermind looking down at a broken Barney Green.

Savage fades to commercial.

Savage returns from the break and we see Darius Xavier seated behind his desk at XWF HQ. Across from is one of the XWF's Owners James Raven.

Darius Xavier: So based on what you are telling me James we have 6 teams that have communicated their intent to participate in the Tag Team Invitational?

James Raven: That's right.

Darius Xavier: And how many of them are teams that you specifically brought in?

James Raven: Two. But I've spoken to four more. We are working out some of the details right now but I should have the I's dotted and the T's crossed in about two weeks.

Darius Xavier: That's good James. That's real good. Interest from within the fed is pretty high right now so if we can capitalize on that and bring in some of the teams you've reached out to we could get a real solid tournament going. And if this works out I think it will open up a few new doors for us.

James Raven: I agree completely. And when did you say this tournament would be starting exactly?

Darius Xavier: Saturday August 10th will be the first round and then we go from there depending on how many teams take part.

James Raven: Perfect. I'll let these other teams know.

Darius Xaver: Thanks James.

Robbie Bourbon
- vs -
Barbwire Deathmatch

The scene fades away from XWF HQ and back to the arena. The ring crew has replaced the ropes with barbwire, various weapons are scattered around.

Suddenly the arena lights go red and "Angels Fall" by Breaking Benjamin blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds The Scull Meister finally steps out on to the stage. He looks around at the XWF Galaxy in attendance and smirks. The chorus of boos fill the arena in disapproval of Skull, he shrugs it off and slowly walks down the ramp, ignoring them. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and smirks once again at the crowd. He then raises his fist in the air as the boos become louder. He walks up the steps and walks along the ring apron. He turns to look at the fans whilst slowly moving both hands from his face to the floor, gesturing "A look at me" type taunt, before raising the title once again. Scully enters through the middle rope and into the ring. Skull walks over to the far turnbuckle and climbs to the top. He holds his hands in the air, making sure the title is there for everyone to see and then does his "Look at me" taunt. The Scully Meister spins himself around and chills on the turnbuckle with his arms folded. His music fades out.

"The former Universal Champion is looking ripped! The shape of his life after a break from the XWF."

"Do you bleed? You will."

The opening riff from Skunx plays as the lights slowly strobe at 2-second intervals. The XTron displays static, which slowly gives way to the word "MOTHERFUCKER" and the crowd starts to go ballistic. Slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Robbie Bourbon. He stops, surveys the whole of the arena, raises his fists at 45-degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring. Robbie climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45-degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The XWF Universe in attendance, becoming hooligans, all chant in unison:


"Robbie Bourbon is the only person to say they have a win over Sarah Lacklan, he came back and hit the ground running and this is going to be a stormer! This blood feud has been bubbling for a long, long time and it's going to come to a head, tonight on Savage!"

Robbie and Scully stare at one another in the ring, the ref looks between the two and calls for the bell. Immediately the two charge at one another with a roar from the crowd and begin trading blows; a right hook from Bourbon, then a shin kick from Scully. Scully smashes Robbie's jaw with an uppercut but Bourbon stands firm delivering a devastating forearm to Scull's skull! Scully reels back for a big hit but Bourbon quickly throws a thumb into his eye and knocks Scully back.

While partially blinded, Robbie goes to the apron and grabs a kendo stick! He comes to Scully and smashes it against the Brit's back! Scully's back turns bright red as he howls in pain; Robbie swings wide but Scully ducks the hit and returns with a snap jab to Bourbon's chin! Scully tears the kendo stick away and smashes to pieces across Bourbon's dome!

Robbie stumbles in a daze and Scully looks at the splintered handle and back to his opponent. Scully gives a kick to Bourbon's breadbasket and drops the man of the people with a DDT! The handle still in hand, Scully transitions into a full mount and begins grinding the splintered mess against Robbie's face! Tearing away at his mask as fine cuts ooze blood!

Robbie screams in agony flailing on the ground but he quickly turns the tide grabbing Scully's arm giving him a deadly Indian burn before pushing Scully aside and wrenches on his arm. Bourbon stands to his feet with Scull in his grasp, Robbie spins under Scully's arm and comes in close, knocking him to the mat with a short arm clothesline! Robbie, still having a hold on his opponent, picks Scully up again and pulls him over to the barbwire and rakes his forearm over the barbwire!

"OOoooh no! Don't like that!"

The crowd wince, as does Heather, as a gash opens up on Scully's forearm. He walks to the center, tending the wound, Robbie lies in wait getting the blood out of his eyes, when his vision is clear he sees the sight of Scully running towards him! In a leap Scull throws a knee forward but Bourbon shoulder charges into the blow knocking Scully several feet back, but the former Universal Champion rolls back to his feet but is greeted by Bourbon and a clothesline!

Which is dodged!

Bourbon snaps his head around only to meet the sole of Scull's boot!

"What a superkick from Scully!!"

Bourbon timber falls to the mat and Scully scrambles to hook both legs!






Bourbon throws Scully away from him and throws a hand to the apron the grab the leg of a steel chair; Scully reaches over to pick up Robbie but Bourbon smashes the chair on the crown of Scully!

Scull goes stiff as he drops to the canvas. Robbie sits up momentarily before leaving the dented chair and rolls to the outside of the ring. The crowd get bloodthirsty and chant for Bourbon; Robbie rubs his hands together and hitches up his tights like a father eagerly looking at a car engine. Robbie takes out the shopping list grabbing a small black bag and tossing it into the ring.

A trash can and hurling it, knocking a sitting Scully back down.

A stop sign.

"Why do we have a stop sign there?"

A bowling ball.

Another larger black bag, placed onto the apron.

A baseball bat.

A fucking angle grinder!

And finally a glass table!

Robbie proudly pats the table before setting it up outside the ring, Robbie grabs the large black bag and slides under the barbwire. He gingerly empties the context of the bag revealing.

"Rat traps! Shit! Those are big!"

And they hurt, trust us on that. Scully begins to get to his feet and Bourbon goes towards him giving him a sick chop across his sternum! The sound reverberates through the arena; Bourbon grabs Scully from the back into a German Suplex and hurls him across the ring!

But Scully lands on his feet!

Inches away in front of the traps!

Bourbon growls in frustration and charges Scully who hops up high and stomps down on Robbie's back! Bourbon drops to the mat but saves himself, his face hovering above the traps with a slight disappointment from the audience which then turns into raucous applause as Scully plants a boot to the back of Robbie's head into the traps!

The awful sound of several traps clacking is mixed with screams of agony from Robbie who flails like a fish out of water as the traps snap down on his nose, lip, brow and ears! Bourbon quickly gets to his feet brushing off the traps as quick as he can, blood turning his mask red. Scully laughs to himself before picking up the stop sign and tossing it towards Bourbon and sprints towards him but Robbie catches the makeshift weapon and swings but Scully ducks under the attack and goes around, springboarding off the turnbuckle and knocking the stop sign into Bourbon's head with a disaster kick!

Scully drops on top of Robbie and hooks the leg!






"Just barely!"

Robbie gets a shoulder up as Scully kneels, his hands on his temples. Scully gives a few strikes against Bourbon's skull and steps over him, giving a kick back against Rob's ribs, forcing him into the corner. Bourbon slumps in the corner as Scully walks away, grabbing the bowling ball and going into the opposite corner.

Scully takes aim and throws with fury and speed.

"OH! Straight into the Groin of the People!"

Robbie doesn't make a sound but his face paints a thousand pictures as he lurches forward and falls on his side. Scully takes it all in, the roar of the crowd and Robbie in the worst pain of his life. Scully goes to the angle grinder lay on the mat and 'admires' it for a moment before going towards Bourbon!

SCULLY: "I'm going to cut that stupid fucking mask off you!"

But Robbie grabbed the small black bag close to him and throws the context into Scully's eyes!


"What? No! It's thumbtacks!"

"Well that's just as painful... One day it'll be bees..."

Scully howls in pain as he drops the angle grinder as he stumbles back, a tack stuck in his eyelid as a few cling to his face! Pinholes of blood drip out as he picks each tack out. Scully gets on a knee shakes his head, trying to fix his vision. Robbie slowly gets behind Scully and...

"Phrenology Claw!!!"

Robbie laughs maniacally while applying pressure.


BOURBON: "Let's give you your own mask!"

Scully's pained groans are drowned by the sound of the angle grinder as Bourbon moves it closer to Scully's forehead, the crowd begin to hear Scully's screams again. Bourbon begins to carve into Scull's face!

"He's going to take Scully's Face Off! Like that movie! What's it called?"

"The Parent Trap?"

"Yeah, that sounds right."

The disc gets halfway across Scully's forehead before Scull finds the power to get out and away from the hold and dives away; his face covered in a crimson mask! Scully is in horror, along with the audience, as the deep cut spits blood. Bourbon drops the angle grinder looking down at Scully and then to the baseball bat, Robbie grabs it and walks over to Scully, he takes aim, placing the bat against Scully's temple and reeling back.

He swings!

And it's a miss!

Scully rolls forward and goes behind Bourbon!


Both men go down to the mat as the crowd go berzerk. A pool of blood forming on the mat.


Scully begins to get up and grabs the bat as he stands using it to aid him to his feet. Scully, out of breath, goes to the barbwire and twirls the bat between the wire and pulls back tearing the top wire apart as it latches onto the bat. Scully twists the barbwire around the bat and showing it off to the crowd.

Scully goes to a kneeling Bourbon and just goes fucking apeshit on Bourbon's spine! Tearing flesh with each swing! Blood flies as Bourbon is ruthlessly attacked. Scully is finally satisfied with the amount of blood on the bat and throws it aside with a roar to the crowd and a renewed fire in his belly. Bourbon tries to stand but keeps falling flat on his stomach.

Scully looks to the corner and the crowd go wild!

Scully goes to the corner.

He climbs!

Steadies himself!




Bourbon almost bowls over but managers to keep on his feet! He charges over to the ropes ready to Robbiebomb!

"Robbie's going to get rid of Scully the same way he did Lacklan, last week!"

"Only a lot more bloody!"

Scully fights to get out of the hold.

Robbie lifts him high!

Scully begins to get loose!

But not before Bourbon throws him down!!!



The crowd cheer in awe and horror.

Scully crashes hard wrapped in barbwire and shatters the table, his entire body covered in blood as he lays still.

The ref rushes over to him along with two paramedics.

Bourbon watches on from inside the ring.

After a few seconds.

The ref calls for the bell!!


Robbie's theme hits as he cracks a slight smile watching Scully being attended to.

"Wow! What a match! Bourbon is a force to be reckoned with!"

"But Scully! He didn't tap out! He didn't get pinned! He gave it his all but his body just gave out."

Bourbon watches Scully go up the ramp on a stretcher to cheers from the crowd, the camera stays on a bloody Bourbon who watches on and Savage fades to commercial.

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[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Lux ©
- vs -
Zane Norrison
15 Minute Time Limit

We come back from commercial to see Tig O'Bitties in a bloodstained ring. The ropes back up.

Zane Norrison walks to the ring all cool.

The lights dim and all the screens in the arena become a wall of green code. As the opening scream of “We Appreciate Power” is heard, the code starts to slowly twist and bend into the outline of a woman's face, interspersed with shots of Lux in action ruining people's shit with brutal kicks and strikes. Lux appears at the top of the ramp, looking determined and ignoring the crowd. She runs into the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and rolling to her feet like a little goddamn ninja. The lights all turn back on and she's mean mugging her opponent or staring up the ramp and waiting for them.

"Ladies and Gentleman introducing first, the challenger hailing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 184 pounds! The Zombie, The Dearly Deceased Dude, ZANE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRIIIISSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNN!!!"

Zane gives a finger salute to the crowd.

"And his opponent, hailing from 'a world on fire', weighing in at 162 pounds! She is YOUR TELEVISION CHAMPION! The Dealer of Death, Pretty Deadly, the strongest striker in the XWF! LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXX!!!!!"

Lux raises her title above her head before handing it to the ref.

The bell rings


And the match is finally underway. Both Lux and Norrison stare at one another from their respective corners. Neither makes a move as they both wait on the other to make the first move in this much highly anticipated title match.

Suddenly as they both take a step forward 'Monster' by Eminem and Rihana hits the sound system, and they both turn to the ramp. Mastermind walks out from the back smiling his infamous smirk and holding a fold out chair. He places the fold out chair down on the top of the ramp, and sits down. He gestures for Lux and Zane to continue. Lux has formally challenged him next week co-inciding with Mastermind's career match in the XWF. Thst's probably why he is out there now. To get in their heads.

Lux continues to look out of the ring at the ramp, Zane does too, but suddenly he decides to attack and rushes at Lux. As Lux turns to face Zane, Zane smashes her with a ROUNDHOUSE KICK and connects. Lux stumbles backwards, Zane grabs her and delivers a SHORTARM CLOTHESLINE. Down goes Lux.

Zane helps Lux back to her feet, and gets set to execute a Suplex but first he looks out at Mastermind. His face turns to suspicion because now Mastermind is seated halfway down the ramp.

Zane executes the SUPLEX, and quickly goes for a cover.


1 and a half......

Kickout. It's not going to be that simple.


Zane gets up, helps Lux to her feet, and sends Lux to the ropes. She rebounds, comes back, ducks underneath an attempted CLOTHESLINE. Lux stands up and delivers a quick SURPRISE THROAT PUNCH to Zane, who staggers back to breathe.

Lux quickly follows up with several FOREARM STRIKES, that keeps Zane stumbling backwards. A LEAPING KNEE TO THE FACE finally puts Zane down, and Lux goes for a cover.....



2 and 1/4

2 and a half......

Kickout.... HOW?

Lux gets back to her feet and quickly looks out of the ring, she is half amused and half frustrated to see Mastermind now sitting at the bottom of the ramp about 10 feet away from the ring.

Lux goes to grab Zane's hair, when all of a suddenly he takes her legs out from under her, and she hits the canvas hard. Zane walks across the ring to the corner, still feeling the effects of the throat punch. He is sucking in the air.

Lux gets to her knees and looks across the ring at Zane.

"Peekabooo," comes a voice behind her

Lux turns to see Mastermind, now sitting very, very close at ringside.

This shocks Lux, she gets to her feet, and backs away quickly...... Suddenly Zane takes advantage of this opportunity and runs at her with her back towards him and hits her with a SPEAR. The force of the spear snaps her head back then forward in a whiplash motion like being inside a car during an accident. She hits the canvas hard. She looks to be in all sorts of trouble.


Zane gets to his knees and rolls Lux onto her back. He goes for the cover.....


1 and a half.......


2 and a half

Thr.... no........

Lux somehow manages to get her shoulder up.

Zane gets to his feet looking frustrated. He looks at where Mastermind was just sitting.... he is no longer at ringside.... he is back sitting at the bottom of the ramp... now reading an XWF wrestling magazine one of his fans had given him.

Zane bends down to grab a handful of Lux's only for Lux to be stairing up him. Zane takes a step back in shock but that's all Lux needed, she leg sweeps Zane's legs out from underneath him. Zane drops to the canvas hard.

Meanwhile Lux rolls towards the ropes and slides out underneath them... she has had enough. She gets to her feet and looks for Mastermind, as the referee starts the 10 count....


Mastermind is now halfway back up the ramp still sitting on his chair.


Lux walks to the bottom of the ramp and starts yelling at Mastermind to vacate the arena, she's had enough of his mind games....


Lux screams again and this time Mastermind stands and picks up his chair....


Mastermind smirks back at Lux before turning around and heading for the exit.


Hearing the 1 not 5, Lux turns knowing full well why the count is back at 1, and she sprints back to the ring catching Zane by surprised as he just got to his knees after exiting the ring.


Lux catches Zane off guard, and executes a HELLUVA KICK on Zane. Zane goes crashing into the side of the ring very hard.


Lux doesn't let up, she hits Zane with a LEAPING KNEE TO THE FACE, which sends Zane back through the bottom ropes into the ring.


Lux slides into the ring and looks over Zane.


Norrison kneels up and looks to Lux, a look of defeat on his face.

Lux gets into a stance and...


The buzzsaw kick nails Norrison!

She hooks the leg!







LUX’s arm is raised in victory as she is presented with the XWF TV title after yet another successful title defense when suddenly the lights go pitch dark… which brings the fans to a fever pitch with anticipation as to what might be happening next…

Immediately the crowd pops out of nothing but sheer shock before breaking out into massive boos as a single spotlight hits the top of the stage and shown walking out to the top of the ramp is arguably the most hated man in the XWF at this very moment; “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE! CHRIS stands in the spotlight as he’s dressed in black boots, black jeans, and a black XWF logo t-shirt sporting a huge red “X” across the logo itself. LUX immediately starts looking around all over the area knowing where there’s one, there’s more as CHRIS reaches into his pack pocket pulling out a microphone. The music fades as CHRIS stands at the top of the ramp in the spotlight looking towards the ring at LUX as he states into the microphone.

CHRIS PAGE- “Don’t worry kiddo, tonight WE aren’t here to hurt you.”

There’s a “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” chant that slowly starts to gain more momentum in tone from the crowd as CHRIS smirks at LUX before continuing.

CHRIS PAGE- “WE’RE not here to make an impact on you; at least not yet.”

LUX shows no signs of fear nor intimidation from the very man that’s waged a war against the XWF.

CHRIS PAGE- “No, I’m here tonight to address a challenge that was issued several weeks back… you remember, right?”

The chant starts to die down as CHRIS snaps his fingers and the spotlight cuts out and the house lights come back up causing LUX to immediately spin around ready to throw punches only to see that no one is there.

CHRIS PAGE- “I already told you that tonight we’re not here to take you down, that’s simply too easy; you issued a challenge to me that perhaps you and the world might have thought I simply dismissed. You see, you and every other ”credible” champion on this poor excuse for a roster are running circles around guys that are better suited wrestling in a high school gym as opposed to running circles around caliber competition.”

CHRIS takes a brief pause before he seriously states.

CHRIS PAGE- “In case you’ve not been paying attention I’ve BROUGHT caliber competition with me. Now, before I take this any further let me preface this next statement by saying the ONLY reason you’re getting ANY of my time isn’t because you flapped that cock sucker of yours and mention my name and has everything to do with what you carry over your shoulder.”

LUX hoists the TV title up in the air drawing a thunderous ovation from the crowd!

CHRIS simply rolls his eyes before he states.

CHRIS PAGE- “Fortunately for you I’ve got my eyes on a much bigger prize; unfortunately for you I happen to know of someone that’s held every title that the XWF had to offer at the time BUT the Television Title…..

The crowd responds with massive boos as THE TRISTAN SLATER walks out to the top of the ramp! A former three time XWF World Heavyweight Champion, a former XWF Tag Team Champion, a former XWF Xtreme Champion and former XWF United States Champion stands next to CHRIS PAGE as he looks down to the ring at LUX. CHRIS hands the microphone over to THE TRISTAN SLATER as he returns his attention to LUX and the music fades away.

THE TRISTAN SLATER- “Rumor has it you’re trying to pick a fight… well sweetie, I’ll be your Huckleberry.”

There’s a pop from the crowd!

THE TRISTAN SLATER- “I’ll be your Huckleberry at LEAP OF FAITH!”

Slater throws the microphone down as the crowd responds with a huge pop as LUX and SLATER engage in a stare down as SAVAGE fades to black.

Thank you to all that helped on this show

Tommy Wish

And to everyone that RPed this week

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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06-15-2019, 11:48 PM

"I just want to say to Robbie Bourbon, you were the better man. Maybe we'll do it again, sometime. Congrats bro!"
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Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-16-2019, 12:45 AM

(06-15-2019, 11:48 PM)Scully Said: "I just want to say to Robbie Bourbon, you were the better man. Maybe we'll do it again, sometime. Congrats bro!"

Scully, I just want to say I already knew I was a better man to begin with.

(OOC: Always a pleasure broski)

[Image: DtUCPfZ.png]
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