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Getting to know you....
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bRiaN sTorM Offline
I'm here to help

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-18-2019, 09:21 PM

Another beautiful night in Sewanee, Tennessee has begun and bRiaN is poking around the ol root cellar, trying to find some suitable provisions for a get together with team captain Donovan. Staring at his jars of canned foods, fresh home grown fruits and vegetables, boxes of M.R.Es and a barrel of Irish Whiskey, bRiaN really isn't sure what his new friend would be interested in. So he decides to call Donovan and ask.

"Hey Cap. I was looking through the inventory in the root cellar, for our get together tonight and I figured it'd be best if I just called and asked ya what I should prepare for supper."

"I'm sorry. I don't think I'm following, did you say... root... cellar?"

"Same idea as a wine cellar but with food and whiskey."

"Ah... I feel like this should concern me, since you're retrieving food for me to consume. Should I be worried, Brian? You're not secretly trying to poison me, are you? This isn't a revenge plot of some kind, is it? I haven't wronged you in some sort of way that I'm unaware of, have I?"

"Haha! No this is where I keep the food that I eat. It's perfectly safe."

"Alright. I trust you. I guess. Don't really have a reason not to. You wanna know what I want to eat? Hmmm... well, you can never go wrong with steak. And potatoes! Yeah, that should suffice. Anyway, I gotta roll, bounce. I'll see you in a bit, home skillet."


Click. Too late. Before bRiaN could ask how he likes his meat cooked, Donovan was no longer on the phone. With a shrug of his shoulders, bRiaN walks upstairs to begin preparations. When he reaches the top, he realizes that he left the lights on in the cellar and turns back around. At the bottom of the stairs, he sees a figure in the shadows in a corner.


bRiaN shouts out as he grabs his sawed off shotgun from his waist.


Exclaims Donovan.

"I thought it would be best if I handled my own meat. Since I know how I like it. I should be the one that tends to it."

He explains quite seriously, before he promptly produces a shaker of his preferred steak seasoning, with a grin.

"Wait how did you...?"

"I asked Azrael for assistance in the travel department."

"Oh ok."

bRiaN pretends to understand, still scratching his head and double checking the cellar before hitting the lights off.

"Well I would have done a lil more cleaning if I knew how fast you'd get here."

bRiaN states, still a little lost.

"It's fine."

Very visibly trying to be nice, Donovan flashes another quick grin.

"While we are waiting for the coals to heat up, how's about I show ya around the place?"

"Sounds like a legit plan of action. Lead the way."

Starting off the tour at the front of the house and working their way through, Donovan pauses for a moment as he looks down.

"Ha! Nice welcome mat. (it reads: turn around NOW and RUN!) It makes me feel welcome already."

"Yea that's good advice for anyone who isn't familiar with my family."

Just then a rambunctious, happy puppy rushes up.

"This is Miss Lily AKA the Power Pawer"

"Why is she called the..."

Lily pops up and paws Donovan in the leg. Like a friendly punch but done by a dog with its paw.


"Now you might care to take your shoes off before we go further in."

"They're not dirty. If that's what you're worried about. Far from it actually."

"Oh I know, that's why you might want to take em off, here in the sun deck. The front room is a lil dirty."

Complying with Brian's request, Donovan removes his shoes. Then follows Brian to the living room.

"A lil dirty is a bit of an understatement, don't you think?"

Overtaken with laughter, Donovan jokes as he raises a skeptical brow (the floor is an actual mud pit). Chuckling Brian leads the way while Donovan reluctantly continues along behind him. As they move through the house, Brian gives instructions aloud.

"Let's go through this hallway, down these stairs and here it is, the bRiaN cave."

bRiaN pushes a button on the wall and a light lights up in every room, accompanied by a buzzing.

"What was that?"

"That is the we have company alarm"

"Look at that, an alarm I never even knew was necessary."

Shortly after the button was pushed, there's a loud clambering that can be heard, coming from upstairs. Suddenly two, big, corn fed, country boys come sliding down a pair of fireman's poles.

"I was wondering if those were in use."

In an attempt to hide his growing unease, Donovan fires up a cigarette.

"Guns down boys, I'd like you to meet a new friend, Donovan. Donnie, these are my brothers, Danny and Della. Where is Ma?"

bRiaN asked the biggest of the brothers, Della Vossa.

"She went to visit uncle Art"

Excited to have a new person to tell all about his false memories and ideas about evolution, Daniel beams with excitement. Yet bRiaN could see that look in his eyes and halts the insanity before it even gets a chance to start, when he proclaims.

"WAIT! Before you make him vanish into the same thin air he appeared out of, lets have some Whiskey."

Understanding that it was going to be a long night, Donovan hurries to the bar and grabs a bottle of Jameson's, 25 year aged whiskey and declares "Prost!". This is almost instantly met with a "Cheers!" "Salut!" and "Sláinte!".

Double G is it true you only show up to lose matches? Luca Arzegotti I understand you keep having big returns just to lose as well, how does it feel to not live up to the hype? Tony Santos I'm to understand you recently beat up a teenage girl, your mother must be so proud of you. Special needs Sam I look forward to defeating you. Deacon you're a joke!

[Image: eSXKFMS.png]
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