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Shoot Promo 4: On The Way
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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-30-2019, 06:05 PM

The Jet Black Jeep Wrangler screamed up the interstate, going almost double the speed limit. Chaos has his camera turned towards him, the lenses of his white Oakley sunglasses shimmered in the glare of the Florida sun. He spoke up while shifting, and there was gravel in his voice.

"Robert Main,

We have said a lot of terrible things about each other, but the difference is that everything that I have said about you is true. You've just continued to fabricate the same washed up bullshit that everyone else has used against me for two years now. We all know you like to hide behind other people and claim their success as your own, but now you are claiming their insults, too? Truly pathetic. Robert, face it, I am better than you. I am going to uproot your entire world and leave nothing but shredded remains of everything you know to be reality. When the lights go off in Miami, it will be Chris Chaos holding the Universal Title high in the air and a new era being ushered in. I have fought too long, too hard, and have been through too much to come up short now. You are so much of a joke it is like your entire promo is said in Comic Sans. You glorified thumb drive. Robert Main is just a plug in, until someone ejects the nonsense and injects some chaos. That person is me.

Robert you are no different than the people you've cowered behind your entire career. Its clear that you are just a troll that demands attention, even if its down-votes. You Neolithic Asscarrot with steroids for brain cells and old cumsocks for a mouth. You're nothing but a tampon with opposable thumbs. You talk like you are built like Jim, you aren't. He's short but solid. You, hell, when I hit the Equalizer your bones will snap, you malnourished mole rat. I've been throwing everything I have at you, and here we are the night before the event and you haven't said a word since I exposed you for the fraud you are. Whats the matter, Drew got your tongue? Either that or you have the reaction time of a hibernating sloth. I guess I should have expected it from you. You're about as smart as a bag full of hair. I would have just a shred of respect for you Robert if you were just honest with us from the beginning. If you weren't a pathetic inbred waste of oxygen, you inverted mouth breather. You would be doing yourself, and all of us, a favor by sticking a fork up your ass and the other end into an electrical cord, you conjob of a human being.

Fuck you, Robert.

My entire career I have told myself I hated Gabe Reno the most. Then it was Jim Caedus. Now, hands down, it has to be you. I never gave a shit about you, you never mattered to me, but you hold something that means the world to me and I need to get it back. Therefore, I hate you. All I want to know is who is going to come help you tomorrow night? You have Drew on standby? You have any of these so called "legends" to come bail you out yet again? I have been screwed in title matches before, Robert, its nothing new. I want to know which one of your dripping rectal cysts is brave enough to interfere this time. Think hard, Robert, and let me know. Use your brain for thinking, not urine collection, you ostentatious little piss-wizard.

The chips are down and the clock is ticking. Your days are numbered. I am actually excited to see some of this new-old talent come back. I am excited to continue to be the legend killer around here. I am excited to be the best wrestler ever to step foot in the XWF, and I am excited to start the new era off by disposing of you. It would give me such pleasure to make the world see how much of a joke I know you to be.

Your arguments are boring, there is no flare. Your insults, despite being recycled, are just bland and unoriginal. Pull no punches do ya, Rob? You're like an unsalted saltine. I can't believe the XWF has lasted this long with such a bore as their champion. It really shows just how bad the roster has gotten.

Jim Caedus was the last of a dying breed. The golden era. The last dog to put down. I did it. I finally did it, and now I have the sticky reminder of what his baby batter You aren't Jim, as much as you want to be. You couldn't control Jim so you turned on him behind the scenes, then when he went ape shit you played it off as "he's always been unstable." He left because of you and your backdoor politics. Now, you have nothing left but Drew Archyle and a bunch of "legends" who are far past their prime and only know who you are because you can swallow the entire load without gagging.

"Robert, it the days are dwindling, the time is ticking away. The more I sit here, the more I look back at everything that has happened to me in the XWF, and look back at everything I have done. It hasn't all been pleasant, in fact, most of it hasn't been. The best thing I have ever done here is win that title, and after tomorrow night, my career could be complete. I could walk out onto Warfare, lay the title down in the middle of the ring, and walk out of here as one of if not the most accomplished and decorated superstars to ever ink a contract here. Losing tomorrow night is not an option for me. XWF needs my leadership, they need my experience, they need my edge. They need you to wither away and die. Please do us all this favor.

This is the match of the year, but because I am in it. The long awaited return of Chris Chaos in a Universal Title match against someone not named Jim Caedus. The long awaited title match where Chris Chaos becomes top of the mountain again, and when the smoke clears the one true champion is unveiled. This is March Madness at its finest. It has been a month of crazy games and shocking upsets....but this is hardly that. This is the sleeping giant that has finally been awoken.

You don't understand chaos do you? Yes I attacked Gator but it wasn't to look tough or intimidating, it was to send a message. It was to show the wrestling world that I will lay out anyone, anywhere, in any condition to get what I want. I will cause mayhem at all costs. I give the XWF ratings they so desperately need, I give them the wow factor. I am the one who puts asses in seats. That is another difference between us. They come to see me, and they have to suffer through you. I haven't given them what they wanted, compare it to staging a protest. But they come anyway, why? Because of the possibility of seeing me. I am the biggest ratings grabber the XWF has ever had. Win, loss, or draw, whatever match has Chris Chaos in it causes people to tune in. They want to see what I am going to do next.........THAT is why I attacked Gator. You never know what I am going to do, where I am going to show up, who I am going to attack. Remember Wild Card Weekend, where I won the title? I attacked some banana looking motherfucker for no reason other than I do what I want, when I want, to who I want. You don't scare me, Main, and you never did.

I am coming to Miami to take your title, and you better damn well believe I am going to do it. The buck stops here, the trynannical reign of APEX ends tomorrow night, and the era of CHAOS begins.

Get used to it.

The Jet Black Jeep Wrangler turns off the exit for Tampa Bay. Why is he going to Tampa? The show is in Miami...........

Chaos does what he wants, that's why.

[Image: iND2owz.jpg]
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Robert "The Omega" Main (03-30-2019)

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