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John Rogan Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-20-2019, 03:47 AM

"Funny, Funny".

John Rogan begins a faint tone of sarcasm in his voice.

"So, I've got 'Notorious' Ned Kaye talking about how I'm over the hill, my old heart won't be working any more. Apparently, I um suck wind when I walk".

Rogan lets out a short laugh.

"Ned, I liked your description of me. It was complete fiction, but I liked it.

You're coming along as if you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. You're really just a little country boy claiming he's from New York City. Please don't even bother lying about it, just listen to that accent, you sound like your from fucking Georgia".

John scoffs.

"Ned. What kind of name is that anyway? If I were you I'd be embarassed. If I were you I'd slap your Mother just for coming up with that shit, but that's irrelevent.

What's relevent about you is a knack for riding off of other people. This battle royal was already made, contracts already signed, and here comes 'Ned Flanders' begging Darius Xavier to let him 'have a shot.' So, don't come at us like you've been done a disservice. You were given a handout, the only disservice is having the displeasure of an ass whooping that you've had brewing for, I imagine, a long time.

Enough about you though. I'm going to discuss the coward of this match. It's name is Kuda".

Rogan spits on the ground, still angry about his injustice.

"I can't believe how delusional you are. You're actually able to look yourself in the mirror, and tell yourself that you're still the 'deserving' federweight champion?"

The amusement in Rogan's voice becomes evident.

'The whole viewing audience knows that during our last match 'Chubby' Fletcher saved you. You were on the ropes without any answer. It was the second round, and you had no response, and here comes 'Chubby'. How do you live with yourself Kuda? How can you look anyone in the eye"?

John pauses for dramatic effect.

"You're an embarassment to the Federweight title, to the XWF, and to humanity itself. When you're asked to give an intellegent promo, with some good trash talk, all you have for materal are jokes about mentality children and fiction. You said I'm more interested in 'flirting' than 'fighting' and predicted I'd come to the ring with roses and...vaseline..."

Rogan shakes his head, still taken aback by the idiocy of Kuda.

"The only thing you should be concerned about is Arnold 'Chubby' Fletcher not being around this time to step in and protect you by being a corrupt XWF official".

John's expression changes to bitterness.

"Kid Kool, you are completely irrelevent, while everybody else finds you amusing as a sideshow I don't. You actually stepped out out of place and called me a 'bitch'. I will make you eat that word at March Madness.

Justin Sayn, I want to let you know, the beating Drezdin gave you a couple of months ago, will be nothing compared to what I do.

Have a good day".

With that, the scene fades.

[Image: kYQX8Mq.png]
1x Heavy MetalWeight Champion
1-2-0 (XWF Record)
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-20-2019), Kid Kool (03-24-2019)

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