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Centurion Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

03-18-2019, 07:03 AM

(The sound of a large door opening and the light from the outside illuminates the otherwise dark, desolate room. A layer of dust and grime covers the room, making the contents almost indistinguishable. As more light enters the room, we start to make out what is inside.

It is a gym. And not just any gym, but an old gym. There is no cardio equipment – no treadmills, no bikes, nothing that is a staple of modern, hi tech, corporate gyms of today. Instead, there’s deflated reflex bags, random weights and benches, torn punching bags, and the most notable piece – two rings in the middle of the room, both with ring ropes lying on the mat. Needless to say, the place is in desperate need of repair.

There are logos and pictures on the wall, but they are covered in so much dust that they are unreadable. The sound of footprints are heard walking into the room. A hand is placed on a wall, and in one quick swipe, a layer of dust falls from the wall, revealing a logo…

C&C Training Inc.)

Voice: Boys…we’re back.

(The voice belongs to legendary trainer and former business CEO Walter Crowe. A large smile comes across his face as he stares into the emblem of his former company. Behind him and into the room steps two legendary figures of pro wrestling – XWF legend Andy “Centurion” Cortinovis, and the iconic “Nature Boy” Ric Fliehr, a man way too old to be doing the things he does in his life.)

Fliehr: WOOOO!!!

Centurion: This place looks like hell.

Crowe: Well yeah, that’s what happens when you don’t step foot in a room for nearly nine years.

(The words wash over Centurion like a wave of nostalgia’s sewage. Has it really been nine years already? He does the math in his head – five years since his last wrestling match, nearly seven years since One Night Stand…yeah, nine years. Time flies when you’re doing…whatever it is Centurion has been doing for the past five years.

Fliehr walks over to a light switch and flips it up. Nothing happens. With distain, Walter turns back towards Fliehr.)

Walter: If I thought that would work, don’t you think I would have tried that already?

Fliehr: Would is shock you to learn I don’t think highly of your intelligence?

(Walter glares at Fliehr, who couldn’t care less. Centurion just laughs at the entire exchange.)

Centurion: I missed you two.

(Walter continues on with his thoughts, as he knows trying to start an argument with two of the most immature old men on the planet would be a bad idea.)

Walter: This is going to take some time an effort to get into working shape. You two might actually have to get your hands dirty.

Fliehr: Speak for yourself. I plan on hiring a couple of Mexican boys to scrub this place down while I sit back in a lounge chair drinking Mojitos.

Centurion: I swear to God, if I smell one ounce of lime juice coming through that door, I’ll bounce your head off the concrete.

(Fliehr let’s out a “pfft” and uses a dismissive motion towards Centurion as he turns and walks back out of the door. Centurion walks up to Walter, who is still taking in the sights (and probably bad smells) of the room. Centurion places his hand on the emblem, as Walter did moments before, and gazes at it with a look of pride. That looks quickly turns to one of worry.)

Centurion: We’re old men now, Walter. We’ve been beaten up, bruised, destroyed, and left out to dry. Are you sure we can do this?

(Walter walks over and places a hand on Centurion’s shoulder.)

Walter: I’ve been an old ass man for a long time now. You’re just finally catching up. Even if we can’t, do you have another option? Do you enjoy the life you’re living now? Funding start ups, working weekends, watching as people you elevated up the corporate ladder take over what you started and run it into the ground? Your money, gone. Your reputation, destroyed. Your legacy, forgotten. If you have a better idea, I’m all ears.

(Centurion puts his head down. Walter’s right. He’s hit the end of the road. Centurion has no option, except to fight. All these years, and its back to square one. Centurion turns towards Walter.)

Centurion: I’m going to grab a bucket.

(Fade To Black)

---------Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?---------

Boy, this is something, isn’t it?

I’ve had a lot of visions in my life. I’ve envisioned being married, having a family, and settling down. I’ve envisioned laying on a pile of money naked. I’ve envisioned countries building statues of me to put in front of their Parliament. Some of these seemed realistic, and some of these were simply dreams.

The one vision I knew for SURE, however? I was never going to wrestle again.

Yeah, right. We’ve heard that one before. I’m sure all of you rolled your eyes when you heard it, but even you have to admit – five years and on the other side of 40, it had to stick this time, right? I mean, it would be stupid to attempt a comeback now, right?

I never claimed to be an intelligent man…at least, not recently.

So, here I am, back in the ring again, this time facing Jack Nation. I’m sure a lot of people are wondering why. Why did I decide to come back for a match against Jack Nation? That doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense, does it?

There are two reasons why I decided to do this. The first is because of my personal life, and some of the struggles I have dealt with over the past few years. I am not going to give you a run down of every personal problem I’ve encountered over the past eight years, but those who know, know. The people who read the tabloids and follow Twitter know exactly what has happened to me. I am working on changing that. My story may sound tragic to some now, but you just wait – when it’s all said and done, Andy Cortinovis will be standing at the top of the mountain once again.

The other reason is something else entirely. See, I’ve given up on wrestling, at least for a while. I haven’t watched a show, or even so much a match in years. Like all addictions, though, I decided to get back into it. I paid for the X-Channel, which is a bit over priced for the fact that they still don’t have any archives up and running and the only shows I can watch took place long after I walked away. Seriously, this currently brand of fans know nothing about 05-05-05? Or my undefeated streak at X-Mas X-Treme? Or my War Of Independence match against Hunter Ryan and two enhancement talents at Prophecy Fulfilled? Weak.

Anyway, I was watching the most recent batch of interviews and promos, which I’m happy to say not much has changed in 18 years apparently, and I heard the words of a young man named El Pantera. The dude was obviously a fan of old school XWF, as he mentioned named that would not be on the tip of other people’s tongues – Gravy, Psycho Stevo, Sean Parker – people who even the most hardcore fans would be forgiven if they forgot them. I give him credit for his vast amounts of knowledge…but then he said something interesting. He mentioned his hero…he mentioned Jack Nation.

Now, the idea of Jack Nation being ANYONE’S hero is beyond baffling, but after I got past the initial shock, followed by the boiling rage that bubbled up for being left off the list, I realized that this was bound to happen. In this sport, you can try to create as long lasting of a legacy as you can, but eventually, you will be forgotten. All your accomplishments will be reduced to a simple “hey, remember this guy?” when the steady stream of wrestling marks become actual wrestlers. El Pantera remembered Jack Nation – probably the only person who ever did – but that’s what it has come to – simply hoping that someone remembers you. If they don’t, then your nothing but a word on a piece of paper.

So, that’s why I came back. As to why Jack Nation, well that’s easy – he flattered me. He publicly said he always wanted to face me before he retired. See folks, don’t let them tell you flattery doesn’t get you anywhere. It absolutely does.

I want to make a comeback in order to prove to the world what kind of competitor I am, and he wants a match with one of his heroes before he steps away. It’s perfect. It just makes sense…

…and, if we’re being honest, it gives me a nice warm up to see if I want to make this a long term commitment.

I know, I’m not supposed to say too many bad things about the guy. He’s retiring, and I’m just coming back, and the fans want us to be nice and friendly before we beat the tar out of each other. I would love to sit here and do nothing but throw compliments onto Jack Nation, but let’s be honest here…I can’t. We’re not talking about an all time great here. We’re talking about someone who wrestled some decent matches, but that’s about it. Even El Pantera said it – he never “got over the hump”, though he claimed it’s because the XWF “treated him badly”. Ok, sure, talent had NOTHING to do with it.

That’s the common thread in professional wrestling, isn’t it? No self reflection. Just blame all the losses on management and not being “treated fairly”. As if every good wrestler got there because they kissed the ass of ownership, and every bad wrestler was chased out because there was a vendetta against them. I’m sure Honkey Lighthouse and Maximus were top notch talents that Jon Brown just didn’t like.

Though, it’s not fair to just completely tear down Jack Nation. Since it is his final match, we should take a look back at his accomplishments, and what we’re going to miss when he’s gone.




Not going to lie, drawing a blank here. Did Jack Nation ever actually accomplish anything in the XWF? Did he accomplish anything ANYWHERE?! All I know is the name, and to be honest, I can’t remember why. What was so memorable about Jack Nation that his name would have stuck out in my mind. Let me think…he was in a tag team, I remember that. But who was his partner? Oh, wait…it’s coming back to me…oh no…

IT WAS CHAD! Jack Nation was once in a tag team with Chad! Somehow, that worthless piece of driftwood found a tag team partner, and that partner’s name was Jack Nation. I don’t remember them accomplishing anything. Hell, I don’t know how long they were even together. What I do know, though, is that Jack Nation was dumb enough to steak his reputation, even if just once, on a man whose entire career and entire life was one giant dumpster fire.

I don’t remember the situation behind these two knuckleheads teaming up. I don’t know if Nation approached Chad, Chad approached Nation, or if it was a random team, but I do have my theory. See, I think Jack Nation is a fan boy. I think he’s someone who watches the product and gets excited about the wrestlers. As Chad was persona non grota, he was search, BEGGING for anyone to come and team with him, and Jack Nation, being the doey-eyed mark that he is, saw no problem teaming with the human version of crystal meth.

Sure, Jack Nation talks a big game. He talks about how he’s some awesome MMA fighter or whatever. Seriously, in the past five years, every mid card, wannabe tough guy thinks they’re the next big thing in cage fighting. In the end, though, he’s like all those other mush mouthed jocks – what he has in muscles, he completely lacks in brains. That explains why he thinks he’s going to win this match, even though, I, the fans, the XWF brass, and pretty much everyone within the known universe knows that isn’t going to happen.

I want this to be stated right now, for the XWF fans and for the XWF front office. This is not a “special attraction match”, as is stated on all the promotional material. This is a comeback match. This is Centurion dusting himself off and putting himself in the ring with someone who has the skills off a rookie to ease my way back into competition. This idea that this “two old legends going at it” is a complete farce. Jack Nation isn’t a legend – he’s a box to tick on my checklist. Trust me, there are quite a few other boxes to tick, and they’re all much higher on the totem pole than Jack Nation is. The only thing “special” about this match is the fact that you get to see Centurion doing something you haven’t seen in nearly ten years – kicking ass at the highest level, because believe it or not, even at 42, even with five years removed from the business, I’m in the best shape I’ve been in in a VERY long time.

Let this be a lesson for all you newcomers in this business – just because you’re old, doesn’t mean you’re a legend. Peter Gilmour is still wrestling, and that guy is the drizzling shits. We need to stop rewarding mediocrity. The new class of XWF wrestlers and fans need to stop being blinded by the jobbers of yesteryear who continue to hang on. I hate to be the “back in my day” guy, but it’s just an undeniable fact – it was harder to win in the XWF back in the day. The talent pool was deeper, and the top of the card was filled with some of the best wrestlers of all time. There are some awesome wrestlers in the XWF now, don’t get me wrong – but you can make a name for yourself here just by being mediocre. That’s why low level guys continue to hang on in the modern times. You want to see what the old school was like? You want to know what a great wrestler from the old days looks like? You’re about to see it, when I put Jack Nation out to pasture, and he finally meets his…


[Image: UdLSPlv.png]
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion 
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-18-2019), Drew Archyle (03-18-2019), EDWARD THE GREAT (03-18-2019), James Raven (03-18-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (03-18-2019), R.L. Edgar (03-19-2019)

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