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He stands subsequently basking in the fires of selfish desire
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Azrael Erebus Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-17-2019, 11:13 PM

What would you do if you were given a glimpse into your future? If you were allowed the opportunity to be the witness of subsequent events that haven't happened yet? Given permission to view intricate details about your life, that didn't play out in your own time line but will most certainly occur eventually? Would you take advantage of the situation and use that newfound awareness to change things? Rewrite the future? Use the information for the benefit of your own best interest? Profit or personal gain? Or would you take a less selfish approach and try to use the knowledge, in a way that would aid more than merely just yourself? Do you fancy yourself a hero and could you envision using your brand new future sight, for the good of mankind or the entire planet as a whole?

It's hard to imagine what one might do if they were given the chance at daring to dream the impossible. That your future might coincide with something bigger than one being. Something grander and larger than you. Bah! Poppycock! Nothing more than a fairy tale. Still challenge yourself for a moment and at least try to give this fantastic and outright whimsical, fortuitous occurrence a few seconds of thought. Real actual thought. You can witness the future. The possibilities are truly endless, when you think about what could be granted from that simple knowledge. Vastly spanning beyond the realm of one individual.

Now, take it a step further, not only are you sanctioned the safety of viewing your future but you're also encouraged to stay and dwell there for awhile. Exist in the future as you are today. Would you accept those terms and conditions? What if your presence was needed and the grand design of the future depended on you? How would you feel if you learned that your serendipitous arrival, turned out to be a landmark of sorts and you were meant to appear there at that precise instant because without you, the future would be lost? Could you wrap your thoughts around that unbelievable concept? What if saving yourself in the future, meant saving the world?

These were the thoughts that Azrael Erebus was presented with on a daily basis.

For over two months Azrael Erebus; more commonly known as Mr. Satellite in his timeline, existed in the year 2019. While this was the present for everyone else that he encountered, it was precisely six years in the future for him. During his future self's absence, while being currently locked away inside the mind of a girl named Rocket - awaiting a mysterious trigger that promised freedom, Azrael of the past offered his services. Not only in the effort of finding a key to release the future Azrael but also when it came to filling the very large void that was created, by the succeeding star traveler's vacancy. In short, he took on the role that was left behind, when future Azrael vanished.

With enemies that assumed that he was dead in this current time period, this was a tad tricky; however, as time progressed he found himself getting comfortable. He didn't even worry about wearing a disguise or speaking with the aid of a robot anymore. This was his future after all, any repercussions from committing such a crime were both null and void, a perk that he quite enjoyed. Perhaps a little too much. Though he wouldn't ever admit that out loud. Unfortunately, this didn't change the fact that he only had one arm, the stark reminder that he was definitely, Azrael from the past. A factor that was quickly becoming an increasing hindrance, in spite of the fact that he had already come to terms with what others might see as a tremendous disability, not only adapting but thriving in defiance of the odds that it presented.

Enter the gnawing thought of personal gain.

Deep down, Azrael knew better. He understood what the risk of altering history meant, that's why he did it sparingly. This was a major change. It could completely redirect the course of former events and revise the past. If a butterfly's wings flapping could cause a tsunami, what would his arm growing back do? Azrael was a brilliant man but even he couldn't see the future or rather the modified version of the past, that would most assuredly be transformed by his actions. Then again, maybe nothing would be readjusted, to suit the difference that he created? Perhaps he was simply being overly cautious and worrying for no real reason? Once more, these were selfish desires, influencing his better judgment.

Try as he might to fight it off, the idea of reading his own journals and discovering the secret behind getting his arm back was too strong. Even with all that ancient wisdom backing his extraordinarily long life and savior's mentality coming into play, the alien wasn't perfect. In the end, he submitted to his own weak need to be complete and read the books. When he finished reading the final page of the last book, that's when guilt set in. Yet, at the same time, he wasn't sorry. Not really. Not if he was truly being honest with himself. Would you be sorry if you lost your arm and figured out how to grow it back? Even if it meant possibly redesigning history in the process? Tis a tough question. One that few could answer with the utmost honesty, especially if you had no way of knowing what your acts could cause or if they would result in any alteration at all. Seriously, in one sense you're changing the course of history but in another... you get your arm back.

The way to regain his missing limb was so simple too, just a matter of removing some metal thread from a wound that had healed over. Since his regeneration factor was halted by the metal stitching, it prevented his arm from growing back properly. Instead the skin simply restored itself over the hasty but effective repair job. There were also the mentions of him getting shot in the head, which would explain why he didn't remember losing his arm at the hands of a man named Truman Strong and his assistant Cecil, back in the 1920's. If he had that memory, he probably wouldn't have flipped out and incinerated four versions of the Earth, ultimately earning him immediate seizure, capture and a strict punishment from the Universal Commune. One that saw him lose the privilege of speaking. There would have been zero need for a robot. If only that bullet didn't block the memory of what happened to his arm. All of that could have been avoided.

It was a realization that answered so many questions, while simultaneously making it feel like you were kicked in the nuts. At least that's how Azrael felt, when he obtained that bittersweet truth.

Naturally, he wanted to remove the bullet and regrow his arm, that was just the obvious progression of thought. It was the classic snowball effect, in its finest. First leading to a small surgical procedure to remove metal stitches, buried beneath layers of healthy flesh and ending with the understanding that extracting a bullet from his brain was the next logical procedure. After all, he invested his time and efforts in the endeavor this far, what was one more tweak? Right? Azrael didn't need to sell himself on the idea for more than a second before committing to the act.

The rational mind encumbered by the restrictions of reality as it is known by most, would probably cease all impulsiveness at this juncture. If one had intentions of embarking upon complex brain surgery, in order to remove a bullet from the interior of their own skull, they would more than likely seek some sort of medical attention. Azrael Erebus made the choice to take care of it himself. With nothing more than steadfast determination and a deep breath, no less. He let himself visualize the bullet, then while placing one hand on the side of his nose, he shot it out. Sorta like a snot rocket. Except instead of mucus flying out of his nostril, it was a bullet. Coated in the inner slime of an alien's nose. By all accounts, this should not have worked in the real world but it was this exact type of reality bending, shenanigans that separated the spaceman from literally everyone else. No joke. It was like he was a cartoon character sometimes.

"What did you do?"

Ezra Blackwater's words summoned Azrael's attention, right as his arm manifested from its socket. A quick grin in place, he couldn't help but laugh.

"I... I can explain."

[Image: ybmVXWb.jpg]

2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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