Robert "The Omega" Main
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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Joined: Thu Dec 15 2016
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03-16-2019, 08:36 PM
Chris Chaos…
::::  ilence:::::
”Target Robert Main”.
::::  tillness fills the air:::::
The next in line?
Heir to the throne?
Prodigy? Former Universal Champion. You say the next Universal Champion?
Robert chuckles for a moment
Not on my watch.
The camera pans over a castle off in the distance. Its walls are the most substantial thing the naked eye can see for miles, yet when Robert looks attentively he becomes mindful of the stones. This place was assembled from rock varying in size, shapes, each one unique from the others. From a distance, it's an unwavering grey, close it becomes something else entirely, almost mosaic in a way as the rocks lie so humbled, each one of them nobody would think anything about if they were tossed along the side of a road. Together though these brilliant boulders were a castle, the crown of this landscape and champion of its bygone people. The fortress is an exquisite work of art, constructed with a panorama view of the surrounding land. From where the towers once stood medieval watchers, quiver and arrow ready to fly.
These steadfast walls were built for refuge in an age that was defined by envy, gluttony and the love of authority, righteousness, nobility and faithfulness to the crown. Past the iron gates that imprisoned would-be invaders, lives of servitude, shielded from battle-axe and ballista alike. This citadel stood to encourage a province run on deference to royalty. In times when technology meant wood, string and metal arms cache, the assumption of comfort was reserved for just a few. It was a world of subsistence living for all but the mighty who safeguarded their fortified kingdom of taxpayers. So, when Robert's eyes fall upon the magnificence of the weather-beaten stone, hearing the wind in the trees, it is an ode to the selfishness he can hear. Whispering in the grass are tales of people positioned against one another in way of war, by an upper-class endlessly enriched by the struggle.
Chaos since your dismal re-emergence. I’ve overheard more than a few outlandish things that even for you saying them took me by surprise. I could have sprung into action jumping the gun, but I choose the ladder. I didn’t speak up at the time because I simply had more important objectives in front of me at the time. You know chasing gold and defending it. Something you’ve been clearly capable of doing for quite some time now. So, I placed you on the back burner, right where you have always belonged. You can take that as a sign of disrespect if you’d like because it is, you now have my full and undivided attention. Over the past few weeks, you’ve had quite a few things to say about me. So, before you hit on the only couple of point there is. I’ll go ahead and call it out for you. I’d hate for you to waste what little time you have left with us here in the XWF. Or we could observe you transfer money around from one place to another trying to validate a point no one gives two shits about. You reminded me of that grumpy old bitch from the bank. Licking her fingers every single time she counts my hundred dollar bills.. Come to think of it the two of you have a lot in common.. Wait you are an irritable old she-devil come to think of it.
Now you can call this a shot in the dark if you’d like. But before you examine hours upon hours of footage trying to unearth that needle in the haystack. The one chink in my armor? I’ll give it to you on a silver platter. I’d hate to let you think that you had found something worthwhile. Cadryn Tiberius and Jim Caedus. You could have rummaged through the rubbish for a while and stumbled upon that one juicy nugget, you thought would get underneath my skin. Maybe even get a rise out of me.
Robert places his hand on the cool stone walls surrounding the stronghold peering over the ridged rock as if he was trying to find something hidden long ago. The castle is more ancient than any dagger left in the ground. The once tranquil earth is now blemished showing years of scars and pitting. The grizzled man of the hill knows how fleeting time truly can be, how soon the immediate becomes the former and the crucial becomes irrelevant. In this hallowed primeval site, the slabs that make this citadel have seen the centuries blow past in the winds of time.
Robert crosses his arms taking everything standing around him in. The walls encompassing him were now hushed, water anticipates the call of the wind to ruffle and move the deepest green moss that covers the castle walls. Stone rises from the land, unapologetic and bold to defy the entrance and protect what has been entrusted to their care. Below the uneven patches of grass are arrowheads of old, handgrips of broken swords and armor that failed to protect.
Robert shuts his eyes, listening. Beneath the chorus of the birds, he can hear the voices of old, the clash of metal on metal and the pounding of horse’s hooves. He is standing where knights once stood, seeing what kings, Dukes and peasants saw. In this pale light, were it not for the telltale signs of weathering, it could be almost any century in the past hundreds of years old. Robert opens his eyes placing both hands inside his black leather jacket making his way towards the entrance of the castle. His snakeskin cowboy boots clacking with each step forward. He halts at the top of the steps lighting a Cuban cigar. He squints his eyes as he draws in the rich vanilla flavor.
I hate to break this to ya. It doesn’t bother me.. Not one bit. That right there is ancient history and I am after all your Universal Champion. Unlike you’re self, I’m not on the comeback trail. I’m more of a success story. That being said. Cadryn Tiberius did defeat me on that night capturing the Hart Championship from me. He did so fair and square no bones about it. There is nothing I can dispute. It happened. On that evening he was just the better man. As soon as I power-bombed him onto that scaffolding high above the arena floor I knew my period of influence as champion was finished. I watched as that man fell 30 feet to the floor below. Once he went splat, so did my dream of becoming the longest reigning Hart Champion in XWF history. That night was his and no one can ever take that from him. He entwined his name in history, and rightfully so. What transpired on that paper per view made me more resilient, more formidable, head and shoulders above men like yourself. With each drubbing I’ve taken, Chris, I’ve grown. I burned the midnight oil to become aware of all my screwups. Unlike you Chris I can pay attention to detail, especially if it will enhance my career.
In that rookie moment, I learned a valuable lesson one can only comprehend through real time experience. Now, Chris, I am the longest reigning Hart Champion in XWF history. I’m Universal Champion and one half of the Tag Team Champions and a member of the Triple Slam club to boot. Knowing what I know now.. I’d go through that exposure every time. Why? Take a quick look at where I stand now. The top of the heap. A place you can’t seem to get back too no matter how much you backstab. I could go through each one of your squandering’s breaking each of them down. But why? Why subject ourselves to sticks and stones? Playing elementary school games. I understand it’s the Chris Chaos way. But I’ll graciously decline playing armchair quarterback. Days gone by are just that. Let’s just let sleeping dogs lie. No one wants to give an audience to you rambling on and on about my four setbacks in nearly three years. Or how I’ve only been pinned to the canvas twice. Or you could go classic Chaos and maybe make fun of the way I look. Nothing like splitting hairs huh buddy? Those watching or even listening would throw up right before they turned the channel. It’s uninteresting.
But that's how you converge on everything in life, with your humdrum attitude, it just sucks, to be completely honest. Let’s call a spade a spade. You claim viewership is down and that this company is lifeless maybe even going extinct. I disagree, Chris viewership plummets when you speak. Viewership shits the bed anytime you Chris are involved with anything in this company. Whenever you do decide to grace us with your presence whether it’s before an audience live or on television or in a shitty unstimulating, passionless promo there is a collective sigh. The folks at home hit fast forward, or just simply flip the station. Once they hear CHAOS IS COMING, THEY START RUNNING! If they are in attendance, it’s piss break time, or they go track down their next beverage. You are as stale as opened bread Hoss. Whether it’s in an XWF ring or on a microphone. Face it you are dead as a doornail in and out of the ring and when it comes to your inventiveness it's lackluster at the very best. Now suddenly you want to get creepy? With that forehead, you already scared everyone away, you Neanderthal looking prick. Again, change the fucking channel folks. You are the very definition of uninspiring. If all you are going to talk about is my nonachievements, with a few eerie pictures with a bland song and dance with a story no one gives a shit about. Just do us all a massive favor and don’t. Now can we talk about the here and now?
As Robert enters courtyard he can feel a chill in the air. Within the remnants, there is dampness that does not belong to the air outside. Despite the courtyard being open to the elements the stench and humidity are quite different.
You’ve continually gone on about how the roster isn’t what it used to be and Chris you are accurate. The fossils of the past had to lay down their arms. We can’t have people walking down the ramp on walkers or riding rascals. Imagine the insurance claims. They walked away and never looked back, they passed the torch now the changing of the guard is upon us. No matter how you want to slice this, I’m now the measuring stick for this business like it or not. This isn’t about a lack of opposition either Chris. It’s about how I asphyxiate each opponent I face, with pure athletic prowess, I flatten every man and woman who steps through those ropes. I’ve never held back Chaos, I’m not a man who is going to choke back my words simply because someone might not like what I have to say. I refuse to restrain myself. You’ve guaranteed me a step up. You’ve pledged you’ll be the adversary who gives me the conflict you claim I’ve been missing. I pray you are the antagonist that pushes Robert Main to his breaking point. I hope you are this rebel you declare.
Robert pats his stomach continuing through the courtyard
Because deep down in my bottomless gut, I have a yearning for it. I demand it, how can I become an extraordinary champion if I am never pressed beyond the line in I've placed in the sand? Other iconoclast of the past has warranted the very same words you spoke. I’ve been insured, assured, sworn and vowed against. Those words, much like your own fell upon deaf ears. You’ve laid claim to my empire of dirt now let’s see if you can take possession of it. After all Chaos, you are the one with everything to lose here. This is a legacy breaking moment in time, and one you wanted, after all the build-up and propaganda you’ve pushed down all our throats, the supposed legend with the motor mouth will fall short yet again. I stand before the world as a champion. You were the one shooting your colossal mouth off. Now comes the time where you are going to have to back it all up. Put up or shut up time old man. I guarantee I’m far from the froot loop Jim is.
There isn’t going to be a pissing contest with particulars from yesteryear. I’m not on a fact-finding mission, we could compare achievements and records until we are both blue in the face. What matters most, is will it be Chris Chaos or Robert “The Omega” Main? Who leaves March Madness pay per view with the crown. I take a gander at you and see the shell of a man you once were. You are no longer a man feared you’re not even a shadow of what you used to be. What was once your holy grail is now my Universal Championship. As far as I am concerned you are not worthy. You never were. The weight of this championship would pulverize your brittle bones. You just don’t have what it takes anymore, and I will demonstrate that come this pay per view as you crumble in my hands. I will confirm everything I have ever said about you in one night. I'm the weight of the world Chris and I'm going to sever that flimsy yellow spine. What is truly left of the dominant Chris Chaos? Nothing but a debilitated, weary, washed up man. Once a strapping, predominant competitor has become nothing more than a dog a pony show. Same old dog no new tricks.
As Robert enters the kings quarters he stops for a moment greeted by Harley APEX'S mascot. Robert pats her on the head for a few moments scratching behind her ears staring at a throne. Laying on the leather seat the XWF Universal Championship The chair was carved out of fine oak, crested with numerous jewels and decorative gold forming a sophisticated coat of arms. Although the seat of King was majestic, it was a mere stool compared to the throne Chaos sought to retake. This throne was bathed in the blood of those who had fought for it. Robert walks over placing the championship over his shoulder taking a seat as Harley lays down at his feet.
Robert looks over the championship at the fireplace. White powdered ash from the burning logs was crowded in the crevices of the stone. The thick wood pieces were crackling and popping as the dazzling flame slowly ate away at them turning them to black ash as if a gloomy shadow had corrupted its lively essence. The dancing flame licked and spat at the curved ceiling of the fireplace with its enthusiastic, shimmering golden blaze, and its red base glistened over the wood like daybreak. Robert leers back towards the camera
Chris you have become a sideshow act, not the steamroller strong as an ox. Are you still even capable of striking panic in the hearts of men? Or have the hands of time ripped what was apart? I know that answer and deep down inside, you do too. There can be only one and that one will be me. The referee will hand me my championship, I’ll lay it over my shoulder after my 4th defense peering down at what was supposedly a phenomenon, the only man on the roster that could defeat me. Those are your words, not mine. You’ll be fragmented by “The Omega” just like every single one before you. I will pulverize you to smithereens because that is what the Universal Champion is supposed to do. There can just be no other way. I must smash you demolishing everything you’ve ever vouched for. I will leave you with a secondary prize though Chris, another trouncing, another opportunity squandered away. But this time around there won’t be a scapegoat. The responsibility will fall squarely upon your shoulders and yours alone. There will be no one to blame but you Chris. Robert Main doesn’t cheat, because I don’t have too. The XWF is no longer you’re playground. I pray after I trash your ass you can S.E.E. your pathetic hide to the door. XWF doesn’t want you and we damn sure don’t need the cry baby Chris Chaos! Once I became champion I erased your house of cards along with so many others. This is now APEX’S kingdom.
Drew enters stage left waving to the camera eating a freshly opened can of sausages. His half of the Tag Team Championships Draped over his left shoulder. Robert’s half of the Tag Team Championships draped over his right. Drew stops at the left side of the throne.
As you’ll notice only Drew stands at my side. There is no Jim. When the two of us encountered Jim, in that junkyard we brought him back Chris for one reason. Vengeance against you. Plain and simple revenge. He deserved it after what you the cowardly lion did to him. Against our better judgement, I might add. Once the two of you squared up and the chants started rolling off he fans tongues.
I knew we were in for a historical moment in XWF history. You see after Jimmy hammered your fucking skull in Chris, he could not just let it go. You were out cold. All he had to do is cover you. Oh, and by the way, he throttled your ass good. But then he went bananas, completely bonkers, Ape shit! Chris right before our very eyes the Jim we all knew and loved died, and before you claim you did that to Jim. You didn’t. He did it to himself. See Chris Jim was your crown jewel. For months we listened to you brag about how you murdered him. Chris, you couldn’t even get that right you fuck up. Do you know how stupid you look? At the very least when it comes to Robert Main.. I deliver. I gave the world Jim back live and in person. I had the feeling something was amiss and within a matter of seconds, Jim became a deranged lunatic. Jim self-destructed. Jim had always been over-suspicious, irrationally anxious that’s why he always hit the peace pipe. Ya know? To calm his ass down. I told him even before he made his first walk down to the ring I would take care of Chris Chaos if he couldn’t.
Don’t worry about it. Just go and compete. Knock the ring rust off. The uncertain Jim walked through those curtains for the last time and blew you out of the water. He smothered you just like he always has. It’s always been the same narrative between Jim and yourself. The high and mighty Chris Chaos challenges Jim. Chaos falls like dominos. Chris Jim is just simply superior, more enhanced and ten steps ahead. He always has been too. Jim had you dead to rights dead center. But what did he do? Jim decides to shoot himself in the foot with self-doubting. His head wasn’t in the right place. So, he walked away. Why? No one will ever know the answer. Once again Jim defeated himself imploding in front of the entire world. If I knew he was hanging by a thread I would have never sent him out there in the first place. My issue is what transpired after the match was threw. Like the scumbag rat bastard weasel that you’ve always been Chris, that evil fraudster miscreant smile crossed your face. Now I know somewhere in that thick head of yours you really think that you won that match.
You didn’t, you didn’t earn it. You lost. But somehow someway the slime ball swindler made it through just like you always have. Jim just couldn’t take it. The dirt bag of the XWF gets his shot. Chris, we are nothing like you, and this case nothing like Jim. Drew and myself are not shaky, unstable, immature men with wild ass conspiracy theories. We leave that shit to ALEX JONES. We see the world for what it truly is. I see people for who they truly are. As much as I would have loved watching Jim execute the sleazebag son of a bitch that you are. Drew and I came down and stopped the madness. Then the son of a bitch attacked us like a wild animal. With a chair none the less. On top of it, he freaking quit AGAIN! I want to apologies to the entire XWF from bringing Jim back he turned into a complete basket case. The drama and shit show that accompanied him just isn’t worth the pain in the dick. Jim let us down before when he turned his back on us THE FIRST TIME. We were supposedly his good friends and he would never betray us. Look how that turned out. Like a fucking bullet to the brain.
A brotherhood he would say. He ghosted after The Engineer beat him three ways from Sunday. Jim became Judas! I never brought Jim back to defend me or stop you Chris Chaos from getting an opportunity at the Universal Championship. I just wanted you to do something before you received the match. Hell, anything besides sitting on the sidelines with your thumb implanted firmly up your twat whining about how you were screwed. I wanted to help a friend get back on his feet doing what he loved. How did I get repaid? Kicked in the teeth again by my supposed brother. Betrayed. The dime dropped on Drew and I. Blamed for a mountain of shit Drew or I had nothing to do with. Once again Jim turned his back on us. He couldn’t take the heat in the kitchen, so he took a page from your playbook, Chris. He picked up his ball and disappeared altogether. He’s got the disappearing act down to a science now.
When things get strenuous Jim becomes mental midget, sure he can talk tough and spit fire like a dragon. But when push comes to shove he doesn’t have it anymore. The man is nuttier than a fucking fruit cake. All I wanted was for my friend to have a second chance against you. He got just that. Whether he got all that he wanted out of this match we will never know. I still to this very moment even after the vicious attack on myself and Drew consider Jim a friend. I loathe the way this turned out. It was never supposed to be this way. But what can I do now? Weep like you, Chris? Shots were fired that can never be taken back. Bridges were burnt to the God damn ground. This was all for not. This is how Jim compensated us. By spitting in our faces. He tucked his tail firmly between his legs and ran away. We gave him everything coming back. He gave us nothing but a headache.
I’ve built my castle in the clouds Chris, and I refuse to leave it all behind to you.
Robert rips the Universal Championship off the throne and maneuvers his way closer to the camera.
Chris, Jim Caedus quit, and you still couldn’t get the job done. Tell me how in the fuck you’ll beat me!
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7