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ANARCHY: Micro RP Show John Rogan
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John Rogan Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-10-2019, 11:40 AM


In-Ring Name: John Rogan

Wrestler's Real Name: John Rogan

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: Aug 28th 1978

Height: 6'7

Weight: 300lbs

Hometown: Scottsdale AZ

Personality: Tough, Old School, Bitter

Looks Description: Travis Tomko

Ethnicity: Caucasion

Pic Base, if any: Travis Tomko

Strengths: Strength, Experience, Ring Awareness

Weaknesses: Speed, Older, Agility

Entrance Theme Music: Enter Sandman by Metallica

Special Entrance: The lights dim, the excitement settles in the arena, Enter Sandman by Metallica blares, as the lights begin to pulsate. Onto the stage appears a silohuette of John Rogan, his arms out to the sides. As the drumming begins, the e-wrestling veteran walks towards the ring, the fans cheering, the lights pulsating. Once he reaches the ring, he slides in under the bottom rope, he throws his arms in the air walking around the ring.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
T-Bone Suplex
Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex
Pumphandle Slam
Ura-Nage Suplex
Cobra Clutch Slam

Trademark Move(s): Snake Eyes
Description(s): This move sees John place his opponent stomach down on his shoulder so that they both are facing the same direction. He then drops the opponent on their shoulder face-first into the turnbuckle. This move is generally a direct set-up to 'The End Result' his finishing move.

Finishing Move(s): The End Result
Description(s): Claymore Kick

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: He is very handy and creative with any type of weapon.

Additional notes: John Rogan has been an e-wrestler since he appeared in the WWIWF in 2001. WIth a lackluster start, he went to GWA where he captured several championships, including the heavyweight championship, and tag team titles with Hawkeye, real life brother of hall of famer Superballs, as the Syc Bastards, as well as numerous records. From there his whereabouts are a little shaky, but fifteen years after his greatest accomplishments, and at the age of 40 arrived in the XWF as a part time performer.

[Image: kYQX8Mq.png]
1x Heavy MetalWeight Champion
1-2-0 (XWF Record)
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