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James Wolf
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02-25-2019, 02:51 PM


In-Ring Name: James Wolf

Wrestler's Real Name: James Wolf

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: new

Wrestler Date of Birth: 11/13/1979

Height: 6ft 4in

Weight: 250 lbs

Hometown: Tampa, Florida

Personality: Heel, (he is very anti authority, and he cheats to win. He doesn't care what others think of him.)

Looks Description:

Ethnicity: White

Pic Base, if any: photo JamesWolf2019_zps3igsbrqw.png

Strengths: head strong, durable, has the experience against inexperienced wrestlers, he never breaks his word

Weaknesses: can get wreckless, will attack others if he feels he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it

Entrance Theme Music: Keep Away by Godsmack

Special Entrance (if any): The lights in the arena are shrouded in darkness. Suddenly a spot light hits the top of the stage as Godsmack's Keep Away begins playing. As the song progresses to the middle James walks to the right side of the stage looking digusted, and pissed off. And then he walks over to the left side peering out into the audience, and scoffs in disgust. As his entrance music hits the chorus he begins walking down the entrance ramp to a chorus of boos. We notice behind him on the very big XWF tron that a video package of his previous matches plays showing James Wolf taking out his victims with the Reign of Terror, and the Hell on Earth. It also shows high lights from his career several years ago winning World Titles, Hardcore Titles, and of course a few Death Match titles. As the camera wheels back around to James an XWF graphic appears from production showing his name.

As his entrance music goes into the bridge, and back to the chorus to the hook James gets down to the ring side area. He walks over to the ring steps, and then he walks up the ring steps entering the ring through the middle rope. As he gets inside the ring he walks to the center of the ring and raises both of his arms extending his both of his middle fingers, and as he turns to all sides of the ring he mouths "Go Fuck Yourself" to the audience before turning to face his opponent. His entrance music then ends as he is ready for a fight.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves: clothesline from hell, shin breaker, spine buster, super plex, tombstone pile driver

Trademark Move(s): Reign of Terror
Description(s):Crucifix Powerbomb

Finishing Move(s): Hell on Earth
Description(s):Running choke slam

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: you decide

Additional notes: He is a hardcore wrestling specialist, but when booked in any other type of match he uses under handed tactics, and cheats to win. He is not shy to admit this when he is asked.

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