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Alister Dante
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Alister Dante Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-03-2019, 09:45 PM


In-Ring Name

Wrestler's Real Name
Alister Dante

New to XWF or a returning roster member?

Wrestler Date of Birth

6ft 2in


Manhattan, NY

A wild child, seemingly from birth, Alister Dante learned to live fast and free, way too early in life. Son of a pastor and a strict school teacher, he also learned pretty quickly to hate god and figures of authority too. Their methods of parenting weren't always the best ones and it is assumed this is what forced him to seek solace elsewhere. When that unconventional way of life was found and they rejected it... nay full on opposed it, well then that became the solution to poor little Alister's woes. Rebelling and revolting, was the sole logical answer here. At least in his mind. Sex, drugs, rock n' roll and everything in-between, Alister lived and breathed this and it literally exuded his body and soul. He was burning at the speed of light, by the time he was seventeen years old and showed zero signs of slowing down. An addict without remorse or control, he was reckless. Careless. And he was only spiraling deeper into his own destruction. Everyone finds their vice, of course and heroin was his poison of choice. With each stab of the needle, came the craving for more. Every high, brought the urge to climb higher. Until one day, Alister ascended beyond the clouds and completely lost his footing. The inevitable drop nearly killed him.

Plummeted straight into an overdose. He woke up completely alone and in the hospital, only to realize that in the process of soaring to insurmountable heights, he lost everything and everyone. His parents wanted nothing to do with the mess that he'd become and his friends, well they were too high to notice that he was even missing. Twenty-three, homeless and friendless, it was a bitter pill to swallow but he had no other choice. One can't spit out reality, if they don't like the taste. It just is what it is and the understanding of this during detox, felt like yet another close encounter with his own demise. Except for this occurrence, he was fully conscious and aware. Which only made it all the more worse. In his realm of understanding at the time, he would attest to this completely. There were moments when he simply thought he'd stop breathing. Or that his heart would cease its beating and implode right in his chest. Panic attacks and paranoia, the likes of which many would be brought to their knees from as they were sent screaming and plummeting through the ground, straight into a lake of pure, unadulterated insanity, were a constant. Nightmares seemed like real life and reality appeared to be the nightmare. And then, there were other occasions, where he was totally convinced that he was dead.

Still, he managed to pull through all of this and in his mind's eye, revive himself and survive yet another encounter with death. However, this time something within him, changed. He'd describe it later on... as feeling almost like a light switch had been flipped on inside. Everything became immaculately clear and he could perceive it all. It was almost as if someone blew the dust off a mirror and what reflected back, was the truth. His truth. That's when, Alister decided to go a step further and get completely clean. Through a program at St. Benedict's hospital; the place he found himself after the overdose occurred, he did exactly that. It wasn't easy but it was accomplished and when that happened, it was then and only then, that he told himself that god saved him for a reason and decided his calling was priesthood.

Father Franklin - a kind and simple man working with St. Benedict's program for addicts, took notice to this and offered Alister free room and board; within the attic of the church that he conducted sermons for, in exchange for unpaid labor and maintenance. He would also aid in getting Alister enrolled in a school to further his newfound dream of following the lord's path into priesthood. It was an offer Alister couldn't refuse and he gladly accepted. After all, he almost died, twice. Survived. Got clean. Now here came his opportunity for a fresh start and a way to pursue his newly acquired aspiration. If that wasn't a sign from the lord that he needed to turn his life around and become a vessel for the savior jesus christ, he didn't know what was. So he did precisely that. Strictly adhering to this brand new way of life and thinking, he was loyal and true to his word. Kept to himself. Studied. Maintained a simple life and prayed. And over time, the pale, sickly looking shell, turned into a strong, healthy man. All that remained from the past, were his sleeves of tattoos and his long blonde hair, which was a lot cleaner than it used to be. Other than that, Mr. Dante was almost like an entirely different person and with this positive transformation, came even further trust in his faith.

Though, eventually; through increased meditation, he found that he couldn't help but think that mere belief and servitude, wasn't enough. Tragedy existed all around. Violence. Bloodshed. Resounding fear and pain, that could deafen the world, if it were heard all at once. These things weren't going away. In fact, it seemed as though they just increased over time. Within moments of quiet reflection, he wondered if maybe, there wasn't something more that he could do. To pray for someone is one thing but when those prayers didn't stop the brutality, cruelty and immense suffering within his own neighborhood, much less the world, what then? It was in this precise second, Alister made a decision that would soon alter everything. This is when he made his mind up, to train in other ways. To him, it almost felt like destiny was calling and who knows, maybe it was.

Aikido, muay thai, judo, hapkido, jeet kune do, kyudo, iaido and even boxing, Alister would excel in one and then pick up another. Honing his mind and body, while he obtained true enlightenment through his faith. It seemed to go hand in hand within his mind. Of course, this brought him to another revelation. To truly defeat darkness, one must understand it and to do this, you must venture into the places of knowledge, few would tread and learn. You needed to know your enemy and how they ticked. Know them better then they knew themselves. For only then, can you truly defeat your adversary. Naturally, this was a thought most men of faith, probably wouldn't come along into having, but Alister Dante, wasn't like most men of faith and he embraced this concept without a second thought edgewise.

It wasn't long after then, that he began diving into the occult. Though with the dark side of mysticism and magic, he soon discovered there was a light side as well and this recognition, only provoked his interest even further. Till he was studying them simultaneously. Uncovering all the secrets and spells both sides had to offer. Alister Dante, quickly became; what one might call, a master of the light and dark arts and that's when he decided, he was ready. When he did the most obscure thing he'd ever done. He donned a hooded cape and black bandanna; used to cover the bottom portion of his face, took to the rooftops and gave himself the alias - Templar.

This was a concept that didn't go as perfectly as he had planned. Especially not on his first time out. There were quite a few near misses and close calls. Times when someone or just his own misjudgment nearly got the best of him. Naturally, when they didn't there was only one reason why that happened, in his mind. He was following the path he was meant to and it was the lord that saved him. Enough nights out though and over the long haul of trial and error, almost akin to everything else thus far, he began to excel. However, this new life had a price and it started to modify his way of thinking, without him even taking note. He changed. Transcending from the way he lived and understood things previously. He grew to adapt and eclipse the odds. Until one day he utterly overshadowed them. Criminals started looking to the rooftops, before they committed crimes and for the first time, Alister felt good. Real good. In his heart he knew, he was doing the right thing. God wanted him to protect and enlighten, even if it meant beating the crap out of scumbags and shitheads, so that's what he did. He prowled the skyline and lurked the darkest corners by night and by day, he lived as simple, mild manner, Alister Dante. It was truly an illuminated path. His path.

Which in turn, only motivated a new, darker element to take notice in his movements. The things that dwell in the depths, only to surface with the primary objective of terrorizing and tormenting some poor, unsuspecting bastard. Monsters, dastardly creatures and beasts, that perhaps most would assume existed solely in fairy tales or horror movies, suddenly all had an interest in Alister Dante. Evils the likes of which, few could comprehend and if they did, would swear profusely that they weren't real, came straight for him and even knew him by name. All intent on one thing. To put an end to his existence and that's when his nights, instantly became a battle of a different sort. Yet this never pushed him off course, if anything it just reaffirmed the fact that he was treading the right path and it increased his faith. Nothing could dim his illumination and fear never once entered his heart. He was Templar - master of the light and dark arts, after all. It was everything else that should fear him.

* Strong willed
* Brilliant
* Enigmatic
* Reserved
* Quiet
* Kind
* Contemplative
* Brave
* Perceptive
* Compassionate


Italian/Swedish American

Pic Base
Reilly Dolman (Philip Pearson from the show Travelers)
[Image: tumblr_oj84c4wSXb1qho9bho2_500.gif]


* Highly skilled in martial arts
* Proficient in basic hand to hand combat
* Expert swordsman
* Master of the light and dark arts
* Spiritually enlightened

*Takes on too much
*Self critic
*Former addict

Entrance Theme Music
Until the world goes cold - Trivium

Entrance Description
The lights dim and "Until the world goes cold" by Trivium, hits the speakers. Slowly, Templar emerges from the entrance. He stops and gazes out onto the packed arena. Dressed in a black hooded cape, a black bandanna covers the lower portion of his face but his eyes see all and he observes everything. Allowing his eyes to pan the entire arena, he remains momentarily still. Then; almost instantaneously, he takes off towards the ring. Full on running, he leaps into the air and slides into the squared circle. Immediately rising to his feet, Templar takes his position in the ring and awaits his opponent and the start of the fight.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves
* Roundhouse Kick
* Chokeslam
* Drop Kick
* Spear
* Armbar
* Suicide Dive
* Headbutt
* Leg Drop
* Enziguri
* Baseball Slide

Trademark Move(s)
* The Sacred Heart
* Testament of Faith
* In the Shade of Grace

* Superplex
* Sunset Flip

Finishing Move(s)
* Your Salvation
* Enlightened Illumination

* Rock Bottom

Favorite Hardcore Attacks
* Spells and conjuration

[Image: 6iSO8Ne.jpg]
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