A Wiccan Lezzie w/A Lust 4 Blood!!
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04-20-2019, 07:59 AM
SNOW'S BLOG | 4/20/19
So, today is 4/20, and you better bet yer ass I'm already lit, and it's just 7am!! XD .... Workin' on some 'special' brownies, maybe even a chocolate cake!!!!!!! ^___^ <333
"Speakin' ah cake, my big bro Reeve is about tah step in the ring with some chump named 'Ezra'... what kinda fuckin' name is that shit, Ezra? Bitch, go back to Britain, yer yellah teeth ain't wanted here in the good ol' U.S.ofA. :P ...But seriously, I'm glad ya got ol' Raphael in yer corner cuz y'all won't got no excuse when Rain runs over yer ass like it was grass gettin' cut down by a lawnmower. Muh brother's gonna take Ezra by the scruff ah his neck, smash him all around, pillar to post, and drop him on his gat dam neck!!! We've had ENOUGH ah losin', an' it's a good thing we're witches cuz we'd both be buried six feet under after havin' our heads chopped off a couple weeks ago. >_< ....Ezra, Raph?? Watch'er backs cuz The Perfect Storm's 'bout tah run wild on YOUUU!!!! ^__^
"BTW, just tah reiterate what Rain said, I have a girlfriend, fellow pro-wrestler 'MuddaFukkin' Martha Faulken, and she just so happens tah please me more than ANY man could, an' that goes fer my bro. And again, he's got himself a lover in Tony Santiani, so this wet dream y'all HotDogFlavoredBlackWater Brothers have ain't gunna fly. Honestly though, lookin' at Raph, I can atleast see why he'd be thinkin' 'bout that shit givin' the fact the only lover he can find is his right hand!! XD ...But Ezra? You bit off more than ya can chew, wrote a check yer ass can't cash, opened up a big ol' can ah worms, not to mention Pandora's Box!! And yer gonna have quite a time shuttin' that shit down b4 The Perfect Storm splits ya in half like an axe through a couple ah twig!!!
"And there's another tag team we got our eyes set on, and that'd be the tag champs themselves, Drew Archyle and James Raven, APEX. Boys, you two issued us a challenge fer them there tag team titles, and ah course, we gladly accepted. We don't need any fancy gimmick match with cages and fifteen rings. All we need is the two of us standing across from the two ah y'all, and them belts will be OURS!!! >:^( ...Me an' my big bro have been up an' down them lonely roads ah faith, workin' on our craft. learnin' the ropes. He's been in the biz fer a lil bit over a decade, an' I been kickin' ass fer 'bout five or six, an' we R ready tah finally pick up some gold that actuall means somethin' in this here comp'ny!!! And we're weed-whackin' the both ah yuz tah get them there straps ah gold!!!
"Though... Reeve has kinda been losin' a step or two lately. He used tah be such a bolt ah electricity, filled with life, never backin' down, never walkin' away from a fight.... but now, he keeps talkin' 'bout 'ring rust', when I purdy much believe he's just afraid ah everythin' that comes his way, an' I ain't got no idea why. :-/ ...If we're gunna have any chance ah grabbin' that gold, we're gunna haffta be on the same damn page, an' I'm startin' tah worry his mind is restin' in a whole 'nother book... He's my bro, I cain't just drop him like a sack a trash, but I also cain't keep rackin' up losses cuz he keeps fuckin' up in the ring. If I haftta, I'll take that boy aside, slap him square in the face, and remind him of just who in the HELL he is. He's a fighter, a warrior, and he DAMN sure ain't no matter how many people say he is.
"They can say he and I are jokes, with our careers being the punchline, but in the end, they will find out just how funny it'll be when they step in the ring with the Lezzie Dynamo and the Queen of Queer, Snow and Rain!! I know he's been slipping lately, but I still believe in him, we're gunna beat the tar outta them damn Blackwaterz, we're gunna grab them tag titles, and we're gunna make HISTORY here in the ExxDubbyaEff, time, after time, after TIME. I'd like tah issue two challenges, right here, right now... Mastermind, if ya got the jeuvos, Rain would LOVE tah face you, one on one, fer that Xtreme title. And Dolly? How's about you and I tangle fer that precious Hart championship ah yerz? I'm not gunna hold my breath fer either ah y'all tah respond, but I'll hold out just a teeny, tiny bit ah hope and cross my fingerz.... eagerly lookin' forward tah yer answers, that is, if yer champion enough tah reply!!
"Finally, them damn anonymous boys are still huntin' me, Rain an' KK. And I know we're just the first of many. >_< ...You mudderfukkerz BEST lay off ah us or we'll GIVE YOU somethin' tah complain about! Talkin' all this shit about how the federation's collapsing, how thngs are movin' backwards 'stead ah forwards, how the XWF is de-evolving day by day, but NEH-EH!!!! You sons-ah-bitchez an' bitchez-ah-sunzz... Y'all gunna go DOWN like my gal Martha headin' fer my fresh patch a snow!!! XD ...... Ya keep sayin' how yer gonna 'save XWF or kill it'. Well, there ain''t savin' needed, an' ya couldn't kill a damn fly with an extra large flyswatter, much less kill the best damn wrasslin' compn'y EVER. Bring that Broken Hart bitch, and every 'anonymous' muddertrukker ya can scrape tah-gether.... you'll fall just like Ezra will at Rain's knees........ maybe Ezra'll realize how good a few drops ah rain tastes on the tip ah yer tongue, and he'll leave that dumpy, rotten bastard Ivan!! XD ....see y'all soon. REAL soon. Peace out, biz-nitchezz!!!! ^___^ "
![[Image: gy0RDvs.gif]](
1x HeavyMetalWeight Champion
2x Federweight Champion
1x 24/7 Xtreme Champion
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