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Nyx Nephthys
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Nyx Nephthys Offline
I'll put a spell on you...

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-14-2018, 03:02 AM


In-Ring Name: Sorceress Nightshade

Wrestler's Real Name: Nyx Nephthys

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: April 8th, 1996

Height: 5' 3"

Weight: 110lbs

Birthplace: Osaka, Japan

Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

Personality: Deeply sarcastic, with a razor sharp tongue, dry wit and an unflinching, almost obsessive, fascination with the bizarre, strange and unusual, Nyx fears neither the dark nor the wild aspects of life. Daring to tread where others may falter in the face of fear. She's bold, defiant and utterly devil-may-care. At the same time, she is also astute, immensely profound and quite crafty, when it suits her best interest or agendas. While she rarely goes out of her way to make new friends or acquaintances, this doesn't mean that she's anti-social. A common misconception amongst those that come in contact with her, the majority find her darkness and silent nature to be off-putting. Yet those that take the risk and attempt approaching Nyx, are often times taken aback and surprised by her incredible aura and charm. For some, it's almost as if they've been enchanted or bewitched, by some sort of spell and for others, they simply take it as a classic, don't judge a book by its cover occurrence.

Ethnicity: Japanese

Pic Base, if any: Lyrica Okano
[Image: BIIUL2K.png]

Strengths: A highly adaptable, agile and flexible fighter, Nyx uses these traits to her advantage at any chance she can get. Using an almost gymnastic quality to level opponents, she is both double-jointed and highly skilled in the art of Aikido. However, in spite of that skill, she will not hesitate to harm an opponent, if given the opportunity.

Abilities: Hypnosis, Dream Manipulation and Magic, Portal Creation, Light and Darkness Generation, Spell Casting, Conjuration, Illusion-Casting/Awareness, Sorcery and Magic Weaponry (The ability to wield or create magic weapons)

Weaknesses: Her temper, despite her attempts to control it, her quick rage can often lead to reckless decisions.

Entrance Theme Music: Echo and the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon

Special Entrance (if any): The arena darkens, momentarily before taking on a purple, radiant hue. Lavender mist, seeps and seethes along the floor, while amethyst and indigo fireworks erupt in a magnificent display and Nyx Nephthys, emerges. Greeted by hoards of screaming fans, she shows little emotion as she walks to the ring, climbs the steel steps and enters the squared circle. Where she walks to the center of the ring, whispering something softly to herself as she raises her left hand, high into the air. Suddenly, a bright blast of lilac energy is pulled down into Nyx's raised hand and then, quickly blinds the entire arena in an epic flash. Dispersing as swiftly as it was created, it is revealed that everything has returned to normal and Nyx has taken her position within the ring, where she awaits the fight to begin.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Arm Bar
Leg Sweep
Somersault Plancha
Corner Splash into a Neckbreaker
Wheelbarrow Bulldog
Double Knee Attack
Texas Cloverleaf
Shining Wizard
Leg Drop
Poetry In Motion
Springboard Arm Drag
Baseball Slide

Trademark Move(s): Crimson Drop, Dark Sacrifice
Description(s): Frog Splash, Bank Statement (Sasha Banks)

Finishing Move(s): Tales from the Dark Side, Serpentine Seduction
Description(s): Sunset Flip Powerbomb, Black Widow (AJ Lee)

Favorite Hardcore Attacks: Magic!

[Image: jrjPfuF.jpg]

1x Bombshell Champion (Won title BEFORE any actual set match. Yes that means I technically "debuted" already a champion)
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