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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare - 04/11/2018 (Posted 5/7/18 due to site issues)
Author Message
Darius Xavier Offline
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05-07-2018, 01:24 PM



Spookshow Supernova
- vs -
Kenneth "Boobie" Williams
Standard Match

Calum Jason
- vs -

- vs -
Hate Nation Ron Cena
KKK Robe Match!

Both competitors will face off wearing a full KKK hood and gown. Winner strips his opponent down to whatever those people wear underneath that shit!

Jenny Myst - vs - Chelsea Storm - vs - Remi Skyfire - vs - Amber Dawn - vs - Vanessa Navarro - vs - Decima - vs - Claire Lloyd - vs - Erica Rosso - vs - Juni The Mutated Jap - vs - Kim Anderson
Special commentary from the Original Bombshell herself, Roxy Cotton! Roxy watched Wrestlemania and decided she deserved a battle royal named after her too.


Vangis Greaves
- vs -
Muddy Waters

Christian Andrews
- vs -
- vs -
Jackie Peppers
- vs -
Chris Valley
Fatal Fourway!

Chris Chaos
- vs -
Finn Kühn
Savage Rules Match!

The TV Title is always defended under Savage Rules! 3 RP Limit, 2000 Word Max!

Danny Imperial
- vs -
Jon Willis
X-Treme Rules Match!

Robert Main & Mandii Rider
- vs -
Rain & Snow
If either Mandii or Main get pinned by Snow or Rain respectively, they will lose their title!


The Engineer
- vs -
Peter Gilmour

Spookshow Supernova
- vs -
Kenneth "Boobie" Williams
Standard Match

This match was over almost as quickly as it began. Most fans still weren't even in their seats yet when Kenneth "Boobie" Williams systematically took his opponent apart culminating in his patented finisher The Atom Bomb, a sit out powerbomb smack dab in the center of the ring for the 1-2-3.

Winner – Kenneth “Boobie” Williams

Calum Jason
- vs -

The following match is Scheduled for one fall.Introducing first from Cincinnati, Ohio. Weighing 240lbs standing at 6'3" ...MEZIAN!!!!!!

As the light flash and the smoke billows out of the stage, Mezian steps out from the back.Mezian lowers his head and stretches his hands out, he lifts his head and screams


Some of the crowd screams with him and chant "Nigh" as he walks down the ramp.Once in the ring Mezian stands on the turnbuckle and stares at the top of the ramp.

His opponent from Somewhere in England.Weighing 200 pounds Standing 5'11" Caluuuum Jason.

Calum Jason doesn't really know where he is and stumbles down the ramp. He's either high or wants to be, who even knows? He looks at his opponents in the ring and there's a distinct unmistakable expression on his face that simply reads 'what the fuck am I doing here?

Well this should be an easy win for Mezian. He has been squashing the new guys lately.

Well, Luca, Don't be so pessimistic.

Once Calum is in the ring and squared up with Mezian, the ref calls for the bell. Calum comes at Mezian with a flurry of punches. Some make contact and some miss, but Mezian is stunned nonetheless. Calum grabs Mezian like he is gonna hit him with a DDT. Mezian braces and lifts Calum on to his shoulders . He takes a few moments and walks around the ring. He turns towards one of the corner turnbuckles and starts to run.

See Pip, Squash match.

I wouldn't count Calum out just yet.

Just as Mezian is about to hit the turnbuckle he turns around. Calum's face and upper body crashes into the the top turnbuckle. Mezian slides out of the ring and walks around it gingerly. His knee seems to be bothering him. The Ref hops out of the ring and asks Mezian if he can continue.Mezian nods and they both make it back into the ring.As Mezian gets into the ring he is met with a superkick from Jason.Mezian's head snaps back as he crumples to the mat. Calum goes in for the cover..



Mezian Kicks out.The angry Calum stands up and grabs Mezian by the hair. Mezian knocks his hand away and begins his own flurry of punches.Each one making contact with is full strength. The smaller Calum is almost buckled by each strike. Mezian stands Calum up and begins to chop him in the chest.Mezian yells Nigh with each one.



The ref pulls Mezian backs and warns him to listen to the instructions given to him.Calum comes out of the corner and kicks Mezian in the gut.


Calum goes to cover again.




Mezian bench presses Calum off of him and tosses him to the side. Mezian and Calum get to their feet at the same time. They tie up, each trying to outmaneuver the other. Mezian finally gets Calum in a waist lock and tosses him back in a release German suplex. Calum lands and rolls through to his feet and changes the kneeling Mezian. He makes contact with Mezian's face with a knee. Mezian dazed gets back to his feet, he punches Wildly at where Calum might be. Calum ducks under and hits Mezian with a clothesline.He stands Mezian up again and hits him with another clothesline.

This kid is trying to take Mezian's head clean off!!

I believe what you re tasting is called humble pie.

Fuck Off Pip!
After the second clothesline, there is a third. Calum stands Mezian up for the fourth time steps back and lunges his forearm at Mezian's head. Mezian catches the forearm, with his other hand he grabs Calum's inner thigh and hoists him onto his shoulders.He looks in the crowd as they all cheer. he and the crowd yell in unison.


Mezian hits Calum with the go to sleep and Mezian fall on to Calums lifeless body.




Winner - Mezian

- vs -
Hate Nation Ron Cena
KKK Robe Match!

Both competitors will face off wearing a full KKK hood and gown. Winner strips his opponent down to whatever those people wear underneath that shit!

A solid back and forth match with both combatants coming out fast and aggressive. Neither man was able to really establish much of a flow or get the upper hand until the very end when N.A.Z.I. would use some underhanded tactics in the form of a brass knuckles blast to Cena's face followed by The Final Solution(Gorilla Press Slam) and then a curbstomp for good measure. The last of which was finally what put Cena out of business.

With Cena out N.A.Z.I. removed his opponents robe to reveal a bright red M.A.G.A. t-shirt with Trump's face on the front, pair of tighty whities and black boots.

Winner - N.A.Z.I.

Jenny Myst - vs - Chelsea Storm - vs - Remi Skyfire - vs - Amber Dawn - vs - Vanessa Navarro - vs - Decima - vs - Claire Lloyd - vs - Erica Rosso - vs - Juni The Mutated Jap - vs - Kim Anderson
Special commentary from the Original Bombshell herself, Roxy Cotton! Roxy watched Wrestlemania and decided she deserved a battle royal named after her too.

10 women in the ring, staring at each other, each with their own individual desires and passions, goals and visions they want to accomplish. One steps up though, in Remi Skyfire. She immediately charges forward, knocking down Decima with a clothesline! Turning around, she starts throwing slaps toward Amber Dawn, who promptly plants her onto the ground with a shoulder tackle. Kim Anderson is the daring one now, running forward and jumping on Amber's back, but Amber quickly ducks, sending Kim flying forward, slamming onto the mat! Juni throws her hands in the air, signalling for a high flying move, and runs jumping on the top turnbuckle. She motions for the girls to move out of the way as she aims for Kim Anderson, but instead Erica Russo gets sent flying from Jenny Myst into the turnbuckle! Erica puts her hands out to try to stop the impact, and accidentally knocks into Juni, sending her flying to the outside!

Eliminated: Juni by Erica Russo

9 women left, but before anybody could get comfortable, Jenny follows her plan from a second ago, charging into the corner and slamming into Erica Russo! Jenny puts her on the top turnbuckle, and jumps up hitting an enziguri! Erica Russo is lights out from that kick as she turns, falling all the way to the outside.

Eliminated: Erica Russo by Jenny Myst

2 down, 8 remain standing. Claire Lloyd is the first to make a move, charging behind Jenny Myst sneaking up and tossing her over the top rope! However as Claire celebrates, she doesn't realize Jenny hung on to the top rope! As she turns around, Vanessa Navarro is there with a Superkick! It rocks Claire making her stumble backwards and Jenny is there to pull down the top rope! Claire stumbles backwards and over the bent rope, falling to the outside and getting eliminated!

Eliminated: Claire Lloyd by Vanessa Navarro (assist to Jenny Myst)

In the other corner of the ring, Decima and Kim are both to their feet, fighting hard against the ropes, as Decima pushes Kim Anderson up and over! But wait, Kim is holding on to Decima by the hair! Decima gets pulled over the top rope as Kim goes up and over not being able to grab the ropes in time, they both are eliminated!

Eliminated: Decima and Kim Anderson by each other!

The irony hits, as just like that we are down to 4 women. Chelsea has carefully stood in the corner, not engaging unless provoked. Myst noticed this and calls over to Dawn, using her weird fetish for her to good use. Amber Dawn and Jenny Myst charge toward Chelsea, not expecting Chelsea to respond with a double clothesline! Just like Chelsea predicted though, Vanessa was right there, nailing Chelsea with a swinging neckbreaker!

With Myst and Dawn back to their feet, they both look at Vanessa and nod their signs of respect... that is until Jenny Myst shows her true color with a snapmare on Amber Dawn! Myst quickly up and spinning, a spin kick nailing the head of the unsuspecting Vanessa Navarro! Jenny gets back to her feet and laughs, well at least until she gets tackled to the ground by the waiting Chelsea Storm! Storm and Myst (excuse the pun) are rolling around with each other, trading blows back and forth and turning this into an all out brawl!

As they are spinning on the ground, Vanessa and Dawn get to their feet. They look at the two on the ground brawling, and they both decide against engaging. They walk off to their own respective corners, at least until the two girls on the ground notice this. Jenny and Chelsea get to their feet and notice the two girls hiding, and they nod to each other. They immediately charge away from each other, Jenny toward Amber Dawn and Chelsea toward Vanessa Navarro, both hitting them hard with a running clothesline into the corner! As Navarro and Dawn stumble out of their corners respectively, Chelsea and Jenny both Irish Whip them into each other! Vanessa and Amber collide hard in the middle of the ring, and fall to the ground from the impact!

Chelsea and Jenny stare at each other, and while most would expect them to bring the match down to just them two here, they instead show their disdain for each other by immediately rushing each other. They get into a lock up, but Jenny quickly pulls back causing Chelsea to stumble forward. Jenny thrusts her fingers towards Chelsea's eyes, causing that momentary blindness as she screams out in pain. Jenny then Irish Whips Chelsea into the ropes, trying to toss Chelsea up and over, but Chelsea suddenly switches it up! As Chelsea is being thrown into the ropes, she does a front hand stand flip, her feet hitting the ropes and propelling her back again, as she bounces back first toward Jenny Myst who was running after her, and nails her with a flying elbow!

The crowd on their feet, stunned by the action, as Chelsea slow to get back to her feet. As she does, she notices Vanessa and Amber both getting to their feet using the ropes to help them stand. She immediately charges their way, looking for a double clothesline and......

Connects! Somehow Chelsea has just double clothesline both Vanessa Navarro and Amber Dawn up and over the top rope, and to the floor they go!

Elimination: Amber Dawn and Vanessa Navarro by Chelsea Storm

Chelsea immediately throws her hand up in celebration of that move as the crowd erupt with cheers and chants, everybody on the same page chanting Chelsea Storm's name! Chelsea just starts thinking she can get used to this as she leans toward the top rope staring at the two girls she eliminated... completely forgetting about one.

And that one almost cost her. Jenny Myst sneaks up behind and attempts a drop kick to the back of her head but Chelsea senses it coming and instead grabs Jenny by the arm and throws her towards the ropes and immediately follows up with a drop kick of her own which sends her forward over the ropes. Chelsea immediately flips forward looking for the elimination...

BUT NO! Jenny holds on to the top rope! Jenny smiles toward Chelsea, shaking her head no as if saying "not today!" The crowd starts to boo this until Chelsea starts smiling back! Chelsea nods, pointing behind Jenny. Myst isn't sure what she's talking about, until hands grab her left foot! She looks down and sees Vanessa Navarro with her foot in hand! Two hands surround her right foot now and turning her head she sees Amber Dawn! Together, they pull Jenny's feet out from under her but Jenny reaches forward and grabs the top rope, hanging on for dear life! The two girls pull Jenny down from the outside, but Jenny continues to hold on, the crowd holding their breath! It's at this point, Chelsea rushes forward jumping and nailing Jenny right in the head with an Enziguri!

And that was all she wrote for Jenny Myst.

Elimination: Jenny Myst by Chelsea Storm

Winner - Chelsea Storm

Vangis Greaves
- vs -
Muddy Waters

Next up is sure to be a wild one, as newcomer Vangis Greaves looks to make an impact here in the XWF with a victory over Muddy Waters.

Muddy's demons seem to be getting the better of him lately, so who knows what type of shape he'll show up in. Vangis, however, looks to be in great shape. No wonder his finisher is called "Pound Town".

It looks like Muddy is already in the ring and... a bit out of it, honestly.

Looks like the classic "no condition to perform" to me, buddy. Vangis may be in for a short night and Muddy may be in for a quick trip to the hospital. Let's get this started!

Indeed, Muddy Water seems to be in pretty rough shape. Eagle-eyed fans in attendance note that it looks like Muddy is both trying to sober up as well as come down, all at once. He's standing, barely, in a corner of the ring, his head resting up against the top turnbuckle, his eyes closed.

"Never Too Much" by Luther Vandross plays out over the PA system as Vangis Greaves makes his entrance. Vangis spends a egotistically-long amount of time strutting his way down to the ring, pausing many different times to flex and pose for the cameras in front of his face and for the cameras of all those in attendance. Vangis is all smiles as he rolls into the ring, continuing his posing. The bell rings, and... both men continue doing exactly what they're doing.

It looks like both gentlemen are a bit preoccupied right now, but this match is live, folks.

Can we take a point for inactivity?

Different sport, idiot.

Hey, give me a break, I barely pay attention to our sport.

And yet the XWF continues to pay you for your time.

That's the price of blackma- errr, I mean, that's the price for my astounding commentary!

Eventually, the referee clues Vangis Greaves into the fact that there's a match he's supposed to be wrestling in. Vangis goes to approach Muddy, and arrogantly taps him on the shoulder... only for Muddy to spin around and lunge at Greaves! Was Muddy playing possum?! Unfortunately not. Rather, Muddy's fighting instincts took over for the briefest of seconds. Muddy's lunge misses its mark by a mile, and Waters trips over his own two feet and goes sprawling, landing face-up and looking at the lights with a blank, uncomprehending expression on his face.

Vangis looks to the crown, shrugs comically, and hits Muddy with a rolling senton! He uses the momentum to spring back to his feet, then combos the move and reverses momentum, crashing down on top of Muddy with a standing Moonsault! Vangis then yells loudly and leaps up, finishing the combo with a double foot stomp! He lands to Muddy's side and takes some time to pose and Muddy rolls back and forth in pain!

Quite an impressive display of offense, and I think Muddy's night is definitely heading down a bad path.

Like that's new to him? Muddy's entire life story is just one long trip after another down bad paths.

Vangis waits for Muddy to rise, measuring him. And he waits... and he waits... and he waits. After rolling his eyes, Vangis roughly gets Waters to his feet, then sends him crashing back down with a bulldog! Waters is back to staring at the lights as Vangis ascends to the top rope. Displaying incredible acrobatic skill, Greaves hits a beautiful Moonsault! Once again Vangis spends several seconds, more than several in fact, posing to the crowd.

Vangis has got this match well in-hand, and it looks like the end is almost here!

Vangis gives one final wink to the ladies in the crowd before turning towards Muddy Waters for the last time tonight. Vangis gets Muddy Waters back up to his feet after several failed attempts at standing. With expert precision and overwhelming power, Vangis sets Waters up for his finisher, POUND TOWN! Vangis nails Muddy Waters with his finishing maneuver, leaving Waters in an unconscious heap in the center of the ring. Vangis rolls him up for the pin and the win!




And that's all she wrote! A dominating performance from Vangis Greaves! Vangis continues to prove himself and is quickly emerging as one of the XWF's hottest prospects!

Winner - Vangis Greaves

Christian Andrews
- vs -
- vs -
Jackie Peppers
- vs -
Chris Valley
Fatal Fourway!

As Valley and Peppers stand in opposite corners, they await the two men who actually gave a damn about their match.

As Black Jesus begins to play throughout the arena the lights slowly switch between white and red with the same slow cadence of the first sixteen second of the song. Once the beat hits the lights turn red and a white spotlight hits arena entrance as Pestalance makes his way to the ramp. The spotlight follows Pest to the ring as he switches between rapping along with the song and talking smack into the camera. Once Pest enters the ring he heads to a corner and hops on his toes waiting for the match to begin.

Chop Suey by S.O.A.D plays as Andrews makes his way out from the back and begins to walk down the ramp, wearing the X-Treme title around his waist. He motions to it on the walk down, before making his way to the stairs, climbing each one, then enter the ring as he undoes the belt before holding it up and begins to show it off to each man with a serious attitude, handing the belt to the ref and making his way to the last open corner in the match, waiting for it to start.

All four men stand in the ring, each at a different corner of the ring, looking at one another. The ref looks at all four of them before calling for the timekeeper to ring the bell!

The match is underway as Pestalance charging Peppers, and Andrews charging after Valley. The four collide and begins to test each other through the old school Test of Strength. Except Pestalance sends a swift knee to Peppers' gut, before wrapping his arms around him in a quick transition before performing a belly-to-belly suplex, knocking the wind out of Peppers's sails. On the other side, Andrews headbutts Valley, before throwing him into the corner hard enough for Valley to bounce off the turnbuckles and fall straight down onto the ground. He then lifts Valley up onto his feet via fireman's carry, walking towards the center of the ring as Pestalence picks Peppers up into the air as both men perform different moves. Pestalance performs a gorilla slam, and Peppers slams hard into the mat, as Andrews performs a Cutter variation!

Two of the opponents are down, but not for long as they lift their downed opponents, turned them towards each other, ran towards one another with Peppers and Valley between them, forcing the two to smack head first, knocking them unconscious before backing up with them. Andrews and Pestalance both perform a t-bone suplex in tandem, with Peppers hitting the mat hard enough that they're left with just Valley. For the moment, Andrews and Pestalance work together making Valley look like a ping pong ball between two paddles as the two men begin to punch the crap out of him, only for a big punch to send him flying into the other man who delivers the same force and Valley returns to the other man. This goes on for about 30 seconds, before finally Pestalance lands the last fist and Andrews, getting tired of this, would dip down, and pick Valley up onto his shoulders, looking at the crowd, trying to get the crowd pumped up some more, but as he does so, Pestalance forms a hard high kick, landing square on Andrews's jaw, forcing him to perform a weaker version of Samoan Drop to Valley, and Pestalance goes for the pin on Andrews!



Andrews kick out, and Pestalance grabs Andrews by the head, and pulls him up, only for Andrews to stand up face, using the back of his skull to slam into Pestalance's jaw, only to feel a punch straight to his gut. He grabs Pestalance and throws him into the ropes, only to be followed by Andrews, who slams a knee into Pestalance's stomach just as he bounced off the ropes. Pestalance falls to his knees as Andrews stands behind him, stalking the younger man. As Pestalance stands, Andrews slips his arms under Pestalnace's and applies the standing full nelson lock, trying to make Pestalance tap out! However, because of the MMA background, Pestalance knows different counters to this type of maneuver, and adds his pro wrestling training into the mix by turning around to face the nearby ropes and he falls upper body first, and Andrews slams his throat against the top rope, forcing him to break the hold instantly. Pestalance rolls his shoulders before heading to Andrews and lifting him up onto his shoulders, only to perform the Holla At Cha Later Bitch! and his knee connecting hard into Andrews, seemingly knock him unconscious onto the mat! Pestalance goes for the pin!




ANDREWS KICKS OUT AT THE LAST MILLISECOND! He got his arm up and avoided the ref's hand touching the mat for the third time! It shows the heart of the X-Treme champion, that will to keep the title! Pestalance looks at him in disbelief before looking to the ref and begins to argue with him as Andrews starts to slowly stir and get to his hands and knees. Pestalance looks like he's about to hit the ref before he turned to see Andrews unsteadily get back to his feet. Pestalance goes to grab Andrews only for Andrews to answer him with a side slam hook for his troubles! Andrews lays down for a moment next to Pestalance. Andrews and Pestalance begin to stand up together, using each other to stand up, as if they were each other's crutch as they are clutching shoulder to shoulder. Pestlanace throws his hands up, breaking the simultaneous clutch up, and delivers a swift punch to Andrews's face, who returns with his own fist! The two begin to duke it out, answering each other with fists until they're both raining blow after blow upon one another in a wild flurry of fists until Andrews looks like he's going to win, only for Pestalance to go for a knee to the gut, which Andrews side steps, making Pestalance stumble enough for Andrews to capitalize and go behind him, wrapping his arm around the man's throat, and performing a reverse DDT on him. He doesn't give Pestalance a single moment to recover as he picks him up as he calls for the end as he swings to go behind Pestalance once more, lifting him up onto his shoulders and delivering Soul Stealer! Pestalance is out as Andrews goes for the cover, to try and end the match!



THREE...Broken Up by Jackie Peppers!!

Andrews is pissed, he gets up, grabs Peppers by the throat...SOUL STEALER!!! Andrews discards Peppers and then moves onto Valley...SOUL STEALER and a cover...




Winner And Still Xtreme Champion - Christian Andrews

Chris Chaos
- vs -
Finn Kühn
Savage Rules Match!

The TV Title is always defended under Savage Rules! 3 RP Limit, 2000 Word Max!

Can you feel this tension?! This has been building for months! These two want to tear each other apart!

Now may be the best time to use the bathroom ladies and gentlemen

Chris and Finn circle, then lock up. Chris throws Finn into the corner and begins to fire shots onto his head and torso but Finn reversres and does the same to Chaos! This is a full on fist fight! These two trade blows back and forth for what seems like 5 minutes, before Finn gets t he upper hand and whips Chaos into the ropes, connecting on the rebound with a drop kick with brings the TV champ to his back. Finn, knowing Chris, is on the offense quick with a few stomps and then lifts him up by the head. A few hard shots to Chaos head he whips him into the corner once more. He fires body blows onto Chaos, who shoves him off, but Finn is relentless.

Chaos finally lifts Finn and reverses, slamming him into the corner. He delivers a knee to the gut of Finn, then an elbow to the face. Putting Finn's feet on the middle rope Chris locks him in for a DDT.


Finn is out but Chris doesn't cover. He gets a sick grin on his face. Chris comes off the ropes and hits a big leg drop on the back of Finns head, but locks him up and rolls into a sissor hold. He is going to try to choke Finn out! Finn, however, is able to roll over and get a hand around the rope. The ref breaks the hold and Chaos pops to his feet. He goes to pick Finn up by the head but the German gets an elbow to the face of Chaos, backing him up. Finn slides to his feet, but Chaos slides around and locks the arms for a suplex.

These two know each other so well, neither one can get the upper hand. What a wrestling match!

Finn slides behind Chris, then Chris back behind Chaos. Chaos walks him face first towards the far turnbuckle, but Finn elbows his way out of it again. 2, 3, 4 shots and Chaos breaks his grip then Finn hits a kick to the gut. He runs along the middle rope and brings a leg drop down across the back of the neck of Chaos with a huge show of athleticism. Covers.



Chaos pops out quick.

Finn picks Chaos up by the hair. Feeling cocky now, he slaps Chaos in the face.

"OOOOOHHHHH" from the crowd.

He slaps Chaos again and when he goes for a third one, Chaos ducks, grabbing his arm and twisting it, lifting him into a bottom-buster then wrenches the arm behind him and locks it in.

Interesting submission here by Chaos!


Finn is again able to break the hold. Chaos and Finn both get to their feet, and Chaos comes off the ropes. He goes for a spear, and misses, but Finn hits a knee to the face, wobbling Chaos. He goes to the top rope. Chaos is wobbling in the center of the ring.

Finn jumps.


Finn is down.




Winner - Chris Chaos

Danny Imperial
- vs -
Jon Willis
X-Treme Rules Match!

Jonathan Willis and Danny Imperial stand, toe to toe, face to face, staring each other down. Danny starts mouthing off to Willis, and flexes, taunting him. Willis however, seems unphased by the taunting and smiles, nodding his head. He starts mouthing off back, before Danny sneaks a hand forward, slapping Willis right across the face! Willis laughs at this however and shakes his head no, taunting Danny and saying Danny slaps like a girl!

This is absolutely crazy! These two wrestlers both have incredible infatuations with pain, and now they are standing face to face with almost mirror images! Jonathan obviously stands much taller than Danny, and much bigger overall, but Danny doesn't seem phased in the slightest!

I can't believe Willis just took that slap! Look at Danny's face! Danny went from joking to offended very quickly!

Danny cocks back to slap Willis again, but Willis throws his own hand up pointing a finger at Danny and causing Danny to stop in mid motion! Willis then cocks his hand back, open palmed, and brings it down... ON HIMSELF! Jonathan Willis just slapped himself! Willis laughs at the pain, and points to Danny. Danny seems caught off guard, and now Willis takes advantage at the shocked expression, by picking up his boot and slamming it forward, into the face of the stunned Imperial! Danny goes down hard, his head bouncing off the mat!

Willis slapped himself! I can't believe that, this man is absolutely crazy!

How about that boot to the face? I think he almost decapitated this man!

Danny rolls over grabbing at his jaw, before bouncing back to his feet and looking at Willis, this time a sick smile comes back across the face of Danny Imperial. Willis throws another boot forward but catches nothing but air, as Danny ducks under it and takes off! He hits the ropes at full speed, jumping forward onto them and bouncing backwards, spinning and using his elbow to pin point the temple of Jonathan Willis! Willis ducks out from the spinning elbow attempt but Danny shows his improv skills, grabbing the head of the ducking Willis and snaps him back into a inverted DDT! Danny lands hard on his back, but it doesn't stop him as he jumps back to his feet! The crowd starts to get behind Danny Imperial now!

Wow, some awesome moves from Danny Imperial, something I don't think we say enough!

Willis was stuck looking there, as Imperial nailed him with an Inverted DDT that looked like he was trying to take Willis' head off as revenge for the earlier boot!

Danny starts taunting Willis, getting the crowd more and more behind him, as Willis stirs to get to his knees and elbows. Danny tries to take advantage, rushing forward and looking for a punt to the head of the downed Jonathan, but Willis is too smart. Willis sees Danny rushing him and pushes off the ground making Danny miss the kick, and throws a fist connecting hard at the spine area of Danny Imperial! Danny holds his back as Jonathan Willis gets to his feet, grabbing the distracted Danny, and pulling him into Belly to Back Suplex! However, Willis holds on, picking Danny back up to his feet and using the momentum to spin Imperial around. Willis, still holding him close now, nails a Belly to Belly suplex! Jonathan pops back to his feet, and the crowd now chanting for him.

The crowd can't seem to decide who they want to cheer for here! First it was Imperial, now it's Willis!

I think they just want action honestly! And who can blame them? I think these two are going to be perfect contenders here for that!

Willis lets Danny get back to his feet before going toe to toe with him again. Danny starts mouthing off, before shooting his boot into the stomach area of Jonathan. Danny uses the bent over motion to his advantage, bringing Willis down with a Snap DDT! As Jonathan holds onto his neck area from the damage done by that DDT, Danny also grabs a hold of the neck area, pulling Jonathan into a side headlock, and then lays backwards to apply even more impact to the neck area! Jonathan screams out in pain as Danny pulls harder and harder, the crowd once again cheering for Danny Imperial!

This is Danny's speciality! He saw a weakness, Jonathan's neck area, and is now trying to exploit it!

He's like a shark on blood here! He isn't going to let up until he taps or gets his neck broken!

Danny keeps his weight against Willis, but Jonathan is able to swing his body around. Danny still has the headlock locked in, but Jonathan is able to get to his knees. With Jonathan having the height and weight advantage here, Danny is in trouble as Jonathan gets to his feet lifting Danny with the head lock locked in still, and using all his strength to lift Danny in the air! Danny sensing he's in trouble here, tries to kick his feet in the air to get the powerful Willis off balance but it's to no avail, as Willis runs forward using all his momentum and strength to push Danny forward, slipping out of the head lock and pushing Danny in mid air as Danny goes flying, right over the top rope and landing hard on the outside! Danny lands on his back and immediately cries out in pain as the pressure shoots up his spine!

Holy.... WHAT? Jonathan just flung Danny out of the ring from over the top rope, what strength!

Danny landed hard there, he could have broken his back! It looked like Jonathan was stuck with that head lock but using his incredible strength, he somehow forced Danny off and then literally threw him out of the ring!

Danny holds his back as well as he can, his lower back in particular, as Jonathan drops back down to one knee from the move, holding his neck area and trying to get some breaths back into his body. The crowd chanting for both men now. They wanted action, they're getting action. Jonathan drops down onto his stomach and rolls out of the ring, looking at the downed Danny Imperial. The smile that spreads across Jonathan's face, sends chills and shivers down the spines of everyone watching as Jonathan spots the ring announcer in the corner of his eye. He starts his way over there, telling the announcer to get up, and grabs the ring bell. Looking at it, he "shines it up" with his hand and looks back to Danny who has barely managed to get to one knee. Charging, Jonathan winds back and using all of his strength, speed, and momentum, he swings forward the ring bell and it nails Danny right in the back of the head! Danny didn't see it coming, and the blind sided shot knocks Danny to the ground, his body immediately going limp!

Danny is out! Danny is out! He just got knocked out!

The referee is looking like he's getting ready to call this match... wait a second... what is Jonathan doing?

Jonathan screams at the referee trying to check on Danny, and tells the referee that with an Extreme Rules match, you can't end it on a knock out. It's clearly either a pin or submission attempt only. The referee looks unhappy with this and tries to argue, which wasn't a smart move. Jonathan uses the bell as leverage, throwing it forward with another swinging motion and clonking the referee right in the skull! The referee is knocked down and he's not moving either! Jonathan looks down at Danny and smiles, that same sickening shiver-inducing smile.

Our referee is down! What the... how can he do that?

Well there is no way to disqualify him! Anything goes, although I'm not sure what his plan is now? You can't win the match without a referee!

Jonathan reaches down to grab Danny, dropping the ring bell next to him as he does. Jonathan has both hands around the head of Danny, lifting the lifeless body up to it's feet, as the bell rings from connecting with the ground. The ring springs Danny to life, as Danny's eyes shoot open! Jonathan doesn't realizie it until it's too late, Danny grabs the bell with him as he's being lifted up and with one big push, he swings the bell up in an uppercut fashion, nailing Jonathan right between the eyes! The blood starts rushing out as Jonathan is knocked backwards and onto his back, laying on the ground!

And here comes Danny! Imperial was down, but he definitely wasn't out! I'm not sure, but it looked like that bell woke him up!

And he sure looks awake now! Look at Danny, blood is coming from the face of Jonathan, and the back of Danny's head, and as Danny realizes it, he's starting to smile!

Just as the announcer said, Danny's smile covers his face as he pulls his hand away from the back of his head and he spots blood. Danny turns his attention to the ring and reaches under it... pulling out a baseball bat! However, this isn't a normal bat, it's covered in barbed wire! Danny starts to laugh before turning back to Jonathan who has surprisingly gotten to his feet already. Jonathan has the ring bell in his hand, blood coming down over his eyes, and a smile mimicking the smile on Danny's face.

Both men are... smiling?

These are sick and twisted men! They wanted a fight, they wanted blood and pain, and it looks like that's exactly what they are getting!

They charge each other as the crowd erupts, the ring bell being swung, the baseball bat being swung, and both connecting with the other's head region! They both stumble backwards from the shot, but it's Danny who comes back first, swinging the bat again and nailing it onto the side of Jonathan's face! Jonathan collapses to the ground as Danny brings the bat up, slamming it down hard again this time on the back of Jonathan, almost as revenge for hurting his own back! Danny then grabs the bat, slides it under the head of Jonathan who is on his stomach, and pulls up choking Jonathan with the bat! The barbed wire cuts deeper into Jonathan's neck now!

He's choking Jonathan Willis with the barbed wire covered bat! It's digging into Jonathan's throat! He could kill him!

Danny Imperial is just smiling!

However, Jonathan swings an elbow back connecting with the side of Danny. As Danny is taken off guard by the sudden movement, Jonathan slides a knee under him and is able to lift off of one knee onto his other foot! Suddenly, as Danny is still choking him with the bat, Jonathan starts charging backwards! He's running backwards with Danny locked on his back and neck, and the weight of both of them collide hard with the steel barricade, busting through it! The crowd starts chanting "Holy ****" as both men lay out on the opposite side of the barricade, hurting from slamming through it!

And there goes the barricade!

How did Jonathan just do that? How could he bare that pain?

Both men slowly rise to one knee at the same time, Danny throwing a fist while on his knees and connecting with Jonathan's bloody face. Jonathan returns the favor, but as he does, he falls forward.. right onto the bat! Jonathan realizes what his hands just landed on, and as Danny turns to throw another punch, Jonathan swings the bat connecting with and busting Danny's face wide open! Jonathan stands up as Danny is laying on the ground, and Jonathan stands next to Danny lining up the baseball bat against Danny's head, like it was a golf game! Jonathan smiles, trying to taunt Danny back, but as he goes up to swing the bat Danny shoots up off of the ground and catches Jonathan with an uppercut! The impact makes Jonathan drop the bat as he stumbles backwards, back into outer ring area! Danny hops to his feet and jumps onto a side of the barricade that's still standing, using it as leverage as he leaps forward, nailing a stinger splash! Jonathan collapses to the ground, but so does Danny!

The crowd is still chanting for both of them, however they don't seem to have much left now!

And how could they? I don't think either of them can see through the blood in their eyes!

It takes a minute, but eventually both men rise to their feet. They start exchanging blows again, and this time it's Jonathan who nails a boot to the stomach making Danny keel forward. Willis lines Danny up for a powerbomb but Danny reverses it, flipping Jonathan over him and onto the nearby spanish announcers table! Both spanish announcers stand up quickly as Danny hops up, and starts his usual taunting! He looks down as Willis is struggling to get to his knees, and Danny hops onto the steel barricade right beside the table! Willis is completely unaware as he finally makes it to his feet, and it occurs to him that he has no idea where Danny is! He turns around just in time for Danny to leap off, locking his legs around him, and gripping his head into a DDT! Willis tries to use his strength to catch Danny but it gives out on him, and Danny takes Jonathan Willis down right through the table with the On Your Knees!

This is it. Jonathan Willis is done for!

Danny barely able to move after crashing through the table with his back, after his back being injured throughout the match! Wait... is Danny...

Danny rolls over, now coughing up blood! He grips his back, screaming out in agony, as he tries to roll over Jonathan onto his back so he can pin him, however his first attempt has Danny sliding right off of Willis from the blood, sweat, and lack of strength left in Danny's arsenal! Danny tries again, this time successfully being able to push Willis' body over and onto his back, as Danny drapes his arm across for a pin and the crowd counts...




But there's no referee to count! It's not official! Jonathan Willis isn't moving, Danny Imperial is barely able to, and the referee is still knocked out completely! Danny Imperial starts struggling to get to his feet, using the barricade and some parts of the wooden table to lift himself up. He finally manages to do so, and he starts walking over to the referee. He lifts him up into a sitting position, slapping the referee in the face to snap him out of the daze. The referee slowly starts coming to, as Danny finally successfully wakes him up! Danny lifts him all the way up to his feet, but as he turns, a stalking Jonathan Willis has gotten to his feet, sneaks up, and wraps Danny's arms around himself! He nails a Straitjacket Lungblower! He tries to roll Danny over into a Straitjacket Camel Clutch but the weight of Danny's body rolls him right through it as Willis literally has no strength left to hold the clutch. Danny's body rolls away from Willis, as Willis stands up quickly to his feet but collapses, his strength and endurance reaching critical levels. Both men lay on the ground, neither able to move at this point.

The person who is able to find it inside them to get to their feet first, will probably be the winner here!

Danny finished the match, but there was nobody to count it! Willis now just finished the match, but has no strength to pin! Somebody has to take advantage here!

Both men slowly get to their feet, it only takes a few seconds but it almost feels like days with how battered and bruised these two men are. Willis attempts to lock up with Imperial but Imperial shoves him off and back into the ropes. Willis reaches back to the ropes to try and catch himself but Imperial is having none of it. He grabs Willis by the head and throws him down to the mat face first. Willis's head bounces off the mat just high enough that Imperial can tag him with the Imperial Execution out of no where.

Willis is down. Imperial falls down ontop of him for a pin, possibly by accident, possibly on purpose.




Winner - Danny Imperial

Robert Main & Mandii Rider
- vs -
Rain & Snow
If either Mandii or Main get pinned by Snow or Rain respectively, they will lose their title!

Our next match is mixed tag match scheduled for one fall. It is for the Hart Championship and the Bombshell championship.Introducing first the challengers...

From The Middle of Nowhere..Rainnn and Snowwww..

The two make their way down to the ring and wait for their opponent.

Now, Introducing their first opponent from Jacksonville, Florida. She is the XWF Bombshell Champion Mandii Riderrrr...

Mandii makes her way to the ring championship over her shoulder staring down snow.Snow begins to talk smack but is quickly interrupted by...

Her partner, He is the XWF Hart Champion.From Las Vegas, Nevada. Robert.Mainnnnn...

Main makes his way down to the ring standing next to Rider. He motioned for them to get into the ring. They make their way up the steps and enter the ring.

I hope Rain and Snow have good medical Insurance. They may have bitten off more than they can chew.

They could have a chance...Maybe?

The ref calls for the bell and Rain and Main start the match, Or so we thought. Rider is asking for the tag. She wants to get her hands on Snow first. Main tags her in and she hops the rope. Rain backs away slowly and reluctantly tags Snow. The moment She gets into the ring she is met with a dropkick from Rider. Mandii then grabs her by the arm and drags her to the middle of the ring. she pulls Snow up by her hair...


Snow's head bounces with a sickening thud. She seems almost out cold. Rider picks her up again...


Mandii stands over Snow's body. She looks down at her, you can hear her say..."Cant talk shit now...Can you?" Rider rolls Snow's body out of the ring and walks over to tag Main. Rain hops into the ring, obviously worried about his sister.Rain quickly rolls out of the ring to " check" on his sister.The ref begins the count.








Out of sheer frustration main reaches down and grabs rain by the hair and pulls him into the ring.Main tosses the obviously smaller man halfway across the ring.Main moves over to the downed Rain.He hoists Rain upon his shoulders...

I think it's about that time Luca...

To call for the medics?


Main drives the head of Rain into the mat.He goes for the cover.




Rain somehow kicks out of a Deadman's Hand.Main is sitting there in shock. Mandii is in the corner with an outstretched hand begging for a tag.Main shrugs his shoulders and tags Rider.She comes over the ropes and picks up Rain...

Hey, Pip, Call your mom. It's Crackhead time!

That isn't even funny Luca.

Mandii drives Rains head into the mat. She rolls him up.



Winners and STILL Champions
Robert Main and Mandii Rider


The Engineer
- vs -
Peter Gilmour

Here we go! Peter Gilmour and The Engineer eye each other warily, neither man moving a muscle as the fans in attendance shower the two combatants with cheers and boos alike. Slowly, The Engineer takes a step forwards, but Gilmour immediately leaps backwards to keep the distance between them and stay out of The Engineers grasp! The Engineer takes another step forward, and once more Gilmour leaps backwards and keeps The Engineer at bay! The crowd boos Peter loudly, urging him to engage with the Universal Champion, but Peter doesn’t seem to mind and sidesteps as The Engineer lunges forward for a third time to try and time up the long time XWF veteran! The Engineer is frustrated, not sure why Peter Gilmour would get in the ring with him if he wasn’t actually willing to do battle, and for a fourth time he lunges forward and tries to grab ahold of the man with the super dick. The Engineer overextends himself this time, trying to overcompensate for the back-step of Gilmour, but this time Peter doesn’t move. He stands totally still, allowing The Engineers hands to drag across his chest before firing a piston of a right hand into the Universal Champions jaw! The Engineer stumbles backwards, seeing stars after being goaded into that counter punch by the multiple time Xtreme champion, and tries to cover up as Gilmour swarms him with a flurry of heavy right and left hands! Gilmour lands cleanly; ONCE! TWICE! THREE TIMES!

The Engineer drops to a single knee, and Gilmour hits him with a swinging neck-breaker! Huge move by the huge underdog in this match up, and The Engineer is flat on his back! The crowd is stunned, and they aren’t happy! They boo Peter loudly as he stares at the downed champion then turns out to face the fans, screaming at the top of his lungs.


He refocuses on The Engineer and rolls over to him, slamming several powerful hammer fists down into the champions face! The Engineer eats several, then rolls over onto his hands and knees and covers the back of his head. Peter jumps to his feet and slams a knee into The Engineers ribs sending him skidding across the canvas and into the corner! The Engineer tries to use the ropes to pull himself to his feet, and Peter Gilmour sprints at him looking for a massive spear!

The Engineer rolls out of the way! Peter Gilmour slams his shoulder into the steel corner-post, a sickening “THUD!” echoing through the entire arena as Peter tumbles out through the ropes and onto the ring apron! The crowd explodes as Peter suffers and holds onto his injured arm, trying to climb back through the ropes. The Engineer rolls back to his feet, and bounces off the ring ropes hitting a low drop kick that sends Gilmour flying through the air before crashing to the floor outside the ring!

The Engineer falls backwards, using this opportunity to catch his breath and recover from the beating Gilmour has laid on him thus far. The crowd is cheering the action loudly as the referee makes his way over to the ropes and begins to loudly count Peter out!

“One! Two!”

Peter rolls around on the floor outside of the ring, trying to regain his senses and compose himself as the referee continues to urge him back between the ropes.

“Three! Four! Five!”

Gilmour makes it to all fours and begins trying to push himself to his feet, gasping and wheezing as he’s still winded from his massive fall. The Engineer gets back to his feet, ready to continue the war if Gilmour manages to stop the count. The referee shouts at Peter to get back into the ring, and the Xtreme Legend grasps the ring skirt tightly for support as he finally makes it to his feet.

“Six! Seven! Eight!”

Gilmour finally throws himself underneath the bottom rope, The Engineer quickly pouncing on him with several hard stomps! It looks like he’s trying to put Gilmours face through the mat! Peter scrambled away, but The Engineer grabs him by the foot and pulls him back before hitting an elbow drop into the lower spine of Peter Gilmour! Peter tries to roll away to safety again, but The Engineer doesn’t give him an inch of space and hauls him back up to his feet only to spike him back down with an even flow DDT! He rolls Gilmour onto his back and hooks the leg for the cover!



Peter gets his shoulder up off the mat to break the count, but The Engineer clobbers him with a left handed punch to the face and presses Peters shoulders to the canvas once more. The referee begins another quick count!



Peter gets his shoulder up again, breaking the count and keeping his hopes of becoming a two time Universal Champion alive! The Engineer climbs to his feet, stomping directly into Peters chest before kneeling down towards him and lifting him to his feet. The Engineer Irish whips Peter Gilmour into the corner, bouncing him out of the turnbuckle and meeting him with a series of heavy forearms to the jaw! Peter Gilmour stumbles backwards into the corner as The Engineer continues to pummel him, eventually driving a knee into Gilmours midsection and forcing his doubled over opponent up to the top of the ring post! The Engineer may be looking for a superplex here! He could put Gilmour through the canvas here!


Gilmour tags The Engineer across the chest with a knife edged chop! The Engineer winces, covering up his pecs with his forearms to avoid any further damage. Gilmour throws a stiff right hand, cranking The Engineer across the jaw cleanly! Gilmour looks to punch the Universal Champion once more, but...


The Engineer catches Gilmours fist and hurls him off the turnbuckle with an arm drag that sends both men plummeting to the canvas! The Engineer just shook the entire arena with that maneuver, bringing all the weight of Peter Gilmours super dick smashing to the mat! Peter rolls around in agony for a moment, then falls completely limp. The Engineer crawls across the ring and drops his arm across Gilmours shoulders! The referee is in position!




Peter Gilmour kicks out! Peter Gilmour kicks out! How the hell is this XWF old schooler hanging around right now? He shouldn’t be conscious after that fall he just took! The Engineer climbs to his feet and kicks Gilmour in the thigh, then paces around his downed body and stomps hard on Peters shoulder. It looks like The Engineer is done trying to beat Peter Gilmour... he’s looking to incapacitate the challenger! He takes a few steps backwards as Peter rolls to his hands and knees, then he rushes forward... A RUNNING PUNT! The Engineer hits Gilmour with a brutal kick to the skull, sprawling him out flat on the mat! The Engineer drops down for another cover! The referee is ready and waiting!




Peter Gilmour gets his shoulder up off the mat again! Good GOD! Gilmour is leaving everything he’s got in the ring! The Engineer stands again, backing away and standing patiently in the corner as Gilmour struggles first to regain his breath and then to regain his feet. The two men stare at each other, The Engineer looking grimly determined while Peter Gilmour looks sort of loopy... Peter Gilmour charges across the mat, roaring like a wounded beast. The Engineer spins away like a practiced matador and sends Gilmour flying off the ropes! Gilmour bounces back at The Engineer with his arms wide... HEART PUNCH!!! The Engineer slams his fist into Gilmours chest with all his might, possibly snapping the ribs of the challenger! Gilmour steps back, clutching his chest, his eyes wide as he tries to fight the pain and stay on his feet! The Engineer charges Peter with a flying knee, but Gilmour catches him and lifts him high above his head! PETER GILMOUR IS LOOKING FOR A POWER BOMB! This could be it!!!


Gilmour smashes The Engineer to the mat, but the Universal Champion has Gilmour wrapped up in a gogoplata! A BOY NAMED IT!!! The Engineer locks in A Boy Named It!



He taps!

Peter Gilmour taps out, and The Engineer retains the XWF Universal Championship!

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[-] The following 2 users Like Darius Xavier's post:
Ghost Tank (05-07-2018), Rain (05-10-2018)
Darius Xavier Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-07-2018, 01:28 PM

I apologize to everyone for the results being sub par by XWF standards. With all that is going on regarding the boards my focus was on getting results out for everyone rather than making sure they all had entrances or commentary etc. Some folks really stepped up to help out, others did not. To those that did step up, thank you very much. Additionally I apologize for the Cena/NAZI match, I was hoping for something better but I did not have time to write the full match out myself and I did not want to delay the results any further. Hopefully things will be resolved soon with respect to the boards and their CDiffness.

In the meantime please visit the mirror forums that Vince set up so that we can book the Pay Per View and get you all back to roleplaying.
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[-] The following 3 users Like Darius Xavier's post:
Ghost Tank (05-07-2018), Rain (05-10-2018), The Engineer (05-09-2018)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-07-2018, 03:20 PM

figures id lose to engy

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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The Engineer Offline
Man of Peace

XWF FanBase:
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05-09-2018, 02:00 PM

OOC: The Nazi/Ron Cena match looking the way it did was my fault, not Darius. I was supposed to cover it.

While yes, I have been having some major issues with the site, I let my frustrations get the best of me and didn't try as hard as I could have. I should have done it. I'm sorry folks.

[Image: 9QBn3eQ.jpg]

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Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-11-2018, 05:19 PM

I had the same issue as Engy. I had alotta RL shit going on. Sickness, a terrible five years of stuff, but I should have not opted in, or opted out when i realized i couldnt handle it. Back in the day (2000-09), I'd write seven or so RPs and a match or two, each week... But I've begun to slip terribly over the last couple of years. Hoping to bring back the old 'raYne' magick. I'm here to correct the fallacies I've committed over the past 20 years or so. A huge apology from myself to you all. Thank you...


[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

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