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Author Message
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
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12-18-2017, 05:58 PM

Vincent Lane stands behind a podium bearing the great seal of the XWF on its front. On either side of him are the flags for Savage and Warfare, and he wears a matching blue and red lapel pin on his hot pink tuxedo.

Lane clears his throat and taps the stack of media microphones in front of him, causing a squeal of feedback. He then shuffles the papers in his hands and leans forward, speaking into the mics.

"Uh... welcome, dudes! I may or may not have taken entirely too many off-brand quaaludes last week, and therefore wasn't on hand for the amazing episode of Savage we witnessed."

Lane shrugs.

"Like... my bad, man."

Flashbulbs shine on Vinvent's 1000 watt smile, and he poses for the cameras out of habit for a moment before carrying on.

"Before we move into War Games next weekend, I wanted to make sure we recognized the hard working stars fro the month of November, 2017! So without any further ado... ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce that the XWF November tar of the Month is none other than former Hart Champion, DANNY IMPERIAL!!! Congrats, dude! I hope you go far in your XWF career moving forward, an this honor is a step in that direction!"

Vincent adjusts his bandanna and grins again, flipping his cards in his hand until he finds the right one.

"AND! To continue honoring thee awesome work done during the eleventh month, I am proud to announce that the November 2017 promo of the month belongs to ROBERT MAIN! Far out, man! Congratulations to you both, an be on the lookout for a hug salary bonus! See you in the ring!"

Vincent waves at the cameras as they fade away.

[-] The following 4 users Like Vincent Lane's post:
"The Wolf of Afghanistan" Joshua Schuler (12-18-2017), Finn Kühn (12-18-2017), Imperial (12-18-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (12-19-2017)

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