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Press Conference
Author Message
Matt Lennox Offline
I cry like a baby

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05-22-2013, 08:17 PM

A bunch of reporters are sitting down waiting for the arrival of Matt Lennox. Some fans were aloud to come but not many. Finally Matt makes his way to the stand as photographers begin snapping pictures left and right as Matt does a little pose before he takes his seat at the table.

Matt- Now Before we start this thing, I have one statement to make. I demand Paul Heyman fires the referee from my first match! If I do not see anything come of it there will be consequences. Alright first question, you in the front.

Reporter 1- Hi Matt, I think the main question we all want to know is why are you not participating in High Stakes on Sunday?

Matt- Ha, well I guess I was simply over looked. A dumb mistake in part of the management of XWF but they will see later on down the road that The Incredible One brings incredible ratings. I am the future of this business, I dont care who steps in my way whether its Scott Charlotte, John Austin or anybody! Even stupid fucking refs! But dont worry my people, you will see me at High Stakes. Even if I am not in a match. Next question, hmm you lovely ladies in the back.

Lady 1- Matt me and my friend are huge fans and we think you are the sexiest wrestler ever. Could you show us your abs?

Matt- Anything for my loyal fans.

*Matt pulls his shirt up revealing his abs as the pictures begin snapping and the two girls begin screaming as Matt pulls his shirt backdown*

Reporter 2- Mr. Lennox, a lot of buzz is going on in the locker room that you are nothing more than a show boat and can talk the talk but not walk the walk. Any thoughts?

Matt- I'd like to meet the people who told you these lies. I'm not gonna lie I show boat a little but who cares we all do it. As for walking the walk, I will show you how far I can walk when I become European Champion here soon down the road. Then we will see who is running their mouthes then. Next question, you in the corner.

Reporter 3- Who do you wish to face next in XWF?

Matt- I wouldn't mind getting my hands on three people right about now. Ryan Ross and Scott Charlotte. I know Ross was my partner last week and a loyal resident of the wonderful country Canada. But he lost the fucking match! Even though he wasn't the legal man he still got pinned by that dumbass ref! He couldn't even take a couple kicks to the face. Taking me to the next man Scott Charlotte. During our tag match last week on Madness I noticed out of my three opponents he put up the biggest fight. Hmm, maybe I some what respect him but lets not get crazy. I want to get in the ring with him and show him that he did not deserve that victory last week. I want to show him that The Incredible One is number one. Hopefully he is watching this press conference so he knows that he is on my list. And I hope Paul Heyman is watching this as well because we all know that everyone wants this match to happen. My fans want it, his fans want it. Make it happen Paul! Alright, I think im done here.

*Matt gets up and storms off the podium leaving the reporters shouting more questions and the photographers snapping even more pictures*
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(05-22-2013), Wallace Witasick (05-28-2013)

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