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A Bootastic Time pt.1
Author Message
Marlow Raxis Offline
The Black Rose

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-18-2017, 12:29 PM

The Aragon Ballroom

Enthusiastic XWF Reporter: "I'm here at the legendary Aragon Ballroom, or Brawlroom to those Chi-town natives, here in the heart of Chicago, Illinois. My guest, if we can hear one another over the Russian Goth-Metal band Arkona, is Marlow Raxis. Thank you Marlow for the invitation. The fans out there are curious what drew you to the XWF?"

Marlow, surrounded by his masked goth girls, takes a small pull from his mug of absinthe slowly turning away from the reporter to lose himself in the lyrics.

Enthusiastic XWF Reporter: "Clearly the volume of the music has drowned out my question.
To be expected. Marlow, the fans are wondering what your agenda is? I'm speaking on their behalf, but a young and upcoming superstar must have his goals set high, right? Perhaps to be the champion everyone is chasing?"

With a roll of the eyes, the goth girls grab the reporter dragging him to the mosh pit, or known better as the "Pit of Sin". Downing his drink in one session while in the next orders another from a scantly dressed waitress, he smiles at the camera.

[Image: creepy.gif]

Are You Insane Yet?

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Theo Pryce (08-18-2017), Vincent Lane (08-18-2017)

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