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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare February 15th, 2017
Author Message
Jefferson Jackson Offline
Warfare GM & XWF Business/Financial Supt

XWF FanBase:
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02-16-2017, 07:13 PM


[Image: 3K7QPMJ.jpg]

Coming at you from the Don Haskins Center in El Paso, Texas... XWF is starting LETHAL LOTTERY FOUR!!!! ... THIS IS WEDNESDAY NIGHT WARFARE!!!!

Nico Lavey & Mysery
- vs -
Boomer Finnigan & Justin Sayn

Game Girl & Hero Xtreme 7.9
- vs -
"Mister F'n Dominance" Trax & Buronan

Maverick & Reeve
- vs -
Barney Green & Michael McBride

Peter Gilmour & Scully
- vs -
Random & Thaddeus Duke

Killjoy & "The Cereal Killer" Cadryn Tiberius
- vs -
Robbie Bourbon & Jim Caedus

Nate Higgers & ?????
- vs -
Dr. Louis D'Ville & "The Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

"The Radical" Gabe Reno & Chris Chaos
- vs -
"YA BOI" Shaun Crowe & Robert Main

Unknown Soldier & Brandon Moore
- vs -
Donald Trump & Talia Areano

The Don Haskins Arena goes absolutely WILD as another XWF LIVE! event fires up! The camera's pan across the electric crowd and down to ringside where the voice of the XWF himself, Dewey Gobblecoque, is ringside!

Dewey: Hello fans and welcome to another edition of Wednesdight Night Warfare! It is Lethal Lottery!!! We are LIVE in the Don Haskins Arena in El Paso, Texas! It's going to be a crazy evening folks, think about it! It's Round One of the biggest tournament of the year. We're under new management apparently with Jefferson Jackson taking over Warfare. It's gonna be nuts. We'll say that. I just hope---

The music blarring through the arena gets cut and "Money" by Pink Floyd begins to play to a swarm of boos from the crowd.

Dewey: Ugh.

The XWF Business and Financial Supervisor and the new General Manager of Wednesday Night Warfare, Jefferson Jackson, slowly walks out from the back with a smile ear to ear. He steps out to the edge of the stage and blows kisses with both hands out to the crowd. He walks with his chest puffed out laughing and smiling, saying, "I LOVE MY JOB! I LLLLLLLOVE MY JOB!" to the fans on his way by. He steps into the ring and produces a mic from inside his jacket. With a cat that ate the canary grin... He brings the mic to his chin.


The shower of boos gets even louder.

Jefferson Jackson: Your excitement enthralls me. It truly does. You all have every reason to be stoked. If you haven't heard, I'm running the show now. More specifically, THIS show!

The boos are deafening.

Jefferson Jackson: Now, now. I know that some of us may have gotten off on the wrong foot. I know I came off as a bit of a stickler when it came to Saturday Night Savage when I first stepped onto the scene. I know I probably rubbed a few guys the wrong way. Well, if you feel that way, sorry about your luck because I'm JUST trying to do my job here. I AM the XWF's Financial and Business Supervisor and now the General Manager of Wednesday Night Warfare. It's my job to bring you the best, most cost-efficient programming that the greatest wrestling federation in the world can bring!

He jumps up on one of the middle turnbuckles and points to the crowd only to ignite a quieting crowd after his little spiel. He jumps down and begins to slowly pace around the ring.

Jefferson Jackson: Let me assure you that I am not, I repeat, I am NOT the same suit-wearing, money grabbing stooge that you once knew. No, no. I'm still here to make this company money, but I am not the same penny-pinching gremlin that deprived OUR fans from the show that they deserve! To make money, we spend money! Which leads to a HUGE announcement I have regarding some big stuff going down... Which I'll reveal to you all NEXT WARFARE!! We're on a mission now folks. Warfare has been the big deal around here for years and it's just been left in my palm. Its' time to make it hotter than it ever was.

"Money" by Pink Floyd plays and JJ stuffs the mic back into his jacket and makes his leave.

Dewey: There you have it folks. Jefferson Jackson, Warfare's new boss, with a big announcement.... In two weeks... What a dick.

Tig O’Bitties: “The following match is part of round one in the Lethal Lottery tournament. Introducing first, weighing in at 225 pounds… Justin Sayn! ”

Misery starts to play. Lights go out. A red spot light hits him.He is in a crouched position. He then rises slowly to his feet with his hands together in a praying position. He looks up with a very twisted grin on his face as he moves towards the ring. He steps up onto the apron wipes his feet as he enters the ring. He then stands in the middle of the ring with his hands in the praying position once again and again giving a twisted grin.

Tig O’Bitties: “and his partner, weighing in at 206 pounds… Boomer Finnigan!!”

Boomer slides out onto stage wearing a leather jacket and trunks, with his back to the crowd. He slowly raises one arm in the air as the music rises. Once it starts, he spins around, pumps his fist and looks out at the crowd. He then runs down to the ring and jumps onto the apron. He turns to look at crowd, throws his hands in the air, and then gets into the ring. He runs the ropes a couple of times, and then slides down on his knees to the center of the ring, and waits for his opponent

Tig O’Bitties: “And their opponents, first weighing in at 210 pounds… Mysery!”

The lights in the arena dim out. A few moments pass before they come back up, and Mysery is standing in the middle of the ring, staring a hole through Sayn and Boomer.

Tig O’Bitties: “and his partner, weighing in at 260 pounds… Nico LaVey!!”

Nico starts walking out with his beloved Ophelia nearby him. As the two walk down the ramp together, Ophelia blows kisses into the crowd and Nico just stares intently ahead at the ring. The couple share n embrace before Ophelia goes back up the ramp. Nico gets in the ring, leans in the corner, and waits.

Sayn and Mysery start the match for their respective teams. Sayn waste no time as he rushes in with a missile dropkick. Mysery side steps him. Mysery points and laughs at Sayn. Sayn is quick to his feet and the two lock up. Sayn is whipped into the ropes and ducks a clothesline on the rebound. Sayn springboards off the opposite ropes and hits an unsuspecting Mysery with a moonsault. Sayn is quick to mount Mysery and unleashes a barrage of punches to his skull. Sayn gets up, pulling Mysery up with him. Sayn slams Mysery back to the mat with a snap suplex. Sayn attempts a pin.



Dewey Gobblecoque: “Are you kidding me? It's far too early for that!”

Sayn begins pounding away at Mysery with a flourish of kicks to the body. Mysery lay there in pain clutching his rib cage as Sayn makes a run for the ropes, bounces off and lands an elbow drop to Mysery's abdominal area. Sayn climbs the ropes, it looks as though he's going to try another elbow drop from the top rope. Sayn quickly jumps from the top turnbuckle looking to put Mysery away. Mysery rolls out of the way, Sayn comes crashing down into the mat elbow first. Mysery stumbles to his feet and quickly runs to his corner to make the tag. The tag is made, Nico looks to follow up on Sayns mistake. Nico mounts Sayn and begins throwing punch after punch into Sayns skull. Nico quickly covers him for an easy victory.




Dewey Gobblecoque: “It’s not going to be that easy Nico!”

Nico and Sayn both get back to their feet. The two men stand in the middle of the ring trading punches. Nico causes Sayn to stumble, and capitalizes with a running forearm that sends Sayn stumbling back towards the ropes. On the rebound Nico grabs Sayn and hits a devastating Black Hole Slam!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Black Hole Slam outta nowhere!”

Nico is quick to lock in the calf slicer! Justin Sayn shows signs of life, unfortunately it's in the way if screaming in pain. Sayn reaches for the ropes, but they're a good foot out if his reach. Nico wrenches in, causing Sayn to scream out. Sayn holds his hand out. It's trembling in pain.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “This is it! Justin Sayn is about to tap out!”

Suddenly Boomer Finnigan dives in with a double axe handle causing Nico to release the submission. Boomer throws his hands up and eases back to his corner as Sayn and Nico both climb to their feet Sayn has an obvious limb. Nico rushes in on Sayn and hits him with a couple of clubbing blows. Nico places Sayn on his shoulders for a death valley driver!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “This isn't looking good for Justin Sayn!”

Sayn connects with an elbow to the side of Nico's head! Another, and another! Nico doubles over, dropping Sayn to the mat! Sayn begins crawling over to his corner. Boomer Finnigan is begging for the tag!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Almost there!”

Nico grabs Sayn’s leg, but Sayn rolls over to his back and kicks Nico square in the face, and again, and again! Nico releases his grip and stumbles back into the opposite corner. Sayn gets halfway up to his feet and makes a desperate leap, tagging in his partner, Boomer Finnigan!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Sayn just tagged in the fresh man!”

Finnigan runs full steam ahead toward Nico slamming into him in the corner. Nico stumbles forward a bit. Finnigan grabs him and plants his head into the mat with a well placed DDT. Finnigan drags him to his team's corner. Finnigan and Sayn begin a massive double team attack on Nico. The referee breaks up the chaos and forces Sayn back outside of the ring. Finnigan picks up Nico by his hair, Nico slaps Finnigans hands away and out of nowhere lands a crushing Mafia kick on Finnigan. Both men collapse and come crashing down in the middle of the ring. Nico is the first to show signs of life. He begins crawling towards his corner. Nico manages to get to his feet and make the tag. Mysery quickly runs in and begins assaulting Finnigan with blow after blow, effectively cutting him off from his team mate. Mysery picks Finnigan up and hurls him toward the ropes. Mysery bounces off the ropes himself and swings a massive clothesline that Finnigan somehow manages to roll under. Finnigan makes the tag and Justing Sayn enters the ring. Sayn and Mysery tie up. Sayn with a kick to the mid section, followed by a brain buster!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Mysery us out cold!”

Sayn grabs one if Mysery’s legs and postures for the crowd. He grabs the other leg and


Nico LaVey rushes in, but so does Boomer Finnigan! Nico lays Boomer out with a Mafia Kick and then quickly turns to Sayn, and kicks him square in the back of the head! Sayn crumbles over as Nico grabs Mysery by the arm and drags him over to their corner. Boomer rolls out of the ring clutching the back of his head and slowing walks up the ramp.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Where is Boomer Finnigan going? This match isn't over!”

Nico quickly climbs through the ropes and reaches down, tagging himself into the match, but the referee didn't see the tag as he was also concerned where Boomer Finnigan was going. Nico jumps over the ropes and uses his foot too push Mysery under the ropes and out of the ring. Nico turns his attention to Justin Sayn who is just starting to get back to his feet. The referee sees what went down and was heading over to get Nico back out of the ring when he rushes at Justin Sayn with a spear!!!

But Sayn blocked it with a quick knee as Nico was coming in! Sayn pulls him in and lifts Nico up...... A big Brainbuster! Nico gets planted, but quickly rolls out of the ring!!

Dewey: This match has seemed to have turned into a 2-1, but Justin Sayn seems to be doing just fine without Boomer Finnigan! Here comes Mysery back into the ring!

Mysery crawls back in and rushes afer Justin Sayn who was in the center of the ring. He rushed right into a spine buster from Sayn. After planting his opponent in the center of the ring he locks up the Sharpshooter and turns Mysery over!!

Dewey: Uh oh! This could be it! Nico's not around to help him out here!

It doesn't take long and Mika Hunt is calling for the bell as Mysery is slapping the mat tapping out.

Tig O' Bitties: The winners, the team of Justin Sayn and Boomer Finnigan!

Winner: Justin Sayn

Dewey: Well, that sure was an interesting contest we just witnessed, and we'll now be moving on to a bout that I'm very excited for as the first round matches of the Lethal Lottery continue to shape up!

Tig O' Bitties: The following contest is another first round match for the Lethal Lottery! The two combatants who win will be moving on to the second round!

Deadly Saturdays by The Weeknight Warriors plays over the loud speakers

A bloody casket with purple skulls lowers from the rafters suddenly the wire snaps and it crashes into the ring. The casket explodes into confetti and then Hero Xtreme 7.9's music starts playing and a bunch of poultry walk out onto the ramp. Hero follows them with an axe and tries to chop their heads off. Any of the turkeys he manages to kill are given to kids in the audience.

Tig O' Bitties: Introducing first! From X-Town... weighing in at three-hundred pounds. HERO X-TREME SEVEN POINT NINEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hero stands at the top of the run way and awaits the entrance of his partner.

Tig O' Bitties: And his tag team partner! From Narfinex... weighin in at one hundred-twenty-two pounds! GAME GIIIIIIIIRL!

Akira by Anamanaguchi blasts as colored lights pass over the roaring crowd; only we don't see Game Girl anywhere! Instead we see Link, Pacman, Mario and Sonic rolling out an old NES system on a cart. Hero stands looking on without any emotions.

The video game characters look down at the old game system and shake their heads before walking away. Hero walks up to the game system and tries turning it on... it does nothing. He then lifts the flap and pulls out that cartridge that reads: "GAME GIRL"

He blows and breathes into the cartridge several times before placing it back into the NES and pushing it down. He presses the power button again and nothing happens!

Frustrated, Hero begins repeatedly pushing the game cartridge up and down inside of the system; he rips the game back out, smacks it a couple of times, blows into it again and puts it back inside of the system.

One last try...

He pushes the button and...

BINGO! The system begins to morph! It does a bunch of strange shit with random lights and sounds, it grows appendages and a head, and finally the system has completely morphed into Game Girl!

But she doesn't look too hot.

Dewey: From the looks of things, Hero XTreme may have to go it alone!

Game Girl: Blah. S-Sorry. Blah.

Game Girl lays on the ramp way glitching out and randomly freezing, so Hero simply grabs her by the leg and drags her all the way to the ring, He perches her up into the corner as he awaits their opponents.

Tig O' Bitties: AND THEIR OPPONENTS! First... From Parts Unknown... weighing in at one-hundred forty pounds...


Dewey: Indeed here comes XWF newcomer, Buronan down to the ring dressed as Deadpool. The costume is not very impressive at all.

The arena goes completely dark, all but for a white spotlight that follows Buronan down to the ring as he makes his entrance. Burnonan climbs the turnbuckle and looks out into the crowd as the lighting is restored. He front-flips from the turnbuckle into the ring and does a heroic pose in the center of mat.

Tig O'Bitties: And his partner... currently residing in LA... weighing in at two-hundred seventy pounds... MR. F'N' DOMINANCE... TRAAAAAAAX!!!!!!!!

Walks down to the ring in his wrestling attire and a black trench coat that reads "Mr FN' Dominance" and shades, he looks around at the crowd pointing and beating his chest smiling. Before he walks to the ring like a man with a mission and climbs the ring steps before climbing onto the turnbuckle. He raises his right arm into the air in a clench fist before jump off the turnbuckle into the ring. He takes off his shades and coat places them both into the corner before walking to the middle of the ring shadow boxing as he does, he then stands in the middle of the ring and raises his arm once more in a clenched fist, before backing up into the ring corner and shadow boxing some more and bouncing up and down on the spot waiting for the match to start.


Trax: Sorry bruh, I can't see outta them little ass holes. I'm trying to get us a win here.

Old Man Johnson rings the bell and Buronan insists on starting the match and giving his partner a well deserved break.

Buronan: Don't worry Deadshot, let me handle this, you've been kicking ass the last two weeks... now it's DeadPool's turn!

Trax shrugs his shoulders and steps out onto the apron. But as soon as Buronan turns around he get's leveled by a god-like clothesline from Hero XTreme! The clothesline nearly decapitates Buronan and appears to have knocked him unconscious. Hero Xtreme goes for the early pin...



Dewey: MY GOODNESS! Hero XTreme nearly picked up the win right there! But barely, just barley, Buronan got his shoulder up! I don't think Trax even had time to realize what was happening! Hero Xtreme has been damn impressive, and that's for sure!

Hero picks up Buronan's frail frame like a rag doll and slings him into the corner opposite Game Girl with a buckle bomb. Game Girl runs down the apron and tries to sneak in an attack but she freezes and then glitches back over o her side of the ring.

Hero is not phased by anything going on as he grabs Buronan by the throat and slings him back out into the center of the ring. Hero hits the rope and lands a huge leg drop right across Buronan's head.

Dewey: Hero XTreme could probably go for the cover right now and win this thing! Buronan looks dead!

But Hero opts to keep punishing the DeadPool rip-off rookieman. Hero lifts Buronan back from the mat, sends a couple of punches to his forehead, then tucks Buronan between his legs, locks his arms and drops him neck first with a stiff looking package piledriver.

Now Hero goes for the cover...



Trax runs in to break up the fall!



Dewey: I'll tell you what folks, this Buronan is actually one tough SOB!

Hero Xtreme still looks calm, as he lifts Buronan again and roars in his face with an Unrelenting Force Dragon Shout!!!! This sends Buronan flying completely over the top rope and crashing out onto the floor. Hero hits the ropes, runs across to the other side of the ring and just as Buronan stands up, Hero connects with a perfect suicide dive out onto the floor, sending Buronan crashing through the barricade!

Trax has seen enough, he climbs down to the ring floor and approaches Hero, the two stand face to face as Old Man Johnson starts a count...

1............. (TEN!)

2.............. (TEN!)

I fucking hate smarky fans.

Trax and Hero start exchanging fists on the floor as the crowd goes wild. Trax send an elbow to Hero's nose, Hero returns a knee to Trax's gut...

3............. (TEN!)

Trax goes to whip Hero into the steel stairs, but Hero reverses and sends Trax flying into the stairs, causing a steel and black man explosion!

4............. (TEN!)

5............... (TEN!)

Hero looks on at the crowd, disgusted with the dumbass newskool fans. He picks Trax up and goes to powerbomb him onto the bottom portion of the steel stairs, but Trax reverses and sends Hero's huge frame tumbling over onto the steel with a back body drop.

Hero stands back up and just as soon as he does...


He eats a superkick from Trax right to the jaw... BUT HE'S STILL STANDING!



Buronan finally regains his barrings and slides back into the ring. On the outside, Trax goes to grab the staggering Hero, but just as he does, Hero ducks behind him and delivers a German Heroplex to Trax, crashing his head into the corner of the steel stairs!!!



1...... OH Hero just in time slides back into the ring, but as he does, Buronan pounces. He kicks Hero directly in the face, and then again in the back of head with a stomp. But Hero gets to his feet anyway and chases after Buronan. Buronan runs away, leading Hero to the ropes...

Buronan springboards from the ropes, turns back and drops Hero on his head with a tornado DDT. After getting up, Buronan runs over to his corner, but Trax is still laid out on the floor. In a panic, Buronan runs back over to Hero and goes for the cover.


Hero easily powers out!

As soon as Hero stands, Buronan hits the ropes and grabs Hero by the back of the head, slamming him down face first with a running bulldog, but not letting up Buronan hits the ropes to his left a and slides down with a double foot baseball slide kick to the side of Hero's face.

Hero rolls over onto his back clutching his face in pain, and Buronan hits the ropes again!


Buronan dives into the air and lands down into Hero's groin with a vicious headbutt!

Dewey: He calls that move, NO GLORY!

Buronan goes for the cover...



Hero kicks out just in time, but instantly goes to clutching his groin area.

Dewey: Just as it appeared as if Hero was unstoppable, maybe Buronan has found an answer here! Using his speed to outwit the supposed God!

Buronan stands up and begins motioning for Hero to get to his feet, and slowly he does, Buronan charges and jumps onto Hero's shoulders going for a hurricanrana. But Hero holds onto to his foe, and slams him down into the mat with a sick looking powerbomb, still not breaking the hold he lifts Buronan again and slams him down again!

Hero lifts Buronan again, but the undersized Deadpool begins teeing off on Hero's head, causing him to stumble back. Hero drops Buronan who lands on his feet and delivers a standing dropkick the knocks Hero out through the ropes and onto the apron.

Buronan turns around to see his partner Trax has made his way back to the apron.... BURONAN MAKES THE TAG AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!

Trax rushes Hero who's still on the apron and suplexs him into the ring. Trax waits for Hero to stand back up, and just as he does, he slams him right back to the mat with a belly to belly suplex and he doesnt let go, liftin Hero back up, getting behind him and dropping Hero with a german suplex... bridging it into a pin...



NO! Hero kicks out, and get's up quickly, rushing to his corner to make the tag to Game Girl. Game Girl holding out her hand and Hero makes the tag... BUT SHE'S FROZEN AGAIN ON THE APRON!

Hero notices quickly and tags himself back into the match and ducks down as Trax comes barging through- connecting a big boot to Game Girl's face and knocking her off of the apron. But Hero quickly lifts Trax up onto his shoulders, throwing him at least five feet into the air, jumping and connecting with a beautiful RKO!

The crowd goes wild!

Hero covers!



TRAX KICKS OUT! He staggers up to his feet, as Hero looks on with disgust on his face, but he just stands there and....


Trax connects with Wrong Side of the Trax again! This time causing Hero to stumble over to the ropes near Buronan as Hero hangs lifeless over the top rope. Buronan starts screaming for Trax to make the tag, so he does!

Buronan climbs the turnbuckle and dives off, connecting with a diving dropkick to Hero's head! Hero flops onto his back in the ring as Buronan lands on the apron. Buronan climbs back up onto the turnbuckle... HE LOOKS READY TO FINISH THIS!

Buronan turns around and dives off with a Moonsault Legdrop! BUT HERO ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY! HERO MAKES THE TAG TO GAME GIRL!

Game Girl, appears to have gotten things worked out as she charges Buronan! BUT SHE FREEZES AGAIN!

Dewey: This may not be good! Hero is out of it on the outside of the ring!

Buronan shrugs his shoulders and tags in Trax. Game Girl starts glitching all over the ring, she's skipping from one side to the next. Trax finally grabs her!


He covers!!!!







Winners: The Team of Buronan and Trax!

Dewey: They've done it! Buronan and Trax are moving on to the second round! We need to all give a lot of credit to Hero XTreme 7.9 though. Maybe if he's of had a decent partner, things would have turned out differently

Buronan grabs a mic.

Buronan: Deadshot, I can't tell you enough what a pleasure it's been working with you these last two weeks! DJ! play the song!

As the song plays a slide show of pictures from DeadShot and Deadpool's adventures begin playing on the XTron.

Buronan: But it's not fair to you or to anyone else in this building that I continue on holding back the truth from you all....

I'm going to reveal who I really am. Right now!

Buronan removes his Deadpool mask revealing to everyone that he is really....


Buronan: I AM BURONAN!!!

Dewey: Now that's a shocker!

Trax laughs, shaking his head. He and Buronan shake hands, but Buronan pulls him in for a long hug before the two finally part ways.

The broadcast cuts backstage to the remnants of Jane 's Potluck party. Some wrestlers are still eating food that was brought yesterday, and there are remnants of copious amounts of marijuana having been smoked recently on the table nearby.

Bobby is seen posing against the center wall, high out of his mind, where he begins to perform.

Dewey: I sure hope everyone watching tonight is ready for some more kickass Warfare action, as we continue to find out who will be movingo n to the second round of Lethal Lottery 4!!!

Tig O' Bitties: The following contest is scheduled for one fall... it is a tag team match, and the winners will be moving on to the second round of Lethal Lottery!

Tig O' Bitties: Introducing first! From, Who Gives a Fuck... weighing in at some arbitrary weight. Title Shitter and no-show extraordinaire.... MAAAAAAVERICK!

The opening riff of Warning by Cymbals Eat Guitars beings playing throughout the stadium, as the fans begin to litter the stadium with both cheers and boos. About twenty- five seconds in, Maverick can be seen bursting through the curtains, a cocky smile seen on his face. He stretches his arms out to the side, hands open- palmed, before raising his head to the heavens. All of a sudden, he turns around, leaving his back facing the ring, before slowly walking backwards to the ring.

About halfway down the ramp, Maverick faces back towards the ring, and lets his arms down, locking eyes with everybody inside the ring. Bouncing on his feet before giving off a heavy, deep breath, Maverick saunters towards the ring, bouncing his feet off of the steel steps as he gets there. He slowly steps in between the ropes, and paces back and forth, waiting for the match to begin.

Tig O' Bitties: And his partner... from Nowhere, OK. Weighing in at 212 pounds....

"Seek and Destroy" hits and the lights cut out. A spotlight apprears in the middle of the ring, and "The Show" Reeve Gordon lowers from the rafters via a cable cord, A cups his hands around his mouth and howels into the air, as the fans cheer. He then pulls his trusty black baseball bat from his trenchcoat, pointing it out at the audience as they chant his name.

Reeve turns around and bashes his baseball bat over Maverick's head! The ball bat cracks into two and Maverick collapses to the mat. Reeve mounts his partner and begins smashing him in the head with a flurry of right handed fists.


Paramedics run down to the ring and load Maverick up, who's neck very-well may be broken, onto a stretcher and remove him from the area.

Tig O' Bitties: And his opponents... first from Boston, MA, weighing in at 320 pounds.... BAAAAARNEY GREEEEEEEEEN!

"Dirty Angel'" by Voodoo Johnson starts to play through out the arena as fans start to cheer loudly. Out walks Barney Green, dressed in a black and gold bruins jersey with black shorts with a gold stripe on the sides and no shoes. Green walks down to the ring as the fans cheer him. He high fives a few fans as he makes his way towards the ring. He enters the ring and blows the fans a kiss as the music fades.

Tig O' Bitties: And his partner... from Wicklow, Ireland... weighing in at 235 pounds. MICHAEL MCBRIIIIIIIIDE!

You'll Never Beat The Irish By The Wolfe Tones hits over the P.A. system. Michael walks out ready to fight as he checks his gloves. He walks down the ramp and to the steel steps and walks up them. Once at the top he stops and turns around and looks at the crowd and smirks before he steps between the ropes and leans back on the nearest corner, lights up a cigarette and waits for the match to start.

Old Man Johnson calls for the bell and the match begins. Barney and McBride laughing at the prospect of facing Reeve in a handicap match. Berney insists on starting first, and just as the bell rings and McBride steps to the apron, Reeve rushes Barney and begins pummeling him.

He sends a stiff shoulder block into Barney, bouncing him into the corner and then grabs onto the ropes for leverage as he sends a series of kicks to Barney's gut.

Dewey: Goodness gracious folks! Barney Green is being overwhelmed here early on by The Show!

The Show climbs up on Barney and sends a punch to head head as the crowd starts to count his punches...


Reeve pulls his fist far back this time, a glazed over look on Barney's face....

BUT BARNEY POWERS THROUGH! With Reeve's legs on his shoulders, Barney muscles(Or fats) his way out of the corner and slams Reeve down in the center of the ring with a powerbomb! Barney covers...


Reeve kicks out early!

The two men are up and begin exchanging blows, but Barney is able to absorb a great deal of punishment and while getting punched by Reeve, he simply grabs Reeve up and power slams him to the mat. Barney gets up and tumbles his way toward the ropes, he bounces off and goes for a body splash!

Luckily Reeve moves out of the way, and Barney hit's the mat face first. Reeve is quick, grabbing Barney up by the hair, sending a couple of boots to the gut before whipping him into the corner again.

Reeve puts his hands around his mouth....


Reeve charges toward Barney, leaps in the air and crashes down on him with an impressive Stinger Splash!

Reeve covers Barney as he falls down...



NO! McBride is in to break up the fall!

Dewey: Reeve almost had him there!

Reeve whooo's again to the crowd, and picks Barney up... he tucks Barney's head backwards into his arm. GOING FOR THE SCORPION DEATHDROP!

BUT NO! Barney breaks free and spins around Reeve, locking in the Green Dream! The two men struggle as Reeve, wincing in pain, tries breaking free.

Dewey: Barney really has this hold locked in good!

The two stumble back into the corner near McBride, and McBride slaps Barney on the shoulder, tagging himself him. McBride runs to the otherside of the ring, then turns around and runs back toward the two men...

McBride sends a dropkick to Reeve's chest, pushing them back and causing Barney to break the hold and fall out of the ring. Reeve stands up holding his chest and gasping for air as he tries recovering from the submission hold.

MCBRIDE SPEARS REEVE TO THE MAT! He mounts and begins sending a series of punches to The Show's head, over and over and over again he punches Reeve's face. McBride still mount, locks his hands together and raises up dropping a nasty looking double axe handle smash to Reeve's nose.

McBride covers!



No! Reeve kicks out!

Dewey: Reeve has put forth a valiant effort!

As Reeve stands, McBride runs off the ropes, going for a running DDT! But Reeve catches him with a beautiful spinning spinebuster! AND HOLDING ON TO THE LEGS....REEVE HAS LOCKED IN THE SCORPION DEATHLOCK!

MCBride screams in agony, but Reeve only locks the hold in deeper. IT LOOKS LIKE!



HE'S READY TO TAP!!!!!!!!!!

HE TAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!



McBride limps his way back up to his feet motioning for Reeve to stand back up....

Just as he does....


McBride hit's his signature DDT and covers!




McBride screams with frustration, he lifts Reeve again and repeats his finishing for a second time!

He covers again....




McBride reaches his feet and throws his arms in the air in celebration, but gets quickly knocked down out of nowhere!

A forearm to the back of the head sends McBride sprawling to the canvas!

Dewey: IT’S THOMAS NIXON! And Barney Green has abandoned the ring, wanting nothing to do with this fight!

Nixon pulls McBride to his feet and pummels him with stiff rights to the head! McBride is barely on his feet, as he leans against the ropes for balance. Nixon whips McBride to the opposite side of the ring, McBride rebounds off the ropes, and he eats a jumping knee!

McBride slams to the mat and rolls to the floor, as Nixon soaks in the crowds chants. Nixon rolls to the outside, and he finds his rivals leaning against the announce table. Nixon grabs McBride and he lines up for a powerbomb!


Before Nixon could lift McBride up for a powerbomb, a boot cracks Nixon in the side of the head!

Dewey: What the hell is Peter F’N Gilmour doing out here?!

Peter helps McBride to his feet, as Nixon lies barely conscious on the floor. McBride looks at his ally and smiles, before the two lay a barrage of stomps on Nixon. Jeers chorus through the stadium, and McBride rolls Nixon into the ring.

Gilmour and McBride sadistically stand over Nixon, laughing as he struggles to get to his feet, unaware of his surroundings. Nixon finds the ropes, and he turns taking a few steps towards McBride and Gilmour. McBride rushes forward and turns Nixon inside out with a Celtic Clothesline!

Dewey: Someone stop this!

Gilmour grabs Nixon by the hair and pulls him into a groggy position. Gilmour hooks the arms and legs of Nixon and DROPS HIM ON HIS HEAD with a package piledriver! Nixon is down in the middle of the ring. Gilmour smirks, and begins to leave the ring. Peter reaches into his pocket and tosses McBride an object, before heading off to the back.

Dewey: What is that?

McBride catches the pack of cigarettes, casually thanking Pete. McBride pulls out a lighter and brings a first cigarette to his mouth. He steps his right foot on Thomas’ stomach, as the crowd berates him. After a second puff of smoke, McBride glances at the cigarette and at his fallen opponent. A disgusting smirk crosses the Irish man’s face. McBride raises the cigarette in the air, takes one last puff, before HE JAMS THE SMOLDERING CIGARETTE INTO NIXON’S RIGHT EYE!

Nixon spasms, bringing both hands to his eye. He squirms and rolls onto his stomach, showing his first signs of life, since he was hit by the package piledriver from Gilly.


McBride smiles. The crowd erupts into cheers. Guppy Parsh, also known as Batman, is running down the ramp! McBride bails! He’s running through the crowd, as Guppy slides in the ring and checks on his friend!

The scene fades out, as McBride runs through the crowd with a wide grin on his face.

Winners: The Team of Michael McBride and Barney Green

Dewey: We're moving right along here folks! Up next we have the the in-ring return of the XWF owner, former two time Universal Champion, Vincent Lane! He's taking Thaddeus Duke's place in the tourney and is teamed with Random against two other former Universal Champions! The Xtreme Legend, himself, Peter Gilmour and Scully! Take it Tig!

Tig O'Bitties ”This match is schedule for one fall and is a Tag Team match.”

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of SICK LIKE ME by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his lovely queen Mia Yim come out to the ramp.

Tig O'Bitties: Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Mia Yim, Peter Gilmour!

They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and hugs Mia as they wait his next victim.

Tig O'Bitties: And his partner, Scully!

Scully comes out and walks to the ring.

The Who's "Who Are You" begins to play and Random out to the stage.

Tig O'Bitties: The their opponents, introducing first... Random!

"I Wanna Rock!"

The high pitched wail of Dee Snider pierces the air as the Twisted Sister classic pumps through the PA system. As two big pyro towers shoot off on either side of the stage, "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane spins out of the entrance ramp, wearing his favorite t-shirt, a cutoff Faster Pussycat screen print, long silver tights and shining silver boots.

Tig O'Bitties: And his opponent... He is the Owner and Executive Chairman of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation and a TWO-TIME XWF Universal Champion... From Los Angeles, California.... Weighing in at 230 pounds..... "LOVERBOY"!!!! VINCENT LAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!!!!

The crowd pops as Loverboy struts down the aisle, strumming the air guitar and leaping into the air with a jumping split. As he hops onto the ring apron, he swings around, facing the crowd, and pumps his fist along to the music, singing along and inciting the crowd to do so as well.

Dewey: It looks like this crowd is pretty excited to see the LOVERBOY back in action. Let's see if there's any ring rust coming into this match. Everyone surely knows the history that Loverboy has with his opponents tonight. Peter and Lane have fought countless times and Scully won the Uni from him! This should be interesting!


DEWEY: "What the hell? It's Thaddeus Duke on the X-Tron! Live via satellite!

"Thaddeus Duke and his very much punchable face had to withdraw from Lethal Lottery due to legal reasons and Vincent Lane has taken his place!"

How are you Vincent?

You're looking a little out of shape these days.

I should have known you'd take my place, Lane. I came to you weeks ago...

DEWEY: "Lane looking on with great interest in one of his hottest young stars."

Weeks ago I told you that the Trump administration added my fathers Illuminatus to the religious extremist list!

See, I'm on to you. I'm on to you, Lane and I see you for what you are. You're a washed up has-been trying to keep down one of your hottest draws. You're trying to steal the glory that should be mine and keep it for yourself.

The moment that order from President Trump came down I saw it in your eyes. This was your chance. Your chance to put me into a corner. Your chance to steal my thunder.

DEWEY: "Lane looking on, rolling his eyes."

Sure the order was halted by a federal judge but that didn't remove my family from the list did it? I still can't travel to the United States. For the 5 months I have been here, Lane, Warfare has not once taken place within American borders yet as soon as the terrorist list goes out and the ban goes into effect and my name is on the Lottery card, Warfare is suddenly back in the United States!

Thaddeus Duke is out.

Vincent Lane is in.

DEWEY: "Woah. Is he right Lane? Did Lane screw Thaddeus Duke out of Lethal Lottery only to take it for himself? It certainly makes sense but whether or not what Baby Duke is saying is the truth only Lane can answer."

You have your last bit of glory, Lane. Sooner or later, I'll have this legal issue worked out. Sooner or later Lane, I'll get back to the XWF.

Sooner or later, Vinny... you and I are going to meet face to face and you better hope like hell you say the right things. Pray to somebodies non-existent God that you have the right fucking answers.

I haven't yet been angered, Vince. But I am now. If you thought my father was intense when he was on a warpath, just wait until you see mine.

DEWEY: "Strong words from Thaddeus Duke and all Vincent Lane has as a response is head shaking and eye rolls!

Peter insists that he starts the match and bitches at Scully about it. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, Lane and Random are talking about the same thing....

Dewey: There seems to be a little bit of a hold up here...

Random pulls a coin out of nowhere and shows it to Lane.

Dewey: It appears that Random would like to decide who starts on their team... randomly... Imagine that right?

Random flips it and catches it, but before the result is revealed Peter Gilmour rushes across the ring and hits both of the men knocking Random into Vinnie, and Vinnie through the ropes and out of the ring!

Dewey: It looks like Peter Gilmour is deciding for them!

Peter traps Random in the corner and starts barreling down him him with right hands. He picks Random up and throws him into the opposite corner! Random bounces off and walks to the center of the ring where Peter drops him with a clothesline!


Peter yells to the crowd and they say it right back!

Dewey: Peter is definitely wound up for this one!

Peter grabs Ranom by the head and picks him up to his feet while flipping off the Loverboy in the process. Lane just laughs in the corner and signals for Peter to let him get tagged in. Peter declines and picks Random up for a vertical suplex.....

Dewey: Hold up! Random pulled his weight!

Random throws a couple of knees in the gut of Peter and punches Peter back a couple of feet before Peter blocks with kick and quick DDT! Random gets flattened on the mat and rolled over for the pin...!


Lane jumps through the middle rope and kicks Peter in the side of the head. Scully gets one leg through the rope before Lane is already outside again.

Dewey: Quick reaction by the boss! I don't think Scully was paying attention to his won partner! He seems to want a tag though!

Scully reaches out over the top rope yelling at Gilmour for a chance in the ring. Peter looks over at Scully and rolls his eyes. He walks over and mocks his own partner before Random shoves him into that corner. Peter is now bumping Scully off the apron and onto the floor! Peter recovers with an elbow as Random crept in. Peter stomps to the middle of the ring and Yakuza kicks Random into his own corner and the crowd (and Dewey) goes wild!

Dewey: And here we go, folks!

Loverboy hops over the top rope and rushes to the center of the ring and goes toe-to-toe, head-to-head with the Xtreme Legend!! Back and forth they go with rights and lefts, spitting, and semon flying in all directions just like old times! Lane starts getting the best of Peter and leaves him staggering in the middle of the ring! Lane heads towards the ropes, but Peter follows, Lane sees and leaps over the top rope to the apron! Peter eats an elbow as he charged over and staggers back! Vinnie points to the air and the fans go crazy!! He climbs to the top turnbuckle from the outside as Peter is still dazed in the ring. He spins around and lands a perfect moonsault on Peter Gilmour! The fans goes ballistic as Vinnie stands up and points over to Scully!

Dewey: WOW! Vincent Lane showing no ring rust here folks. He hit that square on the nuts!


The fans chant and clap along as Vinnie does his thing.

Scully talks talks trash from the outside, but Vinnie stays with Peter in the middle of the ring. He brings him to his feet and heads for the corner. Lane grabs Peter around the head and sits on the top rope! Swinging around he plants Peter with a tornado DDT! Peter is laid out, but Lane isn't done yet! He's back on his feet and points at Scully again! He brings Peter back to his feet and lifts him up on his shoulders!

Dewey: Looks like a Death Valley Driver coming from Lane!

Scully rushes in the ring and kicks Lane in the stomach forcing him to drop Gilmour behind him. The referee intervenes right away and sends Scully back to his corner! Lane pushes the referee out of the way and attacks Scully!

Dewey: Scully's not getting away with that! Oh no! When Lane shoved Chaz Bobo he fell out of the ring! It looks like he's out cold!

Lane and Scully battle it out in the corner of the ring while Peter slowly reaches his feet. Random steps through the middle of the rope to head inside, but Peter was quick enough to meet Random halfway! He rushes over, but as he does Random pulls on the top rope sending him to the outside!!!

On the other side of the ring, Vinnie and Scully continue their battle. Scully switches places with Vinnie in the corner and pulls him across the ring with and Irish whip to the other side! Vinnie sees Peter and Random battling on the outside and manages to put on the brakes and take the corner easily. Scully rushes in and Vinnie ducks down and pushes Scully up over his shoulders and out of the ring! The crowd goes crazy as the Loverboy, the XWF Owner and Executive Chairman is the lone man standing in the ring!


Dewey: This capacity crowd is defnitely standing behind Mr. Lane! Unbelievable performance from the two time champ!

Vinnie spins around and sees that Scully is now helping Peter beat down Random on the outside. Vinnie shrugs and climbs to the top rope!! The crowd goes even more ballistic!! He looks down as Random, Peter, and Scully all battle it out just below him! He looks to the crowd as the hundreds of people sitting just behind him pull out their flash photography, blinding the cameramen is several different directions! He spins around and flies off with another moonsault on all three men!


Vinnie was held straight-up when he landed on all three men and landed on his head onto the floor. The men scatter in all directions, except for Vinnie who lies motionless.

Dewey: I think there's something wrong here, folks. Mr. Lane looks in trouble.

Within seconds Roxy Cotton is running down the ramp in her high heels towards ringside. She sits right beside Vinnie talking to him very closely. Scully and Peter pay no attention to her and grab Vinnie and throw him into the ring. Random tries to attack Scully, but Scully dodges and Random hits the ring steps. Chaz Bobo now has it together and is back in the ring.

Dewey: I'm not sure if Chaz seen the fall that Vinnie took there...

Roxy shouts to Chaz Bobo getting his attention. Scully grabs Lane by his head and plants him with a Scullanator!!


Scully covers Lane in the middle of the ring, but Peter shoves Scully off of him saying he's the legal man!

Dewey: Yeah, I don't think Scully has even had a chance in this match yet! He's trying to take the pin anyway!

Scully shoves Peter! Peter shoves Scully then grabs Lane and snaps him down with a Gilmour Cutter!!! Chaz finally cuts in and separates the two of them! He shoves Peter back into the corner as Peter argues he's still the legal man! Scully rushes back over to the lamed Lane and is speared by Random!

Random mounts on top of Scully and starts burying his fists in his skull! One after another until Chaz Bobo pulls him off as well! Meanwhile, Lane has managed to rolls his way out of the ring and takes a hard fall onto the floor! Roxy rushes over to him again and waves for the paramedics to head down to the ring, which within seconds they do. Meanwhile in the ring, Scully is apparently the legal man now and throws Scully into the ropes. Scully holds onto the ropes and gets his back slapped by Peter!

Dewey: As the EMT's make their way down to the ring to help our Chairman out of here, the action continues in the ring and is now apparently a 2-1 match....

Peter rushes into the ring as Scully watches him and catches a kick from Random! Scully rushes over and goes around Gilmour and plants Random with a clothesline! He shoves Gilmour again! Peter again with a, "SUCK MY DICK!!". Chaz Bobo is back in Scully's face telling him to get out of the ring! Random rolls up Peter out of nowhere!!!


Scully with a quick kick to the side of the head of Random! He grabs Random and plants him with a SCULLANATOR!!


Peter stares down Scully as he leaves the ring and heads up the ramp! Peter snubbly picks up Random and plants him with his OWN finisher... the ENDGAME!!! He covers Random!!!!




Dewey: Peter and Scully advance! Man, I hope Vinnie's okay.

Tig O'Bitties: The winners of the match, the team of Peter Gilmour and Scully!!!

Winners - Peter Gilmour and Scully

Tig O'Bitties ”Introducing first. From the High Desert California he is your XWF Television Champion JIIIIM CAEDUS!!!!!”

Dewey Gobblecoquev “Here he comes ladies and gentleman our Television Champion Jim Caedus in all of his Glory!

 "Ready Steady Go" by Paul Oakenfold begins to blast from the PA moments before the ring announcer introduces the party pooper; an extremely gentle euphemism. As the spiel is unloaded the lights cut, plunging the arena in darkness before silver strobes begin to flash and silver spotlights begin to continuously wave from along the length of the entrance walkway to the crowd and back.

Obviously practiced and well-timed, the moment the announcer finishes, "ready, steady, g-g-go!" is let fly by the song's vocalist and silver pyro erupts from the egress. Before the cloud of smoke dissipates XWF Television Champion Jim Caedus, TV Title strap around his waist, steps out and the house lights come up.

His hair hangs freely, his eyes devoid of emotion. He glances around at the majority population of fools who have no idea who he is as small pockets of more experienced fans and smarks suddenly erupt with excitement and recognition. None of it, good or bad, seems to get anything other than a dead gaze from Jim Caedus.

As the music continues he turns his attention to the ring and it's inhabitant(s) then starts an unconcerned slow walk, carefully gathering his long blonde hair into a secured samurai-style bun along the way. At ringside he removes his Dickies jacket, folds it carefully beside his corner's steps, places the Television Title lovingly upon it then ascends to the apron, stepping through the ropes and into battle after nearly 2 minutes have elapsed.

Tig O'Bitties ”And Introducing his tag team partner.  From Washington D.C., weighing in at 290 pounds!! He is the XWF Hart Champion...... RRRRRRROBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE ............ BOURBONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!.”

Dewey Gobblecoque “Look at this mountain of a man the XWF Hart Champion Robbie Bourbon!

Robbie starts to calmly walk down to the ring, taking his time to get there. He climbs the ring steps, stands on the apron, and turns his back to the ring, and raises his arms at 45 degree angles while jawing to the crowd, which is singing along to I, Don Quixote. Robbie then enters the ring and points at the referee, jawing at him. He then spins, hops on the second turnbuckle, and raises his arms at 45 degree angles again.

Dewey Gobblecoque” Just listen to this crowd. They love this man!”

Tig O'Bitties ”Introducing next the opponents. First from Morgantown West Virginia and weighing in at 170 ponds. The XWF Heavy Metal Weight Champion “The Cereal Killer” CAAADRYN TIIIBERIUS!!!!!! ”

Dewey Gobblecoque “ Oh My God look at what the cat has dragged in. It's The XWF Heavy Metal Weight Champion Cadryn Tiberius!”

mages of various types of cereal begin flashing across the X-Tron as Cadryn “The Cereal Killer” Tiberius walks down to the ring. Cadryn climbs into the ring and throws a few jabs while waiting for his opponent.

Tig O'Bitties ”And his partner  "From Nowhere In Particular"
weighing in at 200 pounds. KILLJOY!!! ”

Dewey Gobblecoque “ What a weird tandem we have right here ladies and gentleman as Killjoy enters the arena!”


Dewey Gobblecoque “Here we go folks the action is underway here in El Paso! ”

We start the match with Robbie bourbon in the ring with Killjoy. They circle around one another then meet in the middle of the ring with a collar and elbow tie up. Bourbon ferociously throws Killjoy to the ground. Bourbon clasps his hands together waiving the back and forth over his left and right shoulders.
Killjoy gets up while Bourbon is still celebrating. Killjoy again goes for a collar and elbow tie up. This time Killjoy lands a knee to the mid section. Killjoy then tries to whip Bourbon into the ropes but Bourbon over powers Killjoy into a devastating power slam.

Dewey Gobblecoque “My God that looked like it hurt! Bourbon is going for a pin!”



Kick Out........

Dewey Gobblecoque “Killjoy kicks out at only two!”

Bourbon drags Killjoy over to his corner and props Killjoy into the corner. Bourbon begins working on Killjoy in his corner. Cadryn is on the other side of the ring screaming loudly at Killjoy.

“Come on Killjoy get out of there!!”

Caedus then tags himself in while Bourbon continues to beat down Killjoy.




Bourbon strikes Killjoy one more time before exiting the ring. Caedus begins working on Killjoy where Bourbon left off. Caedus then brings Killjoy out of the corner into a vicious clothesline. While Killjoy is just laying on the ground Caedus looks over at Cadryn and just points to him. Caedus then turns his attention back to Killjoy who is still out in the ring. As Caedus picks up Killjoy he then throws him off the ropes into another clothesline.

Dewey Gobblecoque “Oh my.... I feel so sorry for Killjoy. Bourbon and Caedus are just tossing him around like a rag doll!”

Cadryn is looking worried out on the apron. He wants so desperately want to get his hands on Caedus. Caedus begins circling Killjoy with a smile on his face. Caedus throws his hands into the air and mocks Killjoy. Killjoy starts to move, only to get caught by a running knee to the skull by Caedus. Caedus gets back up this time laughing at his opponent. Caedus looks over at Cadryn and yells at him.


Cadryn start to get infuriated. Pacing back and forth furiously on the apron.

Caedus the picks up Killjoy and tosses him into the ropes. Caedus hit a backdrop as Killjoy goes flying through the air and lands flat on his back. Caedus then walks over to his corner and begins to celebrate with his partner. Robbie Bourbon is standing on the apron giving Caedus a sign of approval. While celebrating in the corner Bourbon with a smug smirk on his face calmly extends his hand out for a tag. Caedus then tags Bourbon back in.

While celebrating in there corner Caedus and Bourbon were unaware that Killjoy had made his way back to his feet. Instead of tagging in a fresh Cadryn. Killjoy defiantly runs at Bourbon only to receive a huge punch to the face for his trouble. Bourbon just stands there and looks down at Killjoy with pitty on his poor soul. Bourbon then takes off as he gets a full steam of momentum off of the ropes to land a crushing leg drop onto Killjoy.

Cadryn is now on the apron just begging to be tagged in by his partner. As Bourbon sits there laughing at his opponent. Bourbon gets up and waives to the crowd. He then picks up Killjoy and whips him off the ropes. Cadryn seizing the opportunity tags himself in.

Dewey Gobblecoque “Cadryn gets a blind tag and I don't think Robbie Bourbon has noticed!”

Killjoy comes off the ropes with a surprising DDT on Bourbon. Cadryn enters the ring as Killjoy rolls out. Cadryn tries to capitalize on the opportunity with a pin.


Kick Out......

Dewey Gobblecoque “Robbie Bourbon kicks out of that with authority!!”

Cadryn starts kicking Bourbon in the stomach. Cadryn then hits the ropes and drops a knee onto Bourbons face. Cadryn tries desperately to get the crowd on his side. He runs to the corner and hunkers down waiting for Bourbon to get back up. As Bourbon gets back up Cadryn takes off and lands a drop kick. Cadryn then looks over a Caedus and points at him as Caedus did earlier in the match. Cadryn the winks a Caedus and says.

“I want you Sugar Snaps!!!”

Cadryn oozing with confidence begins to mock Caedus.

Dewey Gobblecoque “Is this guy nuts? He's in there with two of our best and he's mocking them? That's a very BOLD move by Cadryn Tiberius!”

Robbie Bourbon gets back to his feet as Caedus is reaching out for a tag. Bourbon makes the tag and Caedus hits the ring.

Dewey Gobblecoque “Oh boy Cadryn has asked for it, and frankly if I were Cadryn. I'd be careful for what I'd wish for! ”

Cadryn and Caedus meet in the middle of the ring. They both just stand there jawing at each other to see who has the best shit talk. Finally after jawing at each other for about forty-five seconds Caedus shoves Cadryn. Cadryn shoing that he isn't afraid of Caedus comes back with a shove of his own. Caedus comes back and shove Cadryn again this time knocking him to the ground. Caedus starts laughing at Cadryn. As Cadryn gets back up he notices the Robbie Bourbon is not on the apron. Cadryn ignores it and gets back up in Caedus's face. Caedus and Cadryn start jawing at each other once more.

Dewey Gobblecoque “These two are just trying to out trash talk one another. In my opinion I believe Jim Caedus is just toying with Cadryn Tiberius! ”

Meanwhile out side of the ring. Robbie Bourbon has manged to sneak out of the referee”s sight. He grabs Killjoy off of the apron. Bourbon proceeds to clear off a table. He whips Killjoy into the ring steps with force. He then begins to beat down Killjoy still not noticed by the referee. Cadryn looks over to see what had happened and slides out of the ring to help his partner but he is met by a clothesline by Robbie Bourbon.



Caedus soon follows Cadryn out of the ring. He picks up Cadryn and rolls him back into the ring.



Bourbon and Caedus then turn their attention to Killjoy. As Caedus realizes the cleared off table he signals to Bourbon to get set up. Caedus then picks up Killjoy's lifeless body he walks him over to Bourbon who is waiting by the table. Caedus then picks up Killjoy and places Killjoys legs around Robbie Bourbon's neck. As Caedus holds Killjoy steady, Bourbon and Caedus deliver a devastating Robbiebomb through the table.

Dewey Gobblecoque “OH MY GOD!!!!!! Kil...Killjoy he's not moving after that devastating Robbiebomb!!!! I don't think he'll be able to continue!!! Which means ….. Oh NO!!!! Cadryn is left all alone with these two!!!!”



Caedus then nonchalantly rolls back into the ring. He's smiling after what they did to Killjoy. Cadryn is finally shaking off the effects of the clothesline. He suddenly opens his eyes to see the devastation dealt to his partner. The look of pure fear is on the face of Cadryn. He then turns to see Caedus and Bourbon in their corner looking at him like fresh meat. Cadryn goes balls out and rushes them both only to get nailed in the chest with Wrexus Plexus!!

Dewey: Bam! Big Yakuza kick to the chest! Cadryn just flew back ten feet, I swear!

He did end up falling back into the corner. After a quick tag after the kick, Robbie Bourbon was not far behind the Ceral Killer and squashed him in the corner with a splash. Robbie wastes no more time and picks him up and slams him down with a ROBBIEBOMB!!!

Dewey: My God! He's just broken Cadryn in half! Cover him Robbie! End this shit!

Robbie slams down on him and pulls the leg up.




Tig O' Bitties: The winners of the match.... The team of XWF Television Champion, Jim Caedus, and the XWF Hart Champion, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEE BOOOOOOUUUUUURRRRBOOOOOOOONN!!!!!!!

Winners - Jim Caedus and Robbie Bourbon

Tig O’Bitties: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The lights go out in the arena followed by an eerie red glow. Smoke rises from the entrance way and the Doctor emerges from it. He stands at the top of the ramp and looks out among the crowd, then slowly begins walking towards the ring. The Doctor climbs the ring steps and into the ring, he stands on the second turnbuckle and holds his arms into the air as the lights flash back on.


The lights dim as the entrance stage begins to fill with smoke. The opening cords of "Mayhem blast over the PA system as a large wall of fire engulfs the stage. As the fire fades away, Micheal Graves walks out from behind the curtain. The metal riffs of Halestorm continue to pound on as Micheal stands there for a moment, surveying the crowd. Micheal slowly walks down the ramp as a small burst of fire erupt at the sides of the stage. The lights rise back up as Micheal rolls into the ring and takes a seated position leaning against the turnbuckle facing the stage.

Dewey Gobblecoque - "Well this is surprising, Micheal Graves isn't wearing his face paint! It's been a long time since the XWF universe has seen this side of Micheal Graves!"


Red white and blue lights flash while THE BOSS pumps through the speakers. Nate Higgers marches down to the ring and stops to face the American Flag, giving it a salute before kissing a small gold cross around his neck and then tucking it back under his vest before entering the ring.


Nate looks towards the entrance ramp, waiting for his mystery partner to reveal himself. But Nate crumbles to the ground! D’Ville cracked Nate in the back of the head with a forearm!


Dewey Gobblecoque: It looks like this is going to be a 2 on 1 match!

The referee ushers Michael Graves to his corner, as D’Ville lays into Higgers with stiff shots to the head and chest. He leans Higgers against the ropes, and whips him to the opposite side of the ring. D’Ville looks for a running elbow, but Higgers ducks under the strike. Higgers bounces off the ropes again and catches D’Ville with a quick schoolboy pin!


No! D’Ville popped out of it immediately.

Dewey Gobblecoque: That roll up is very uncharacteristic for Nate, but he’ll need to catch D’Ville or Graves off guard if he wants to win this one!

Nate tries to follow up with a vertical suplex, but Doc hits him with a punch to the mid section. And D’Ville launches Nate with a snap suplex! Feeling the momentum shift in his favor, a smirk crosses D’Ville’s face. He lines up behind Nate, possibly looking for a German suplex.


Dewey Gobblecoque: Graves tagged himself in!

D’Ville turns to his partner, an annoyed expression on his face. Graves looks past Doc; he charges towards Nate, who is facing the opposite direction, and slams him head first into the mat with a bull dog. Graves goes for a quick cover.


Higgers kicks out, showing that he is still very much alive. Graves whips Higgers off the ropes and turns to the side, catching Higgers with a sidewalk slam. Higgers thuds as he bounces off the mat. Graves doesn’t go for the cover, and he turns towards his partner. D’Ville sticks out his hand for a tag, but Graves responds with a bemused look. As Nate starts to sit up, Graves motions in the direction of his partner. Graves starts to reach out his hand, but he hesitates. Instead, he turns back to his seated opponent and peppers him with a hard kick across the chest!

Dewey Gobblecoque: Graves is showing that he doesn’t need D’Ville to do all the work! He wants in on the action!

Nate grabs his chest in pain, but Graves kicks him in the arm instead! Nate rolls to his side and gets to his feet. Graves ricochets off the ropes, looking for a running dropkick. But Nate sidesteps! Graves crashes onto the canvas. Nate hits the ropes, as Graves rushes to get to his feet. NATE CAPITALIZES WITH A BRUTAL RUNNING STO!

Dewey Gobblecoque: Nate slammed him on his head!

Nate covers Graves!


D’Ville starts to lean through the ropes, concerned that he might have to break up the pin.

Graves kicks out. With a moment to recalibrate, Nate rubs his chest, raw from D’Ville’s early strikes and Graves’ stiff kick.

Nate pulls Graves to his feet, holding him by the hair. Nate’s earlier grimaces turn into a sick smile. He looks at D’Ville and makes a cutthroat motion, taunting his opponents. Graves shoves Nate away and catches him with a drop kick to the jaw!

Dewey Gobblecoque: Nate got cocky!

Both men race to their feet and Graves NAILS Nate with a superkick! Nate crashes to the ground, and Graves looks a little pissed off. No, Graves looks determined. Without hesitation, Graves pulls Nate to a groggy position and brings him onto his shoulders. Graves rushes forward and slams Nate on his back with a brutal running powerbomb!

But Graves doesn’t cover him! D’Ville shoots a puzzled look at his partner, but Graves pays him no attention.

Dewey Gobblecoque: It looks like Graves isn’t in a hurry to put Nate away!

Graves lines up behind Nate, waiting for his opponent to get to his feet. Higgers is very shook up from the superkick/powerbomb combination. Higgers slowly rises to his feet, and Graves darts towards his opponent. AND HE TOOK HIS HEAD OFF WITH THE GRAVE DIGGER!

The crowd bursts into raucous cheers, as Graves poses and takes in the crowd’s admiration. D’Ville slaps his partner on the back! Graves turns to his partner, a bit upset, but D’Ville rushes towards their opponent. D’Ville pulls Nate to his feet. With ease, D’Ville lifts him in the air and DROPS HIM ON HIS HEAD DELIVERING THE LOBOTOMY!




WINNERS: Michael Graves and Doctor Louis D’Ville

Dewey Gobblecoque: Michael Graves dominated the match, but D’Ville cleaned up the scraps! A very dominant performance by Graves! That was sheer brutality! Now, this dysfunctional team will move to round two!

The crowd becomes rabid as they await for what comes next in the show, Suddenly the light goes as the crowd become confused. They begin chat with each other as Dewey Gobblecoque assess the situation saying.

Dewey Gobblecoque:'' Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here to assure you this wasn't planned and I am confused as well to what is goin..................''.

Suddenly the light comes back on and in the ring there are two bird resting on the edges of the posts looking directly towards the entrance ramp. Both of the birds are black, But are different from each other. Dewey Gobblecoque Identifies the two birds by saying.

Dewey Gobblecoque:''I'm not a bird expert, but isn't that a raven and crow. Why are they here and why are they acting abnormal except. No no no no no.................... It can't be. He couldn't be back.''

Suddenly the opening riff of a familiar begins to play on the sound systems in the Arena and the signature ''NOW!, NOW!'' plays as the whole arena erupts in ear-shattering cheers.

Dewey Gobblecoque dumbfounded by the event begins to react like the fans. saying.

Dewey Gobblecoque: ''Holy Shit, Holy Shit, Holy Shit''.

As Dewey Gobblecoque and the fans are losing their shit. A graphic on the X-tron saying. ''Shade Returns Next Warfare''. The fans looking at the graphic begin to boo and chant ''We want Shade{clap, clap, clap clap clap}.'',''We want Hope'' and ''This is bullshit{clap, clap, clap clap clap}.'' Dewey Gobblecoque who along with the fans is pissed begins to shit on the troll by the company saying.

Dewey Gobblecoque: ''What the fuck Vincent. I wanted to see Blackwo........... I meant Shade, Shade and Hope Blackwood.''

Suddenly the birds in the ring bow their heads as Hope walks out onto the stage.

[Image: Mad-Maven-Lady-Death-2.jpg]

She receives a thunderous ovation by the fans as they chant ''We are sorry. {clap, clap, clap clap clap}.'' and ''Thank you Vincent {clap, clap, clap clap clap}.'' As the do that Dewey begins to act like a sex fiend screaming.

Dewey Gobblecoque:'' Fuck yes Vincent Thank. Oh yes please come sit with me Blackwood.''

As Hope begins to speak. The crowd the cuts here off and begins to chant ''What's your Number {clap, clap, clap clap clap}.'', While Dewey chants along with them while humping the announce table. Hope smiling then says.

Hope:''Sorry boys, But I'm still engaged to my little devil ''Shade.''

The crowd disappointed with answers continued to chant to her along with Dewey still humping the announce table saying ''Cmon Hope {clap, clap, clap clap clap}.'' and ''He won't Know {clap, clap, clap clap clap}.'' Hope just giggles at the response and continues saying.

Hope:'' Thanks for the flattery, But I have to keep this brief. You see as you all know now, Shade returning next warfare. He sent me out here to lay down an opening challenge for any of the new meat in the locker room. You see he wants to see if one of the can entertained by any of the lads in the back before he sets his site at a title. I don't really care what my shady does as long he is entertained or happy and when he is happy, I'm happy if you know what I mean.''

Hope then drops the mic and whistles, which makes the two birds in the ring take off and go towards her as she blows a kiss to the crowed. While they chant ''Please don't goooo {clap, clap, clap clap clap}.'' While Hope is returning back into the entrance way, we see that Dewey is still humping the announce table as the screen fades to black.

Gabe Reno is on his cell phone, talking to someone intensely. He laughs a bit, then says "Don't worry, I have a plan."

He turns the corner and enters the dressing room labeled RENO on it. When he opens the door he brings the phone down quickly and the camera pans to see Chris Chaos sitting in Gabe's dressing room.

"Gabe, I thought you'd never make it. Come in, sit down, buddy, lets have a little chat."

Gabe tells the person on the phone he needs to call them back, hits end and walks slowly over and sits down.

Chris grins, putting a hand on Gabe's knee. "So I can trust you out there, tonight? You remember last time we had a match as partners and you had a little phone call to make....."

"Yes Chris I do----"

"I put you through a window. I won't hesitate to do it again".

Gabe looks into the distance, then back.

"You have my support tonight, Chris. We are in this together."

"We better be" he gets up, putting his strap over is shoulder, "or you will end up on your back with Main and Crowe".

He scoffs at Reno and walks off camera.

Dewey: Oh yeah, here we go. Main event match, even though we have one left. This one is sure to explosive.



Dewey: And here we go!

The guy working the strobe lights has a seizure at his desk, resulting in a dazzling display of flashing lights as Chance the Rapper's "GoodAssIntro" plays over the PA system.

Tig O'Bitties: Introducing first, from East Moline, Illinois.......YA BOIIIIII Shaun CROWE!

From behind the curtain, over the music the crowd can hear someone shout "IT'S YA BOI!" before Shaun Crowe EXPLODES out from behind the curtains, swaggering down the ramp as hella dolla bills rain from the ceiling. The crowd goes into a frenzy over tha paper before realizing it's just Monopoly money and throwing it back at him. Shaun hops up onto the apron and shouts "IT'S YA BOI" once more, prompting a small portion of the audience to chant it back at him. He smiles and steps into the ring, doing the white girl shoulder dance while waiting for his opponent.

Dewey: He hasn't lost his swag, that is for sure.

Shaman's Harvest "Broken Dreams" cuts off Crowe's music, and Robert Main's face shows up on the X-Tron. He walks out from behind the curtain and stares at Crowe who is jumping around the ring like a lunatic.

Tig O'Bitties: And his partner, from Las Vegas, Nevada, "The Omega" Robert MAIIINNNNNN

Main walks down the ring slowly, never taking his eyes off of Crowe. He takes a deep breath and blows out visibly as he gets into the ring and Crowe goes for a high five, which is denied.

Green strobe lights and dimming fill the area as Bad Company hits the loudspeakers. Mixed reactions of love and hate fill the mixed crowd as The Radical emerges in green and black tights reading 'The Very Best, Nothing More, Nothing Less' across the back.

Tig O'Bitties: And one of their opponents, hailing from San Diego, California, The Radical One, GABBBBEEE RREEEENNOOOOOOO

He smiles under a Black hood before sprinting and sliding into the ring, removing his hood throwing his arms up. He circles for a moment, lookin at both opponents, before getting on the top rop and throwing his ICONOLAST sweat band into the crowd.

Just as the band hit the crowd, the lights in the arena went off. An eerie red and white light mixed at the ramp way. The opening riff to DIE MF DIE by Dope begins to hit. Steam fills the ramp way.

Tig O'Bitties: And his partner, from Tampa Bay, Florida, the XWF Universal Champion......CHHHRIISSS CHHAAAOOSSSSSSS

Just as Tigs finished, the "AHH" Part of the song hits and the stronger riff comes in. Chris and Jenny Myst walk out through the smoke. Chris has an XWF Universe Under Armour tee on. Black, with red letters. His wrestling tights are black with white and red. Jenny Myst has a skin tight black dress on, and heels. The two walk out from behind the steam hand in hand. He has a smug look on his face, with a cocky grin. He moves his head back and forth with a small laugh. The Universal Title around his waist.

When they get half way down the ramp, he unbuckles the strap and hands it to Jenny and runs, sliding into the ring and looking up with his tongue out. Jenny walks around the ring and hands the belt to the time keeper.

Chris looks at Gabe, staring a hole. Before those two can sort out who will be starting out the match, Crowe bounces off the ropes and hits a flying forearm on Chaos, who runs into Reno, and knocks him off the apron and onto the floor.

Dewey: Looks like Main and Crowe had a plan here. We're gonna see Crowe and Chaos first. Shades of August all over again.

Crowe is all over the champ, hammering him in the corner with forearm shots and punches. Moving out to the center of the ring he runs and splashes Chaos in the corner. Bouncing off, he yells "YEAAAA BOIIIII!" and gives the money brus symbol. Going back towards Chris in the corner he gets a big boot which sends him flying back to the center of the ring. Shaking off the cobwebs he walks out to the middle and picks up Crowe by the head before setting him up and scoop slamming him. He looks over at Reno, who is now back on the apron with his hand out and grins at him before turning his head and ignoring him. Crowe is back to his feet and Chris clotheslines him, sending him back down to the mat. He taunts Main with the "Just Bring It Hand Gesture" and as Main goes to step through the ropes the official intervenes. While the ref is distracted, Reno is on the top rope and hits a flying elbow on Crowe. Chris steps back and Main steps back onto the apron and the refs turns back as Chris tags in Reno.

Dewey: Great teamwork there by the Icons. They are obviously on the same page early.

Reno explodes into the ring. Shoving Crowe into the corner he rains a series of punches and kicks down on the wigger, then jumps and spins around him, climbing the top rope and hitting a huge bulldog off the top.

With Crowe down, Reno speeds over to Main and the two exchange punches. Reno gets the upper hand but as Main falls off the apron he grabs the head of Reno and on the way down pulls his head and neck into the top rope causing Gabe to stumble back. He stumbles right into the arms of Crowe who hits a massive DDT!




Crowe, slow to his feet, picks up Reno by the head and whips him into the ropes hitting him with a big chop on the way back. Bouncing off the ropes he goes for the flying cross body but Gabe ducks and Crowe falls right into a huge punch from Chaos on the apron, stumbing Crowe back and into a drop kick from Reno!

Dewey: Great chemistry from both teams, but we have yet to see Main legally in this matchup.

Reno whips Crowe into the corner then goes to the other corner. Signaling to the crowd he runs and rolls......ROLLI NG THUNDER! Crowe stumbles out to the middle of the ring and Reno grabs him, lifts him, FALCON ARROW!




The ref ushers Main out of the ring just as Reno tags in Chaos, who enters the ring and gets set for a spear in the corner. "COME ON!" He yells, crouching in the corner with a sick grin on his face. Crowe is up and turns around and Chris chargers. Crowe at the last second gets out of the way and the Universal Champ crashes hard with a sickening thud into the ring post, shoulder first. The crowd gives a collective "ooohhh" and the champ groans. Crowe stumbles into a tag from Main who elbows Chris in the back and takes him to his knees, his head still between the ropes. Grapping Chaos around the waist he hits a big suplex. Locking Chaos face up, he drives a knee into his back and pulls down into a modified back breaker. Holding him there and pulling down, Chris winces as the knee of Main cuts his back almost in half. After about ten seconds, Main drives the knee into the back then lets go, driving a fist into the chest of Chaos and driving him back first into the mat.

Main picks Chaos up by the hair but the champ fights back as the two exchange punches in the middle of the ring before the bigger Chaos gets the upper hand. He whips Main into the ropes and hits a huge clothesline and turns around to catch his breath as Crowe comes off the top rope with a flying fist. Chaos is down as Reno lifts and power-bombs Crowe but lands awkwardly and his legs buckles, causing him to go down holding his leg. All 4 men are down as the ref counts. The Texas crowd begins to chant "This Is Awesome" with claps.

Dewey: Action packed, fast paced match here. Main and Crowe are holding their own right now, but Reno and Chaos seemingly have an answer for every offensive move. This is wrestling at it's finest! You've gotta love Lethal Lottery! I don't even know who the legal men are!

Chaos is back to his feet first with a wobbly Main. Grabbing him by the head he knees Main in the gut then lands a huge facebuster!

Rolling into the cover



Main gets a shoulder up!

Chaos contorts his face into a look of dissaproval as he rolls back to his feet. Reno is up but gimpy, as Crowe runs at him. Reno flips him over his shoulder and sends him tumbling over the ropes and to the mat outside. Chaos whips Main into Reno who catches him and sets him between the top and middle rope. Chaos then goes out of the ring, onto the apron.

Dewey: Oh no! The champ wants to decapitate Robert Main here.

He takes two steps and leg drops Main's head and neck against the ropes. He falls back coughing and grabing his neck. Reno goes off the top with a frog splash on Main, but he can't cover because he is not the legal man! Chaos slides back into the ring. He asks Gabe if he is OK, seeing he is limping, and Reno assures him he is fine. Chris looks outside he ring and he sees Crowe approaching Jenny, who is backing up. He he smiling, showing her his watch and taking a stack of money out of his pocket. Chris sees this and slides out of the ring. Gabe is using the ropes to take pressure of the leg and catch his breath. The refs follows Chris (the legal man) out of the ring. He grabs Crowe and grabs him from behind. The money goes flying as he whips him back first into the steel steps. Just as his is happening Main is in the ring with a steel chair. Reno smiles at Crowe's peril and turns around to get blasted in the face with the chair!


The ref slides back into the ring as Main kicks the chair outside the ring. He covers Reno, hooking the leg.

The Ref waves his arms. Reno is not the legal man. Main barks to count but the ref refuses. As Main gets up and throws his arms up, yelling at the ref he is damn near cut in half by a spear from Chaos!

Dewey: Good lord! Chris Chaos damn near broke Robert Main in two!

Just as Chaos goes for the cover, his attention is broken by someone on the ramp. It's Michael Graves! What the hell?!

Dewey: What the hell is Graves doing here?!

He gives the belt around the waist symbol, as it was just announced he would have a Uni Title match at Savage! Chris is leaning over the ropes and yelling at Graves, who continues advancing just as Crowe, who has his blinged out watch now wrapped around his knuckles, jumps ans blasts Chaos in the face with the watch-knucks. Main rolls up the champ from behind!


Dewey: Main and Crowe are gonna steal this!


Hand full of tights!


Main, totally spent, rolls onto his stomach as Chaos holds his now bloody nose on the mat. Reno is still down from the chair shot. Crowe is the only one standing, but he is half-conscious. Jenny smacks the apron, urging Chris to get up as Graves is now standing by the time keeper, running a finger along the edges of the Universal Title belt.

Crowe is pounding on the turnbuckle asking for a tag and Jenny pounds on the apron urging Chaos to get up as both men begin to stir.

Chaos looks to his corner and sees that Reno has made it back there, on one knee, but he's there. Both men crawl to their won corners very slowly... Chaos manages to reach his feet first, but Main is not too far behind him!! Chaos looks at Reno who pulls himself the rest of the way to his feet and reaches for a tag. Chaos turns around and faces Robert Main! The two circle one another and face their own corners now... Chaos attacks with a side kick to the gut as Main steps forward with a forearm! The two of them bounce back from the blows towards the their opposite corners. Reno reveals he had a chair stashed over their by him and winds up to smack Main! He's about to get some sweet revenge! Chaos steps forward out of the corner and finds the power to rush across the ring towards his opponent! As he reaches their, Reno swings, and Main manages to dodge both attack! Reno wrapped that chair completlely around Chaos's head! Main picks him up and plants him down with the DEAD MAN'S HAND! A cover!!






Tig O'Bitties: The winners of the match, the team of Robert Main and Shaun Crowe!!!

Winners - Robert Main and Shaun Crowe

Tig O’Bitties
: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your MAIN EVENT for the evening! Introducing first, from Buenos Aires, Argentina by way of Mexico City… she is TALIAAAAAAA AREANOOOOOOO!!!!

"Till The World Ends" by Britney Spears is heard on the sound system. Talia comes out from behind the curtain. When she gets to the ramp, shower fireworks reign down on her. She walks down the ramp with her hips moving back and forth and she is swinging her arms. She gets on the apron and enters the ring between the ropes. After that she walks over to the ropes on the right side and stands on the first rope. She then bends over and looks at the fans with a smile on her face. She then gets off the ropes and walks to one side of the ring and waits for the officials to start the match.

Tig O’Bitties
: And her partner… from New York City… the current President of the United States of America… DONALD… JOHN… TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP!!!!

The Texas crowd loses its god damn mind as their lord and savior walks out, flanked by Ivanka and Melania. He walks to the ring and gives each of the women a deep tongue kiss before getting in and looking Talia up and down.

“There is no way this woman is here… LEGALLY. Show me your papers, you mexicunt.”

The crowd gasps… but then is delighted and cheering as ICE agents storm the ring and drag Talia away kicking and screaming. Before they take her away completely, Trump grabs her by the pussy just for good measure.

“Greasy. I knew it. What about you, sugar? You want some of the Don’s YUGE hands on you?”

Tig is shivering with arousal but she manages to continue.

Tig O’Bitties
: Their opponents… introducing first, from…

“WAIT! Wait just a second darlin’. You’re doing a great job. A wonderful job, let me tell you. Isn’t she great? Tig is the best. You should come work for me. You can clean the Winter White House in Mar-A-Lago and keep me warm while Melania stays in Trump Tower to take care of my son, whatever his name is. But first, before you introduce those two LOSERS. Let me make an announcement.

XWF, thank you so much for supporting me. You know, I wasn’t supposed to win this thing. They said I wouldn’t even get 220 electoral votes but I got record breaking amounts. I got more votes from LEGAL American citizens than any other president in the history of the world. It’s true. And I got here because I know how to do business. I know the Art of the Deal.

That’s why I am offering Mister Unknown Soldier, a man I respect but who is a complete loser if he faces me, I am offering him an undisclosed sum of money if he and his partner, whoever the heck it is, forfeit this match and help us make the XWF Great Again. What do you say Soldier?”

The camera pans to the entrance ramp where we see Unknown Soldier stading there with his half of the XWF Tag Team titles slung over his shoulder.

Soldier looks intense, though he is covered in red and brown stains of unknown origin. He walks to the ring with his trademark erection, then hops up onto the apron and ducks in between the ropes before getting nose to nose with President Trump.

Trump smiles and reaches into his pocket, producing what looks like a personal check. He opens it and holds it in front of Soldier’s face with both hands.


Soldier is mesmerized. He stands there drooling and attempting to count zeroes with his finger before giving up and just nodding and taking the check. Soldier grabs the paper and stuffs it into the crotch of his tights before running away back towards the entrance to the arena.

“There you go. I knew Soldier was a smart man. And he loves this country! He loves the XWF and wants to make it great again, and that’s what we’re gonna do! Thanks you all very much! God bless America!”

Donald shakes Tig’s hand, grabs her pussy, and then leaves the ring with his Immigrant Wife and Daughter Wife. They leave together while Nate Higgers weeps in the front row like a teen girl at a Beatles concert.

Tig O’Bitties: Uh… I guess… your winners in the first round of the Lethal Lotto tournament… TRUMP AND TALIA!

Winners by bribery – Donald Trump & Talia Areano

Dewey: I can’t believe Trump just bought a bye into the next round of the Lotto! That’s disgusting!

I WANNA ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The crowd loses its shit. Pink and purple strobe lights dance across their faces and the X-Tron flares to life in a laser light show of epileptic proportion. Then, abruptly, the music stops and the Tron shows the face of Roxy Cotton.

“Ladies and gentlemen, fans of the XWF… it is with great sorrow that I have to inform you that… due to the cowardly and malicious assault executed upon him by Scully and Peter Gilmour… Vinnie Lane is in critical condition in the infirmary. He is in no condition to run the XWF at this time… and he therefore has named ME as his interim Executive Chairperson in charge of Business and Administration of the X-Treme Wrestling Federation.

Vinnie was disgusted by the events that took place here tonight. Too many hard working performers got screwed over. Too many cheap shortcut taking CHEATERS snuck their way through to the next round. And just before he went under into a medicated haze, he asked me top right those wrongs.

So effective IMMEDIATELY, Boomer Finnigan is removed from the Lethal Lottery. He will be replaced by Hero Xtreme 7.9!”

The crowd goes mild.

“Also out of the running is Barney Green. His blood sugar spiked after the match, and since he is a treasure to the XWF we do not want him to go against medical advice and get back into the ring anytime soon. His replacement… controversially… is…”

“The Radical” Gabe Reno steps out from behind the curtain with a massive smirk on his face.

“That’s right. Gabe Reno demonstrated in his match that he deserves to be re-entered into this tournament. He looked… strong. And capable. And… sexy.”

Roxy’s face reddens a little as Reno stands with his arms outstretched on the entrance ramp.

“Stay tuned on the XWF Network just after this broadcast goes off the air, as the next round of teams will be drawn LIVE! Goodnight XWF! MUAH!”

Roxy’s face fades from the screen as Gabe Reno continues to mug for the camera.

The crowd chants “bullshit” as the scene fades to black.

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[-] The following 12 users Like Jefferson Jackson's post:
(02-16-2017), (02-16-2017), (02-17-2017), Guppy Parsh (02-17-2017), JimCaedus (02-17-2017), Mr Killjoy (02-17-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (02-16-2017), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (02-16-2017), Rain (02-18-2017), Shade (02-17-2017), Shaun Crowe (02-16-2017), Thomas Nixon (02-16-2017)
Jefferson Jackson Offline
Warfare GM & XWF Business/Financial Supt

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-16-2017, 07:18 PM

OOC - Hey, I missed some segments here. They're being added immediately. That's a my bad.

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Jefferson Jackson's post:
Hero Xtreme 7.9 Away
Sidelined God

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-16-2017, 08:21 PM

Hero Xtreme 7.9 is clapping his hands.

"I always wanted there to be a monkey wrestler in the main event scene, so Trax you earned it. Good job."

Hero Xtreme 7.9 smiles.

"Anyway, I've been informed by my manager that I'm being moved onto Round 2, so cool, maybe I'll get a chance to elevate someone else! And wow, my manager was able to make 20 promos, hopefully the action doesn't slow down in Round 2! This is the XWF after all!"

Star of The Month (February 2002)
WXC Tag Team Champion x3 (/w Venom Explosion (2), DJ Death)
UWF X-Treme Champion x5
UWF No Limits Champion x2
UWF Tag Team Champion x1 (/w Shaker Jones)
BBCXR Heavyweight Champion x4
SOW World Champion x2
RXW World Champion x1
RXW X-Division Champion x1
NWPW Rapid Division Champion x 3
WFWD Intercontinental Champion x2
XWL United States Champion x2
XWL European Champion x1
XWL Tag Bowl Winner (/w White Abyss)
BLOOD Bleeding Champion x3

All Time Record: 912-32-4
Hero Xtreme Un Record: 0-3-0

Priority prayers and more, back open for business.
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[-] The following 3 users Like Hero Xtreme 7.9's post:
(02-17-2017), Jefferson Jackson (02-16-2017), Thomas Nixon (02-16-2017)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 2 users Hate Hero Xtreme 7.9's post!
Chris Chaos (02-16-2017), Mr Killjoy (02-17-2017)
Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-16-2017, 08:44 PM

Before the commercial break, the black cuts to the back. The crowd is still buzzing over the main event and Donald Trump's amazing victory and the blockbuster announcement regarding Reno.....Chris Chaos is walking the halls, one hand on his head. He has a look on his face that would scare Medusa. Jenny is following behind, carrying his title belt. Chris has a duffel bag over his shoulder. Steve Sayors walks up to Chris with a microphone. A ballsy move.

"Chris.....Chris Chaos.....I was hoping to get a word from you regarding what just happened out there....."

Chris let out a maniacal yell/grunt, dropping his duffel. He lifted Sayors up by the collar of his shirt and pressed him against the wall. He huffed a few times as Sayors damn near shit his pants. Chris then set him down, and leaned into the microphone.

"I am SICK of this. Gabe Reno lied directly to my face. This was a set up from jump street. Gabe KNEW EXACTLY where he was aiming that chair. He had every intention of blasting me with it. As far as I am concerned, GABE RENO IS DEAD TO ME. I will never and can never trust him again. And to think, I bought into that Iconolast bull-crap. Now I AM THE ONE WHO GETS SCREWED AND PINNED, and HE gets to re-enter the tourney? This reeks of conspiracy. But it is okay. I am going to go to Savage, I am going to beat Graves to within an inch of his life, and I am going to show the world why I am the best in the world at what I do.

But don't think for ONE SECOND that this is over. NOT. ONE. SECOND. Gabe Reno, the worst mistake you could have made was setting me up again. I WILL be at Warfare next week, and you will be my only target. Gabe, everywhere you go, you will have to look over your shoulder. I will haunt you in the flesh and haunt you in your dreams. You won't be able to take a shit without being nervous of me finding you, Gabe. I will find you, and I will put you out. I no longer have a need to win this tournament, but now if I have any goal at all, it is to make sure that YOU don't win. This isn't over Gabe......I am coming for you. Be prepared....."

He goes to walk away but Sayors stops him.

"Chris....real you think that maybe this is getting to be too much? The cards are stacking too high for even you to overcome?"

Chris smirks, looking back at Jenny then back at Steve. He puts his hand on his chin and rubs his goatee before laying out Sayors with a HUGE right hand. He grabs him by the shirt "get up, you motherfucker." He throws him into one wall, then into the other wall. Picking Sayors up again he finds an office window nearby where arena personnel are doing work on the computers. "Cards stacked too high?! The deck can NEVER be stacked too high. When you see Gabe.....give him this message for me!" He takes Sayors by the back of the shirt and throws him head first through the glass window. The people in the office scatter as XWF and EMT crews come rushing. He smiles back at Jenny then motions to follow him and the two walk off camera as the crews tend to the bloody interviewer.

Warfare officially goes off the air.

[Image: 9tykLnP.png][Image: 5w0E5FS.jpg]
[Image: Rq9ZUob.jpg]
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-16-2017, 09:25 PM

Looks like Game Girl HAS become corrupted and needs a reboot, disappointing, Buronan, you got a free pass to the second round, you're welcome, Hero Xtreme, your manager put in so much promo work despite the fact you had no chance in Hell of winning that management took pity and also gave you a pass to the second round, you're welcome too I guess?

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-16-2017, 09:29 PM

XWF cameras catch up to Micheal Graves and Cadryn Tiberius who are walking down a corridor backstage on their way out of the arena. Graves and Cadryn both jump out of the way as EMTs come rushing down the hallway with a bloody and unconscious Steve Sayors on a gurney. Graves and Cadryn's eyes meet as they share looks of confusion.

"Was that Sayors?"

Cadryn looks back to the EMTs in the distance as if to confirm what he already knows.

"I believe so kitten."

Micheal and Cadryn continue back on their path down the corridor as XWF announcer Mike Stump approaches the two of them with a microphone in hand.

"Micheal, Cadryn, can I have a moment of your time?"

The two men look at each other and shrug, why not?

"Micheal tonight you moved on to round two of Lethal Lottery, but you also have a Universal Title match against Chris Chaos coming up on the relaunch of Savage. Is the fact that you have a shot at that title going to affect your performance for round 2 of Lethal Lottery?"

"While it's true that I'm a veteran..."

Cadryn is quick to interrupt.

"By veteran, he means OLD"

Micheal rolls his eyes with a sarcastic smile.

"Fuck off Cadey bear!"

Cadryn laughs as Micheal turns his attention back to Mike Stump.

"So like I was saying, while I may be OLDER, and slower than I used to be, I still have plenty in the tank, and as I demonstrated tonight, I still go hard. At Savage, I'm going to bring the fight to Chris Chaos in a way he'd never expect. At the same time, I'll be bringing it next Warfare as well so that another partner can coast into the next round from MY work. Because with me, it doesn't matter who, where, or when. If I'm on the card, I'm coming at you hard."

"And Cadryn, you were eliminated in the first round..."

Cadryn is quick to cut off Stump.

"I may have taken the pinfall in that match, but Killjoy is the one who lost not me! Did you watch it? He literally brought nothing to our team. Nothing! I handled the bulk of our war of words while Killjoy played out his super villain fantasies, and then he couldn't even bring it in the ring. I'd say that I'm upset, but it is what it is. I still have a TV title shot coming up, and that means that I'll finally get my opportunity to prove to Jim Caedus that he's not as good as me in a one on one environment."

"Micheal, one last question. What was your motivation for interrupting the Reno, Chaos match tonight?"

Micheal smirks slyly.

"Interrupting? I don't recall interrupting anything. I simply walked out to get a better look at MY belt. Chris Chaos has been holding it prisoner for far too long, and I figured that it'd be a good idea to come out and let that title know that everything's going to be okay because I'm planning a prison break!"

Micheal looks to Cadryn and then back to Mike.

"Actually, we plan on breaking TWO title belts free from their prisons!"

Micheal and Cadryn push past Mike Stump as Micheal begins chanting.


"Isn't that a reference to the Attica prison riot back in the 1970's?"

"Yeah, and an Al Pacino movie!"

"Oh, that doesn't have anything to do with a prison break, though."

"Maybe not, but I've always wanted to chant ATTICA on TV."

Cadryn shrugs his shoulders.

Fair enough.

Suddenly the two of them begin to chant in unison.

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[-] The following 3 users Like "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves's post:
Jefferson Jackson (02-17-2017), JimCaedus (02-17-2017), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (02-16-2017)
Hero Xtreme 7.9 Away
Sidelined God

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-16-2017, 09:41 PM

(02-16-2017, 09:25 PM)Mister Fn Dominance Said: Looks like Game Girl HAS become corrupted and needs a reboot, disappointing, Buronan, you got a free pass to the second round, you're welcome, Hero Xtreme, your manager put in so much promo work despite the fact you had no chance in Hell of winning that management took pity and also gave you a pass to the second round, you're welcome too I guess?

"Wow! You can summarize and wrestle! I outdid myself when I created you! Thanks for not raping me by the way! You were the one NOCMM warned me about."

Hero Xtreme 7.9 loves monkeys now.

"However, some of this is fake news. The reason that rookie and I were advanced to the next round is because we were the best competitors despite defeat in his case, and letting you win in my case."

Hero Xtreme 7.9 admires Trax's silver tongue.

"But really though, on the not raping me despite your nature thing. It's much appreciated."

Star of The Month (February 2002)
WXC Tag Team Champion x3 (/w Venom Explosion (2), DJ Death)
UWF X-Treme Champion x5
UWF No Limits Champion x2
UWF Tag Team Champion x1 (/w Shaker Jones)
BBCXR Heavyweight Champion x4
SOW World Champion x2
RXW World Champion x1
RXW X-Division Champion x1
NWPW Rapid Division Champion x 3
WFWD Intercontinental Champion x2
XWL United States Champion x2
XWL European Champion x1
XWL Tag Bowl Winner (/w White Abyss)
BLOOD Bleeding Champion x3

All Time Record: 912-32-4
Hero Xtreme Un Record: 0-3-0

Priority prayers and more, back open for business.
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[-] The following 3 users Like Hero Xtreme 7.9's post:
(02-16-2017), (02-16-2017), Thomas Nixon (02-16-2017)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-16-2017, 10:35 PM

booyah! onto round 2! didnt need scullys help after all.

oh and vinnie.. i told u not to come back.. now after scully broke your neck.. i think you should stay far away from teh ring..

and to nixon.. how's ya neck BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-16-2017, 11:06 PM

Gabe Reno comes back out after the aftermath and crowd have been mostly evacuated. He demands the camera be turned on for a video promo... then forcefully grabs the producer until he grants his wish.

Uhmmmm. Wow, what a fucking EMBARRASSING NIGHT! Main and Crowe. The night of your lives. Enjoy it. BECAUSE I WILL MAKE YOU MISERABLE. You bitches just dug a hole you will wake up in as I throw dirt in over you. ANNNND Chris FUCKING CHAOS! Quit Bitching! It's not my fault you have lost your edge since winning that title... YOU WON'T HAVE THAT PROBLEM FOR LONG. ICONOCLAST THIS!

Gabe gives a "suck it" sign... then throws the mic into the crowd, storming off into the XWF horizon.

ooc. everyone needs a little charity.
[-] The following 1 user Likes R A D I C A L's post:
The Monster of Htaed (02-17-2017)
Ally Worsted Offline
Totally new here

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

02-17-2017, 04:17 AM

(02-16-2017, 09:25 PM)Mister Fn Dominance Said: Looks like Game Girl HAS become corrupted and needs a reboot, disappointing, Buronan, you got a free pass to the second round, you're welcome, Hero Xtreme, your manager put in so much promo work despite the fact you had no chance in Hell of winning that management took pity and also gave you a pass to the second round, you're welcome too I guess?

Oh... oh... okay then.

I get it, Deadshot. No honor among thieves huh?

Nice working with you too.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Ally Worsted's post:
Mr Killjoy (02-17-2017)
Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-17-2017, 04:37 AM

(02-17-2017, 04:17 AM)Buronan Said:
(02-16-2017, 09:25 PM)Mister Fn Dominance Said: Looks like Game Girl HAS become corrupted and needs a reboot, disappointing, Buronan, you got a free pass to the second round, you're welcome, Hero Xtreme, your manager put in so much promo work despite the fact you had no chance in Hell of winning that management took pity and also gave you a pass to the second round, you're welcome too I guess?

Oh... oh... okay then.

I get it, Deadshot. No honor among thieves huh?

Nice working with you too.

Hmm...Nah there isn't, good job I'm not actually Deadshot, or a thief. Suppose I can't take ALL the did good.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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Ally Worsted Offline
Totally new here

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

02-17-2017, 04:55 AM

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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-17-2017, 06:25 AM

Unknown Reporter: Mr. Main…. Mr. Main? Can I get a quick word with you about tonight’s match?

” Steve dead? Chris nearly killed him! Anyway yeah make it quick. I’m heading out to the bar.”

Unknown Reporter: Tonight you defeated Chris Chaos The Universal Champion and Gabe Reno to advance to the second round of Lethal Lottery. What are your thoughts about the match and how it played out?

”I told everyone how this all would go down! From the very beginning. Gabe Reno couldn’t resist. I said it point blank. He would take the shot if he had one. Well.. He pulled the trigger. I knew this love fest between Chris and Gabe was fake you could see right through it! I was in that ring tonight! Gabe Reno was not! And I repeat was not aiming at me. He took his shot! Then I cleaned up the mess with The Dead Man’s Hand. This “shit” stain just pinned the Universal Champion to the mat. Like I said I don’t fold Chris! I went all in and won. No matter how you shake it. Robert “The Omega” Main pinned you! Luck, betrayal? Don’t matter we won!”

Unknown Reporter: No one gave Shaun Crowe and yourself a shot tonight any words? What about your partner tonight Shaun Crowe? Secondly, Gabe had some strong words any thoughts on what Gabe Reno had to say?

”Funny how one match can change everything! No one gave us a shot tonight the odds were surmounting. I told everyone don’t bet against me! If this doesn't open people’s eyes nothing will. This mid card wrestler has now pinned the Television Champion and the Universal Champion. That speaks for itself. Shaun Crowe! Jesus! First, thank you for showing up. I didn’t have much faith! You showed true grit tonight in that ring. You have my back. I got yours. Now Gabe I don’t know what your scheming behind the scenes. Next time we cross paths! I’ll take your head off with a chair. An embarrassment? No, Gabe! This was defeat! Sour taste huh? Make my life hell. Again, you don’t scare me! You would think after the show you put on tonight you would keep your mouth closed. I bet that ICONS hanging tree had a rope with my name on it! Sadly I’ll never be hanging from it! The only thing Gabe Reno needs to do at this point is keep his mouth shut! Lick his wounds and worry less about me. And more about Chris Chaos whom you took out.”

Robert walks towards his locker room to get dressed and head to the bar

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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[-] The following 3 users Like Robert "The Omega" Main's post:
(02-17-2017), (02-17-2017), JimCaedus (02-17-2017)
JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-17-2017, 11:37 AM

ooc- Amazing round one everybody, JJ I can't begin to imagine how much work goes into something as huge as LL from the brass and the writers' perspective. Serious respect for all involved in creating that card!

Robert Main: HELL yeah brother!! You kick ASS!! Excellent job, keep killing!!

Cadryn: You worked your ass off bro, thank you for another tough competition. I respect the hell out of you Cadryn, you're top fuckin' notch at this shit man. I look forward to our singles rematch.

Killjoy: I heard there were some scheduling issues, I'm sorry that happened to you brother. You're one hell of a character and all of us here would love to see more of your writing, Killjoy, me especially. I know you have knockout punches you can easily deliver!

Robbie: Thank you for putting up with me brother, it was an honor to work with you in Round One and I hope I get to work with you in the future!

[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

Gator's Archive💙
[Image: KlXZwFe.png]
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
[Image: YSqFoQ7.jpg]
[Image: oqNqgFo.jpg]
Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

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[-] The following 2 users Like JimCaedus's post:
(02-17-2017), Cadryn Tiberius (02-18-2017)
Cadryn Tiberius Offline
The Essence Of Excellence

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-17-2017, 12:09 PM

OOC: Thanks Jimmy!

I had a lot of fun against you and Robbie.

I'm a little sad that I didn't move on, but the better team won and I have no problem with that.

Best of luck to you and Robbie with your new teams this round!

The Essence Of Excellence -The Reverend - The Messiah - The Reflection Of Pinfection - Jester™

(Updated and Reset: 3/31/23)
Win - Lose - Draw
0 - 1 - 0

Cadryn's Butthole (Backstage Page)

Honorary King™ For The Day!

October 2017 Star Of The Month
May 2017 Star Of The Month
2017 Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
1x XWF Tag Team Champion (Pintner: Michael Graves)
2x XWF Hart Champion
1x XWF Television Champion
2x XWF Federweight Champion
5x XWF Heavy Metalweight Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Cadryn Tiberius's post:
JimCaedus (02-17-2017) [-]
Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-17-2017, 03:22 PM

"Look how kind I am, letting Gilmour get the pinfall. Hooray for Peter! Skull will be going to round 2.
Vinnie when I think of you now all I can think of is the song 'Break Ya Neck' by Busta Rhymes."

Scully bursts out laughing.
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Cadryn Tiberius Offline
The Essence Of Excellence

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-17-2017, 04:06 PM

It looks as though fate has drawn us together, Scully.

This should be interesting.

Seeing as how you're about as funny as an aids patient and I'm about as physically threatening as one, I'd say we make a good team.

The Essence Of Excellence -The Reverend - The Messiah - The Reflection Of Pinfection - Jester™

(Updated and Reset: 3/31/23)
Win - Lose - Draw
0 - 1 - 0

Cadryn's Butthole (Backstage Page)

Honorary King™ For The Day!

October 2017 Star Of The Month
May 2017 Star Of The Month
2017 Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
1x XWF Tag Team Champion (Pintner: Michael Graves)
2x XWF Hart Champion
1x XWF Television Champion
2x XWF Federweight Champion
5x XWF Heavy Metalweight Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Cadryn Tiberius's post:
JimCaedus (02-17-2017) [-]

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