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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Warfare January 6th
Author Message
Tyrone Jackson Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-07-2016, 12:18 AM

[Image: 4UOPA7T.png]

The lights in the arena go wild as the sounds of Three Six Mafia blast through the air. Fans pop in excitement, balloons drop from the ceiling, and the sound system cuts silent. The lights go entirely dark, and everyone hushes. The arena is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. The silence sits for too long, until a single green spotlight hits the center of the ring, and the sounds of R. Kelly's "The World's Greatest" begin to play through the PA. Standing in the center of the ring is none other than Tyrone Jackson, the new manager around the XWF.

Hello, XWF. You may have seen me around the locker room, and some have seen announcements I've made, but I don't think any of you really know who I am. I am Tyrone Clarence Jackson, and I am the new head of Urban Relations for the XWF, as well as General Manager. Along with Miss Miranda Tigris, Mr, Mattael Cillio, and Mr. Alex Cross I will be handing the day to day business of the XWF and its stars. I will personally be responsible for making sure that the African American members of the roster get a fair shake. I am not here to play nice with either of this CCWF or XWF shit. I, personally, do not care. You would all be fools to believe it makes a bit of difference here. And for that matter, I changed the Main Event when it was being discussed. Alexis Riot almost fought two matches with her poor choice of a partner tonight, instead she faces one match.

Someone begins running down the ring while waving his hands erratically.

WAIT!! Tyrone!! You almost forgot something!!

The spotlight now follows the middle aged, rotund white man as he charges towards Tyrone with a look of panic upon his face.

And what did I almost forget, Dan? Ladies and Gentlemen, this is my personal assistant, Dan. He's not very useful, but he makes good coffee.

Dan finally makes his way to the ring, winded from the run, and doubles over as he begins to heave and gasp. His left hand fumbles as it makes its way into his pocket to retrieve a red inhaler, which he attempts to bring to his mouth, but drops. One of the security guards comes over and assists him getting it into his mouth, and gives it a few quick puffs. Tyrone is looking bored, and even taps his watch a few times.

The first match of the night was canceled because no one could bother to even show up for it, remember?

Tyrone puts his head in his hand, and drops to his knees.

You're right. The first three competitors slated to compete tonight were entirely useless and deserve to fired. However, I will not do that right now. If they pull this shit next week, they'll be terminated. Fuck it. Bring on the Tommy Wish match, because people actually want to see that loser fight, I guess.

Also, apparently Him the General was entirely removed from the XWF records. Though he signed a contract, it seems to have been removed by Legal.

Well, fuck.

Tyrone exits the arena, and drags Dan up the ramp with him.
Him the General
- vs -
Tommy Wish
- vs -

Xtreme Rules Triple threat

Alright by Kendrick Lamar plays

We hear the horns of Kendrick Lamar's "Alright", and we hear the fans chanting "We gon be alright" union as Tommy enters the fans are with him walking down the stairs and he hops over the barricades and he enters the ring with him just standing in the ring giving the Power To The People fist and he focuses on the who is coming out.

"Pain" By Three Days Grace plays

2 walks out onto the ramp. The X-Tron is black. He methodically walks down the ramp, his fists clenched at his sides. The X-Tron flickers a few times. 2 grabs the second rope, and hops into a laying position on the apron, and then rolls into the ring. He walks to hard cam side, grabs the top rope and raises his Left hand into the air.

Wish charges as fast as he can for an early spear on 2, but 2 sideskirts him and throws a fist right into Wish's jaw. Wish goes down, and grabs at 2's ankles, pulling him to the ground as well. With both men on the mat they begin to grapple each other throwing punches that look terrible. Neither of the men really seem to have a clue on how to wrestle each other, as neither of them is able to get on top of the other to drop any real damage. Tommy raises a knee that hits 2 in the stomach. 2 curls, and Tommy gets to his feet and rushes out of the ring to grab a chair. He charges back into the ring, and is met with a shotgun drop kick to the face. Wish goes down and 2 picks him up by the ear and slaps him across the face, but Tommy has thrown a fist into 2's crotch, both men go down again.

Wish gets to his feet first and begins a boot party on 2's torso. There are boot prints on 2's asshole now, but he manages to grab the chair and slam it right into Wish's kneecap, sending him back, giving 2 a chance to get to his feet. He stands tall, and swings the chair straight into Wish's face, which drops Wish like a bad habit. 2 goes for a pin.




Winner: 2

The Pest is standing in a dark basement, a single dim light bulb hangs from the ceiling illuminating the room just slightly, not much can be seen, just a pool of blood on the floor. The Pest moves slowly towards something. A hand reaches inside of his jacket, and pulls out a lighter, and a single cigarette, which is placed perfectly between his lips as hands move to light the tiny Zippo.

Pest: Hello, Robert. I believe the Pest and you are overdue for a conversation. No, please do not attempt to speak.

The Pest places the Zippo back inside his chest pocket, and claps his hands. Someone turns on a flood light behind him, illuminating who it was that The Pest was speaking to. Robbie Bourbon was hanging from chains in the ceiling, arms stretched high above his head, a small fire is burning beneath his feet, smoke flowing upwards. The Pest chuckles as he takes a long drag from his cigarette before exhaling directly in Robbie's face. Laughter breaks from the Pest's mouth as he pulls a revolver from his pocket, and fires it at Robbie Bourbon's torso. The bullet drops to the ground, with Robbie unphased.

Pest: I was curious about that.

A clap, and a hand extends, one of the men behind the Pest leave an ice pick in the Pest's hand, this is quickly jammed into Robbie's crotch. Not even a wince from Robbie.

Pest: The Pest will make you scream.

I'm American rage...

Pest: Did Robert pass out from the pain?

Man behind Pest: No, sir. He just fell asleep.

Back in Tyrone's office his head slams into his desk hard. Dan looks up from his Kindle Fire.

Are you ok, Boss?

What the fuck did we just watch? No. I don't want to see more of that shit. Go back to the ring. That has to be mildly entertaining. Right?

Vanessa Gibson
- vs -
Ursula Areano

Standard match

"Shitlist" by L7 plays

Vanessa makes her way to the ring, bitching and screaming at people.

Evanescence's "Weight of the World" plays

Ursula comes out from behind the curtain. When she gets to the ramp, shower fireworks reign down on her. She walks down the ramp with her hips moving back and forth and she is swinging her arms. She gets on the apron and enters the ring between the ropes. After that she walks over to the ropes on the right side and stands on the first rope. She then bends over and looks at the fans with a smile on her face. She then gets off the ropes and walks to one side of the ring and waits for the officials to start the match.

The ref calls for the bell, and Ursula and Vanessa begin to circle each other. Vanessa lunges first with a mean right hook. It connects and snaps Ursula's head back, but she quickly recoils, and throws her guard up. Vanessa throws another mean hook, but this time Areano grabs her hand and twists it back into a wristlock. Vanessa is locked in place as Ursula begins dropping forearms onto Vanessa's face. The Womyn refuses to give in and groan, instead she snaps her own wrist back to break the hold, which confuses Areano. Gibson begins to examine her own wrist, making sure it's not broken or anything. This gives the Argentine a chance to drop her foe with a DDT.

Vanessa gets to her feet and stands around waiting for her opponent to get up, but she doesn't see where Ursula is at. She looks around and begins to get angry, and screaming for Ursula to show herself. The Argentine does, in fact, show herself via an airborne Dragonrana, which she twists into a pin attempt. The ref begins to count it.


Vanessa throws a heel to Ursula's face which sends her back, and breaks the pin. Gibson takes the opportunity to get to her feet and kick Areano in the face one good time.

Bobby Heenan: Was that for Trump?

J.R.: Yes. Yes it was.

Ursula rolls to get out of the way and Vanessa mounts her to start throwing punches into her face. She's screaming something unintelligible as she does this. Ursula is busted open and bleeding, but Vanessa doesn't stop. The ref rushes in and literally pulls Gibson off, as she kicks and screams and spits. Urusla gets to her feet, and wipes her face before getting a good stance going. She's ready for Gibson now, and the ref drops her. The girls circle around each other once again, with Gibson growling at her and making barking noises while gesticulating to her vagina. Ursula shakes her head as she tries to figure out what the actual fuck is wrong with Vanessa, who is not rushing madly at Ursula biting the air. Boom! A powerful tackle that brings the women to the ground with Vanessa on top. She begins to bite rapidly at her foe. Ursula does her best to fight off the attack, but Vanessa gets her teeth on one of Areano's hands, and locks on tight. The ref comes over one more time and tries to pull the Argentine free of the attack. He successfully pulls the women apart and throws Vanessa into the corner, while checking to see if Ursula can continue the match. She gets the all clear, and the ref steps out of the way. Gibson runs as fast as her fat legs will carry her. She hits the Kamikaz-Knee and sends Areano to the ground. COVER.




Winner: Vanessa Gibson

The scene opens with the camera panning around the room to reveal art and various images on the wall. Images of Disney characters like Mickey Mouse, Jungle Book characters, The Seven Dwarves to name a small few. Animals like bulldogs, cats, even a cow being milked by farmer. A variety of tribal, dragons and sports team crests. It comes apparent that this is a tattoo shop.

The camera moves along the floor and zooms in on some black boots. It slowly moves up the body of someone wearing a long white coat. The cam then zooms out to reveal the face of Pastor Wright
He is unconscious with tape over his mouth, and helplessly tied to a chair.

The sound of a door creaks open and then slams shut. Footsteps can be heard as they get closer and closer. We are then introduced to the sound of buzzing as we see the needle of a tattoo machine being dipped in black ink.

The needle then touches the forehead of Wright. The number '6' is then engraved on to the head as a little blood drips. Some kitchen towel is then used to wipe the smudged ink away. Another number '6' is written next to the previous tattoo. As a third '6' is about to be added, the eyes of Pastor Wright open. He looks at his attacker as he tries to wriggle free.

Boooooom... Right on the nose. Pastor is nutted on the bridge of his nose. Blood pours down his nose as he once again, goes to sleep. Scully is finally revealed as the culprit after that bit of violence.

The final '6' is tattooed on Pastor Wrights head, showing the finished piece, the numbers.... "666". Scully spins around on the chair and looks into the camera.

"Here is a lesson for you all today.

Feel free to speak your mind. Opinions should be allowed, this is a free country. You may believe that.

Well it ain't, nothing is free in the world. But when you interrupt someone, run your mouth, get owned and don't have the balls to say nothing more... Just note, there is consequences. You should always back your words up, not play ignoramus and run away.

Pastor prayed to Bruce Almighty, made out I needed help. He has now been stamped with the devils number. If there is even a devil?! But to him there is, so I gave him something he hated, the numbers of the beast.

Ghost Wank, I haven't forgotten about you, you will get Sculled too. I look forward to watching you lose the Intercontinental Championship tonight. Consider that a spoiler!

Pest, you never accepted the challenge I offered, therefore you will also get Sculled. But for now, Pastor Wright....

Scully 316 says I just Sculled you with class!"

Tyrone once again slams his head on his desk in disbelief. Dan doesn't even look up at this point.

The roster still disappointing you?

They are all . Each and every one of them. God, Peter Gilmour is getting a title shot against a literal shitbag tonight and everyone is ok with this? This federation needs work. It really does.

One Punch Gear Rising's "Hero of Nature" plays

Mason Prince walks to the ring all hyped up.

'Run' by Gossamer plays

Half the stadium bursts into flame, hundreds die, Cyren teleports nto the ring using 'Instant Transmission.'

The ref calls for the bell, and Cyren stands there laughing to himself as Mason starts stomping his foot and snorting like a bull. He charges at Cyren and delivers a massive spear that topples both men. They both laugh as Mason straddles Cyren and begins to punch him in the face. Cyren takes the cigarette he was smoking and presses it gently into the arm of Mason Prince, which causes Mason to recoil. Cyren just laughs and pushes the boy off of him with ease. With the former Xtreme Champion on the ground, the weathered Veteran stands tall above him, and looks down. He takes another puff of his cigarette, and throws it down on Mason's chest, before stomping on it and twisting to ensure it's properly out. He removes his foot from Mason, and steps aside so the boy can stand up. They lock eyes, and Mason roundhouse kicks Cyren, who stumbles back into the rings. He regains his footing and rushes towards Mason who counters the assault with a powerbomb which sends Cyren down. Mason goes for a pin.




Round 1 winner: Mason Prince.

Jim Ross: Round 2 is a Tables match.

Cyren laughs as he stands up and dusts himself off. Mason cocks his head to the left and the right. A smirk comes across his face. Cyren cracks his neck, accepting the pin from the younger man, but preparing for something more. A cold glance to the outside and one of the security members slides a table into the ring for Cyren. Mason wastes no time in going on the attack. A barrage of lefts and rights come at Cyren, who manages to evade them with a style and grace befitting Lucifer himself. A freshly lit cigarette hangs in the mouth of the Veteran as he grabs a hold of the Rookie's neck and delivers a nightmarish Snapmare, the cigarette never leaving his lips.

Mason spring boards to his feet and charges at Cyren, before toppling him with a magnificent lariat. The Devil lays down, and Mason grabs him in an Armbar and holds it tight. Cyren begins to fight to get free, but Mason locks his legs tightly in place, keeping Cyren from working his way out. He's tightening his grip and smiling as Cyren struggles for freedom.

Jim Ross: Does he know this is a tables match, and that Arm Bar won't win?

Bobby Heenan: I don't think he cares right now. I think he wants to make a point.

Cyren manages to get his free arm to connect with Mason's knee cap, which causes him to release the grip, which allows Cyren a chance to stand up and prepare himself for the oncoming assault. Mason starts to get up, but Cyren has other plans as he throws an elbow to the top of the Rookie's head, toppling him. A snap of his fingers and the guard climbs in and sets the table up for Cyren. Another snap and Mason stands on his feet, looking at the Veteran with a hungry look in his eyes. He goes for a spear, but Cyren evades it with the greatest of ease, and then kicks Mason's knee out with a quick backkick. Mason collapses onto the table, but doesn't break it. With one mighty fist, Cyren sends Mason through the table and onto the mat.

Winner of Round 2: Cyren

Bobby Hennan: Oh! An Extreme rules match.

Mason stands up, and is holding a piece of the broken table leg. He begins to swing wildly at Cyren, who artfully dodges most of the attacks, but one connects across the face, busting him open wide. Mason chuckles at the sight of this. More swings, but Cyren grabs Mason by the wrist and begins to force the wood back into Mason's shoulder. Prince fights as hard as he possibly can, but it does not stop the piece of wood puncturing his shoulder slightly. Blood seeps out of his shoulder, and Cyren releases his grip. Mason looks at the piece of wood hanging from his shoulder, in disbelief. He pulls it out with one quick motion, and throws it to the ground, only to be met with a shotgun dropkick to the face courtesy of Cyren.

Mason tumbles into the ropes, and Cyren spingboards to his feet and wastes no time in delivering a running lariat that topples Mason onto the cold cement outside. He scrounges to get up and ready for the attack to come, but before he can prepare himself, Cyren has leapt from the turnbuckle with his leg out. A majestic Leg Drop, but Mason is prepared. He knows what he must do. Without even thinking he leaps through the air and connects his fist square with Cyren's nuts.

Jim Ross: By gawd! He just hit a beautiful Shayouken! right on Cyren's nutsack. Frodo must be wiping a tear of joy away somewhere. Or, cleaning up a heaping pile of shit that one of his kids threw at him. Maybe both. He is a weird fuck.

Cyren is in a heap on the floor, holding his nards as Mason is up and celebrating. Prince turns around and does a dance for the crowd as Cyren stands up and grabs the PA system from the announcer's table, and smacks Mason over the head with it. It's his turn to be a heap on the ground. Cyren places a foot on the man and demands the ref make the count. He does so very hesitantly.




Winner: Cyren

Tyrone Jackson walks out to the Parking Lot where Marilyn Starr is slated to fight Donald Trump in their XWF Debut. No one is around, and Tyrone is angry. He spots a car featuring a plate that reads, "Trumpd" In anger he kicks the fender of the car and begins to scream. Dan comes outside to see his boss' flipout.

You ok, Boss?

Am I fucking ok? Goddammit, you fucking . No, I am not fucking ok. Tonight's show has been utterly fucking boring. Look at this shit. We've had Mason Prince get fucked up by Cyren, neither of them really cared about the goddamn match, and what's worse, Mason Prince is going around fucking lying about his record. Claiming his kick outs as wins, which is even causing that fucking useless twat of an Xtremee Champion to do the same goddamn thing. We had SIX of our fucking competitors stay fucking quiet all week, and one of them is supposed to be our fucking Hart Champion? Fuck this. This company needs some goddamn work to get fucking right. I swear to God, this company is worse off than Shane made it seem. FUCK.
- vs -
Ginger Snaps
Hell in a Cell Match

Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingford plays

Ginger bounces down to the ring as the song plays. She waves to the fans and blows kisses.
Catch Your Breath by CFO$ plays

Suddenly, the lights die down throughout the entire arena... strobe lights pulsate along with the sound of the heartbeat, static appearing on the jumbotron. The lights in the gorilla position begin flashing white and the huge silhouette of an inhuman looking being stands there, with spikes jutting out of it's shoulders. The camera changes focus to the gorilla position, and as the ambient noise comes to a halt with get a fast zoom in followed by a set of red eyes flashing in the darkness as the lights die again.

"Cain Is Here." Flashes across the screen, and the lights come up to a dim red hue as the guitars of the music drive the crowd into a frenzy. Cain stands at the top of the ramp, the original Cain, dressed in black from head to toe with a black leather duster hanging from his huge body, spike jutting forth from his shoulders.

As he slowly makes his way down to the ring, he stops from time to time, making Ginger Snaps wait. He continues down to ringside, staring at the crowd a moment before lifting the bottom of his duster and ascending the steel stairs.

Never taking his eyes off of Ginger Snaps, locked onto Ginger Snaps with a cold death stare. He slowly removes his duster and the lights come up. Just when Ginger Snaps think he's done, he nods his head and his eyes flash, flames erupting from the ringoosts...making you jump.

Cain smirks and the fans chant "Son-of-Ed-en" with rhythm.

JIM ROSS: I think this is too much for poor little Ginger, facing this… this DEMON!

BOB HEENAN: Oh give me a break, JR. They are professionals. Ginger better get her A Cup tits in that ring!

The door is closed and the fight is on! Cain, the Last Son of Eden, and Ginger Snaps, former Hart Champion, set to collide in the destructive Hell in a Cell.

They lock up! Cain easily overpowers Ginger, and takes her to the mat. Cain is smashing his large fists into the face of Ginger, and Ginger is taking every blow with all its might. Cain growls and drags Ginger to her feet.

Cain lifts Ginger up and Half Nelson Suplex! Cain starting out early here. Ginger is down and now Cain is going to use this to his advantage as he continues his earlier assault but this time with kicks. He’s stomping all over Ginger’s small fragile body! Cain puts his foot on her chest and pin!



Ginger manages to muster a shoulder up. Cain looks down at Ginger and pulls her up by her long hair. Cain puts Ginger on his shoulder, but Ginger elbows Cain in his eye, causing him to drop Ginger. Cain goes to treat his wounded eye as Ginger regains her composure.

Ginger notices Cain’s position and charges landing a high knee to the jaw of Cain! Cain stumbles back to the corner and Ginger rolls to her feet. She charges and hits Cain with a corner lariat, putting her bicep to the throat of Cain. Cain gasps for air and Ginger uses that as her advantage, trying to pick Cain up and sit him on the top turnbuckle.

Cain smashes Ginger in her spine and Ginger drops to her knees. Cain picks Ginger up to her feet and pushes her so hard she falls out of the ring. Cain rolls out of the ring and pulls a chain from under the ring. As Ginger slowly climbs to her feet Cain charges and jumps off a steel step, punching Ginger in the face with his fist, which was wrapped around in the metal chain!

Ginger falls to her feet and Cain laughs in her agony. Cain drags Ginger to her feet and tosses her in the ring. Cain rolls himself in the ring and picks Ginger up to her feet. He whips her to the ropes and on the rebound catches her with a German Suplex.

But he doesn’t break the hold! He lifts her up and another German Suplex! And Another! 4th! 5th! 6th! 7th! 8th! 9th! Ginger looks like she’s dead! Cain lifts her up and

Ginger fights back. She locks her leg within Cain’s! She rolls forward and breaks Cain’s hold. Ginger rolls out of the ring attempting to buy time. Not a good decision as Cain regains his composure and attempts a baseball slide, only for Ginger to duck and Cain foot hit the steel cage! Cain’s knee buckled at the impact and he slams on the hard floor.

Ginger grabs Cain’s chain and starts swinging it wildly across his body, Cain taking every single shot. Ginger drags Cain to his feet, and Cain pushes Ginger off. Cain growls and charges at Ginger, full speed! But with his limp Ginger easily sidesteps him and sends him face first to the steel wall. Pools of blood ooze from Cain’s face as he lies on his back with a crimson mask.

Ginger squeals in excitement as she drags Cain to his feet. Ginger rolls Cain in the ring and follows him, after grabbing a chair for herself. Cain attempts to get to his feet, but Ginger slams the steel chair on his back, and he falls back to the mat. Ginger picks Cain up and attempts a Ginger Snaps but Cain weighs to much for poor little Ginger.

Cain lifts her up for his own suplex, sending her neck first onto the mat. Cain growls as he drags Ginger to her feet, blood pouring down his face, and…..Devistation of Ma…..NO! Ginger counters with a Bully Buster that sends Cain to the mat hard. The Scot goes for a pin.




Winner: Ginger Snaps

The cage is lifted, and Cain and Ginger clear out of the ring quickly.
"The Blacker The Berry" by Kendrick Lamar hits the PA System and out walks the Universal & World Tag Team Champion, "Mr FN' Dominance" Trax, to a standing ovation! Trax has the tag team championships draped one on each shoulder and the Universal belt around his waist and he walks to the ring nodding to people in the crowd as he passes. He climbs the ring step and enters the ring through the top and middle rope and he beckons for a microphone, he is handed one by the referee and he begins to pace up and down the ring twiddling the mic in his hands momentarily before raising it to his mouth to speak.

Trax:: Cut the music, lets get right down to business.

The music stops and so does Trax, dead center in the middle of the ring.

Trax:: I don't want to waste any time,although is it really wasting time? Surely what I have to say is more interesting than most, nope, wait, pretty much ALL the matches taking place here tonight.

Trax smirks and shrugs his shoulders, a lot of the fans cheer in agreement, a few boo in disapproval.

Trax:: I digress, now I came out here to firstly discuss a current predicament. See these two identical looking championships on my shoulders? These are the tag team championships. I am the SOLE holder. My tag team partner Lux Lyden, transformed into the man known as Azrael and then seemingly transformed yet again, this time into the invisible man, because since War Games he has been nowhere to be seen. Management have informed me under the free bird rule I am to pick a new partner to help me defend the titles against whatever ****** team wins the tag team contenders match tonight, and well I'll cut right down to it. I've MADE my decision, my new tag team partner is....

Trax pauses and the crowd goes silence eagerly awaiting the announcement of Traxs new tag team partner.


The crowd look around at each other in confusion.

Trax:: Thats right, nobody. I'm not picking a new tag team partner. Why? Because if anybody paid attention I made it clearly known I intend to drop these tag team titles, and thats what I'm doing, right now. I'm here vacate the tag team championships, yeah, just like that.

Trax grabs the tag titles off his shoulders and drops them on the floor in front of him.

Trax:: Its not that I don't think theres anybody here talented enough to tag team with me, no. There are one or two people on the current roster I feel can hang with me. I'm dropping the tag team titles for the simple reason that I learnt my lesson at War Games. In case you all forgot, my tag team partner betrayed me by switching sides to the CCWF. Austin Fernando, the man that jumped on my dick begging me to let me on my team, stabbed me in my back in the middle of the match and also switched sides. It is painfully apparent to me in both the literal and figurative sense that there is NOBODY I can trust, not while the CCWF have the claws sunk into this company. So management, whoever wins that tag team match tonight, go ahead and crown them the NEW tag team championships for all I care. These championships have bought me nothing but fuckery and betrayal ever since I won them, so, and I genuinally don't mean to bury the tag team division when I say this but...fuck the tag team championships. I'm done.

The crowd murmur and chatter among themselves in total shock at Traxs announcement.

Trax:: I'm done with the tag team championships. But I'm not completely done with business just yet. See this?

Trax points to the Universal Championship on his waist.

This right here is the Universal Championship. I a championship I've yet to defend. Another predicament I look to fix post haste. Vinnie Lane you think you proved a point helping Morbid Angel beat me and then attacking me after the match? The only points you proved that night is Morbid Angel can't beat me without assistance which is something I knew all along and you are nothing but ladyboy that relies of trickery and deception to get by these days, something I was ALSO fully aware of. So its like this. At the next PPV or special show, me and you, both Universal Championships on the line, and to make sure there is no interference from your fellow CCWF circle jerkers, I'm challenging you to a HELL IN A CELL match! Nobody gets in, nobody gets out.

The fans are buzzing with excitement at the thoughts, Mr Dominance vs The Loverboy, both titles on the line, in a Hell In A Cell!? Cue the ratings boost and "THIS IS AWESOME!" chants!!!!

Trax:: But why stop there? This is easily the most high stake title match in XWF/CCWF history, so lets make the stakes even higher. If you LOSE Vinnie? Not only do you lose your title, you lose your position in CCWF. Thats right, if I beat you you have to leave the CCWF faction and pledge your unwavering allegiance to the XWF once again. However, if I lose? I'll walk away from the XWF.

No Vinnie, that doesn't mean I come to the CCWF, I'd rather die than do that. Vinne if you beat me in our title match? I'll walk away from the company.

I'll quit.

So thats my career and XWF Championship on the line against your CCWF Championship and your position in the CCWF.

Oh in a Hell In A Cell, don't forget that part.

I EAGERLY await your response "champ", don't keep me waiting.

Trax drops the mic and it lands next to the tag team championships, he unclips his Universal Championship and holds it in the air with a determined look on his face before exiting the ring and we cut to commercial.

Tyrone is sitting in his office, his hands rubbing his temple. Dan is writing something on his Kindle Fire. He looks up at Tyrone.

Dan, fuck it. Book the fucking match the way Trax wants. With one added stipulation. If EITHER man has help not only do they lose the match, but they will be banned from earning title shots for 6 months. And Trax can't leave if he loses, that's for whiny children.

On it, Boss.

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Maverick ©
Hart Title Match, 3 RP limit
Tables match

Warning by Cymbals Eat Guitars plays

The fans start booing for the upcoming title match between Maverick and Peter Gilmour. About twenty- five seconds into the song, Maverick can be seen literally rising out of the stage grates picking his nose, lines of smoke pouring out of the other grates. Maverick eventually comes into full view wearing nothing but the Hart title and a diaper, his title gleaming on his waist. The fans boo Maverick's unworthy entrance as he launches a cocky smirk. He shines his belt up at the top of the ramp before slowly walking down, bouncing his feet and taking a deep breath occasionally before eating a crusty snot. Right at the end of the ramp, Maverick taps his title a few times, before taking it off his waist. He looks down at his title, before taking a deep breath and letting out a shart, a physical bulge of shit can be seen forming inside the diaper. He then slides under the lower rope, and into the ring.

The fans start throwing garbage as Maverick poses with the title in the ring. Finally, after yet another deep breath, Mav reaches into his diaper that's full of shit and grabs a handful, pulling the warm shit out, steam leaving the fresh pile as he smears it onto the Hart title before handing it to the ref.

Announcer: Introducing second. Standing at 6'5 and weighing in at 260 pounds. The King of the Extreme....PETER GILMOUR!

Sick like me by In this Moment plays

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of SICK LIKE ME by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see King of the Extreme Peter Gilmour and his lovely queen Maria Brink #2 come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song as the fans scream and cheer. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and hugs Maria then turns his sites towards Maverick and his shitty title of shame.

The Bell sounds and Peter Gilmour laughs as Maverick drops to the mat and begins to roll around like a . Peter walks over and starts stomping Maverick.

Maverick is flopping around on the mat as Peter brings the pain, grabbing Mav by his hair and bringing him to his feet. Peter starts punching him in the face! teeth and blood go flying as this once pretty boy is not getting pulverized and disfigured by the King of the Extreme!

Maverick stands there shitting himself even more as Peter beats his ass!


JIM ROSS:Well that was fast! Peter is fucking Maverick up!

BOBBY HEENAN: Well, Maverick is known as the title shitter for a reason. He shits on any title he wins.

Peter Gilmour walks over to the ropes and flexes his muscles for the ladies! The crowd roars! A pair of panties sail into the ring hitting Peter in the face. Peter smiles and holds them up. Maria does not look happy but is proud of her man!

Peter turns around while putting the panties in his pocket and sees Maverick getting to his feet, shit leaking from his diaper and somehow got it on his face and in his mouth. The diaper is full at he adds more with some piss! Peter is disgusted! Maverick turns to run in fear but slides in a pile of his own shit and falls from the ring and through a table!

Winner and new Hart Champion: Peter F'n Gilmour

In this Moments Sick Like Me blasts over the speakers!

Peter raises his fist in the air as Maria runs up to him excited and leaps in his arms! Peter catches her and kisses her deeply as The Hart Championship was cleaned and handed to him. He holds his woman tightly and raises the Hart title into the air in victory!

The fans start screaming and cheering for the new champion as confetti falls from the ceiling onto him!

Peter struts around a few moments with Maria before leaving the ring seeing Maverick still laying on the ground covered in shit. He points to Maverick and gestures the crowd as they cheer!

He then begins to piss in the face of Maverick who then comes around and begins to cry like a little bitch as he grabs more shit from his diaper and begins to eat it, using the piss to wash it down with. Tyrone walks into the ring to see this mess. He kicks Maverick in the ribs.

You're banned from title shots until you can successfully show up for all of your fucking matches for 3 months straight. You fucking useless piece of shit. Get the fuck out of my ring.

Justice Drake
Alexis Riot
- vs -
Austin Fernando
Luca Arzegotti
Special Referee: Donald Trump
Special Enforcer: Mason Prince
If Drake and Riot win they get Shane in a cage for ten minutes.
Winning team also gets a shot at the Tag Titles on the next Pay Per View.

Our Time Is Now by Story Of The Year plays

As Our Time Is Now plays over the loudspeakers Alexis Riot is nowhere to be seen on the entranceway. Suddenly a spotlight shines over to the top of the bleachers where the fans are! Alexis Riot stands on top of the bleachers, stretching her arms out and taking in the cheers of the crowd. After awhile she steps down and starts making her way through the crowd into the ring, high fiving and hugging fans along the way. When she gets to the guardrail, she jumps over it and makes her way up the arena steps. Then she does a flip over the ropes and immediately runs to the corner of the ring to once again bask in the cheers of the adoring crowd. She then flips off her hood and removes her Respirator Mask, once again stretching her arms out in a Jesus-like pose to take it all in. She smiles and backflips off the top turnbuckle, landing on her feet and handing the Mask to the referee. She then takes off the little crystal cross from around her neck, kisses it, and hands it to the ref. She then waits in another corner of the ring for the match to start.
Retaliation by CFO$ plays

Justice comes out to a huge pop as different colored lights start flashing, Then all of them go out and then there is a loud bang as pyro explodes and shots up all around the stage and arena as Justice appears at the top of the stage spinning around and thrusting his fist in the air as another round of pyros go off, then the multi colored lights start flashing as Drake makes his way down the ramp. Justice high fives his male fans, Hugs some of his lucky Female fans, and playfully headlock his boy and girl fans giving them photo opp. He then runs the remainder of the way to the ring and slides in under ropes and quickly gets to his feet and holds his Fist in the air as one last round of pyrotechnics go off. Drake then goes to his corner and waits for his opponents and the match to start.
In The Clouds by Under the Influence of Giants plays

The opening synths of "In the Clouds" by Under the Influence of Giants play, and the arena drowns in strobe lights of altering colors. The crowd erupts in a chorus of cheers and boos as that 4 x better than the best muthafucka Luca Arzegotti makes his way down to the ring, wearing a pair of comically oversized sunglasses and clapping off-rhythm. He takes the sunglasses off at ringside, slides them down his pants, then chucks them into the crowd before getting into the ring.
Starset by Carnivore plays

Austin Fernando strides out confidently to the top of the entrance ramp, standing front and centre in front of the entire crowd with an almost sadistic smile on his face, cranking his head from side to side, he paces down to the ring and hops up onto the apron lightly. He stops again for a moment and bounds straight over the top rope, clearing it easily. Bouncing around lightly on his feet he crosses over to the bottom right turnbuckle and steps up onto the top turnbuckle, raising one arm triumphantly into the air. The crowd giving him mixed reactions, he steps down from the top rope and stays in the bottom right corner he placed himself in, stretching himself out and preparing himself for the match ahead.

JIM ROSS: This is basically a murder! Luca Arzegotti and Austin Fernando, they are about to slaughter these two.

BOB HEENAN: Yeah. No doubt about that, JR.

Austin and Alexis start things off here. They lock up. Austin, being slightly better at the technical wrestling game quickly gets Alexis in a arm twist, before kicking her in the chest. Alexis pulls her arm away and that slight second is all it takes for Austin to swoop in and hit Alexis with an Enziguri. Alexis falls to the mat and Austin rolls to his feet.

Austin hits Alexis with a few Fist Drops then an Elbow Drop. Austin walks over and tags in Luca. And oh shit. Here he is. Luca Arzegodi, "The Guy I Fantasize About During Sex " - Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend, Jesus Christ, The Dream Killer, That Lucky Old Sun, Long Dick Johnson, Mr. I Don't Give a Fuck, Commander Cocaine, Kanye West, That One Guy, Batman, The Best Thing to Ever Happen to the XWF Ever, The Lil B of Professional Wrestling. 4 Times Better Luca Arzegotti.

Austin drags Alexis to her feet and Luca hits her with a Missle Dropkick, but she doesn’t fall, until Austin hits her with a Roundhouse Kick. Austin goes to the apron and now the #MemeQueen gets to work. Luca drags Alexis to her feet and hits her with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. Luca crawls to his feet and he shoots a smile at the ladies in the crowd.

Pussies are instantly drenched fam.

Alexis uses this time to try and tag in her tag team partner but Luca quickly notices what she’s trying to do and grabs her by the leg. Alexis climbs to one leg while Luca has the other in his grasp. Luca pulls the leg of Alexis toward him and Lariat! Alexis eats the clothesline and slams to the mat. Luca laughs at the Xtreme Champion, as she tries to crawl her way to her partner.

Luca grabs her by the leg and drags her to the middle of the ring. Luca pulls Alexis to her feet and he’s going for a brainbuster, but no! Alexis counters using Luca’s arm and perfecting an arm drag. Alexis quickly goes for the tag and she gets it! Justice Drake is in the ring and he charges at Luca, but Luca, being that dastardly great mofo that he is, side steps Drake and sends him shoulder first to the steel pole that supports the ropes. Luca walks over to Drake and pulls him to his feet. Luca with a whip to the ropes and on the rebound Drake hits Luca with a clothesline! Luca drops to the mat but rolls to his feet.

Drake with a punch. Luca returns the punch. Luca. Luca. Drake. Drake. Drake. Luca…No! Drake ducks and Luca turns around to eat a Falconary by Drake! Justice Drake with the pin!



Luca kicks out and pokes Drake in the eye. Drake rolls off of Luca and Luca rolls over to tag in his partner, but Mason Prince rolls in the ring and steps in front of Luca? Mason is arguing with Luca to fight and now Austin grabs Prince. Luca with a superkick and Prince falls to the floor! There goes the first and last appearance by Mason Prince in this match.

Luca tags in Austin and Drake, who had finally regained his ability to see in the midst of Mason Prince’s interference, charges at Austin, but Austin side steps him and Drake smashes his chin on the middle turnbuckle. Luca with a cheap knee to the face that Donald Trump didn’t see because he was too busy trying to acknowledge the citizenship of Ted Cruz. Drake’s head hits the mat hard and Austin pulls him out of the corner. He pulls Drake to his feet and Drake counters pushing Austin away and quickly jumping off the ropes and hitting him with Internal Justice! Drake with the pin!



Austin kicks out just in the nick of time. Drake walks over and goes to tag in Riot, but Fernando grabs him by the back of the neck and tosses him to the mat. Austin doesn’t look like he’s playing around anymore. Austin drags Drake to his feet and hits him with the End of the Road! Damn! Fernando isn’t playing around here! Fernando walks over and tags in Luca. Luca climbs in the ring and drags Drake to his feet only to hit him with the Get Away Driver! Luca with the pin!



DRAKE KICKS OUT! Man this kid has some resilence in him. Luca claps for Drake, not something you’d see everyday from Commander Cocaine. Luca drags Drake to his feet and whips him to the ropes, and Alexis tries to tag him. Luca, noticing the tag tosses Drake out of the way of the tag. Luca strolls casually over to Drake, who's struggling to get to his feet, and delivers a Get Away Driver, which knocks Drake out cold. He capitalizes with a pin.




Winners and current number one contenders to the Tag Titles: Austin Fernando and Luca Arzegotti

Morbid Angel
- vs -
Ghost Tank ©
- vs -
Mike Emmerick
inferno match for the Intercontinental Title

The lights go out…the crowd screams with anticipation for who is to enter! The rhythmic drumming sounding like a battle march gets louder. The lights slowly come on turning the arena red.

Double bass starts drilling as Aeon’s - God Gives Head in Heaven roars over the loud speakers!

Morbid Angel storms from the backstage area and flexes his massive arms for the crowd who screams with excitement!

Morbid stomps down to the ring and steps over to the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and flexes again!

Mike Emerick walks out from the entranceway with Tony Murrow right beside him. He walks quickly down the ramp with his infamous bloodstained steel chair in hand, making eye contact with only his opponent in the ring. As Emerick walks down the ramp Tony Murrow stops to argue with some booing fans. Finally Mike Emerick gets to the ring apron, a sick smile on his face, and he slides into the ring. Mike Emerick then climbs the turnbuckles and holds his steel chair into the air, bathing in all the boos and garbage thrown by the crowd. Mike Emerick then flips off the fans and drops down from the top turnbuckle, handing his steel chair over to Tony Murrow. Mike Emerick then sits down in the corner, waiting for the match to start, with Tony Murrow giving him some last minute advice.

Alysia begins to dance with juggling torches that have been lit. The lights get brighter, then darker, at least for a bit before the light darkens, and a strobe light begins its dance as Ghost Tank slowly makes his way out. Alysia would start to bring the torches closer to her body, lighting parts of herself and clothes on fire. Ghost Tank's voice rings through the arena

"The Pale Rider comes for you. He shall be unleashed!"

The sound of metal scraping against the ground rings through the arena. As the lights begin to brighten, it reveals the source, as he wears shackles around his ankles and wrists, with the chain connecting the two scraping along the ground. As he walks to Alysia, he pulls her to his chained up form, and she spins as she is pulled, causing the flames to spread then dissipate, changing into an elegant dress. After a kiss, he lets her go, yanks his arms apart in a lowercase t, and follows it up with yanking the ankle shackles off. Once down he rushes to the ring, leaping over the top rope, rolling forward and springing up to his feet. He then pounds his chest as he lets out a roar.

Ghost Tank, Morbid Angel and Mike Emerick are all standing in a separate corner from one another, they each jolt forward as flames burst into the air from all four sides of the ring, trapping the men inside the ring.

JIM ROSS: We have an Intercontinental Title Match ready for you all today in the MAIN-EVENT of Wednesday Night Warfare featuring Ghost Tank, Morbid Angel and Mike Emerick! This is sure to be a good one, what’re your thoughts heading into this one Bobby?

BOBBY HEENAN: That someone’s about to get torched. I really hope it’s Ghost Tank.

JIM ROSS: Enough of that. Now for the rules in this matchup. I’ve been informed that the victor will be the man who throws either one of his opponents out of the ring, into the scorching hot flames outside the ring! As you can see, a crew has already been assembled on the outsides of the ring, which means we’re able to get right into the action!

The bell rings out loudly throughout the arena, signalling for the match to begin. Mike Emerick immediately bull rushes his way straight to the looming Morbid Angel, who hits him with a thunderous lariat that sends him craning back down into the mat. Emerick hits the mat with a meaty thud as his body crumples into the canvas, Morbid chuckles and picks Emerick off the mat, scooping him up by the head with only one hand! He pulls his fist backward and then sends it flying toward the face of Emerick, who has the wherewithal to duck under the blow and get to the back of Morbid, Emerick hits him with a chop block, but only manages to make Morbid stumble forward…

Toward Ghost Tank who leaps forward with a crossbody!

Morbid catches him!

JIM ROSS: What strength!

Morbid holds Tank upward for a second and yells aloud before throwing him backward, Ghost Tank’s back and spine slam off the mat as Morbid connects with the fallaway slam. Morbid is only on the ground for a split-second, but its enough for Emerick to start stomping away at him on the canvas, Morbid tries to shrugs off the blows but Emerick is relentless! He starts to hammer away at his back, connecting with vicious strike after vicious strike, but is thrown backward by Morbid. Emerick bounces off the ropes, extremely close to the leaping pillars of fire behind him, but is quick enough to avoid them and charge right back to Morbid, who catches him with a huge boot to the jaw!

JIM ROSS: At 6’6 and 6’8 respectively, Mike Emerick and Ghost Tank are huge, intimidating figures… but even Morbid Angel manages to make them look small!

BOBBY HEENAN: And by that, you mean his girth.

Ghost Tank has recovered quite well from the slam he took earlier, he looms behind Morbid Angel and hits him with a solid lariat, Morbid stumbles from the blow and turns around, only to eat a dropkick to the mouth from Tank. Morbid takes a few more paces backward, before charging forward toward Tank, who is prepared for the assault! He ducks under the clothesline, Morbid halts his progress and turns around…


BOBBY HEENAN: How the fuck did he do that?

Blood begins to form around the mouth area of Morbid Angel, he looks down incredulously and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, right before he gets hammered down to the ground by Ghost Tank, who crashes into him with a thundering Shoulder Block!


The whole ring shakes from the impact of Morbid hitting the mat, Ghost Tank lets out a huge yell as he looks down on the grounded Angel. He revels in the moment for a second, but is brought back into reality by Emerick, who secures him from behind and sends him crashing into the mat with a well-executed neckbreaker. He wastes no time in getting Tank back up to his feet and hitting him with solid uppercuts that rock Tank, who looks a little dazed as Emerick locks him up once again, this time hitting him with a Belly-To-Belly Suplex!

JIM ROSS: If there’s one thing we’re going to be seeing a lot of in this match… it’s power moves!


Emerick already has Tank back up to his feet… and this time he’s looking for something big. He gives Tank a boot that lands directly in the mid-section, this doubles him over and allows Emerick to set up for a huge powerbomb… he has him up high!

But Tank’s able to counter nicely, using his legs to swing into a head scissors like action that sends Emerick stumbling towards the ropes, the leaping flames once again nearly catching him! He reels backward in shock and anger…


Emerick’s body flattens down into the canvas as Tank hits him with the devastating spear!

Tank smiles wickedly and starts to turn around… a look of surprise comes over his face as he’s greeted by Morbid Angel!

JIM ROSS: He forgot all about him! Morbid Angel has him up CHOKESLAM! That shook the ring!

Tank writhes around on the mat in agony, but Morbid is far from done. He picks up the wounded Tank and hits him with a violent snap DDT that spikes his dome straight into the canvas. Tank’s eyes nearly roll to the back of his head as he lays out spread eagle on the mat. Morbid looks at the Intercontinental Champion for a moment before turning his attention to Mike Emerick, who is still looking worse for wear after the devastating spear he took.

Morbid makes a move to pick up Emerick… who sends him arm rocketing upward into the crotch of Morbid Angel! Morbid’s face contorts in pain as he looks down at Emerick, who simply smiles up at him. Angel begins to stumble back, clutching onto his crotch in agony.


Emerick bounds up to his feet, ready to take advantage of the opportunity. He positions himself behind Morbid, who is unaware of his position in the centre of the ring… Emerick braces himself and wraps his arms around Angel…

BOBBY HEENAN: Get out of here. He isn’t going to do this.

JIM ROSS: I’m not so sure about that, Bobby. Look how he’s got him!

Emerick is about to lift Angel up for the German Suplex…

When Ghost Tank appears from behind both Emerick and Angel! Using all his strength, he wraps his arms around the two men and with a small amount of help already provided from Emerick’s momentum… both Angel and Mike Emerick lift upward into the air!


And they come crashing back down almost immediately! The whole ring shakes back and forth, the ropes rocking in place as all three bodies smash into the middle of the ring with violent force!

All three men roll over onto their backs looking up at the ceiling, each of the men sweating profusely as the temperature in the ring only continues to grow.

JIM ROSS: Who can capitalize on this situation?!

Morbid Angel gets to his feet, and picks Ghost Tank up to and just tosses him out of the ring like a rag doll. The power of God SHOTS! Tank hits the barricade and tries to get to his feet, but he's not quick enough as Morbid is now holding Emmeick's head directly in the flames of the ring, consuming him in flames. The Morbidest of Angels laughs as the bell rings.

Winner and new Intercontinental Champion: Morbid Angel

Tyrone is sitting in his office pouring himself a drink. He looks incredibly frustrated. Dan walks in with a smile on his face.

The First show was a success, Boss. We did it.

Close the fucking door.

Dan does as he's told and closes the door behind him.

Tonight was a goddamn success? Was it? WAS IT REALLY? TONIGHT WAS A FUCKING SUCCESS? You want to know what a successful show is? When all of the mother fucking competitors show the fuck up and actually act like they give a flying fuck. I mean, for god's sake, all of our champions who were supposed to defend tonight were too busy sniffing their goddamn asses to fucking show a decent effort. I mean, Ghost Tank could have easily won tonight if he wasn't busy thinking about how wonderful his life is now that he's free of the burden of pretending to be a goddamn mother fucking man. Now we can all see he's a stupid fucking bitch who would rather play with teenage boys than compete in the fucking ring. No wonder no one ever took him seriously.

Then we have Maverick's ass who couldn't even show the fuck up without being forced to wear a diaper and beat in the head with a fucking shovel until he was barely conscious. Look at it, the fucking was literally eating shit and drinking his fucking piss in the ring. And then we have Peter Gilmour's fucking ass winning a championship. At least he'll actually defend it. Speaking of champions, we have the fucking Steroid junkie who drinks his own fucking cum with XWF Gold now. What the fuck is that goddamn shit. No, Dan, tonight was not a good night. Not for anyone. Except for the fucking who think John Cena is a good wrestler. Fuck, take off your shirt.

Dan does as he's told, and instinctively kneels on the floor in front of Tyrone's desk. Tyrone retrieves a Cat O' Nine Tails from the drawer of his desk, and walks over to stand behind Dan. The show fades out as Tyrone begins to whip it across Dan's back.

[Image: MYYxiQT.jpg]
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[-] The following 5 users Like Tyrone Jackson's post:
Alex Cross (01-07-2016), Ginger Snaps (01-07-2016), Maverick (01-07-2016), Morbid Angel (01-07-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (01-07-2016)
Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-07-2016, 12:40 AM


болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-07-2016, 01:46 AM

Ghost is seen, making his way to a limo, holding his gym bag in one hand, while Alysia is in tow. Both climb into the limo, only to watch a knee coming up between door and the limo, preventing its closure,

"GT! How do you feel about your loss?"

"I feel that I don't care. It was just a match. He didn't get my dick for real this time. Emerick got burned, even though I wished I had pushed him in the flame. For now, consider it done and over with. What may come next week, is the end, unless my match is another title shot, at the last second, like with Isles. If it's just a regular match, it truly is the end of my career."

Ghost Tank smacked the man's knee and shut the door, giving the driver the signal and he held Alysia close before being taken to the airport.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Ginger Snaps Offline
<3 Ginger <3

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

01-07-2016, 02:19 AM

Oh, look. I won. Looks like the Monster isn't a monster after all. Hmmm. Monkey that.

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-07-2016, 02:26 AM

"Oiiii... Ghost Wank. Stop being a crybaby bitch. You're built like a gorilla but you act like a mouse.
Who do you think you are? Trying to demand things and give ultimatums? No one would really care if you left!

Now at the next Warfare... Fight me?! Face me in the ring. What do you say? I can guarantee that the result will not be the same as last time."
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drezdin5788 (01-08-2016)
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drezdin5788 (01-08-2016)
Donald Trump Offline
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01-07-2016, 10:44 AM

Peter Gilmour!

clapclap clapclapclap
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Donald Trump's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (01-07-2016)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

01-07-2016, 11:29 AM

shine up that belt morbid.. im taking that.. your limp dick and your soul!!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Peter Fn Gilmour's post!
Morbid Angel (01-08-2016)
2 Offline
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XWF FanBase:
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01-07-2016, 05:54 PM

A successful exhibition. The project continues on as planned!

(OOC: good looking show guys.)
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