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Shaken, Stirred, Core.
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CM Punk Offline
Better Than God.

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-08-2013, 01:56 PM

“Don’t hang that, it’ll get taken down.” Serena points at a sign outside the church door that Punk is about to hang, early in the morning, right before the sun comes up. The birds aren’t even chirping.
“Listen to him Punk. She’s been here for you all along and I think we’re seeing drastic character shifts, definitely not good character shifts in you. We all want what’s best for you, and I think that poster is a little bad for the Church.” Luke put a hand on Punk, but Punk shrugged him off and proceeded to hang the sign on the door of the church.



“Jesus.” Serena muttered and looked down sadly, then back up at Punk with disappointment.
“Don’t say my name in vein.” Punk sternly said back.
“Luke and I are going to go for a walk, Punk..” Serena looked up into the sky and motioned at Luke to follow her.

Punk signaled at an XWF camera. “Cleansing is a delicate process. You’re either a sinner, or a lying sinner. Which is in reality the same thing but one is more of a coward than the other, and when you answer to me that’s the last thing you want to be, a lying coward. Ann Thraxx is both of those things. Hiding behind make up and dark manners and clothing to hide true beauty and natural in ring ability, she’s the ultimatum of a lying coward.”

Punk grins and rubs his hand through hair, “God exposes all at some point or another to teach them to be stronger, that’s why we get weaker. You either die, or get weaker and then stronger from said weakness. And Ann, your time hasn’t come. You’ll be stripped of everything you hold dear, your dark mannerisms, your inner workings, everything! I’ll cleanse you to your deepest roots and the very core. And from this, you’ll be as strong as you ever have been, relying on the Church of Punk for all your needs and forgiveness for your future moral shortcomings. Maybe if you have a relapse in these pathetic ways, I can teach you a few more lessons, but that’s down the road.

All I’m saying Ann, is be ready. Because you’re about to be shaken, stirred, and rocked to your very core."

[Image: XoJfzQK.png]
1x European Champion

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