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Wednesday Night Warfare World Tour: 15th July 2015
Author Message
Matthew Oaktree Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

07-15-2015, 03:27 PM

[Image: 4UOPA7T.png]

July 15th, 2015
Coca Cola Dome
Johannesberg, South Africa

Tommy MeansGood
- vs -
Singles, One Fall

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Gothic Richard
X-Treme Rules, One Fall

- vs -
Maxwell Dane
Cage Match

Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender
Ellis Bolton
- vs -
Robbie Bourbon
Ellis Bolton's choice
Bolton gets to pick the match type in his FIRST RP
Winner will be the new #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship
He must defend it every week until the Relentless PPV

Pyro goes off around the arena as fans roar, eager to get the show started.

Tommy MeansGood
- vs -
Singles, One Fall

Ben Folds - Best Imitation of Myself plays

Enters smiling in trademark red sweater, starts shaking hands, hugging people, and kissing on cheeks, all of which he does to unwilling people. Enters ring where he takes off sweater and folds carefully into a square and sets it near the apron. Finishes with fake slow wave, all with enthusiastic smile!

"Let's Get " by Black Eyed Peas plays

The arenas lights go red and "Let's Get " by Black Eyed Peas blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds The Scull Meister finally steps out on to stage with his XWF Championship belt around his waist. There is a mixed reaction from the fans. Scully looks around and smirks. XWF'S resident gives the thumbs up and waves at the fans. He walks down the ramp giving the fans the thumbs up, walking up to random adults and children saying 'Friend'. He walks up the steps, waving and walks along the ring apron. He turns to look at the fans with a smirk across his face. He then jump over the top rope in to the ring but trips into the ring. Scull gets up, brushes himself off and then walks over to the far turn buckle. He climbs to the top. Holds his hands in the air and puts both thumbs up, before waving once more. The Scully Meister then jumps down and starts doing star jumps. His music fades out.

The two men politely smile at one another as Darren Frey, Warfare's newest referee looks between the two, he walks away sounding for the bell.

Scully and Tommy walk towards one another and each reach out a hand, shaking.

JIM ROSS: "Nice to see some respect for once."

BOBBY HEENAN: "Quit being pussies and punch each other in the face!"

The two begin to circle each other until Scully stops, jogs in place and pulls an imaginary train horn making a choo choo sound effect with his mouth. Tommy seems confused but he can't think about it too long as the British rushes him, catching Tommy off guard with a lariat! MeansGood falls to the mat but quickly gets back to his feet as Scully choo choos towards him with another lariat! Sending Tommy back to the ground but gets up, a little slower than before. Scully turns and puts on the brakes, he begins to move his arms in a circular motion, making an engine noise from his mouth as he slowly and menacingly moves towards Tommy. Still confused as all kinds of hell Tommy puts his hands up in defense as Scully gets closer, still moving his arms like windmills of hurt. He throws a fist down onto Tommy's noggin. And another! And another! Tommy yells to quit it, but Scully is unrelenting as his pushes Tommy into the corner.

BOBBY HEENAN: "Smart strategy from Scully here."

JIM ROSS: "No. No it's not at all. Quite the opposite actually."

Scully continues his assault on Tommy but MeansGood gets pissed and sends a swift knee into Scully's meat and two veg! The ref is unaware only seeing the back of Scully. Tommy grabs Scully in a headlock as he falls to his knees and twists him around, crashing him to the mat with a quick bridging suplex. The ref sees that and goes to make the count!



Kickout! At 2. The pair seperate from one another and get to their feet around the same time. Scully adjust his groin and charges at Tommy once more but MeansGood telegraphs the attack and trips Scully up, transitioning into a single leg Boston Crab! Scully cries out in agony as Tommy puts pressure on the hold. Scully reaches out to the ropes but is inches away!

Tommy puts more pressure on the hold, Scully's lower back must be on fire!

Scully begins to crawl to the ropes, he's almost there! Agony is stuck on his face!

Tommy leans back some more, tightening the hold. Scully let's out a roar in pain and stretches his arm out as far as he can.

He gets a finger tip on the bottom rope! The ref forces Tommy to break the hold.

Scully screams for his mummy holding his leg in pain, as Tommy has some words with the referee.

BOBBY HEENAN: "Why the hell are they arguing?"

JIM ROSS: "It seems Tommy broke the hold a little too late, much to the ref's dislike."

Tommy apologizes to the official and moves him aside, but due to the ref being so fucking fat Scully easily hid behind him! He surprises Tommy with a strong kick to the gut and...

JIM ROSS: "The Scullanator!"

Scully hits the Final Cut and goes for the pin!


BOBBY HEENAN: "Terrible name for a finisher."


JIM ROSS: "His choice. And he is slow."

THREE!!!!! Scully's theme hits and he jumps up and down in excitement!

We cut backstage to see Melissa Elizabeth Santos, again in a Robbie Bourbon mask, standing next to Robbie Bourbon himself.

MELISSA ELIZABETH SANTOS: Ladies and gentlemen! I am here backstage with the wrestler America deserves, Robbie Bourbon!

ROBBIE BOURBON: Hello America.

MELISSA ELIZABETH SANTOS: Robbie, last week you won a brutal match against the returning Wyatt Reynolds, but your celebration was cut short by the also returning Swagmire. What do you have to say about Swagmire's attack?

ROBBIE BOURBON: Cowardly, low, self-incriminating, and ultimately, pointless. I mean, here I am bud, jumping around, ready to fight again on Wednesday Night Warfare, where the most Xtreme hours of the XWF are found. Did you want to clunk me over the head to pick a fight? Fine, set a date. I'll make you my bitch on a broadcast hitting millions of homes. You deserve it, trying to keep America from getting exactly what it deserves; me! Come see me in that ring one time, and they'll be seeing pieces of you all over the whole fucking arena, stud. Now, enough of that jazz, ladies and gentlemen. We have a big match with an actual mentally handicapped person will be competing. Only in the XWF!

MELISSA ELIZABETH SANTOS: Uh, Robbie, Scully already competed.

ROBBIE BOURBON: Oh? I was talking about Ellis Bolton. Seems like he showed his head around here tonight. If he isn't brain damaged already, he will be. I mean, when I hit that Neckwrecker, and his vertebrae turns into gravel, his trachea will get compressed. Now, add in the fact there will be half a second of him on the matt, a moment or two of me pushing the air out of his chest, and the six seconds he has while I get my arm raised, twice, his brain will be depleted of oxygen long enough for him to actually be on government disability the rest of his life. And who said socialism was bad, huh?

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Gothic Richard
X-Treme Rules, One Fall

"Enter Sandman" by Metallica plays

Music plays the light go out then red lights start to come one one by one then the last light comes on in ring ther i am in the ring

"Sick Like Me" by In This Moment

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of SICK LIKE ME by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his lovely queen Maria Brink #2 come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and hugs Maria as they wait his next victim.

As the match starts, Gothic and Peter go nose to nose in the center of the ring. Gothic hits a large blow hitting Peter, but Gilly returns with a large shot of his own! Gothic hits a raised chop and Peter falls back to the ropes. Richard lumbers towards Peter with his arm outstretched for a clothesline, but Peter rolls to the side and hits a side sweeping kick taking the ginormous entity off his feet.

Peter begins stomping on Gothic Richard!

JIM ROSS: He’s stomping a mudhole in him!

BOBBY HEENAN: And stomping it dry!

JIM ROSS: Actually, I’ve seen no evidence of stomping it dry.

BOBBY HEENAN: I… have no idea what that saying even means.

Gothic Richard is able to get to the ropes, but Peter is now moving around the ring beating his chest. Peter climbs the turnbuckle and begins swiveling his head much like D’Lo Brown used to do. As he gets down, he sees the extremely wide opponent standing in the opposite corner. Gothic lifts his left leg and brings it down with a slam much like a sumo wrestler would do. He then raises his right leg in the same manner.

Peter smirks and mimics the behavior. The referee looks confused but Matthew Oaktree pops up at ringside and bangs a gong with a mallet. The two men approach the other and begin trying to lift the other by the waist of their pants. Peter seems frustrated as Gothic is stronger and lifts up Peter. Peter headbutts him in his frustration!

Gothic backs away with blood dripping from his nose. Peter pushes the large behemoth into the corner before stepping a few feet back. He rushes forward and nails a big Yakuza kick across the nose! Gothic is down but Peter doesn’t look through. He lifts up Gothic, but Gothic throws a sickening uppercut that knocks Peter back a step or two. Peter charges but meets the end of a big boot!

Gothic lifts Peter up by his neck before delivering a bone rattling chokeslam! Gothic goes for the pinfall.



NO! Peter just gets a shoulder up at the last second.

BOBBY HEENAN: You got this Peter! Kick him in the balls!

JIM ROSS: Well it would be legal in this rather tame X-Treme Rules match.

Seemingly on command, Peter exits the ring to find some toys for the matchup. He throws in a table or two… or three! Peter tries to get into the ring but Gothic nails a right hand before lifting him over his shoulder for a vertical suplex!

Eventually he drops him as all of the blood has now rushed to the head of Peter Gilmour. Gothic sets up two tables long side-by-side. He grabs the third one and sets it up on top of the two. Gothic grabs Peter and whips him into the corner nearest. The two men move to the top rope.

JIM ROSS: What are they going to do up there?!

BOBBY HEENAN: Something cool I’m sure!

Gothic raises Peter up for a suplex, but Peter struggles enough to come back down on the turnbuckle. Both of these enormous men are now on the top rope standing straight up! Peter looks groggy. He hits a headbutt to Gothic! Gothic is reeling! Peter grabs him and LIFTS HIM UP ONTO HIS SHOULDER!

Just long enough to leap off!


Both men are down! Peter manages to finally get up as he plucks a splinter from his hand. He plops down on the adversary for the cover.




Peter raises his hand in the air in celebration!

We see Gothic Richard backstage after his match. He turns a corner, and we see Robbie Bourbon.

ROBBIE BOURBON: 'Sup. Get off my screen, fool, I've got an America waiting to see me.

Robbie walks past Gothic Richard, and the camera watches his backside as he begins walking down a hallway.

ROBBIE BOURBON: Don't worry America I'll be back later

- vs -
Maxwell Dane
Cage Match

Rock Star by Nickelback plays

"Rock Star" plays as Dimallisher walks out shaking hands with the fans. His lovely manager, Sandy Smith, follows behind. He grabs her by the waist and makes out with her on the ring apron while she grabs a handful of his dick.

“How to Spot a Communist,” an old anti-Communist PSA plays

The entirety of “How to Spot a Communist” plays and then Maxwell Dane appears on the ramp, accompanied by his managers Voodoo Pizzaman and Electra. The trio look at each other, and then the crowd, and make their way to the ring in complete silence as the crowd still tries to figure out what the heck is going on. At ringside, Voodoo Pizzaman pulls out a Voodoo doll resembling Maxwell’s opponent and Electra pulls out her trusty scalpel.

Both men inspect the cage walls.

JIM ROSS: "Your two favorites here Bobby."

BOBBY HEENAN: "No matter who wins, America will be proud."

JIM ROSS: "Is it okay that I find the idea of a man dressed like a rabbit locked in a cage humorous?"

BOBBY HEENAN: "I'm shocked no ones laughing at a being locked in a cage."

And the cage door is shut!

JIM ROSS: These men here are going to tear each other part in that cage!

Both men tie up in the cage, and Maxwell Dane gets the advantage, and puts Dim in a headlock! He applies the pressure, Dim lifts him, but can't capitalize as Dane is back to his feet and in controll. Dim throws forearms into his back, the hold loosens, and Dane grabs Dim and throws him towards the cage. Dim stops short, and points to his head.

BOBBY HEENAN: He was too smart for that one.

As Dim is distracted, Dane charges and with a dropkick sends Dim face first into the cage!

JIM ROSS: He wasn't too smart for THAT one, though!

Dim reels back, Maxwell spins him around, and Dim throws a punch! Maxwell returns the favor! Dim throws another punch! He follows up with a second punch! Maxwell goes to gouge the eyes, and Dim counters! He hoists Maxwell up into the air into a gorilla press, the charges at the opposite side of the ring, throwing Maxwell into the cage! He falls and tumbles off the top rope, landing awkwardly on the ground! Dim is throwing boots to the downed Maxwell, stomping on him, before standing on Maxwell Dane and pulling back on the ropes!

BOBBY HEENAN: He's getting leverage in on that!

Dim steps off of Maxwell! He's headed to the cage wall! He's climbing out, trying to escape! He scales...

He's halfway up the cage wall...

And Maxwell is up as Dim is too slow, and he grab's Dim's boot! Dim holds on to the side of the cage, and throws a few kicks at Maxwell with his free foot! Maxwell climbs up a little, and he and Dim are slugging at each other while both men cling to the side of the cage! Maxwell grabs dim around the waist, spins him, and delivers a backdrop facebuster off of the cage! Maxwell is winded from the fall. He staggers to a corner and starts to climb himself!

He gets to the top turnbuckle...

He reaches the top of the cage! He looks like he's going to make it...

And Dim recovers in time to intercept Maxwell right there! Dim is standing on the top turnbuckle, he has Maxwell, and delivers a scoop slam off the top turnbuckle to Maxwell Dane, sending him crashing to the mat. Dim follows up with a flying forearm drop onto Maxwell!

JIM ROSS: Not what I would've done there, Brain, Dim could've escaped the cage!

Dim delivers a few more punches to Maxwell's body on the ground. He gets to his feet, lifting Maxwell. He has him by the throat!

BOBBY HEENAN: Chokeslam coming right up!

And Maxwell shoots his arm out, grabbing Dim with a Mandible Claw!

JIM ROSS: He has the same idea, Brain!

Dim and Maxwell push back and forth, neither releasing their hold. Finally, Maxwell kicks Dim in the gut! Dim releases his grip! Mandible Claw slam from Maxwell Dane! He drops an elbow! He goes for another, and Dim rolls out of the way! Dim gets back to his feet as Maxwell recovers from the missed elbow. Headbutt from Dim! Maxwell falls back into the cage. Dim shoots off the opposite ropes, huge clothesline into Maxwell, pancaking him into the cage! Maxwell looks bad, and he's hanging onto the top rope to keep from falling. Dim starts to climb!

He makes it to the top rope...

He's touching the top of the cage...

And Maxwell has climbed up with him. He positions Dim with his legs on his shoulders and delivers a massive powerbomb to Dim off of the cage! Both men are sprawled out on the mat!

JIM ROSS: They're wasting each other in there, Brain! Hey, wait a damn minute!

BOBBY HEENAN: What do you mean, Ross?

Voodoo Pizzaman pulls out a Dim voodoo doll. As he plays with it, Dim rises! He bends the doll over, and we see in the background Dim bending over and grabbing Maxwell Dane! He brings Dane to his feet! He lifts Maxwell up and puts him on the cage, and gives him a boost! Maxwell is stunned, unsure of what's going on! He doesn't see Voodoo Pizzaman controlling Dim! He bounces off of the cage, and nails Dim with a soaring headbutt!

Both men are on the ground, slowly regaining their senses and shaking the cobwebs. Slowly they get to their feet around the same time, Dim roars in anger and lunges at Maxwell. The man in the rabbit suit reacts quickly and ducks, sending a heavy straight right punch into Dim's midsection. Dim holds his stomach in pain and Maxwell grabs him.

BOBBY HEENAN: "Anti-Communist Manifesto!"

Maxwell hits the double underhook flip piledriver with perfection and stumbles on his feet as Dim lays still on the ground. Dane gets his hand... Paws? On the mesh cage and pulls himself up. Close to the top, Dim starts to stir and crawls towards the cage wall. Dane gets to the top and gets one leg over the wall!

Dim reaches up high and gets a fingertip on Dane's foot but falls forward smashing his face against the cage as Dane hops over the wall and falls to the ground outside. The bell sounds and Dane's theme plays as Voodoo Pizzaman and Electra help him away from the cage.

Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender
Ellis Bolton
- vs -
Robbie Bourbon
Ellis Bolton's choice
Bolton gets to pick the match type in his FIRST RP
Winner will be the new #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship
He must defend it every week until the Relentless PPV

"My Body Glows" by Elby Brass plays

The horns of Elby Brass take over the arena as the lights dim. The X-Tron displays one image.

[Image: bYdhtCR.jpg]

It changes to shots of Robbie Bourbon shadow boxing. Robbie walks out, eyes down and chin tucked, tilting his head back and forth in an effort to stretch his neck. Pyrotechnic fountains drizzle down on him as he raises his arms at 45 degree angles. He looks up and begins to make his way down to the ring, and grooving (as best can be described) his way down to the ring to the sounds of his own music. He casually glances on both sides of the aisle and banters with fans. He then climbs the ring by grabbing the top rope and planting one foot after another on the apron, and turns to view the entrance as more pyrotechnics go off with huge explosions. Robbie then keels backwards over the top rope into a hand stand, then gently rights himself onto his feet, and begins to stretch his legs. He faces the camera and again raises his arms at 45 degree angles.

“Gimme Back My Bullets” by Lynyrd Skynyrd plays

“GImme Back My Bullets” by Lynyrd Skynyrd hits and Ellis Bolton walks down to the ring. Nothing fancy, no flourishes, just a simple walk to the ring.

The bell rings and the two men circle around. Ellis comes up shifting from side to side. Robbie swings wildly, but Ellis easily ducks under the big man’s left swing. Ellis unloads with three solid rights to the ribs of Robbie before swinging to take the knees out from under Robbie.

Unfortunately for Ellis, Robbie doesn’t go down and just grabs Ellis. Bourbon throws Bolton off the ropes, Ellis comes back hard with a clothesline as Robbie sends one of his own. Both men are down! Robbie staggers to a corner.

JIM ROSS: What is he doing?

Robbie is unlacing the top turnbuckle pad. He peels the pad, leaving the steel turnbuckle exposed. Ellis gets to his feet and charges in and slams Robbie's head into it!

Robbie hits the mat and Ellis leaps on top of Robbie and begins delivering sinister elbow smashes to the temple of the big man. Robbie tries to cover, but Ellis leaps up and drops a knee across the forehead. Bourbon rolls away as Ellis pursues him out of the ring.

Bourbon tries to crawl under the ring, but Ellis grabs his foot and pulls him back from under the apron. As he does, Robbie swings wildly with a Singapore cane that connects to the dome of Ellis! Ellis staggers backwards and Robbie rolls to his feet and swings again taking out the legs of Ellis!

JIM ROSS: We may frown upon it, but it’s absolutely legal in this style of match.

BOBBY HEENAN: Frown upon it? Hell JR, I embrace it! Stick him again fatty!

Robbie throws the weapon away and lifts up Ellis. He delivers an Irish whip sending Ellis into the steel steps on the outside. Ellis falls down beside the steps in a seating position. Robbie sees this and charges forward and goes for a running senton!

BOBBY HEENAN: HE MISSED! What the hell? You had a Singapore cane!

Robbie crashes into the steel steps as Ellis rolled out of the way. He helps the larger man to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Ellis grabs the head of Robbie and connects with two lightning quick knee strikes! He goes for another, but Robbie reaches up and rakes the eyes of Ellis! Ellis groans as he steps away in agony. Robbie gets to his feet but a little wobbly.

Bolton throws a big haymaker, Robbie Bourbon blocks! Robbie Bourbon wrenches the arm, and drops with the facebuster. Bourbon, still clinching the left arm, flips over Bolton to his feet, flipping Bolton, and drops a knee to the arm!

BOBBY HEENAN: Some chain wrestling here from Robbie Bourbon, Jim, haven't seen that before.

JIM ROSS: He's making Bolton pay for that haymaker! He's not through yet!

Robbie, still clinching the arm, lifts Bolton up and delivers a Russian leg sweep! Robbie gets to a knee and he's still holding Ellis Bolton's left arm. He puts Bolton in a cross arm-bar, and gets to his feet, holding Bolton slightly off the ground by the trapped arm.

BOBBY HEENAN: What the hell is he going to do?

Robbie snaps backwards, putting full force into the arm-bar, before getting to his feet again with a kip-up, still holding the cross arm-bar!

JIM ROSS: The referee should be checking for a submission here, Brain, it looks like Robbie Bourbon is trying to break his damn arm!

Robbie Bourbon snaps back a second time, finally releasing the hold, rolling over and standing, before raising both his arms at 45 degree angles as Ellis Bolton flops like a fish on the ground, howling and holding his left arm. The crowd is chanting.

*clap* *clap clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap clap* *clap clap*.

The arena goes black, in the darkness a burning cross is moving slowly towards the ring. The sound of a drum begins to play as the lone cross makes its way to the ring. The lights blast on as the cross stops at ringside. Swagmire is standing inside the ring besides Robbie Bourbon and Ellis Bolton. Swagmire holds something up for the crowd to see. It's a picture of his penis. He then pulls out a stapler, one of those industrial ones you see them use in hardcore jobs not some pussy office stapler, and staples the picture to Robbie's gut. He then pulls out a baton and begins to bash Robbie in the head with it until Robbie goes down. Robbie is laying on his back holding his head as it bleeds, giving Swag the chance to begin stomping on Robbie's junk. He stomps like he's trying to put out a fire.

Swagmire then gets bored, and turns and leaves the ring. He vanishes into the crowd.

Ellis covers the big man who seems in a ton of pain.



NO! Robbie barely kicks out.

Ellis pulls him to his feet, but Robbie nails a body shot. Ellis falls over in pain before Robbie removes the picture and balls it up before sticking it in the gullet of Ellis. He then punches Ellis in the gut again forcing him to spit the paper out.

BOBBY HEENAN: This is fucking brutal!

Robbie goes blow for blow with Ellis Bolton. Robbie's facial hair has blood in it, the result of a busted lip. Ellis Bolton has a bruise forming on his jaw. Robbie Bourbon kicks Ellis Bolton right in the groin!

JIM ROSS: And that's completely legal, folks!

Bourbon sets Bolton up for a Robbiebomb, and drives him down to the mat with one! Bourbon staggers back into the ropes, and looks at the exposed turnbuckle. He rolls out of the ring and reaches underneath, pulling out a wrench. He gets back in, and swings the wrench into Ellis's ribs. He turns and takes the wrench to the turnbuckle, loosening the top rope.

JIM ROSS: What the hell is he doing here, Brain?

BOBBY HEENAN: Jesus, Ross, I don't know, but it can't be good for Ellis Bolton.

Robbie finally unattaches the turnbuckle as the top rope goes limp. Robbie walks over to Ellis, and grabbing both ends of rope attached to the steel hook, swings the hook into Ellis's back! Again with a hook to Ellis's spine. Robbie puts the hook in Ellis's mouth.

JIM ROSS: Oh no!

Robbie brings Ellis to his feet, and sets him on the second rope catty cornered to the dismantled ring post, the hook in his mouth and the attached rope keeping him suspended. Robbie Bourbon backs up, faces Ellis, and raises his fists at 45 degree angles.

BOBBY HEENAN: This is criminal! Call the police!

Robbie Bourbon charges at Ellis Bolton...

NECKWRECKER! The momentum carries both men over the second rope. As Robbie tumbles into the guardrail, Ellis skull makes huge contact with the ring apron and is left dangling over the second rope by the hook in his mouth, his feet kicking and squirming half a foot from the floor!


Robbie brings himself to his feet, walks up to Ellis, and slaps him across the face! Ellis Bolton goes limp! The referee steps in and stops the match, calling Robbie Bourbon the winner. Bourbon celebrates as his theme hits.

JIM ROSS: "For God's sake!... Well, congratulations Robbie."

BOBBY HEENAN: "I wonder who he will face next week?"

Warfare fades to commerical.

Jim Ross: What an excellent show that we’ve had so far, but it’s not over! Next up, we have a word from our Universal Champion, Doctor Louis D’Ville!

Bobby Heenan:: I always get chilled when looking into that guy’s eyes! Well, eye that is.

As the red mist rises from the floor, Doctor Louis D’Ville’s teeth are the only thing showing on the stage until they are joined by another pair. The spotlight finds its place on the Universal Champion as he slowly saunters to the ring accompanied by The Inspiration, LH Harrison at his side. LH Harrison still looks just as exhausted as last time we saw him. LH Harrison leads to the apron where he sits on the second rope holding it down. Doc’s smile broadens as he climbs into the ring.

The Doctor strolls to the center of the ring as he places a hand on the title around his suit’s waist. A microphone seemingly comes from nowhere as D’Ville brings it up to his gleaming smile.

“Hello my friends! It is I, your doctor. I’m so happy to see so see such a plethora of my patients in attendance as well. Tonight, I join you for a special occasion. For the stage has been set for the next big event, and what’s a big event in this industry without your resident Doctor on call? Relentless is an event I know quite a bit about. As it was the debut of the most domineering entity to ever set foot in professional wrestling. In fact, I’ve beaten everyone there really is to challenge. Every single challenge has left me no worse for wear.

There is no one left. I’ve beaten TJ Wallace, Heartsford, Vinnie Lane, Brock Lesnar, and even My Prophet, LH Harrison.”

The crowd boos at this as Harrison just nods his head but looks away as Doctor D’Ville smirks at him from the side as he normally does.

“I’ve even beaten the fan-favorite masked Jacob Woods. In fact, he-”

Gator exits the entrance way as the crowd is cheering profusely for him.

Jim Ross: It’s the first time we’ve seen Gator in weeks since his brief appearance in the Sebastian Duke and Game Girl match.

Bobby Heenan:: He looks good! Even bulked up a bit!

Gator gets into the ring as he begins scratching the back of his mask. He taps on his ear for a moment before snatching the microphone out of Doc’s hand and pulling it to his mouth.

“First off, fuck you. Second off, where the fuck do you get off spitting my name? In fact, I think it’s time to permanently take my name out of your mouth. That’s right, DOC! It’s time for the rubber match.”

The crowd is on their feet now! The entire arena is rocking!

“You vs. me. No Asylum. No Defiance. Just us. If I win, I get my title back. If you win, I’m gone. Adios! I’ll never bother you for that title ever again. What do you say? Deal?”

D’Ville smiles broadly before tapping on his chin with his left hand. As mysteriously as the first time, another microphone is in his hand.

“That’s an interesting conundrum. You think I don’t cherish our time together Jacob? No, no. No deal, my friend. I value our sessions too much. However, if it’s a session with your doctor that you want, I’m sure I can pencil you-”

Kirk MacClay comes out but he’s not in a dancing mood tonight. But he does seem to be enjoying himself. He has a microphone in his hand and he raises his hand quickly to halt the music.

“Mmmmyeah. Hello Universal Champion. Gator. I think I have something better. I have the special ingredient to make this match magical. And no, it’s not a special stipulation. It’s better. It’s a new contestant to be added! That’s right, Roxy. I’ve found the best match for your man. You’re going to put the screws to me, Lane? Well here’s one to you. At Relentless, it’ll be Doctor Louis D’Ville defending his title in a triple threat against Gator and… VINNIE LANE!”

Jim Ross: No! He can’t do that!

Bobby Heenan:: Of course he can! He’s a GM! Can you imagine that match? It’ll be great!

Jim Ross: No it won’t! Lane is in a god damn coma! That Kirk MacClay is a ruthless bastard!

Gator looks up at Kirk and is clenching his fists in anger. Doc is gleaming at the addition of Lane. Gator turns around and charges Doc, but…


Doc is gone! Left alone in the ring is LH and Gator!

Gator looks frusted as hell, but he rushes and nails a spear to LH! LH hits the mat like a sack of potatoes! Gator begins giving punches to LH! He lifts him up and quickly brings him to a Fisherman position before dropping him back for…


Gator is standing after the move and is pointing around the arena while mouthing off in an inaudible fashion.

Doc appears at the top of the rampway as the two men are holding a staredown as the show comes to a close.
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Ellis Bolton (07-15-2015), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (07-16-2015), Morbid Angel (07-15-2015), Ozymandias (07-15-2015), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-15-2015)
Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Mad Scientist

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-15-2015, 07:59 PM

We go backstage to see Robbie Bourbon. He's in his locker room, still in his gear. He rips the picture of Swagmire's cock from his belly.

Well, good work, Swag, you managed to show up on Warfare again. Look at this! Why, it looks like a dick, only smaller.

Bourbon wads up the picture and throws it to the ground.

Fucking delusional. Oh, Ellis? You've been beaten. Don't worry, though, un-pinned, un-submitted, yadda yadda.

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-15-2015, 08:11 PM


[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

07-15-2015, 09:30 PM

Bolton, Dimmy, BOTH of you lost tonight? Too bad.The Hatriots? Pah. Some stable. I almost feel sorry for you guys at this point. Quit while you're behind.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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