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Gauntlet City part3
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-04-2013, 04:37 AM

Matches in this part...

Trio Tag Championships
(aka Stable Title)

CM Punk, Ann Thraxx & Blair Sully
- vs -
John Madison, Sebastian Duke & NAZI
- vs -
Donathan De Sade, Tyler Decker & Mr. Satellite
- vs -
Unknown Soldier, Peter Gilmour & Mister Mystery
- vs -
Chris Macbeth, Mr. Natural & Steve Davids
Five Point TAG Rules
One person from each team is legal at a time, meaning five people are legal in the ring at all times


The Gauntlet!

A series of 1 on 1 encounters where the victor moves on to the next person in line. The order of entry is RANDOM. The more people a person goes through, the harder it becomes for them to keep winning even if they are a top competitor. Literally ANY person can end up as king if the right numbers are drawn, along with a little luck!

We're taken to the back where we see officials tending to a fallen Donathan De Sade. He seems to be unconscious and has some blood trickling down the side of his head.

The cameras are pushes back out of the area as more personnel arrives on the scene.

Who could have done this?

Trio Tag Championships
(aka Stable Title)

CM Punk, Ann Thraxx & Blair Sully
- vs -
John Madison, Sebastian Duke & NAZI
- vs -
Donathan De Sade, Tyler Decker & Mr. Satellite
- vs -
Unknown Soldier, Peter Gilmour & Mister Mystery
- vs -
Chris Macbeth, Mr. Natural & Steve Davids
Five Point TAG Rules
One person from each team is legal at a time, meaning five people are legal in the ring at all times

Inside the ring we see GM Arkin Blackwater standing with a microphone in hand...

Blackwater: It would seem that somebody has taken it upon themselves to attack one of the participants of the upcoming Trio Tag Title match. Donathan De Sade most likely won't be able to participate but we're told that the medical crew is trying to see if he will be able to perform by the time his number in the Gauntlet comes up. Either way, it means this upcoming Trio Championship match is already uneven. With that said, I am taking it upon myself to make it an ELIMINATION match! Originally it was going to be that the first person to pin anybody wins the entire match for their team, but now it's going to be an elimination contest. This match will continue until only 1 team remains!

The fans roar as Blackwater continues...

Blackwater: I'd like to call out all participants of this match to be sure it has a fair start. I don't want anybody attacking anyone else before the match.

Just then, from the back comes the entire BLACK CIRCLE!

But they're already beating on Peter Gilmour!!!

Madison kicks Gilmour in the ribs and sends him rolling down the ramp as NAZI runs up to him and delivers some well placed stomps halfway down the ramp, then kicks him to help him finish rolling all the way down. Sebastian Duke makes his way down the ramp with his US Title and is getting ready to strike Gilmour with it when...

BAM! Asmodeus Cane to the back of Sebastian Duke's head!

Unknown Soldier has found an Asmodeus Cane and is using it to beat down Duke! John Madison and NAZI both tackle Soldier and start smashing his head into the ground and stomping on him. Suddenly Mister Mystery runs out from the back and catches Madison and NAZI with a huge double spear!

He goes to pick Madison up but Duke surprises him with a chokeslam instead!

Duke stomps on Mystery a few times but Gilmour gets up behind him and nails him with a devastating low blow!

Blackwater: Hey!! HEY!!! This it not how the match should be starting! I demand that you all stop right now or I will disqualify each and every one of you from the match! The bell hasn't even had a chance to ring yet and you'll all be GONE that fast!

Everyone at ringside is separated by numerous XWF officials and driven to opposite ends of the ringside area where they are forced to wait for the rest of the competitors in this match.

Next, down the aisle comes Tyler Decker and Mr. Satellite who don't look very happy about being 1 man short in this match after the attack on Donathan earlier. Shortly after them comes the team of Ann Thraxx, CM Punk and Blair Sully who receive a very mixed reaction from this capacity crowd. Finally we see the team of Chris Macbeth, Mr. Natural and Steve Davids.

Once everyone has made it to the ring, Blackwater reminds them of all the rules.

Blackwater: Remember guys... and girls... this match will be an elimination match. Once a person is pinned or submits, they are out of the match and the rest of their team must fend for themselves! This match will be held under typical tag rules meaning that one person from each team is legal at all times. So, since there are five teams that means there will be FIVE legal participants at all times... one from each team. Understood?

They're all looking at each other like they're ready to beat each other into submission but some of them "nod" that they understand.

Blackwater: Good! Now remember the referee is going to be very strict about this match. If a team cheats or has one of their representatives cheat for them, it means a member of that team gets disqualified.

Blackwater looks at the members of The Black Circle...

Blackwater: That reminds me. You guys have a specially appointed valet who will be joining the match at some point. I believe her name is Flo. Make sure you keep her out of trouble.

NAZI, Duke and Madison all exchange a glance as Mister Mystery on the other side of the ring begins to laugh uncontrollably. GM Blackwater exits the ring and makes his way toward the back as several XWF officials go with him, leaving the official referee alone to start the match when he sees fit. The referee waits for the teams to break up and get one representative in the ring for each of them, and then he signals for the bell...


The BELL rings and Wembley stadium is on their feet for what is sure to be a game changing match here in the XWF. Blair Sully gets the start for her team. Rounding out the rest of the legal participants for each team would be Madison, Decker (his team already down with the attack on Donathan) Soldier and Mr. Natural.

All five stare each other down, no one daring to make the first move. Suddenly, Madison turns right and starts laying the fists into Sully!

Solider follows suit on Natural and Decker stares transfixed unsure of which way to go. We cut back over to Madison clotheslining Sully out of the ring and her teammates are none too pleased to see this turn of events.

Back in the ring Decker and Soldier are working as a team as they send Natural off the ropes and link up for a double clothesline.

Decker turns to Soldier but Soldier lashes out and kicks Decker in the gut and hits a snap DDT. Ouch!

Over on the other side of the ring Sully is trying to crawl back in and Madison grabs her by the hair and launches her screaming to the opposite post.

Natural is slowly getting back to his feet and Madison sees an opening!


Madison gets up and smirks at Solider. "All yours," he says and extends his arms wide.

Soldier moves closer and reluctantly makes the cover after taking a BITE out of Natural's cheek! What the fuck!



No one is in any rush to break this up...

THREE!!! There goes Mr. Natural and another team is down to just two members.

Meanwhile, Sully comes running like the bat out of hell that she is. She's gunning for Madison who just politely side steps as she goes flying to the ropes and out against the barricade.

The ref looks over, disgusted. "You're done!" he yells. "Get the hell to the showers. You're drunk!!!"

Whoa! The ref is DQ'ing Sully right out of this match!

CM Punk and Ann Thraxx are livid!

Punk: She's not drunk! I would know! I tested her blood alcohol level right before the match!

The ref doesn't even want to know what THAT means... the ref's decision stands! Sully is OUT of the match!

Something else is developing though...

Steve Davids is going to play hero and he's charging after both Solider and and Madison with a chair!

But Decker is there to cut him off at the pass and he kicks the chair loose and hits his +44 (Swinging neckbreaker) and the man who's name sounds like Evil Steve Jason is down for the count.

Everyone is happy to watch the pin.



THREE!!! Goodnight Steve Davids.

Alright folks time to reset this thing again!

Solider, Madison, Ann Thraxx climbs into the fray, and the lonely Chris Macbeth steps into the ring devoid of any partners. Tyler Decker tags in Mr. Satellite who runs up and clotheslines Macbeth to the canvas as Ann Thraxx and Unknown Soldier temporarily team up to beat down John Madison. Soldier begins kicking him in the face while Thraxx takes out his leg. Soldier suddenly leaps high into the air for a falling headbutt while Thraxx bounces off the ropes for a running elbow but Madison rolls out of the way! Soldier lands face down on the canvas right where Thraxx lands the elbow and she cracks Soldier in the back of the head with it!

John Madison stomps on both of them a few times and then pulls them up... and smashes their heads together! He pulls them apart again and goes to repeat the process but Soldier actually helps him by running forward and smashing his own face even harder into Ann's face! Soldier is enjoying this!

Mr. Satellie tries to Irish whip Chris Macbeth but his one arm is overpowered by Macbeth who whips Satellite right into John Madison. Madison crashes down, leaving Ann and Soldier to begin exchanging blows after their heads were already colliding.

John Madison gets up and kicks Mr. Satellite in the mouth before driving him down with a single arm DDT because it's not like he could get him with a double arm DDT! Madison rolls Satellite over for the cover...



KICKOUT! John Madison pulls Satellite up but Unknown Soldier comes up behind Madison and takes him down with a sleeper slam. He drags Madison to his corner and tags in Peter Gilmour!

Gilmour rushes into the ring and begins punching Madison in the face and choking him. He pulls him up but Chris Macbeth catches Gilmour from behind with a russian leg sweep! Macbeth locks Gilmour in a triangle choke as Madison gets up and kicks Gilmour in the nuts. Madison goes to his corner and tags in NAZI!

NAZI gets in the ring and goes right after Ann Thraxx, smashing her with a boot to the face and a rib breaker. He covers...



...KICKOUT! NAZI pulls Thraxx up and tosses her out of the ring. He starts to exit the ring but he's hit from behind by Mr. Satellite which sends NAZI flying out to ringside and hitting his head on the barricade! Ann Thraxx takes advantage and smashes her elbow into NAZI's face a few times and then begins to stomp the living hell out of him at ringside. Mr. Satellite climbs up to the top rope and dives off, unseen by Ann Thraxx, and he catches her with a missile dropkick on the outside! Mr. Satellite now takes turns delivering stomps, knee drops and other vicious strikes to NAZI and Ann Thraxx.

Back in the ring Chris Macbeth is in control of Peter Gilmour and goes to lift him up but Gilmour gets out of it and kicks him in the gut before nailing Macbeth with a swinging DDT. Gilmour bounces off the ropes and lands on Macbeth with a huge senton bomb before going for the cover...



KICKOUT! Peter Gilmour throws Macbeth out of the ring and goes after him just as Ann Thraxx is rolled into the ring. NAZI and Mr. Satellite also enter the ring and continue to do battle until NAZI is knocked into his own corner where Sebastian Duke tags himself in!

Duke enters and brings Mr. Satellite down with a huge sidewalk slam and then catches Ann Thraxx with a big boot that sends her stumbling into her own corner. CM Punk tags in!

Punk enters the ring and ducks under a wild shot from Sebastian Duke... He lifts Duke up on his shoulders... THE GTS!!! Punk got him!

He covers Duke...

...KICKOUT! HOLY FUCK!!!! Punk goes FLYING halfway across the ring after that power-out! Sebastian Duke storms to his feet as Punk begs off, shocked that his move only seemed to strengthen Duke!!!

Punk: It's not supposed to work that way!

Duke clasps his hand around Punk's throat! CHOKESLAM!



With Punk in their corner, Duke tags in John Madison who quickly goes to work on the dazed CM Punk...

REBELLION! (Rock Bottom)

He stands over CM Punk and starts to unbutton his pants! OH MY GOD! NO!!!

CRACK! Mr. Satellite stops Madison from pissing on Punk by hitting him in the back of the head with a running elbow smash. Madison stumbles forward and knocks out the referee!!!

Madison quickly takes advantage of the situation and goes out of the ring where he grabs the bell hammer from the timekeeper. He gets in the ring and cracks Mr. Satellite in the head with it!

He drives the hammer down into CM Punk's face!

He even catches Chris Macbeth and Peter Gilmour with the hammer!

All the legal participants are down and out except for John Madison, thanks to that ringbell hammer!

He sees that the referee is still down so he gets ready to continue hitting everybody with the hammer but others begin storming into the ring...

John Madison pulls the pepper spray out of his pocket! He blasts Mister Mystery with it and then kicks him in the groin before cracking him in the side of the head with the hammer which sends Mystery out of the ring to the outside! Madison sprays Soldier and throws him into Tyler Decker and then spraying both of them even more before shoving them through the ropes to the outside!

Ann Thraxx enters the ring and Madison sees her coming toward him so he THROWS the hammer and it spins toward her like a tomahawk, catching her right between the eyes! He follows it up with a running dropkick that sends her crashing through the ropes and hitting the ringside area with a thud!

The fans are livid! NAZI and Sebastian Duke are loving every minute of it but everyone else is disgusted!

The referee begins to wake up and Madison tosses the can of pepper spray out of the ring and acts like nothing has been going on. He pulls CM Punk up to his feet and nails Punk with what starts off looking like a GTS but instead he tossed Punk off his shoulders and let him land on his feet...

Madison: Fuck that!

And Madison just turns it into a Rebellion! Punk is taken down with the Rebellion!

The ref sees Madison make the cover...



...THREE!!! Madison rolls Punk out of the ring quickly and goes out to retrieve Ann Thraxx from the outside. She's still pretty out of it after being hit with that hammer from Madison. He rolls her into the ring and pulls her so that her head is poking out of the ring. John remains completely outside of the ring, and brings Thraxx back out of the ring with a diamond cutter to the mat! He just hit the UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT! That's sick! She's out cold!

Madison kicks her in the face and pulls her up, rolling her into the ring where he makes the cover...



...THREE!!! John Madison just eliminated both remaining members of that team! The trio of Blair Sully, CM Punk and Ann Thraxx is the first team to be fully eliminated!

Most of the others are still laying around the ring after Madison's attacks while the ref was down. John quickly goes to work and grabs Chris Macbeth who he lifts up to the top turnbuckle but then grabs his head to bring Chris back down with a sick looking diamond cutter! He covers Macbeth!



...THREE!!! Madison with ANOTHER elimination! Now the entire team of Mr. Natural, Steve Davids and Chris Macbeth is out of this match after Macbeth gets pinned!

Madison throws Macbeth out of the ring like a piece of garbage and then goes right after Peter Gilmour, who he kicks around a little before pulling him up and getting behind him to almost break his back with a vicious looking backstabber! He covers Gilmour!



KICKOUT! Madison is enraged! He can't believe Gilmour would dare to kick out!

Madison: Are you kidding me? Do you literally want me to kill you? Stay down!

He brings his boot across Gilmour's face with a hard kick and then pulls him up quickly. Mister Mystery and Unknown Soldier are still outside the ring after being sprayed with pepper spray while the ref was down...

Madison hits the REBELLION! Gilmour is out cold!

Mr. Satellite comes running toward Madison but he sidesteps and sends Satellite running into the corner where Sebastian Duke's boot is waiting... CRACK! Satellite runs face first into the boot and Madison rushes up behind him to keep smashing his head into Duke's boot as it rests on that turnbuckle! 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10! He finally lets Satellite fall to the canvas after smashing his face into Duke's boot ten times.

Madison drags Satellite to the middle of the ring... REBELLION! Madison covers Satellite!



...THREE!!! Madison tosses Satellite out and goes right after Peter Gilmour again but Peter drops down and hits a lunging headbutt into Madison's gut. Madison stumbles back a few feet and NAZI reaches over to tag himself in now. NAZI runs up and catches Gilmour with a shinning wizard and follows it up with a stomp right to the face. He stands over Gilmour and heils the crowd!

No! Why are some of the people in the crowd heiling him back? What the fuck is wrong with some of these fans?!?

NAZI bounces off the ropes... THE FUHRER'S EL... NO! Gilmour got up and caught NAZI on his way back toward him... THE DEATH STRIKE!!! Gilmour just laid out NAZI with that package piledriver!

He covers...


...Sebastian Duke and John Madison both break it up by pummeling Gilmour! They beat him down... kicking and punching him relentlessly before Madison pulls him up and lets Duke nail him with THE SOUL SHOT! (clothesline from hell)

The referee yells at them and gets them back to their corner as NAZI begins to recover. He sees Gilmour down, so naturally he continues where he left off...


He covers Gilmour...



...THREE!!! Gilmour is out!

We're down to ALL members of The Black Circle remaining... only Mister Mystery and Unknown Soldier remaining for their team... and only Tyler Decker remaining for his team!

NAZI gets up and tosses Gilmour out of the ring like a bag of garbage and dusts his hands off...


Tyler Decker with the cover...



...Broken up by John Madison! He kicks Decker off of NAZI but the ref stops him and orders him back to his corner before he can follow up.

Suddenly out from the back...

General Manager Blackwater!

Blackwater: I believe I mentioned earlier how The Black Circle had a very special valet for tonight's match up. This is something that they probably didn't believe was actually going to happen, but it's true... as strange as it is... it's true.

The fans murmur and look around.

Blackwater: Without further delay I'd like to introduce the special guest valet for The Black Circle... ladies and gentlemen... the one and only...


Mister Mystery at ringside begins to laugh as Flo Feder walks out onto the stage with a look of hatred in her eyes. She grabs the microphone from Blackwater and proceeds toward the ring with it.

Flo Feder: Hey Johnny! I know you didn't think I'd miss your big moment did you? I've been dreaming about you night and day, and now I get to be in your corner when you and your buddies win the Three Man titles. I'm just so glad I get to come here and support my man -- YOU.

She drops the microphone and walks over toward the corner that The Black Circle is in. She takes her place at ringside and looks like she's going to remain there watching.

Meanwhile in the ring, NAZI and Decker are trading blows...

Flo Feder: Get him, NAZI!

NAZI seems momentarily distracted as he looks out at Flo, allowing Decker to get the upper hand with a knee to the gut followed by an inverted DDT.

Flo Feder: No! Get in there Johnny baby!

John Madison does no such thing but instead he drops down to the floor at ringside and starts to walk toward Flo very slowly...

Flo Feder: Well if you're not going to help OUR TEAM, then I will!

She pulls a massive can from her purse. It looks like an extra long can of hair spray...

She enters the ring and she blasts it into Tyler Decker's face! It's mace! She's got the largest can of mace we've ever seen!

The referee sees the whole thing and immediately calls for the bell...


Announcer: As a result of Flo Feder's interference on behalf of The Black Circle, the referee has disqualified NAZI.

The fans aren't sure what to make of this. Flo smiles at NAZI but he rushes toward her to grab her... BLAST! Mace in the face! NAZI screams and goes down covering his face as she continues to unload this gigantic can of mace on him. She kicks him in the balls as Sebastian Duke enters the ring. He grabs Flo by the hair but she sprays him right in his face too!

Flo Feder: You know what the best part is about being in your corner, guys? The things I do to you guys won't get me or anyone else in this match punished!

She kicks Duke in the balls and cracks him with the can, sending him stumbling around... SECRET SPEAR 1 177155 400!!! Mister Mystery took Duke across almost the entire length of the ring and sent Duke sliding under the bottom rope with that one!

Duke lands at John Madison's feet who begins trying to pull Duke up, but here comes Unknown Soldier around the corner. Madison never sees him coming...

FIREBALL!!! Soldier just blew FIRE into the face of John Madison! The referee never saw it because he was too busy watching Mister Mystery deliver a jumping tombstone to Tyler Decker in the ring before pinning him!



...THREE!!! Decker is out! Mystery pulls Decker up and throws him into the referee, knocking the referee down in the process! It's not clear if that was on purpose or not...

Flo Feder runs over to where Madison and Duke are at ringside and she uses her massive can of mace, which shoots several feet ahead of her, and she blasts it while Soldier is standing off to the side.

Soldier takes a chug of whatever liquid he's got with him now and he holds a lighter in front of his mouth... he blows a fireball INTO the stream of mace...



It gets all over Sebastian Duke and John Madison as they both scream and drop to the mat. As long as Flo keeps her finger on that mace it continues blowing fire! She's unloading the whole can on them!

Crew members are immediately on the scene with fire extinguishers and are blasting Madison and Duke with them from one side while Flo keeps blasting them with the flaming mace from the other side. Soldier takes another swig of that clear liquid and starts blowing fireballs at the staff! He runs them off just as flames finally stop shooting out of Flo's can of mace. She has actually emptied an entire oversized can of mace here tonight in just a matter of minutes.

She reaches into her purse... and pulls out a staple gun along with a photo of herself.

She takes the photo...

Signs it...

And staples it THREE TIMES, directly to John Madison's forehead right before Soldier leaps off of the barricade and tries to kill John Madison with THE DARK STAR! (shooting star DDT)

Just imagine how deep those staples got driven into Madison's forehead after that sickening, flying DDT!!

Mister Mystery comes out and collects Sebastian Duke, rolling him into the ring as he's still burning both from the flames and mace. He kicks Duke farther toward the center of the ring and then waits...

SECRET SPEAR 1 177155 400!

At this point the referee starts to get back up after being knocked down a few moments earlier.

Mystery yanks Sebastian Duke up... GORILLA PRESS! HE HOLDS HIM UP FOR SEVERAL SECONDS, THEN JUMPS UP TO CATCH DUKE'S BODY WITH A DIVING TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! Duke bounces back up off the canvas after hitting so hard that the entire ring shakes. His body convulses as Mystery covers...



...THREE!!! Sebastian Duke is eliminated!

The fans let out a roar as it has come down to Mister Mystery and Unknown Soldier against John Madison! Flo Feder laughs as she kneels down over John's bleeding face with her own picture still stapled to his forehead.

Flo Feder: What's wrong baby?

She runs her hand along his cheek, smearing the blood down and along his neck.

Flo Feder: Are you alright?

She cackles like a witch right in his unconscious face as she stands back and allows Unknown Soldier to roll Madison into the ring.

CRACK! Chair shot to the back of the ref's head!


The ref never knew what hit him!

The fans are on their feet roaring as John Madison is alone in the ring and at the mercy of Unknown Soldier, Mister Mystery, Sid Feder, and Flo Feder!

Sid Feder appears to have brought a large duffel bag to the ring with him. He unzips it and pulls out A BRANDING IRON!

Mister Mystery pulls another item out of the bag.

It's a blow torch!

Sid holds the branding iron out in front of him as Mister Mystery heats it up with the blow torch.

Flo Feder and Unknown Soldier both rip John Madison's shirt off of his body and toss it aside. Flo runs her nails down John's chest and instantly trails of blood begin to seep from his flesh. Unknown Soldier takes a small dagger from the duffel bag and begins to carve some kind of satanic symbol into the chest of John Madison.

With all the blood pouring out of his chest there is no way to make out exactly what the symbol is but Soldier seems to be putting a lot of effort into it! Once he's done, he and Mister Mystery pull John Madison up to his feet and they hold his limp body in place as Sid Feder stands behind John Madison.

Sid Feder: What better way to remember that you've been fucked by a Feder!?

The branding iron is already hot from Mister Mystery burning it, but now Flo Feder blasts the branding iron with the blow torch a few extra seconds until it's glowing hot...

The fans scream as the sizzling can be heard several rows out into the crowd and the smell quickly fills the arena!

The pain immediately snaps John back into consciousness as his screams seem like they can be heard for miles and miles. Many of the fans cover their eyes as they can't bear to watch as Soldier and Mystery keep John held in place! Blood pours down his chest as his back cooks like a steak until he passes back out from the pain and goes limp.

They drop him face down as the fans roar their approval at what they see on John's back...

Sid Feder just branded John Madison's back with...

Brag about it!

John Madison will never forget the day he was fucked by the Feders, and we still don't know what the fuck Unknown Soldier carved into his chest because there's just too much blood to even make out the carvings!

Just then the referee starts to stir. Sid and Flo both quickly exit the ring and take the duffel bag of goodies with them to the back as Unknown Soldier and Mister Mystery stand over John Madison's body. They kick pull him into a seated position and then Unknown Soldier goes and steals the shirt off of a random fan in the front row. Mystery and Soldier quickly put the shirt on John Madison so the referee can't see the mess they've made out of Madison's chest and back.

The autographed picture of Flo Feder is still stapled to Madison's face but the referee doesn't notice it from his angle as he see Mister Mystery's massive body covering John Madison. Unknown Soldier quickly returns to his corner as though he's been there this whole time...

The ref crawls a little closer and begins the count!



THREE!!! It's over! Thank god it's finally over!

Winners and first ever XWF Trio Champions: Mister Mystery, Unknown Soldier & Peter Gilmour

Peter Gilmour runs out to join his team as they're handed the brand new championship belts. Peter Gilmour places his foot on top of John Madison's body and holds up his Tag title in one hand and his new Trio title in the other while he shouts to the heavens!

Gilmour: I did it! I told you all I'd do it! Hahahahaha!!!!!!

The fans are told that there's going to be a 30 minute intermission to allow all the competitors for tonight to rest up a little before the gauntlet begins. During this time they're shown a few interesting videos on the X-TRON:


The Gauntlet!

A series of 1 on 1 encounters where the victor moves on to the next person in line. The order of entry is RANDOM. The more people a person goes through, the harder it becomes for them to keep winning even if they are a top competitor. Literally ANY person can end up as king if the right numbers are drawn, along with a little luck!

As we get set for the Gauntlet, the known order of participants is displayed on the X-TRON for all to see along with the unknown slots...

1 Crimson Cobra
2 Swift Ion
3 Slickster
4 Benjamin Crane
5 Mister Mystery
6 Neonero
7 Steve Davids
8 Chris Macbeth
9 CM Punk
10 Donathan De Sade
11 Ann Thraxx
12 Blair Sully
13 Kinwrathi
14 Mr. Natural
15 Mark Flynn
16 Angelus
17 ???
18 Future Legend Jordi
19 Peter Gilmour
20 ???
21 ???
22 ???
23 ???
24 ???
25 ???
27 John Black
28 ???
29 Ronnie Wilkins
30 World 1 International
31 ???
32 ???

Note: If a person gets a win over somebody who no-showed, instead of losing healthy they will earn back a small percentage of health, starting at 6% on the first no-show victory and moving down to 5% on the next, finally staying at 4% earned for every no-show they beat after that.

There is obviously a lot of speculation over who has been lucky enough to draw those final two unknown slots. The names that have been revealed on this list still leave a lot of names as a surprise... The favorites to win out of the known names are obviously NAZI and Ronnie Wilkins but in a match as chaotic as THE GAUNTLET... anything can happen!

Shane makes his way out to the ring with a microphone to a round of boos...

: I've come out here to personally oversee this gauntlet and to make sure no more travesties of justice take place like what happened during the Trio Championship match. I was preoccupied in the back for just a few minutes and of course that's when all hell breaks loose. Rest assured it WILL NOT HAPPEN again.

The fans boo Shane and don't trust a word he says as he smiles to them.

: With that said I'm going to go ahead and introduce the man who drew NUMBER ONE in the Gauntlet! Ladies and gentlemen... the man that has no chance in hell of winning this thing, and a man who is lucky that he can even walk after crossing paths with THE BLACK CIRCLE several weeks back... I give you the one and only Crimson Cobra!

Crimson Cobra makes his way out from the back looking pumped and ready for action as he quickly makes his way down to the ring, keeping his eyes locked on Shane at all times...

: And now the man who drew NUMBER TWO... please welcome XWF newcomer... Swift Ion!

Shane exits the ring and takes a seat at ringside.

Crimson Cobra stands in the ring as Swift Ion runs eagerly to the ring and slides in. The two men eye each other anxious for this fight to start as the bells sounds!

Crimson Cobra
- vs -
Swift Ion

Swift Ion moves in towards Cobra catching Cobra with a couple quick chops to the chest and some knee jabs to the kidneys. Crimson Cobra retaliates and hits Ion with a right hook to the jaw, followed by an Uppercut that sends Ion straight to the mat!

Cobra begin stomping on Ion while Ion is down. Swift Ion in a desperate act hits Cobra with a low blow! Ouch! Cobra doubles over and gives enough time for Ion to get to his feet and deliver a Dropkick to Crimson Cobra. Cobra drops to the mat! Ion ventures to the ropes, scales them and then dives from the ropes to deliver a Leg Drop! Cobra rolls out of the way just in time!

Crimson Cobra and Swift Ion get to their feet and Cobra hits Ion with a mean Backfist followed by a Leg Sweep. Cobra then rips Ion from the mat and delivers a reverse russian leg sweep that takes Ion down hard. Cobra bounces off the ropes and catches Ion with a shinning wizard that cracks him hard in the head.

Cobra sees his chance!

He quickly makes his way to the top turnbuckle and leaps... THE RED FANG! He caught Ion perfectly with his version of the shooting star press!!!

Cobra covers Ion for the pin!



...THREE!!! He's done it!

Crimson Cobra has eliminated Swift Ion.

Crimson Cobra
- vs -

Slickster climbs in the ring to an expecting Crimson Cobra. Cobra attempts a Running Clothesline on Slickster but Slickster ducks! Slickster moves fast and gets Cobra with a Baseball Slide. Cobra drops to the mat and Slickster immediately places Cobra into an Ankle Lock.

The hold is tight!

However Cobra breaks the hold by grabbing the ropes. The hold is released and both men climb to their feet.

Slickster goes to deliver a Running Headbutt but Cobra moves out of the way! Slickster's momentum from the Running Headbutt was too quick, so he continues moving till he hits the ropes and bounces back! Bounces back right into Crimson Cobra's awaiting fist! Cobra hits Slicketer with some rapid punches to the head and chest and follows it up with a Russian Leg Sweep. From there Cobra swiftly stomps on Slicksters leg several times and when Slickster tries to stand, Cobra takes him back down with a sliding shoulder tackle to the shin. Slickster flips in the air from the impact to his shin and Cobra quickly places Slickster into a Figure-Four Leg Lock!

The hold is held with such accuracy and precision!

Slickster can't take it!

The ref checks on Slickster and Slickster taps!

Slickster taps!

Crimson Cobra has eliminated Slickster.

Crimson Cobra
- vs -
Benjamin Crane

Benjamin Crane hits the ring like a man driven to win the Gauntlet!

Crane immediately almost taking Crimson Cobra's head off with a Running Clothesline followed up by Crane flying towards the ropes, climbing them and quickly catching air to deliver a Jumping Knee Drop to Cobra's head!

The knee to Cobra's face just busts Cobra's nose wide open as the crowd lets out shocked gasps!

Crane pulls Cobra off the mat and Hip Tosses Cobra towards the corner. From there Crane runs towards Cobra and Spears Cobra hard into the ring post. Cobra drops to his knees as Crane grabs hold of Cobra's head. Out of sheer desperation Cobra gets Crane with a low blow! Crane drops!

Crimson Cobra uses the ropes to pull himself up and then proceeds to wearily climb the ropes. Cobra leaps from the ropes and hits Crane with a Diving Forearm Smash. Both men lay in the ring motionless but somehow Cobra slings his arm over Crane for a pin.




Crimson Cobra pulls Crane to his feet but Crane shoves him back into the ropes. As Cobra bounces back Crane goes for a high knee but Cobra drops low and Crane gets tangled in the ropes!

Cobra quickly grabs Crane and pulls him back toward the center of the ring where he hits a reverse DDT and then climbs the ropes to hit THE RED FANG! He nailed it!

He covers Crane...



...THREE!! He got him!

Crimson Cobra has eliminated Benjamin Crane.

Crimson Cobra
- vs -
Mister Mystery

Crimson Cobra slowly climbs to his feet. Sweat and blood pours down his face and Cobra just appears to be utterly spent! Mister Mystery climbs over the ropes and begins to laugh at the sight of Crimson Cobra.

Crimson Cobra runs full speed at Mystery, attempting to take Mystery down with a Clothesline and Mystery simply steps aside. Mystery grabs Cobra by the top of Cobra's head and flings Cobra across the ring. Cobra flies across the ring and hits the ropes, the ropes cause Cobra to bounce back towards Mystery. Mystery catches Cobra by the throat and lifts Cobra high in the air before slamming Cobra to the mat! Cobra surges in pain from being smashed down to the mat and lays there motionless.

Mystery pulls him up and hoists him onto his shoulders for a torture rack!

Mystery wrenches away on the body of Crimson Cobra, jumping up and down as he tries to literally snap Cobra's entire body in two...

Cobra taps! Mystery drops him like a sack of bricks the moment the ref calls the submission.

Mister Mystery has eliminated Crimson Cobra.

Mister Mystery
- vs -

Neonero strides from the back with a bit of a combination of concern and confidence on his face. Neonero stands at the top of the ramp and gazes upon Mister Mystery. Neonero's mind must be going a million miles a second here... Neonero did just win the European Title so there is a lot of reason for him to believe he can do this. Neonero begins traveling down the ramp as the fans cheer...

But wait...

Who's that???

It's Neonero running up behind Neonero?!

And the one running from the back is... smiling!!!!!????



Oh wait....

That's not a second Neonero....and the only people who thought it was, were the people as high as Jeff Hardy!

In reality it's a cracked out Jeff Hardy running up behind Neonero with a framed picture of Neonero held out in front of him!

The same framed picture of Neonero, Jeff hardy was doing lines off earlier this evening!

CRACK! Jeff Hardy is now repeatedly smashing that framed picture over Neonero's head! Over and over till the framed picture is busted through and broken to bits! Jeff Hardy then kicks Neonero in the midsection causing Neonero to double over! Oh -no, it's an inevitable set up! A set up to a TWIST OF FATE!!!!

Neonero is on his back as Jeff Hardy stands over him laughing.

Jeff Hardy: Hey there! How's it going? Probably pretty shitty seeing as I came up behind you and attacked you like this. I mean on your way to the ring while Mystery is up there waiting for you! That just had to put a big ol' turd in your oatmeal! How can you look like a confident little shit now that you got attacked? It's cool bro, I'm sure Mister Mystery feels the same about you now as he did a couple days ago. Besides I just had to come down here and let you know, now that we both had a turn wasting each other's fucking time.....I think it's time for the real show! Be ready cause this is only the beginning! Little moments like this where I pop out and wreck your fucking day are just the start! The ending comes when that title is back around my waist and you've disappeared back into the depths of obscurity!

Jeff Hardy pulls Neonero up to his feet and drags Neonero towards the ring. Jeff smacks Neonero in the face and slides Neonero into the ring.

Jeff Hardy: Have fun with Mystery!

Mystery walks over to Neonero who is laying in the ring as Jeff Hardy sprints back up the ramp and disappears into the back.

This isn't right! Mister Mystery stands waiting for Neonero to rise to his feet. Mystery towers over Neonero and nudges Neonero with the tip of his boot. When Neonero fails to respond Mystery leans down and smacks the back of Neonero's head. Neonero jerks up and Mystery stand straight as he begins to clap. The audience begins to join in the clapping as Neonero slowly rises to his feet. Yes! Neonero is getting up!

Mystery waves his hand in front of Neonero's face and Neonero smacks Mystery's hand away. Mystery appears to have a hard time holding in the laughter at what Neonero did and begins laughing and slapping his leg. Mystery points at Neonero as if to say "Look at this guy!" Neonero shakes his head to regain a bit of clarity and charges towards Mystery. Mister Mystery simply sidesteps away and Neonero smacks into the ropes and tumbles backward. Neonero lays on his back staring up at the ceiling and Mystery begins to tap his foot impatiently. Mystery turns toward the crowd and shrugs as Neonero picks himself off the mat. Mystery is still looking away as Neonero takes a breath in and it appears he pulls himself together a bit more.

Neonero pushes his body against the ropes to aid in giving himself some added momentum. Neonero flies towards Mystery just as Mystery finally brings his attention to him... Neonero with a Running Neckbreaker! Mystery hits the mat!

Neonero climbs to his feet. Neonero immediately locks in a Sleeper Hold on Mystery! Mister Mystery begins to reach back and smack at Neonero as Neonero keeps a tight hold on the Sleeper. Mystery flails at Neonero, swinging his arms back to get Neonero to release the hold but to no avail! Mystery's arms begin to droop a bit as this hold looks like it's taking effect! Neonero beams a grin of confidence as Mystery seems to lose a slight bit of consciousness. Mystery looks as though he's fading! Mystery's eyes start to close! The ref checks on Mystery.

Is Mystery out?


Mystery's eyes spring open!

Mystery thrusts his body out as he extends his arm out towards the ropes. Mystery grabs the ropes! The ref calls for the hold to be broken but before Neonero can release the hold, Mystery reaches back and grabs the back of Neonero's neck. Mister Mystery plucks Neonero off himself and rises to his feet. Mystery pulls Neonero into sight in front of his mask and proceeds to throw Neonero into the corner. Mystery charges at Neonero to deliver a Secret Spear 1 177155 400! Oh Shit! Neonero's head bangs against the middle turnbuckle on his way down during the spear!

Mystery covers!




Mister Mystery has eliminated Neonero.

Mister Mystery
- vs -
Steve Davids

Steve Davids comes running to the ring without a moment to spare. He runs and leaps to connect a kick to Mister Mystery... but Mystery catches Davids by the leg and slams Davids to the mat like a rag doll!

Mystery then proceeds to slam Steve back and forth is the ring by his leg exactly as though Steve Davids were a doll. Mystery finally releases Davids after one last brutal slam. Mystery smashes his boot down onto Steve's face which the referee sees as a legal pin attempt...



...THREE!!! He never stood a chance! Mister Mystery pumps his fists and shakes the ring ropes as if he actually got STRONGER from feeding off of that lifeless foe! (+6%)

Mister Mystery has eliminated Steve Davids.

Mister Mystery
- vs -
Chris Macbeth

Chris MacBeth enters the ring as Mister Mystery charges straight for him. MacBeth immediately hits Mister Mystery with a Roundhouse Kick to the face that sends Mystery spinning. From there MacBeth strikes Mystery with a few punches to the head and chest followed by a few knees to the midsection.

MacBeth then drops and gets Mystery with a Low Blow that causes Mystery to double over!

MacBeth takes off towards the ropes and uses them to spring back toward Mystery as he hits Mystery with a Hurricanrana. Both men are down as MacBeth covers for the pin...

The count doesn't even start! Mystery shoves Macbeth up off of himself like an explosion just took place!

Mystery rises to his feet and glares at MacBeth, who is already charging at Mystery! Mystery catches MacBeth by the throat and Chokeslams MacBeth to the mat! Mystery then rips MacBeth up from the mat and proceeds to hit MacBeth with a jumping Death Valley Driver! Mystery follows up by covering MacBeth for the pin and hooking the leg...



...THREE!!! Macbeth was able to deliver some damage but in the end it was nowhere near enough to take down the monster!

Mister Mystery has eliminated Chris Macbeth.

Mister Mystery
- vs -
CM Punk

CM Punk edges his way into the ring, eyes focused on Mystery. Mister Mystery glares at Punk and taunts Punk to "come at him" as Mystery laughs.

Punk makes his move and goes to hit Mystery with a left hook, but Mystery blocks it. Punk immediately strikes with a right jab and this blow finds its target in Mystery's mask. Punk hurts his own hand but Mystery's head rocks back as Mystery swings a left hand to smack Punk away.

Punk dodges and drops to deliver a low blow... but Mystery avoids this by kicking Punk in the head. Punk goes flying and collides with the ropes! Mystery dives towards Punk and Punk slides between Mystery's legs. Mystery turns around to receive an uppercut from Punk. Punk runs towards the ropes and in a flash uses them to spring toward Mystery, delivering a Flying Dropkick to Mystery's head!

Mystery stumbles back and shakes his head. Mystery rears back and charges forward hitting Punk with the LARIATS OF FIRE (charging, spinning clothesline) out of nowhere! Mystery covers CM Punk...




Mister Mystery has eliminated CM Punk.

Mister Mystery
- vs -
Donathan De Sade

Donathan De Sade slowly makes his way from the back. Donathan limps and carries with him a microphone, still obviously hurt from whoever attacked him earlier in the evening...

Donathan: Mystery! I know it was you that attacked me earlier. You attacked me so I couldn't participate in the tag match and you succeeded; however, I think I shall get my revenge upon you now, when I turn you back into my loyal servant. Welcome home, Mister Mystery. Welcome home.

Mister Mystery doesn't waste a second as he runs and slides from the ring. Donathan wasn't expecting this as he quickly fumbles around in his pocket as he prepares to pull something out to aid in his plan of turning Mystery back into his slave. Unfortunately for De Sade, Mystery reaches him too quickly and takes Donathan down with a brutal Spear!

Donathan smashes to the ramp and the needle he was attempting to pull from his pocket goes flying into the air!

It soars and land off in the audience!

Oh No!

It lands smack dab in the center of some poor kid's left eye!

Screams echos from the audience as Mystery grabs Donathan by the ankle and drags him to the ring. Mystery tosses Donathan into the ring and slides in after. Mystery immediately springs into action hitting Donathan with a jumping Death Valley Driver! Donathan lays motionless in the ring as Mystery covers for the pin...



...THREE!!! Mister Mystery bursts back to his feet with a roar as he once again seems to gain power from consuming such an easy challenger! (+5%)

Mister Mystery has eliminated Donathan De Sade

Mister Mystery
- vs -
Ann Thraxx

Ann Thraxx enters, staring at Mister Mystery, her eyes traveling up and down the man who ran through so many before her.

Mystery chuckles as he walks up to Ann. Mystery leans forward and smacks the side off his mask indicating Ann Thraxx gets a free shot!

Is he serious???

Mystery even places both hands behind his back as he continues to remain in a position for Ann to take a free shot. Ann looks back and forth as if deciding what to do.

Ann immediately drops down and hits Mystery with a Low Blow! From there Ann turns and runs towards the ropes, she uses them to spring herself at Mystery and hits Mystery with a Double Knee Facebreaker! Mystery falls back!

Mister Mystery: BITCH!

Ann Thraxx is quickly on her feet and Mystery is rising as Ann jumps to hit Mystery with an Enziguri. Mystery catches Ann before impact and slams her down onto the mat. Mystery wraps his hand around Ann's throat as he begins to literally choke Ann and lift her at the same time! Mystery lifts Ann high in the air into a military press, continuing to choke her while he presses her up and down... up and down... up and down... and then purposely slams her down on her head right in the middle of the ring! The fans let out a collective "Oooooh" at what a disgusting maneuver that was to deliver to a woman!

Ann Thraxx instantly goes limp and Mystery goes for the cover...




Mister Mystery
- vs -
Blair Sully

The arena is immediately filled with the smell of rotting garbage as Blair Sully makes her way to the ring.

What the fuck? Why does she stink this bad? What did she do after getting thrown out of the Trio Championship Match earlier? Go bathing in the sewers???

Audience members begin to puke and even the cameramen lose the ability to hold the cameras straight from just the god awful, putrid odor that seems to cover the whole arena. Like an invisible toxic wave!

This stench flows into the ring far before Blair Sully enters and it causes Mystery to stumble back. Mystery actually places a hand over the air holes in his mask as to not be effected by these treacherous body fumes. Blair Sully climbs in the ring and Mister Mystery looks as though he's fighting back the urge to lose his shit and vomit right there! Mystery shakes his head back and forth as Blair immediately charges for Mystery. Mystery steps aside and Blair crashes into the ropes.

Sully spins around in time to receive The Secret Spear 1 177155 400!

Blair Sully drops and Mystery looks down at some oily filth that seemed to come off of Blair onto his clothes. Mystery pokes at the greasy looking stain and then holds his hand up to the holes in his mask to smell. Mystery stumbles back and shakes his head. Whatever Blair Sully got on Mystery was fucking grotesque smelling enough, it almost knocked Mystery out! Not wanting to get anymore of what's on her onto his clothes, Mystery breaks out into a psychotic rage and stomps her body so hard that it bounces up off the canvas with each stomp...

He keeps stomping...

and stomping...

and somping...

Her head... her tits... her arms... her legs... her vagina and/or balls... her stomach... her throat... EVERY LAST INCH!

He lets out a massive war cry as he leaps up into the air and drives both of his feet down into her face! OH MY GOD!!!

Is she... is she...

Mister Mystery stomps his boot onto her left breast for the cover! Dead or alive, she's being pinned!



...THREE!! Mister Mystery smacks himself in the mask and kicks her filthy rotten body out under the bottom rope and it lands with an odd squishy sound as fans at ringside hold their noses and some of them vomit. Despite the stench, Mister Mystery has gotten himself fired up during this mercy killing and is roaring as he waits for the next opponent! (+4%)

Mister Mystery has eliminated Blair Sully

Mister Mystery
- vs -

Next up is Kinwrathi who takes a new approach and enters through the crowd, climbing the turnbuckle and surprising Mister Mystery with a dropkick to the back of the head!

It takes him down!

Kinwrathi rolls him up in a quick mahistral cradle pin!!!



...KICKOUT! Kinwrathi scrambles to his feet and is ready for Mister Mystery who comes charging at him. Kinwrathi ducks under a wild clothesline and then catches him with a European uppercut which catches him off guard. Kinwrathi leans down and picks the big man up onto his shoulders!

The fans can't believe what they're seeing as Kinwrathi spins Mister Mystery around with an airplane spin for several seconds! He keeps going until he has no choice but to drop him to the canvas. Kinwrathi is dazed but catches the ropes to keep himself balanced as Mister Mystery tries to get up... but falls back down!

Kinwrathi quickly rushes in and locks him in the BETTER OFF DECAPITATED! (guillotine choke)

Mister Mystery has trouble fighting the hold but before he has a chance to get out of it, Kinwrathi switches things up and pulls Mister Mystery right into...

THE DARK REFUGE! (quackendriver II: )

He goes for the cover!



...KICKOUT! Kinwrathi can't believe it! He kicks Mister Mystery in the head and pulls him back up to deliver another Dark Refuge! He gets him up but Mister Mystery shifts his weight to fall behind and turn it right into a jumping tombstone piledriver!

Mystery covers Kinwrathi...



...SHOULDER UP! Mister Mystery storms to his feet and charges toward the ropes, bouncing off to hit a huge legdrop but Kinwrathi rolls out of the way at the last second!

Kinwrathi and Mystery both rush to get to their feet...

Both men charge each other...

LARIATS OF FIRE! Mister Mystery turned Kinwrathi inside out!

He covers Kinwrathi...




Mister Mystery has eliminated Kinwrathi.

Mister Mystery
- vs -
Mr. Natural

Mr. Natural enters the ring as Mister Mystery is kneeling on both knees just drooping his head forward. He's breathing heavily after that last match took him by surprise but he's still got a huge amount of fight in him.

Mr. Natural creeps toward him, not sure if he's even aware of his arrival...

Mystery lunges forward, immediately lifting Mr. Natural up onto his shoulders with ease! He knew he was there alright!

He cracks Mr. Natural's body in half so hard in that torture rack that people in the first few rows can hear the sounds of bones breaking!

Mr. Natural's already tapping and screaming for mercy! It's already over via submission!

Mister Mystery spins him around and then launches him out... INTO THE FRONT ROW!!!

OH MY GOD!!! Mister Mystery screams like a rabid beast and beats his own face with his fists! It's like somebody just lit off a bomb inside of him! (+4%)

Mister Mystery
- vs -
Mark Flynn

Mark Flynn was already at ringside and snuck up behind Mister Mystery while he was going nuts! He rushes up and pushes him forward in a waist lock that actually ends up sending Mystery into the referee and crushing him in the corner. Flynn uses the "bounce" of the ref getting crushed to pull Mister Mystery back into a rolling german suplex leaving the fans in awe! Flynn sees that the referee is out and smiles wickedly as he pulls a pair of handcuffs out of his tights. He waits as Mystery gets to his feet and charges him, catching Mystery's arm in a wraparound DDT...

but by the time he DDTs Mystery to the canvas he has already locked one end of the cuffs on his wrist! Flynn quickly pulls Mystery's arm toward the corner and he locks the other handcuff on the middle turnbuckle.

Flynn then locks eyes with Shane who has been at ringside observing the entire main event. Flynn seems unsure of Shane's take on this strategy but Shane simply smiles and holds out his hands to his sides...

: I don't like that piece of crap any more than you do!

That's all Flynn needed to hear...

To be continued...

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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