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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
"Loverboy" - Dani California
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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05-19-2015, 06:51 PM

Malibu - Nine A.M.

For once, “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane wakes up peacefully.

The sun beams gently across his face through the sheer purple curtains as he rouses, smiling as he rolls over towards Roxy’s side of the bed.

But finds no one there.

The realization that he is alone among the satin sheets of the king sized bed is enough to get the megastar to sit up and open his eyes fully, looking around the room for his betrothed.

“Roxy? Baby?”

After a second of blinking the sleep from his eyes and groggily looking around the bedroom, Loverboy notices the sound of running water and a familiar voice singing his XWF entrance theme lilting from the open bathroom door.

A smile spreads across Loverboy’s face as a devious idea comes to his impetuous mind. Slowly, quietly, he rises from the bed, clad only in his birthday suit and the large, gold, Hart Championship belt across his waist. Gingerly, he tiptoes into the bathroom, barely opening the door just enough more to slip in without making a creak.

In the bathroom, the angelic voice echoes across acoustic tile walls while tendrils of steam roll through the room, fogging the mirrors and the glass of the shower doors.

“Tell me not to play… well all I got to say to you when you tell me not to play I say no… no no no…”

The silhouette of the beautiful blonde is barely visible through the steamed glass of the shower door, but Loverboy is mesmerized by the hypnotic swaying of the hourglass figure arching its back and swinging in the shower.

As carefully as he can manage, Loverboy slides the glass door open. A backdraft of steam billows out of the shower stall like a thunderhead rolling into a clear day, and Loverboy steps into the shower silently.

In front of him, the soapy, wet, gorgeous body writhes in musical ecstasy, still singing in sensual tones while rivulets of shower water wash tributaries of shampoo from her sodden hair, between her slender shoulder blades, and down the crack of her perfect ass.

“So if you ask me why I like the way I play it… there’s only one thing I can say to you…”

“I wanna rock!”

Loverboy whispers it into one soapy ear, and instantly, the tanned skin of the nude woman’s body dimples into gooseflesh all over.

She places her palms onto the tile in front of her, arching her back and protruding her backside onto Loverboy, pressing her bulbous cheeks against the faceplate of the Hart Title. As he runs his hands down the skin of her back, she groans in delight, gasping a little when he slides his palm around and cups her ample breasts.

When he steps closer to her, she suddenly turns around to face him, smiling. Gripping his hands in hers, she looks up at him with a devilish pout, eyeballing him from head to toe.

“I was hoping you’d decide to join me… I’ve been waiting all morning for this…”

And she slides down onto her knees in front of him, the wet mat of hair on her head only visible above his waist as Loverboy’s eyes roll back and shut. He lets loose a guttural moan as she begins to move her head back and forth in front of him.

“Oh, god damn your mouth feels fucking good, Roxy…”

She stops and stands, grinning at him and pressing her chest against him as she rises to her feet. With a quick but passionate kiss, she maintains his eye contact and raises her index finger to his lips, shushing him.

“No names. Just call me baby.”

“Whatever you say… baby.”

And she slides back down his body, her hand trailing and staying on his abdomen as her face vanishes below his waist yet again.

This time, the pleasure is enough to knock him back against the tile wall, leaning against the slick porcelain and gripping a tangle of blonde hair in his hand as h bites his lip and quickens his breathing.

“Fuck… baby… baby… baby you are amazing…”

[Image: LwUZEJI.gif]

Roxy Cotton stands in front of the stove of her posh Malibu apartment, frying up a few slabs of Facon (imitation bacon) and making a huge Egg Beater omelet on the open range stove. Wearing just a sheer purple negligee and a ruffled, floral apron, Roxy looks like the red light district version of Donna Reed.

When “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane emerges from the bedroom with a fluffy pink towel around his waist and a second one wrapped in a post-shampoo turban around his head, he is stunned for a second as he reattaches the Hart belt around his slender waist.

“Whoa, babe… how did you get out here first? I know I get a little carried away drying the boys sometimes, but I didn’t think I lost track of time that much.”

Roxy laughs and looks back at him over her shoulder, blowing him a kiss with her thick lips. She winks at him as she turns back to the breakfast she’s cooking.

“Don’t be silly, Vinnie. That wasn’t me in the shower with you.”

“Huh? What do you mean, dude? I think I know what you look, smell, taste and fuck like by now! Quit trying to prank me!”

“No prank, babe. That was Dani. I told her to give you a little surprise and see if she could warm you up to the whole marriage thing. Did it work?”

Loverboy is stunned. The color drains from his face as h desperately tries to think of a way out of this seemingly purposeful trap.

“WAIT! Just kidding! Haha, you really got me, dude!”

“I’m not kidding, babe. Dani, tell him.”

Dani slinks out from the hallways bathroom, where she had been standing to apply her makeup. Sure enough, she has Roxy’s purple bath towel wrapped around her body and her hair is very wet.

Loverboy looks back at Roxy, who’s doing her best to conceal her laughter at this point. She flips over the large slice of Sham in the frying pan and scatters organic hash browns on top of it.

“Well, okay, yeah, I guess you tricked me… but, like, we didn’t DO anything in there, man! It was just a shower!”

“Oh yeah, Vinnie? What’s that on Dani’s forehead then?”

Dani walks forward and stands near Loverboy, smiling up at him with her big blue eyes. She pulls some of her wet, flaxen hair away from her face and points at the skin of her forehead with a manicured nail.

A perfect imprint of the Hart Title faceplate stares back at Loverboy, unmistakable against her deep tan. Flustered, Loverboy takes a step back with his palms raised in defense from the assault he perceives is coming.

“Okay… look… baby… I was half asleep! She looks just like you, and she was singing my song! What was she even doing in the master bathroom anyway, dude?”


“And it’s not like she did anything to stop me, you know? She could have said something, you know? Like ‘not now’ or ‘I have a headache’ or ‘I’m your fiancee’s fucking SISTER,’ you know what I mean? Instead of just… well, you know…”

“Sucking you like your dick had been bitten by a rattlesnake?”



“Roxy, dude, I’m sorry, please, don’t worry… it’s never gonna happen again! I’m gonna get you guys, like, name tags r something. I didn’t mean to! You gotta believe me, baby!”


Finally, the volume in her inflection gets Loverboy’s attention and plugs up his oral diarrhea. Once his mouth stammers completely shut, he sees both girls giggling at him.

“What’s so funny?”

“Vinnie… it’s fine! It was my idea, like I said. Not like we both don’t play with other girls when the mood is right, right? Remember the girl from Greece?”

“Do I ever! I couldn’t believe how true that stereotype was.”

“Okay, so what’s the big deal? She’s a girl. I mean, I’m not going to fuck her, because ew, but why shouldn’t you? I mean, we’re family! And I want you to be turned on by someone who looks like me, right?”

“Ah, geez, Roxy… I don’t know… this just all seems so weird, even for me.”

“Didn’t you have an alien baby with Sasha Grey?”

Dani gives Loverboy a confused look, then tightens her towel and walks away quickly, retreating back into the bathroom to finish her makeup.

“Dude, why do you always bring that up? It was one time. Jesus.”

Roxy plates a heaping helping of Faux Food onto a plate, swiveling on her hips and walking seductively towards Loverboy with her hands outstretched towards him.

“Here, baby. You had a big morning. You need to keep your strength up.”

“Hell yeah I do… baby, you have no idea how tough Bad Medicine is going to be. Not only am I defending this Hart Championship against a good wrestler but better friend, I’m stepping into the most hellish match the XWF has ever seen against the champion who pretty much never loses. I’m doing it for us, though, baby. We’re going to have the life we always wanted, man.

I swear – nothing in this world is going to keep me from bringing home that championship. You’re going to finally be able to know in the bottom of your heart that you’re with a champion. THE champion. Of the universe. Can you believe it, baby? We finally made it. We’re knocking on heaven’s door, dude, just a few days away.

It’s been my whole life’s dream, dude, for real, and now it’s less than a week away. I can smell it in the air, man. The electricity. The tension. It’s coming, dude, and it’s right there, right within my reach… it’s MINE, baby. It’s OURS.”

Roxy hands the plate of food to Loverboy along with some silverware and then leans up onto her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek that leaves behind a faint pink set of lips. As she pulls away from him, her fingers linger on his toned chest, sliding across his muscular abdomen and then finally onto the gold belt around his waist.

“That’s not what I meant about keeping your strength up, Vinnie. You’re so cute.”

Sauntering into the living room, Roxy settles onto the couch and turns on the television. Just then, Dani re-emerges from the bathroom clad in only a miniscule, all-white bikini and platform sandals.

“Hey guys… I’m going to the beach… anyone want to join?”

“Sorry sis,”

Roxy cranes her neck around from the couch. The gleam in her eye as present as always as she smiles at her sister.

“The shopping isn’t going to happen on its own, you know? Vinnie promised me a day on Rodeo Drive.”

“He did?”

“I did?”

“Yes! I mean, you were on some medication…”

“Oh, that’s so unfair! But… hey… a promise is a promise, and I like to keep my baby happy.”

“Well… you sure kept her little sister happy in the shower, ‘Loverboy.’”

Loverboy’s face turns a shade of red uncommon in Democrat states. Dani heads for the door, grabbing a black cover-up shawl and her car keys from a side table.

“You guys have fun. I’m going to soak up the sun and think about this morning until you all get back… then maybe we can talk about the plan?”

Her pouty face being almost exactly the same as Roxy’s, Loverboy has no choice but to acquiesce and agree to her needs.

“Fine… we can discuss it. But no promises, dude! I’ve already got a lot on my mind! This is the biggest match of my career!”

“Yay! Thank you so much, Vinnie… you won’t regret it.”

Dani maintains eye contact with Loverboy as she heads out the door, and the megastar takes a seat at the breakfast table, devouring his hipster breakfast so he can get his strength back up… for a day of shopping in Beverly Hills.

[Image: TgWT2Nr.gif]

Zuma Beach – Noon

Every one of them looked the same.

This isn’t what he wanted.

The others were interesting because they weren’t… this. The California Barbie doll. Throw a stone in Hollywood and you’d hit five of them, and none of them would have real tits.

His girls… his girls were different.

Well, usually different.

The other night in the sorority house… that was an aberration. That was more like a one night stand than a relationship.

That wasn’t love.

The ones who helped him, though. The ones who carried his books or helped him get groceries into his car.

That was love.

Love was a young, pretty brunette, with her long hair parted down the middle. Love was a normal complexion, a human chest, demure clothing… not plastic, peroxide and silicone.

Not this.

All around him, though, one after another, they walked by. Carbon copies. Cookie cutter women. The same height. The same tan. The same hair.

They probably all had the same plastic surgeon.

They should all be ashamed of themselves, flaunting body parts that didn’t even belong to them, skin that wasn’t what it was supposed to be.

They were all more magazine than reality.

It made him sick.

It made him angry.

So why not get the anger out of his system and bring his equilibrium back down to some semblance of zen before he went on and looked for someone else to love?

Get the hate out of his system with one of these pretend women, these blow-up dolls.

He parked the car far enough away from the beach that they’d have to come with him, away from the crowds, before they caught on.

This time, he opted for a different variation of his usual con. A beach was no place for crutches, after all.

A little bit of plaster of Paris, barely hardened, around his left arm. A cheap sling, doubling as a place to hide his club.

He shaved, cut his hair. Wore some breezier clothes than usual. Just a light t-shirt and some cargo shorts. Nothing memorable.

He was young, maybe. Tall, maybe. His hair could have been brown, or blond, or maybe even reddish.


The thrill of it all was growing inside him like seismic activity, rumbling just below the surface. It was growing harder and harder to maintain it and keep it at bay until he was fully in control.


Walking aimlessly along the line of where the ocean meets the sand, like she’s walking on a wire in a circus.

In a sea of bottle blondes all taking pictures of their lives instead of actually living them in first person, she was at least looking at the sky with her own two eyes.

He liked that.

“Excuse me,” he said to her, just the right amount of desperation in his voice, “excuse me, miss?”

“Yeah?” In a stroke of luck, she must have been the only girl on Zuma Beach not walking around with a pair of earbuds dangling from her head. She actually heard him over the rushing tide.

“I’m so sorry to bother you… I’m just… god, this is embarrassing…”

“What is it? Girls like guys with confidence, you know?”

She stopped walking and turned toward him, smiling. She thought he was flirting with her. And she was flirting back.

If he was any other guy in Los Angeles, this would be the luckiest day of his life, he’d bet.

Either way, though, he was getting what he wanted from her.

“It’s just that… well… my arm…” he shrugged the sling pathetically, emphasizing the uselessness of his limb. A bird of prey with a broken wing is just a bird, after all. He made himself vulnerable to make them vulnerable.

“What about it? Do you need a doctor?”

How adorably blonde of her.

“No… no… my bag, it’s in my car. It’s too big for me to carry one-handed, you know? There’s a lot of gear. Heavy stuff.”


The sun was in her eyes and she shaded them with her hand. He never looked directly at her, anyway. Look at the water. Look at the sand. Look down, like you’re nervous.

If she happens to get away, she won’t be able to remember anything except a sling. It might as well be nothing at all.

And if she doesn’t get away? Well. She might not ever even have the satisfaction of seeing the face that kills her.

“Do you think you could just help me carry it? I mean, just from the road over there to that pagoda? I’ve got friends coming later, so that’s all I need… I’ll be fine after that.”

She didn’t answer. She swayed on the balls of her feet and looked around, surveying the area. Checking the distance between the pagoda and the road.

She wasn’t going to go for it. He could tell she wasn’t comfortable. This was a disaster.



It was probably just the surf crashing up against the sand. Surely she didn’t say that.

“Sure, I’ll help you out. Come on.”

He was stunned. Today of all days, when his concentration was at its lowest and he could barely see straight from the rage burning deep inside him like a furnace, and he hit a home run on his first at-bat.

“Thank you so much, miss… I’m Ted by the way. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem, Ted. I guess you’ll just owe me a favor.”

“Thanks again, though, seriously. You have no idea what a help you are. You’re a lifesaver. My car’s just over this rise, right around the bend in the road. What’s your name, anyway?”

“You’re welcome, seriously. And I’m Dani. Nice to meet you.”

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