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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
Just a Dream - Rp#1 Tag-Team Championship Match
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-18-2015, 12:33 PM

Scully’s Home
Miami, Florida

Skull and Natalie are at home in there bed. Natalie is facing the window, her eyes closed tight. She looks warm and comfy, the duvet is wrapped mostly around her body. The XWF'S Resident is sound asleep too but he doesn't have much duvet as Natalie is hogging it. He just has a little bit covering his legs and his manhood. He looks peaceful with his thumb in his mouth. He is led on his back, his head begins twitching, side to side. His cheeks wobble like his name was Peter Gilmour. Short breaths of air fly from Scully's nose, as if he were firing a double barrel shotgun, both at the same time. Skull is dreaming of a recent incident involving Pest and Muddy.


Angela:I'm sorry, Mr. Waters, and Mr. Scully. I won't displease Pest anymore.

Pest:No, you will not. Michael, rape her.

Pest repeats the words over and over again in Skulls nightnare. Rape her... Rape her...


Skull didn't want to as he pleaded his case.

"Natalie won't like that!"

The Pest turns to Scully, his eyes now filled with an icy hatred.


Skull visions Pests angry face, repeatedly.

Pest:Now, do as I say. Muddy, come upstairs and give them alone time.

Skull watches as The Pest and Muddy head up the stairs and Skull not wanting them to leave. Tears fall from Angela's eyes. Skull can't forget the young girl's scared face.....

Suddenly Skull sits up. Dribble running down his chin as his eyes open slowly. Skull rubs his eyes with his hands, he's not sure sure if he's still dreaming. He shakes his head and opens both eyes wide with his index finger and thumb on each hand. He blinks a few times... A shadowed figure is sat on his bed. Skull can't see, it's dark. He looks a little scared. Turn the lamp on you fool.. Skull touches his touch lamp at the side of his bed. Muddy? Skulls tag-team partner, Muddy is sat on the end of Skulls bed. He's swaying a little as he drinks whisky out of his flask. Muddy then smirks at Skull. Scully gets our of his bed, his dingaling dangling from side to side. He puts a pair of shorts on and whispers to Muddy.

"Come on... Let's go downstairs."

Natalie starts to toss and turn as Muddy looks at her. She turns over on to her back, as her left breast sits on top of the duvet. Muddy is staring as a bulge emerges in his pants. Skull grabs Muddy's arm and attempts to drag him out of his bedroom. Muddy keeps his eyes on Natalie's breast, his tongue dangling like a dog. Skull pushes Muddy out the door way. They're now on the landing as Skull closes the door slowly, behind them.

Muddy looks dissapointed, he looks down at the floor. They walk down the stairs in the dark and enter Skull's living room. Skull turns the nearby table lamp on. Muddy plonks himself down on the sofa. He just stares at his flask and begins shaking it, it's empty. Muddy frowns and looks disheartened. Skull rushes to the kitchen, turns the light on, opens the fridge to grab a blackcurrant flavoured fruit shoot. He hands the fruit shoot to Muddy who looks at the squash with disgust. He drops it on the floor without even opening it. Skull runs back to the kitchen and grabs a can of Budweiser. He hands it to Muddy, who shrugs and then grins. It's alcohol at least. Muddy opens the can and takes a large sip.

"How the hell did you get in here?

"Caught tha' first flight outta' Cicny, baby. We got us some tag straps ta' win hunny, Muddy needs ta' get yer' ass ready."

"Erm... Honey? Winnie the Pooh loves honey."

"Skinny tha' who? Listen, Scully, how ya' feelin' since tha'...tha', ya know'? Tha' thang that happened over there at Mr. Pest's house?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Muddy needs ta' be sure yer' head is ina' good place b'fore' we go after them there Wigger fags tha' Prick Squad."

"I can't eat, I can't sleep. I keep having nightmares. When I have playtime with Natalie, I can't get that young girl's image out of my brain."

"Alright then... Muddy's gunna' help ya', only cause yer' Muddy's friend."

Muddy struggles but manages to push himself up of the sofa. He stands in front of Skull and undoes his Jean button, he unzips them and pulls them down. He reveals his manhood. Skull looks confused.

"Why are you showing me your dick? I'm not playing with it!"

""Look at Muddy's dick, Skull. Does it not help ya' forget tha' other day? Surely, now all ya' see is Muddy's beast?"

"Thanks but all I can see is that young girl's face on your jumbo sausage."

Muddy shrugs and puts his penis back in his jeans and zips them back up. He then falls back in to the chair and drinks some more of his Budweiser.

"Tell ol' Muddy wat' really happened?"

Scully takes a deep breath.

"Well after you and Pest left me downstairs with that young girl and her titties in my face, she looked at me and said...."

Skull begins to speak with high pitched tone.

"Please give it to me hard Mr. Skull. You're so hot."

"So ya'll ragged tha' shit outta' her sweet, soaking vagina, right?"

"No.. No.. No I didn't."

"Wat a let down."

"Well as you know, her titties were in my face looking all juicy and shot. I... I pinched her nipples a few times. She screamed so I apologised. She tried to get me to caress them but I just flicked her nipples. It was fun.. She didn't enjoy it though. She kept trying to wank me off. She has tissues."

Skull looks at Muddy who is snoring. He has fell asleep.

"Muddy are ya listening to me?"

All of a sudden a figure stands in the door way. Skull huddles up next to Muddy, who tries to open his drowsy eyes. The figure steps forward, the light of the lamp reveals the Pest's angry face. Pest rushes towards Scully who tries to hide behind the drunken Muddy. Pest pushes Muddy to the side who's head falls on to the cushion. Pest grabs Scully by the ear. He pulls the petrified from the sofa, throws him on to the floor and yells at him.

Pest:You dare lie to me? You dare to disobey me? You dare to not follow daddy's orders?

"I'm sorry. I was scared. I didn't want to do it."

Skull is on his back, covering his head with his hands as Pest hovers over him, grabbing the scuff of his T-shirt. He points his finger in Skulls face.

Pest:I am dissapointed in you. I have always been there for you since you came to the XWF and you disrespect me?

"You disrespecta me by trying to force me to do something I don't want to do."

Pest goes red in the face. His hand ready to strike until Natalie appears in the doorway. She is wearing a pink dressing gown. She proceeds to shout at the Pest.

"Get off him."

Pest looks at Natalie and steps off Scully. He walks towards her.

"Get out of my house!"

Pest immediately strikes Natalie with a huge backhander as she falls to the floor, holding her face. Skull's face suddenly changes from scared to anger in a second. Brie Mode.... I mean he goes into mode. Skull gets up to his feet and jumps on Pests back. Pest tries to get Skull off him by swinging side to side, Skull's legs dangle and tries to lock in a sleeper hold.

Pest:Get off me you fool!

Skull digs his teeth into Pest's shoulder as he screams in pain. Pest throws his head back, using enough force to fling Scully off him and onto the floor. Tears begin to fall from Scully's eyes as he looks up at Pest.

Pest:Heel Skull... Heel.. That's it, be a good boy.

"You hit Natalie... Why would you that?"

Pest:Because she spoke to me out of turn. Every dog must learn its place.

Skull wipes the tears from his eyes and grits his teeth.

"Call her a dog again... Go on, daddio."

Pest looks down at Scully. Then turns and walks towards Natalie, who is sat against the wall of the hall way.


Skull is now up on his feet. He wipes his feet on the floor like a bull ready to charge. Pest faces Skull and gestures with his finger, meaning no. Skull charges and spears Pest to the ground. He's now mounted on top of him, Pest grabs Scully's throat. From out of now where, Morbid pulls Scully off Pest. He has Skull under his arms as Skull kicks and screams. Morbid puts Scully down in the corner of the living room. Pest is up now, he stands in the door way.

Morbid Angel-“"Calm your tits! Don't make me get all God-like in this bitch!"

Scully is still breathing heavily. Pest is thinking and sighs. He walks towards Scully Meister, Morbid still in between. Pest offers his hand as a peace offering. The resident accepts and shakes the hand of Pest. Pest then takes a deep breath, let's go of the handshake and makes his way to Natalie. The Pest does the unlikeliest thing and offers his hand to Natalie, to help her up. Natalie also accepts and Pest pulls her to his feet.

"Let me get you guys a beer."

Suddenly Muddy coincidentally awakes.

"Good ol' Muddy will av one. What did I miss?"

Pest, Skull and Morbid chuckle at Muddy. Natalie goes to get the beer. The Black Hand cram up on the sofa's. Natalie returns with a crate of Budweiser and places it down in front of them. She smiles at Scully and kisses him on the lips before going back upstairs to bed, to leave the Black Hand to it.
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