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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare April 15th Results
Author Message
Matthew Oaktree Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

04-15-2015, 01:44 PM

[Image: rprZ2zV.png]

April 15th, 2015
Lafayette, Louisiana

[Image: Cajundome.jpg]

Nova Sin & Luna Hightower
- vs -
Brick Squad
Bruce Blingsteen & Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson
X-Treme Tornado Tag Match

Morbid Angel
- vs -
Participants will name a stip for the match in their FIRST RPs (Nothing is off limits)
A poll will be taken and the stip with the most votes will be added to the match

Dylan George
- vs -
Hero Xtreme 7.9
- vs -
Dead Nick
- vs -
Sebastian Duke
- vs -
Austin Fernando
Clusterfuck in a Cell, Five Man Match, One Fall

- vs -
Game Girl
- vs -
Super Smash Bros. Match
Match takes place on Final Destination
Items On, No timer, One life each
Winner will be the last man standing on Final Destination
Optional: Final Smash moves must be described in participants FIRST RPs

[Image: gsnLwNZ.png?1]
Nova Sin & Luna Hightower
- vs -
Brick Squad
Bruce Blingsteen & Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson
X-Treme Tornado Tag Match

Nova Sin and Luna Hightower start in the ring.

Kanye by The Chainsmokers plays

Kanye by The Chainsmokers plays through the arena and Bruce rides out on a segway, pumping his arms. He wheels his way down the ramp, slapping hands with the ringside fans on his way. Once he reaches the ring he hops from the segway onto the apron and springboards into the ring and raises his arms as the fans cheer.

Surf Wax America by Weezer plays

The opening riff of Surf Wax America hits the airwaves and Flynn comes out of the back. He stops at the top of the entry way and looks out at the adoring crowd before quickly making his way down the entry ramp. He slides into the ring and climbs the nearest turnbuckle. Once there he makes an X with his arms, by crossing them at the wrists. He smiles for the crowd as he awaits his opponent.

Flynn goes over to the his opponents and shakes their hands, wishing them a good match.

JIM ROSS: "Now that is sportsmanship you don't see any more."

BOBBY HEENAN: "And for good reason. This Flynn kid is a goof!"

The ref signals for the bell and the team of Nova Sin and Luna Hightower rush the members of Brick Squad. Bruce jumps onto the ropes immediately and hits Nova Sin with a springboard flying knee. Cole-Ericson kicks Luna in the stomach and drops her with a snap DDT. He quickly gets to his feet and pulls something from his board shorts. It's a piece of paper? He stuffs the note in Luna's pocket and gestures 'call me'

JIM ROSS: "Smooth move from Flynn."

Nova and Luna shake the cobwebs and get back to their feet. Bruce bitch slaps Nova Sin and FLYBOY FLIP!!! Bruce hits the Flip Piledriver with perfection. Luna takes a swing at Flynn but he ducks and hits a sitout jawbreaker on Luna. Bruce gives the finger to the two girls and kicks Luna on top of Nova Sin as Flynn climbs the top rope and leaps off.


Flynn hits the 450 splash on both women and quickly gets to his feet high fiving Bruce. Luna still has some fight in her though and stumbles to her feet, Bruce motions for Flynn to do something and FACE hits her with Face The Music! (Double pumphandle powerbomb lift into a cutter) Bruce goes for the cover on Nova Sin and Fynn covers Luna. The ref counts both pins.




Winners: Bruce Blingsteen & Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson!

After the match 'We Dem Boyz' (Brick Squad's theme) plays as Bruce celebrates. Flynn helps the two women to their feet and helps brush them off, smiling as he does. He then holds the rope down for both girls to step out and goes to celebrate with his partner.

[Image: gsnLwNZ.png?1]
- vs -
Game Girl
- vs -
Super Smash Bros. Match
Match takes place on Final Destination
Items On, No timer, One life each
Winner will be the last man standing on Final Destination
Optional: Final Smash moves must be described in participants FIRST RPs





Jack leaps into the air as does Game GIRL. They begin exchanging blows back and forth at speeds that no one can detect! Maverick meanwhile seems to be having problems as he begins moving left and right without really doing anything.

Game GIRL spins around before hitting a ⇧ ⇧ A - Raging Uppercut! Jack flies back almost off the map! But he leaps back into action and suddenly a crate appears in front of Jack. Jack kicks it twice to break it open and out jumps a mushroom! Jack grabs it and NOW WE HAVE ENORMOUS JACK! Jack is now the size of a three-story building! He leaps into the air and does a body slam smashing both Maverick and Game GIRL for substantial damage!

Game GIRL gets to her feet quickly as does Maverick. GIRL smashes a box and out flows another mushroom! GIRL goes for it but Maverick kicks her out of the way and grabs it himself!

OH no!

It’s a Poison Mushroom! Maverick shrinks down to less than a foot tall. Game GIRL laugh at him before hitting ↺ A+B - Hyper Bomb! The overhead strike with pure energy sends Maverick so far off the map that a pillar of energy comes down to indicate that Maverick had indeed died.

With that Game GIRL turned her attention to Jack who had just shrunken down to size. Jack leaps at her and she hits A for a punch! Jack is no fool and expertly evades the blow. He grabs her arm and pulls her into a knee to the stomach in mid-air before roundhouse kicking her down into the floor.

Game GIRL flips over and gets to her feet looking a slight bit disgruntled. She sees a crate behind her as Jack sees one behind him. They both go opposite directions and go for the crates. Game GIRL kicks it open and out pops a Poke Ball! Jack does likewise and out leaps a Bunny Hood! Jack places the Bunny Hood on and begins leaping at alarming speed from ledge to ledge until he’s on the opposite side of Game GIRL. GIRL grabs the Poke Ball and unleashes…


Snorlax sits there doing absolutely nothing and Jack looks on and laughs. He leaps over Snorlax but… WAIT!

Snorlax leaps up and EATS JACK!

A few seconds pass as you can see Jack fighting inside of Snorlax. Snorlax stands up and SHITS out Jack! Covered in a disgusting brown liquid, Jack looks disgusted. Despite this, Jack also lost his Bunny Hood inside of the Pokemon who has now disappeared.

Game GIRL begins laughing hysterically at Jack, but Jack just looks angry. He rushes over and grabs Game GIRL up from behind and holds her close forcing her to enjoy the wonderful aroma with him. He lifts her up by her neck and legs and then drops her down for a Military Press Slam! Game GIRL hits hard but is gagging from the terrible fragrance provided by Jack being through the bowels of Snorlax.

As Jack is about to charge once more, he sees a clock sitting on the top ledge. He leaps up to it and picks it up and time begins to slow down. Well for everyone that isn’t Jack. Jack goes back down to the bottom level and begins laying in the punches and kicks to the ribs and stomach of Game GIRL. Game GIRL is unable to defend herself as she’s caught in the slowed down time period. Jack lifts her up and rushes to the opposite side of the screen. He takes charge and begins speeding across the map with right boot held up high! THE RENEGADE’S KICK!

Game GIRL comes back just in time to recognize this. ⇩ B - Low Sweep! Just as Jack is about to connect, She turns and knocks the other leg out from under him! He skids across the map floor trying to avoid sliding off the edge! He leaps back and looks primed for another round. However as he does so, ⇩ ⇩ B - Shift-Slide! She comes charging at him and hits ↺ ↺ A - Atomic Headbutt! The headbutt connects and Jack looks out on his feet!

He’s wobbly and looks out of it when a crate falls from the sky and lands right on his head and breaks open! Inside are…

The Knives of Jack!

Jack looks pleased with his draw and leaps forward! Game GIRL tries to avoid, but the handle-ends of the knives do their damage undoubtedly causing bruising no matter where they hit. Ribs, face, neck, and back of arms. Game GIRL seems disgruntled by this and leaps to the next level where a box is. Jack rushes after her. ⇦ ⇩ ⇨ ⇦ ⇩ ⇨ A B - Power Geyser! A pillar of energy from the top level shoots down knocking Jack to the floor level.

Game GIRL mashes A trying to punch her way through the box and does so! Inside is located a WARHAMMER! Her Strength increases by 10 as well as her Will increases by 2! Leaps down as Jack is getting up and CLOBBERS him with the Warhammer! He goes flying almost falling off the map again! Jack lunges forward and is avoiding each of the hammer blows as he continues nailing Game GIRL with the blunt end of his knives!

He goes for a killer shot to the neck when suddenly his knives vanish! The time limit on them ran out! Game GIRL smiles and swings the hammer sending him flying! He falls off the map!

He falls and falls until Jack begins leaping back! He leaps and leaps and he’s back on the map! Jack rushes at Game GIRL and dodges her hammer only to kick her in the back of the knees….

DEATH’S LULLABY! Argentine set out into a face buster!

Game GIRL hits the ground and her hammer vanishes. Jack stands tall and as soon as she gets up… Jack turns around and nails…


The discus lariat sends Game GIRL careening off the map! Jack pumps his fist until he realizes that she too is coming back into the arena. At this point both combatants are extremely exhausted. They meet in the center of the map and begin kicking and punching the daylights out of each other. Jack kicks her in the head to throw her back, but Game GIRL’s eyes begin to glow an eerie green!

She raises up off the ground and…


She hits the ground and begins charging towards Jack slashing a sword that just came out of nowhere! Jack tries to block, but the blows are too quick and too lethal and Jack begins getting ripped to shreds! She keeps moving until the end of the map and, with one final swing, sends Jack flying off the screen into a pillar of energy to indicate his death!

Winner: Game GIRL

[Image: gsnLwNZ.png?1]
Morbid Angel
- vs -
9 Holes of HELL!
Participants play 9 holes of golf
They must fight at the tee to take a shot
Best of 9

Matthew Oaktree stands in the ring with a microphone.

"Ladies and gentleman, it's time to see which stipulation will be added to the following match."

Oaktree looks to the Xtron as dramatic music plays, a video plays circling between Morbid's face, Mastermind's face and a question mark. The switching slows down and lands on... Morbid Angel! The crowd cheers.

"Morbid Angel's stip wins! The loser of the match must have a sex change lasting at least 30 days, unless they find it more comfortable as a woman, we're not here to judge. The winner will decide what the newly female loser will look like and give her a name. The match will be a 9 holes of hell match! Golf. The match is fucking golf. Because of this match, your commentary team will be replaced for this match by a soft spoken Englishman."

Warfare fades out and goes to TPC Louisana golf course were Mastermind is at the tee ready with his golf club.

SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "Mastermind is at the tee. Good grip, he's testing the wind. Only the first hole so it shouldn't be too difficult for the Kiwi. He's making sure his swing is well adjusted oh, but here comes Morbid Angel in a golf cart and. Yes, yes. He has just run over Mastermind in the golf cart. Small round of applause from the crowd here."

Mastermind is trapped under the cart and Morbid steps out wearing a canary yellow sweater and stupid plaid golf hat thing. He steps on Mastermind's hand as he takes the golf club and waves to the fans, he lines up the shot and takes a mighty swing.

SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "Great drive from the Morbid God. The crowd is quite happy with that, Morbid is not it seems. He is pulling something from his pants, a notepad to keep score possibly? No. It's a revolver, he aims and shoots. Morbid hits the ball dead on, it's going. Hole in one and he is proud of that, respectful golf clap all around."

Morbid Angel: 1
Mastermind: 0

Morbid climbs back into his golf cart and drives across the green. Mastermind somehow gets up and shakes his fist at Morbid, who takes a wrong turn and drives into the water. Mastermind grabs his club and runs to the next hole.

SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "At hole number two an out of breath Mastermind is ready to even up the score."


SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "Sounds like Morbid Angel is making his way here now."


SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "Ah yes, he is sprinting towards Mastermind, but the Kiwi is in no rush. He knows the great game of golf is won by the slow and steady."


SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "And Morbid makes it to Mastermind and takes a swing at him, Mastermind telegraphs the hit and ducks. Prodding Morbid's meat and two veg with his club and swinging it hardly into Morbid's head. Angel falls down with a small clap from the crowd. Mastermind lines up, he pulls back his club and.. What a terrific shot from Mastermind. Is it? Yes. A hole in one. And a round of applause from the crowd."

Morbid Angel: 1
Mastermind: 1

Mastermind proudly walks off but he's grabbed from behind by Morbid Angel who launches him with a German Suplex. Mastermind crashes onto the well cut grass and Morbid runs to some of his devoted fans, whispering to them before they run off through the crowd. Morbid touches the blood coming from his forehead and smells it before going to lick it for some reason but Mastermind sneaks up on Morbid and chokes him with his gold club. MM has Morbid in an improvised Mind Sleeper using the golf club!

Morbid struggles but passes out as he reaches to tag in a random fan. Mastermind releases his hold and steps over Morbid and continuing to walk to the third hole, whistling as he does. Several seconds go by and a doctor checks on a still Morbid, the stethoscope to Angel's buff chest. The Doctor slowly pulls the stethoscope away from him and looks to the camera, slowing shaking his head with a somber expression. It goes quiet for a few seconds but Morbid springs to life, wraaping his giant hand around the doctor's throat and pulling himself to his feet. Morbid grabs a club and sprints to hole 3.

SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "Mastermind is again first at the tee, but something is off. This is hole 4. Looks like Morbid's cronies have switched the flags marking each hole. If all goes to plan, Morbid may reward them in the afterlife. Mastermind is taking his sweet time but it appears Morbid is at the actual hole 3. Still sprinting and now screaming loudly he takes a running swing at the ball and it soars through the air. Another hole in one. Extraordinary."

Morbid Angel: 2
Mastermind: 1

Morbid tears off his sweater in victory and starts to run to hole 4.

SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "Mastermind licks his finger and tests the wind, he tightens his grip around the club and takes a huge swing. It's good. Another hole in one. Every dead professional golfer must be rolling in their graves at this point."

Morbid Angel: 2
Mastermind: 2

Morbid out of breath sees Mastermind's ball fly over his head and go straight into the hole. His plan didn't go so well. Mastermind strolls away to hole number 5. Morbid is pissed to say the least and punches a bystander before running to meet Mastermind. A minute or two go by and both men meet at the tee around the same time. The two lock eyes and swing their golf clubs at each other but block each hit, like a shitty duel of fates. After the battle rages on, Mastermind sees an opening and crashes the club against Morbid's right leg. Angel falls to his knees in pain and MM lifts Morbid into the air and drops him hard onto the ground with a Fisherman Suplex. Morbid is winded on the grass and MM quickly takes a swing at the ball and another hole in one! The fuck is going on?

SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "The bloody hell is going on today with these hole in ones? These two men are in the wrong profession."

Morbid Angel: 2
Mastermind: 3

Morbid gets to his feet and his face turns red in anger, he rushes MM and swings but Mastermind dodges and Morbid hits his ball instead. The ball flies through the air with lightning speed and lands in hole 6 across the wide gap of water. The crowd claps and both men's jaws drop.

Morbid Angel: 3
Mastermind: 3

Morbid quickly shakes his head and punches Mastermind in the face, knocking him to the ground as he sprints to the next hole. A couple of minutes pass and Morbid, out of breath, sluggishly makes it to hole 7. He raises his club in victory and goes to take his shot, but a golf club is hurled at his head and knocks the Morbid GOD of balance.

SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "Mastermind with a terrific hurl of that golf club, proving he's still in this match. Morbid is clutching his head and Mastermind sprints towards him and nails him with a flying headbutt, both men are down."

Mastermind slowly climbs to his feet and Morbid sits up, clutching his head. MM goes to strike Morbid again but he calls for a timeout and Mastermind stops in his tracks. Morbid takes a ball from his pocket and tosses it to Mastermind, saying he can take the shot. Mastermind makes a slight smile and places the ball on the tee, he lines up his shot as Morbid backs away and covers his ears. Mastermind swings and.


The golf ball explodes and Mastermind is thrown away from the blast. Morbid laughs his ass off and gives the probably dead Mastermind the finger. He takes another ball from his pocket and tosses it onto the ground, he lines up and makes another steroid powered swing. With another hole in one.

Morbid Angel: 4
Mastermind: 3

SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "Two more holes left, but Mastermind looks out of it. Morbid inches closer to the eighth hole, he could win it all now. But no, the smoldering pile of burning clothes and flesh known as Mastermind gets to a knee, he starts to walk to the eighth hole. What a trooper. Morbid takes his shot and the ball flies through the air and lands in the sand. Finally, not a hole in one."

Morbid looks distraught, he turns to his right and sees Mastermind limping towards him. Morbid rushes to the bunker and starts to quickly swing at the ball but he's getting nothing but sand. The rage is real. Mastermind finally gets to the tee and, what do you know, another hole in one from Mastermind!

Morbid Angel: 4
Mastermind: 4

Morbid screams in anger and grabs the golf ball from the sand, throwing it at Mastermind hitting him in the head. Morbid then runs to the final hole, Mastermind following behind.

SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "This is it ladies and gentleman, the race to the final hole and the chance to win it all. Morbid gets to the tee first and quickly takes his shot without lining up. The ball is going and going and lands on the green. Morbind roars in anger and jogs to his ball. Mastermind, trailing behind, gets to the tee as Morbid has already set off. Mastermind lines his shot, he's had terrific luck so far, can he do it? He swings, the ball flies through the air and. And. On the green."

Mastermind sprints at full speed across the grass and quickly catches up with Morbid, the pair shove each other as they run to their balls. They manage to stay on their feet and get to the green at the same time, Mastermind tries to put the ball into the hall but Morbid grabs him around the neck and drops him with a chokeslam! Morbid goes to his ball but Mastermind trips him and gets Morbid in a sleeper hold. Mastermind lifts Morbid up to his feet, the hold still locked in and MM drops Morbid with an inverted DDT. To be safe, Mastermind stamps on Angel's injured right leg and goes to take his shot.

Mastermind makes a light swing and the ball goes on course!

It gets closer and closer to the hole, inches away.

But it's stopped!

By a.. Severed.. Penis.... Morbid must keep them on him at all times. The detached dick blocks the balls path and Morbid rushes a shocked Mastermind, taking him by surprise!


Morbid gets Mastermind with the Crucix Powerbomb and he crashes onto the grass. Mastermind is lifeless on the ground, Morbid clutches his leg and falls with MM. He grasps the golf club and hits his ball like it was a snooker ball. It's on course.

It's going. Going!

It's in!!!

Morbid Angel: 5
Mastermind: 4

Winner: Morbid Angel!

SOFT SPOKEN ENGLISHMAN: "Good for Morbid, unfortunate for Mastermind. This was a unique game to say the least, now back to actual wrestling."

[Image: gsnLwNZ.png?1]
Dylan George
- vs -
Hero Xtreme 7.9
- vs -
Dead Nick
- vs -
Sebastian Duke
- vs -
Austin Fernando
Clusterfuck in a Cell, Five Man Match, One Fall

DEAD NICK walks out from the backstage area to no music. He walks straight down the ramp and crawls into the ring.

Deadly Saturdays by The WeekNight Warriors plays

A bloody casket with purple skulls lowers from the rafters suddenly the wire snaps and it crashes into the ring. The casket explodes into confetti and then Hero Xtreme 7.9's music starts playing and a bunch of poultry walk out onto the ramp. Hero follows them with an axe and tries to chop their heads off. Any of the turkeys he manages to kill are given to kids in the audience.

The arena blackens as an icy cold gust of wind can be heard swooping through the stands.
...a moment of silence... suddenly a cultish cackle of children giggling can be heard over the loud speakers, they begin quoting a seemingly ceremonious chant:

"1... 2....
Dylan's coming for you...
3... 4...
Hell's now waging it's war...
5... 6...
No need for a crucifix...
7... 8...
It's time to face your fate...
9... 10...
Time for the nightmare to begin..."

The loud speakers pop and crackle as the eerie sounds fade out following more laughter.
Suddenly the XTron illuminates the arena with a morbid message...


Thunderkiss 65 by White Zombie plays

Thunderkiss 65 cues over the loud speakers. A gallantly golden shower of pyro begins to form above the entranceway. In the mist cloud forming behind the XTron the monstrous outline of Dylan 'The Nightmare' George arises as he slowly appears beneath the pyro, looking down at the ground as the pyro showers him...

Suddenly 'The Nightmare' looks up from the ground and directly into the camera and roars:

Golden pyros begin to explode along the stage and down the runway as 'The Nightmare', now illuminated with a white-hot spot light is the only thing that can be seen in the arena as he makes his slow descent to the ring. Slowly he climbs into the ring and is now standing dead-center with the spot light still lighting his freakish frame. He drops to his knees, extending his arms out and begins to roar while another golden shower of pyro falls onto the ring while the lighting slowly is restored to the arena. He sits there, still and stoic looking at the mat on his knees...

Carnivore by Sunset plays

Austin Fernando strides out confidently to the top of the entrance ramp, standing front and centre in front of the entire crowd with an almost sadistic smile on his face, cranking his head from side to side, he paces down to the ring and hops up onto the apron lightly. He stops again for a moment and bounds straight over the top rope, clearing it easily. Bouncing around lightly on his feet he crosses over to the bottom right turnbuckle and steps up onto the top turnbuckle, raising one arm triumphantly into the air. The crowd giving him mixed reactions, he steps down from the top rope and stays in the bottom right corner he placed himself in, stretching himself out and preparing himself for the match ahead.

The lights go out and stay out for several seconds.


The darkness is finally cut as the X-Tron explodes into flames. From the very top of it, the flames travel out on both sides until they surround the tron. From there, flames explode from the ramp then travel down both sides of the ramp. The flames reach the bottom of the ramp and all four corners of the ring explode with more firey flamages igniting the steel lighting structure above the ring into a kind of ring of fire.

Sad But True by Metallica plays

With the illusion that the entire arena is on fire, Sad But True hits. The flames continue to burn and just after Sad But True's pause near the beginning, Sebastian Duke finally emerges. Not from backstage, but from beneath, as if he's coming from the depths of hell. Once Duke reaches the stage, he makes his way to the ring with an average speed approach, the flames raising and lowering to the beat of the drums in Sad But True.

The bell tolls, and all five contestants inside this demonic structure give each other an icy stare.

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: I can hardly believe this tension.

JIM ROSS: That's how you know, Brain, that this is gonna be a bona- fide slobber knocker!

All five contestants rush to the middle at once, meeting and doing a mass- collar- and- elbow tie- up. Each competitor is struggling to gain the upper hand, though eventually, Duke pushes forward with immense strength, sending the other four competitors onto their asses.

JIM ROSS: Bah gawd! That's some demonic strength right there!

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: That's why they call him the King of Darkness, JR!.. I think.

From there, Dead Nick must have done something really bad to piss off Duke, as he is now heading towards Nick like a freight train.

Nick gets back up and tries to throw a punch in retaliation, though it's countered by a huge, thunderous belly- to- belly, sending Nick flying halfway across the ring!

Meanwhile, Hero, George, and Fernando have slid out of the ring, and are taking the fight to there. Fernando has the upper hand on George right now, laying to him with thunderous, repeated right hands.

JIM ROSS: Dylan George is bein' whipped like a scolded dog! Fernando is really layin' into him with those shots!

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: That's the power of the Firm, JR! Conquering Gods, Kings, and Nightmares!

JIM ROSS: Speakin' of gawds, here comes Hero Xtreme behind Fernando!

Hero Xtreme grabs Fernando's hair, and uses that as leverage to slam Fernando's back right onto his knee! Dylan George is getting right back into this, sending Hero to the padding with a thunderous flying elbow. After a few deep breaths of relief, Dylan goes under the ring, and pulls out...

JIM ROSS: Dylan George is really bringing out his inner Triple H! He's got a sledgehammer!

Back inside the ring, Dead Nick is starting to fight back against Duke. Right hand followed by right hand, Duke is being steadily pushed back to the ropes. Irish Whip by Dead Nick...

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: Oof, Duke may need to get his teeth checked after that calf kick to the mouth by Dead Nick.

Duke is surveying the damage down to his mouth, a tiny bit of blood circulating within. Dead Nick throws an elbow down onto Duke's chest, sending the King of Darkness onto Dream Street. Nick with the cover.



JIM ROSS: Broken up by Fernando, dragging Nick outside of the ring!

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: No way Nick is gonna end it this early, not when everyone is still fresh and alive!

Nick and Fernando are trading blows! Nick with two snap jabs! Fernando with a huge right!

JIM ROSS: Dead Nick and Austin Fernando are in a stalemate! Neither one is gonna give up here! The drive of these men is burnin' ablaze!

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: Let's see how well that drive is going to match up against an incoming Sebastian Duke!

Duke runs off the ropes and is barreling towards Fernando and Nick... SUICIDE DIVE OFF THE TOP ROPE!

NO! Nick and Fernando ran off to the sides, leaving Duke to... CRASH THROUGH THE CELL WALL HEAD FIRST!


BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: That's the price these superstars have to pay to win this match, JR! And if you thought the match was going to be gruesome inside the cell, now these competitors have a whole new world to play around in!

Meanwhile, Hero Xtreme is attempting to duck the sledgehammer shots being sent by Dylan George! A shot goes barreling for Hero Xtreme's head-- no! The sledgehammer rattles against the cell wall, which leaves Dylan George looking quite rattled.

All of a sudden...

JIM ROSS: Hero Xtreme's palms are bein' loaded with lightnin'! This could be bad for Dylan George!

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: This is why you don't play around with God, JR! Dylan George is about to be struck down by Hero Xtreme's wrath!

JIM ROSS: Ah- Ah was willin' to believe all that God stuff his manager hypes up was just fancy smoke 'n' mirrors, but now... just run kid, run!

Hero Xtreme 7.9 throws an elbow at Dylan George! And another one knocking George into the corner. Hero Xtreme 7.9 hops on one foot, is he about to do something God-like? Once he's three hops away he turns around and shoots lighting bolts at Dylan George's nipples. Dylan George cups his breasts in pain and Hero Xtreme 7.9 grabs him and hits a Belly-to-Belly Heroplex out of the corner.

Dylan snaps himself out of his horrified trance while Hero is charging up his lighting. Dylan goes under the ring once more, ditching the sledgehammer and grabbing... a steel chair!

A random voice shouts out as Hero fires the lightning bolt-- "IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZER!"

Dylan uses the steel chair as a shield! The lighting bolt bounced off of it, through the hole Duke created, going to the fans, and finally sizzling some shitty green rookie that was sitting in the third row.

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: Well... sucks to be that guy.

Meanwhile, out of the cell, Fernando and Nick are continuing their war nearby the announce table. Fernando bashes Nick's head into the announce table, and begins to take control with that, grinding Nick's head into the steel structure.

JIM ROSS: What a hellacious, vindictive maneuver from Austin Fernando! This migh' be drawin' some blood outta' Dead Nick's cranium!

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: It is as I said before, JR! It's what these competitors have to do to prevail here, inside the clusterfuck!

All of a sudden, Sebastian Duke comes out of nowhere with a double clothesline! Fernando and Dead Nick are sent hammering down to the mat. Duke goes to Fernando's legs, and slingshots him to the cell!

But wait! It's... reversed? Fernando is scaling the steel cell!

JIM ROSS: Austin Fernando is climbin' tha' cell like his life depends on it!

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: It may very well, JR! Because now, Duke is scaling the cell after Fernando! And it looks like that Dead Nick guy is going after Duke!

Fernando is nearing the top of the cell, whereas Nick and Duke are at about halfway up the cell. Nick is wrapping his arms around Duke, looking like he wants to German Suplex him off the cell, the announce table sitting precariously below...

No! Duke throws an elbow! And another! And another! Nick's grip is letting up considerably, but Duke is still hammering away with those elbows!

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: One has to wonder when Nick is going to let up his grip, and- OH MY GOD!

Nick goes flying off the cell right through the announce table!


Duke sends one last look at the wreck now known as Dead Nick, takes a few deep breaths... and continues to scale the cell after Fernando, who is now sitting pretty at the top.

Back in the cell, we see Hero hopping off some steel steps, attempting to get away from the maniacal, chair- swinging psycho known as Dylan George.

Dylan hammers a steel chair shot, but misses and hits the steel steps. Hero throws a superkick- reversed! Dylan catches the boot and gives Hero a huge throat thrust!

JIM ROSS: Hero Xtreme's wind pipe may be crushed from that throat thrust from Dylan George!

Hero crumples to his knees, enabling Dylan to throw Hero into the ring. As soon as Dylan gets into the ring after Hero, he sizes him up... As Hero gets up, Dylan throws a boot to the gut of Hero. Dylan bounces off the ropes...

JIM ROSS: The Dreamcatcher! That may do it! The cover!



THR- NO! Hero kicked out!

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: Damn, if you need any more proof that this guy is God, that's it. I don't think even I could've kicked out of that.

JIM ROSS: Well, Brain, knowing you, that's not really an achievement.

Dylan curses under his breath, then gets to the turnbuckle. He's slowly scaling the turnbuckle...

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: That's a nice desperation move there by Hero Xtreme! Way to use the enviroment to your advantage!

JIM ROSS: I'm not sure how trippin' up Dylan George and causing him to hurt his crown jewels could be consider' 'nice.'

As Dylan is clutching his baby George and Hero is gasping for air, we go to the top of the cell to see Austin and Duke slugging it out, while Dead Nick is still on top of the announce table, not moving.

Duke is slowly maintaining the upper hand now... right hands after right hands! Duke with a Gallos Neckbreaker! The cover!



JIM ROSS: Fernando still has plenty of figh' left in 'im!

Duke sizes up Fernando as he gets up... chokeslam! Fernando may be out!

But no. Duke... Duke is clutching Fernando's hair. He's not finished yet. He grabs Fernando and puts him into a suplex position...


BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN:Do it Duke! It's the only way you have a chance of winning!






BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: And that's leaving Hero Xtreme to pick up the scraps! Unless if Duke would care to jump down the hole he created, this match is going to Hero!

Duke is sprinting to the edge of the cell, beginning to climb down as Hero slides in for the cover.



Duke is about to finish climbing down the cell like a goddamned madman.


BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: Thanks for coming.

Duke is sprinting through the hole he created with the suicide dive... but he's too late!



JIM ROSS: The Risin' Sun! The Risin' Sun! That elbow drop from Dylan George just saved everyone the match!

BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN: But now it's looking like everyone is coming to...

Everyone is back on their feet looking at each other in the ring, each man beaten up. Nick rushes Duke with a flying clothesline but it's countered!


Nick falls to the mat, Duke is about to go for the cover but is interrupted by Hero with a flurry of punches. Dylan rushes Fernando and the two trade blows, but Fern quickly gets the better of George and sends several hard strikes into Dylan's head before dropkicking him over the ropes. Fernando turns his attention Nick and Duke brawling. Sebastian headbutts Hero and shoves him towards Austin who catches him and...


Fern hits the suplex cutter with perfection and goes for the pin, the same time Duke pins Nick.

JIM ROSS: "The cover!"

BOBBY HEENAN: "Covers, JR. Covers."



Dylan George from out of nowhere breaks up Austin's pin!


Winner: Sebastian Duke!

Sebastian Duke's music plays and he raises his arms into the air as Fernando holds his head in his hands.

JIM ROSS: "Milliseconds away from a draw then."

BOBBY HEENAN: "YES! Duke does it again, that's my boy Duke!"
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[-] The following 6 users Like Matthew Oaktree's post:
Brucette Blingsteen (04-15-2015), Hero Xtreme 7.9 (04-15-2015), Mastermind (04-15-2015), Ozymandias (04-15-2015), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-16-2015), Vincent Lane (04-15-2015)
Hero Xtreme 7.9 Away
Sidelined God

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-15-2015, 02:46 PM

NOCMM: Fantastic match, God.

Star of The Month (February 2002)
WXC Tag Team Champion x3 (/w Venom Explosion (2), DJ Death)
UWF X-Treme Champion x5
UWF No Limits Champion x2
UWF Tag Team Champion x1 (/w Shaker Jones)
BBCXR Heavyweight Champion x4
SOW World Champion x2
RXW World Champion x1
RXW X-Division Champion x1
NWPW Rapid Division Champion x 3
WFWD Intercontinental Champion x2
XWL United States Champion x2
XWL European Champion x1
XWL Tag Bowl Winner (/w White Abyss)
BLOOD Bleeding Champion x3

All Time Record: 912-32-4
Hero Xtreme Un Record: 0-3-0

Priority prayers and more, back open for business.
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Game Girl Offline

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

04-15-2015, 02:59 PM

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Huh, now I know why Game Boy liked this place so much. That was pretty fun :)"

[Image: mAmAfiJ.png]

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JACK Offline
The Lone Crusader

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-15-2015, 03:03 PM

"I'm more than inclined to agree, but having fun is not what I came here to do, as I'm sure your former companion would've told you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to take a shower and replace my bandages. I have a feeling that we'll meet again sometime soon, hopefully on better terms than last time."

[Image: 1sRaL7A.png?2]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-16-2015, 06:02 AM

great HIAC match.. sorry Fernando ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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