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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Looking for a FIGHT (or alliance)! Looking to insult each other (or team up)!
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Addressing The Senator
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-25-2015, 02:27 PM


Welcome to a video starring none other than the anti-hero of Xtreme. No, it's not Barney Green, though they weigh the exact same. I digress. Cain sits back in front if his webcam, scribbling on a sketchpad. He waits a few moments then sets aside the pad, looking up at the camera with his chin slightly raised.

"John Samuels. The Senator. He's a multiple time champion, folks. Ya see, I recognize his achievements though he doesn't give a rat's ass. Whatever..." he shrugs his shoulders. "...I don't care either. You know, I could sit here all day talking about I don't care about how he doesn't care about how I don't like him. It's cool, I'm cool. We're cool."

"Or are we?"

"We were. We were very cool. I had no problem with the three kings. Hell, I don't even call them "The Queers of Comedy" or whatever because I am above things like that. My actions speak for me, unlike Samuels who talks a lot of shit. He talks about how I haven't done anything relevant. It would seem that Senator John doesn't understand the true difference between he and I."

Never in his career had Cain actually crossed paths with John Samuels. Not in the beginning, not mid way through, and not now. Or at least we thought it wouldn't happen right now, but you see, Samuel s stuck his nose in Cain's business. Cain meant what he'd said about Dimallisher. Honestly, it was because tag team titles DO mean something while tag team titles with no dick Gilmour don't mean shit.

Cain explained his reasoning.

"Samuels, you're getting up there. You've been working hard for a very long time, and trust me, I am as appreciative of your contributions as everyone else. Hell, I am impressed, downright love your work. You sir are a legend, and I respect that. However, you know as well as I do that legends age. Their bones creak, their minds go, they're just not the same man they used to be. Look at men like Ric Flair, Undertaker, and Sting. Look at them then, and look at them now!"

"Do you see the difference, Samuels?"

"In your heyday, as in theirs, you were great just like them. Your name was once feared amongst every rookie in the locker room. Hell, look at all your wonderful titles! Look at your trophy case, you practically need shades man!"

"I don't say this to insult you, Samuels. Oh no, I have no Ill will toward you. Saying you've aged is not an insult, rather it is the truth. You have aged, John. It's okay, sir, you can admit when your body is failing you. Because that's what happens when you get old. Its just like I said."

"I am almost certain the only reason you don't want to face me one on one is because you know you're moving over that hill. You probably feel that your prime is fading like the light of a dying star and you know the fans won't get their money's worth. If I were in your shoes, John, I'd do the same. I believe in truth in advertising and shit."

An arrogant smile crosses the face of the newly rejuvenated beast from Tombstone.

"Whereas your prime is coming to an end, John, my prime is just on the horizon. The medication and a few sessions with a certain doctor have set my mind straight. I am a young, verile competitor who has everything to prove. Now I'm not going to sit here and claim victory before we even fight. That's not competition, that's just...well, bragging ".

"I will say that given the chance, Mister Samuels, I can change your opinion of me. We both know that my chances of beating you are at least fifty percent. You still have a bit of your youth left, old man, so allow me to give you your last great moment to shine. By now you have to realize what I already know, John. You have to hear it."

"Tick tock."

"Tick tock."

"Tick tock."

"Allow me to be there when the hands of this clock strike twelve, your majesty. Allow yourself to witness what evolution is capable of in today's world, in our sport."

"Face me."


[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
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