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JACK Offline
The Lone Crusader

XWF FanBase:
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09-22-2014, 01:38 PM

In-Ring Name: Jack

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Unknown, but he goes by a ton of nicknames. "The Bandaged Man", "The Savior", "The Revolution", and so on.

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Current roster member (AerialKnight)

Wrestler Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 195 lbs.

Hometown: He travels a lot to avoid being caught, so it's hard tell where he actually lives.

Personality: Charismatic, seemingly insane, vengeful, creepy, helpful

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face, but he doesn't really believe in alignments. That, and the crowd's too scared of him to be considered a passable face.

Physical Build Description: Unusually scrawny for a man his size, has very little muscle mass from the looks of his body.

Ring Attire: Completely bandaged from the head down. Wears a green coat that covers his chest, arms, and groin. He also wears brown leather shoes and carries two knives with him to the ring.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Same as in ring attire.

Ethnicity: Hard to tell under those bandages. He covers himself in thick, black face paint in order to prevent anyone from discovering his true identity.

Pic Base: Jack from Power Stone (not powered up)

[Image: b36a5af4a8873c2ba13058333a437908-d32ouye.jpg]

-Artist's Rendition

Wrestling Style: It changes a lot from match to match. At one match, he might have a balanced, all around style of wrestling where he doesn't excel at anything. The next match, he might be a complete powerhouse that is focused on slamming the opponent down and making sure he doesn't get back up. And the match after that, he's trying to wear the opponent down with complex submission holds that his opponent can't possibly escape from. His opponent has to be really lucky in order to guess what style Jack is going to be fighting in next. However, he's always quite strike heavy.

Strengths: Fuck You're Strong!: Despite his appearance and lack of muscle mass, Jack can easily pick up over 300 lbs. and lift it over his head. This can take his opponents by surprise, since he looks like he can barely pick up a feather. The source of his strength is unknown, but it is theorized that he became so strong by picking up fat men on the street, but that's just silly.

You Know Your Shit!: Jack has great ring presence. He scouts the ring and his opponent(s) ahead of time in order to get a good feel of it and what he can do in the ring. However, he's not the only one that scouts it. He orders all of his followers to practice fighting each other in the ring so they can figure out the ins and the outs of the squared circle.

Weaknesses: Should I Be Watching This?: Jack has the bad habit of forgetting that he's in a match and start mauling the opponent. This is caused by the fact that the opponent has been beating him/her up so badly, that he forgets that he's supposed to put the opponent down for the three count. If the opponent is not careful, he/she could end up on a gurney with no recollection of what just happened.

Entrance Theme Music: "Anathema" by Mechina

Entrance Description: The loud drums, choir, and keyboards of Mechina's "Anathema" blares throughout the arena as the crowd makes absolutely no sound while the song plays out. Fog can be seen seeping through the entrance ramp, blocking the curtains and any shadows lingering behind it. After a little bit, Jack pushes the fabric aside and looks at the deathly silent crowd around him. After a few seconds, he walks forward towards the ring at a moderate pace, slapping a couple of hands of the people brave enough to try and touch his bandaged hands. Quite a few children are crying about how his red eye pierces their very soul and how that's the only feature of his face that they can see.

He reaches ringside not too long after that. He looks up at the referee before hopping up to the apron and grabbing the top rope, possibly warning him not to fuck up. He enters through the second rope and stands in the middle of the ring. From there, he crosses his arms close to his neck, knives in hand, like he's about to decapitate himself. Slowly, the music starts to fade out and he hands the knives over to the ref, like a wrestler would give him a title. He walks over to his corner and locks his elbows against the top rope, waiting for the bell to ring.

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
In General:
Kicks to the gut, legs and head
Elbows to the face and abdomen
Arm Bar
Drop Toe Hold
Knee to the stomach
Running Forearm to the face
Spinning Dropkick
Roundhouse Kick Combo (One to the gut. The second one to the head right after the gut kick.)
Jumping Knee to the jaw
Scoop Slam
Abdominal Stretch

Powerful Style:
Military Press Slam
Giant Splash
Samoan Drop
Lifting Lungblower

Technical Style:
Tequila Sunrise (Konnan's Finisher)
Octopus Stretch
Camel Clutch
Muta Lock
Hammerlock Suplex
Hangman's Neckbreaker
Figure Four Headlock
Figure Four Leglock

High-Flying Style:
Spinning Head Scissors
Cross Body
Springboard Rana
Avalanche Sunset Flip
Leaping Somersault Legdrop
Satellite DDT

Trademark Move(s): The Renegade's Kick
Description(s): A running Big Boot to the face of the opponent.

Primary Finisher: The Revolution
Description: A discuss lariat to the opponent's throat.

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Death's Lullaby
Description: Power: Argentine set up to a sit out face buster (Nick Mondo's Life Cutter)

Technical: An Inverted Bow and Arrow Lock

High Flying: A Corkscrew Senton to a standing opponent (Shannon Moore's Halo)

Favorite Weapon (if any): The blunt ends of his knives.

Additional notes: Feel free to choose one of these styles that you see him fighting with or are most comfortable working with. You can switch them up yourself if you're feeling adventurous.
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