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Kennedy Nikomedes
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Kennedy Nikomedes Offline
For America!

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

09-18-2014, 07:36 AM


In-Ring Name: Kennedy Nikomedes

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Kennedy Nikomedes

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: July 4, 1976

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 231 lbs.

Hometown: Tallahassee, Florida

Personality: Very likeable man. Women, kids, and men all love him. They view him as one of them. Very easy going and laid back. Doesn't take himself too seriously. Has a sense of humor.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): FACE

Physical Build Description: He's extremely fit and cut.

Ring Attire: Think the British Bulldog, only with American themes rather than British.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: He cleans up well, almost always wearing suits.

Ethnicity: White

Pic Base: Gabriel Macht

Wrestling Style: All arounder, submission

Strengths: He'll outwrestle almost anyone. He'll wear you down before most likely kicking you in the face and pinning you. He can absorb a lot of punishment. He combines amateur wrestling prowess with an array of aerial assaults.

Weaknesses: He's not a brawler. If he gets into a brawl with larger opponents, he'll likely take a lot of abuse, but he can hold his own against those that are equal in size.

Entrance Theme Music: "Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen

Entrance Description: A large American flag waves on the Xtron as Born in the USA strikes up. As the Boss starts to sing, Kennedy emerges from backstage. He stands with a British Bulldog style cape with his arms out, revealing his American flag cape. Two Marines flank him as security, holding American flags. As he stands there, a series of three pyro explosions, simulating rocket fire escape from the stage and fire out above the ring. The first explosion is red, then white, then blue.

After the pyro, he makes his way to the ring, slapping hands with ringside fans and even posing for pictures. He enters the ring as the Marines place the flags on opposite ring posts.

Manager (if applicable): No Manager
Manager's Pic Base:

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
-American (German) Suplex bridge pin
-Side American (Russian) leg sweep
-Side back breaker
-Cruise Missile dropkick
-Surface to Air (Suicide Dive variations through AND over the top rope, including corkscrew variants)
-Vertical Suplex spun down into an elbow drop, pin combination
-Moonsault (pinning version or non, either way)
-Double A DDT
-CM Punks running leaping knee strike in the corner, followed by a bulldog
-Super Plex
-Swinging Neck breaker
-Headstand hammer lock submission
-Figure 4 leg lock
-Sleeper Hold
-Spine buster

Trademark Move(s): O'er the Land of the Free
Description(s): HBK-style flying elbow drop

Primary Finisher: And the Home of the Brave
Description: HBK's sweet chin music

TRADEMARK & FINISHER NOTE: The fans will sometimes begin singing the final lines of the Star Spangled Banner as Nikomedes soars through the air with the elbow drop. As they belt out "BRAAAAVE" is usually when Kennedy's foot would meet his opponents chin.

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Unconditional Surrender
Description: Sharpshooter

Favorite Weapon if any: He won't use weapons unless they're legal. Even then, he'll refrain from using them unless its a means of self-defence.

Additional notes: He's the current Governor of Florida who is running for President in 2016. He has no party affiliation as he believes that the American political two party system is against everything the founders believed in. This allows him to get numerous things accomplished as he tends to actually BE the aisle rather than reaching across said aisle. He's extraordinarily charismatic and most Floridians and American alike, love him. It's widely believed he'll be a shoe in come 2016. He believes he is the first public figure since John F. Kennedy to truly represent the people of the United States.

He got into wrestling because he loves the competitive nature. He believes it will help to keep him strong and healthy not to mention that he believes entering this business will help him reach much of the nation and the world that he wouldn't normally reach through traditional political channels as he gears up for his Presidential bid.

Kennedy Nikomedes now accepts XBUX as campaign contributions.

[Image: AUnmMuB.jpg]

"Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not."
~~Senator Robert F. Kennedy~~
"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer.
Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us seek
our own responsibility for the future."

~~President John Fitzgerald Kennedy~~

"The work begins anew. The hope rises again. And the dream lives on."
~~Senator Ted Kennedy~~
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