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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
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08-19-2014, 09:17 AM

Ferguson Middle School
Ferguson, Missouri



"I know Harley. I know.".




Standing outside of the school is the man known only as ANARCHY. Next to him is his bitch Harley. A rather large female rottweiler.

"Now Harley I agreed to bring you along but you have to promise to be on your best behavior."


Anarchy and Harley walk into the front of the school and are immediately stopped by a husky black man in a security guards outfit.

"May I help you son?"

Before Anarchy can answer a woman comes out of the main office and intervenes.

"Hello. You must be Carl the Clown."

"I must say I am a little surprised by your look. I expected something a little brighter, a little more inviting."

"And I'm sorry but your dog will have to wait outside."

"Now all of us in the profession wear a red rubber nose and big shoes."

"As for the dog, Harley's my seeing eye dog and my best friend."

The woman squints trying to focus on looking at the man she believes to be Carl the Clown's eyes. "You're blind?"

"No, but Harley is my seeing eye dog just the same."

"No need to worry, Harley will be chained up with me on stage the entire time."

"She will be nowhere near the sweet innocent children."

"Very well. I will need you to sign in and put on an ID badge."

"Right this way please."

The woman, presumably someone in the schools Administration walks "Carl The Clown" over to a small white notebook. "Carl" picks up the pen and signs his name, which looks strikingly like a big smiley face. He then grabs the ID badge and then fills in his name on the line provided. He then takes the badge and slaps it onto his right breast pocket. The badge reads:

Hello My Name Is: "Anar Key."

"Anar? That's a wonderful name, where is that from?"


"Not the response I was expecting.”

“My name is Annabell Heyward. I am the Assistant Principal here.”

“Normally our Principal would be here to meet you but she has not arrived yet, which is very odd for her.”

”I’m sure she’ll pop up soon.”

The Assistant Principal leads “Carl The Clown” and Harley down the hallway and into a large auditorium which seems to double as a lunch room. The stage at the front of the room has been cleared off with the exception of a big banner hanging above which reads: “Welcome Back Students.”

”There on the left, that’s the stage where you can set up.”

“I notice you didn’t bring anything with you. The dog isn’t your only prop is it?”


“And no she is not a prop. I have a van that I will back up to the door and unload my props.”

”Ok. The students will be here in 15 minutes.”

”Plenty of time.”

The Assistant principal takes “Carl The Clown’s” que and exits the room. A loud bang is heard from across the room which then draws Anarchy’s attention. Anarchy proceeds to door and with both hands pushes the two doors open. Backed up a few feet from the door is a white panel van. Standing on the outside of the van are two men whose faces are painted to look like clowns. They immediately get to work and start unloading various props and placing them on the stage. One of the props is an oversized Jack In the Box.

As the unloading of props winds students and teachers start filing into the auditorium. Anarchy stands in the center of the stage, his hands in his pockets as he waits for the rest of the students and teachers to enter the room and take their seats. Anarchy’s henchmen leave the building and shut the two exterior doors as they go.

Once the last student takes a seat the Assistant Principal takes the stage and puts her right hand up, a move the signifies that those in attendance are to cease talking. The gesture works and within seconds everyone in the room is silent.

“Hello Students. I am Assistant Principal Heyward. Welcome back to another exciting school year here at Ferguson Middle. It is my pleasure to introduce “Carl The Clown.”

The students and teachers begin clapping for their guest. Anarchy remands standing in place waiting for the applause to die down. When it finally does he takes a step forward and looks out at the crowd.


Again the children and teachers in the room cheer for the man with the painted face standing before them.

”Let’s start with something easy. Ballon animals.”

“Anyone want to volunteer? Just shout out an animal.”

Instead of getting the name of an animal tossed at him instead it is a chorus of boos.

”Tough crowd.”

“How about we do this instead. Do you all want to see a magic trick?”

This time a more appropriate response as the kids in the room start to cheer.

”Well for this I am going to need a volunteer.” Anarchy looks out into the crowd and settles on the biggest kid he can find. An African American boy who despite being in middle school looks like he could start at Left Tackle for the Saint Louis Rams.”You son, with the black t-shirt on and diamond studded earrings. Come up here.”

The boy in question stands up and after celebrating and slapping hands with some of his classmates walks up to the stage and stands next to Anarchy.

”Your name?"


”Jamal I need you to do me a favor."

"That Jack In the Box over there..."

"I need you to walk over there and turn the crank as hard as you can.”

The boy gives Anarchy an look akin to buffudlement but does what the “clown” asks. He walks over to the Jack In The Box and using all his strength starts turning the crank. As he does so the “Pop Goes The Weasel” plays. With all eyes focused on the young boy and the Jack In the Box no one notices Anarchy making his way towards the two metals doors off to the left.

The song ends and a second later the door to the Jack In The Box opens and out pops the mangled and bloodied body of Kathy Sandusky. Principal of Ferguson Middle. The students erupt in a mixture of screams and cheers. Jamal starts vomiting where he stands. One of the teachers in the front row makes a beeline for Jamal and pulls him away from the box.

All the while with Anarchy’s back to the doors taking in the chaos that unfolds before. He whistles to Harley who breaks away from her leash and runs over towards Anarchy just as he kicks open the doors to the building. Anarchy and Harley both exit the building. Anarchy climbs while Harley jumps into the white windowless panel van that was waiting for him.

”Time to go.”

“And what about the clown?”

Anarchy looks towards the back of the van where a hog tied and gaged clown is rolling around, trying to speak but being muted by the aforementioned gag.

”We’ll drop him off on the way.”

Fade To...

[Image: avatar_947.jpg?dateline=1404600211]
[-] The following 5 users Like Anarchy's post:
Archie Lawson (08-19-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (08-19-2014), Kendall Savannah Sawyer (08-19-2014), LH Harrison (08-19-2014), Vincent Lane (08-19-2014)

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