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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
ETV LIVe: bobby zi presents "THE schizophrenic ''
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Bobby Charles Offline
XWF's Prodigal Son

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-16-2014, 01:28 AM

The camera begins to roll, and we see the Bobby zi standing at a podium in the front of what appears to be a science class. Medical posters grace the walls, as well as a periodic table of elements. Bobby,wearing a white lab coat and holding a thick manila file in his hand.

[color=light blue] "..This file was pretty damn informative, and after reading through it made a whole lot of sense. Barney green was a Schizophrenic. Most people though, misinterpret or misunderstand what Schizophrenia is. They generically and incorrectly assume that it's the multiple personality disorder,It's not!..." [/color]

"Though Barney has seemingly shown signs of having other personalities within himself, especially with his conversations within himself,he's got more serious issues that he needs to take care of. First off, Schizophrenia, is a biological disease of the brain. It ebbs and flows like the oceans tides. Often he'll suffer from hallucinations, delusions, and confusing thoughts. Kinda like that time he woke up naked after the Super Bowl. How in the hell did I get here?? Most times these are all triggered through a variety of stresses. Not to sound like an arrogant prick, even if I AM one, I'm pretty sure that having ANY sort of match against me would be a stressful time for the lad. Either way. He's NOT taking his prescription anti-psychotic medication..."

"..And when he is NOT experiencing one of his many, MANY episodes, he's suffering from other negative symptoms, like the ever popular, Loss of Interest. Now granted, I myself have displayed that on occasion, but when all you seem to be able fight with Z-grade wrestlers ,what else do you expect? Barney green certainly DOES NOT have my excuse, as he's FAR from the most talented wrestler on the roster, actually that would be reserved for me,haha, So he have loss of interest, followed by loss of warmth, humor, and energy. Barney has never really struck me as a 'warm' kind of guy, but then again? he's acts like a tough man even though he got several health problems. Whooo! Spooky! I would also like to point out that loss of matches could EASILY be added to this. These problems are tough to treat with medical intervention, but require more difficult psychological assistance,like the whole other opponents and I will kick the shit out of him repeatedly at relentless, and caving in his skull with any number of items we can get our hands on..."

Bobby zi smirks, and takes a moment to light a cigar before continuing..

[color=yellow] "..Most noticeably, Barney suffers from hallucinations. These, as most people know, are false perceptions of things. The senses are under attack by the mind, and they see, hear, taste, touch, and even smell shit that isnt there..."

"..A great example are the video promos that he submits, and the XWf staffers grudging accept to play on the air. Can we roll tape? HEY sUCKER! Roll the tape! Christ, all I ask is that you pay attention.."

Quote: Look at my opponents. Mastermind. YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME. I AM GONNA cOME AT YOU HARDER THAN I HAVE EVER COME BEFORE and I don't mean that sexually. I am gonna literally unleash the fury within my body.MY BODY MAY BE WEAK but I am willing to go that distance. Deal with the consequences later and take you down a peg. I was wrestling in the XWF before you and I will continue to do so. I am only retired until I need beer money and somebody wants to see me fight. My job isn't to do those flippy moves. My job is to throw haymakers and hammers and that's what I plan on doing

the sample ends, and bobby zi comes back into the picture...

"..Yeah. I thought that it was pretty fu**ing sad myself.." bobby zi shakes his head as he is feeling sad

"..well barney and everyone else who's EVER seen a classic mastermind promo, you can easily recognize that EVERY fucking promo that is shown has been pretty much the same. They are always shot in or around his fu**ing apartment, yet for some god forsaken reason, he actually THINKS that he's in these fascinating locations..."

"but,if you really look at his accomplishements, you can easily recognized that he is the one who really deserved respect, not to be beaten by a broken man by you.."

"..he is the former ark covenant champion,he is the one who nearly beat mark flynn for x-treme championship, he is the one who "mastermind" a lot of others and even that barney's schizophernic-partner Joey hawkins.."

"..other schizophrenics have reported similar things as the voices. Many times they are not friendly voices, and tell their sole listener some really fucked up shit, like ''Barney,you can do it, you can beat all other suckers for real this time''. Other schizos have stated that the voices in their heads are kinda like a tape playing in their head..."

Quote:Bobby Zi? Who the hell are you? You may have beaten NAZI for the X-Treme Title which shows how weak NAZI is losing to the likes of you. I am gonna hurt you bad.

bobby laughs so hard

"..well as you can easily recognize that the mother fucker just isn't right in the head..."

"..he asks who the former champion is and tells us "nobody wants to face A scumbag who rebelled against his family and went out on his own to do his thing, wrestling i think,hmmm.."

bobby puffs the cigar

"..Anyway,grenen has no desire to accept that these are fictitious manifestations of his diseased and lowly mind. These stupid things he sees and hears are very, VERY real to him, A schizophrenic will argue to the death that what he experiences is completely and totally real. Even this presentation, will be seen as me trying to lie to him, or somehow being jealous. i'm not and i dont have i reason to ,but i disgress.."

"..Keeping busy is pretty important as it provides helpful distraction. Competing stimuli can sometimes drown out the voices, which is why he seems a lot calmer when he listens to those boring, unimaginative "masterbate" promos..."

"well, i'll wrap up the hallucinations portion of the barney green lesson. Keep watching ETV for all of your favorite barney green Medical Reports!, thank you !.."

**OFF CAMERA: CHRIS(zi's friend) voice pipes in, "hey man,You forgot the part about the Fear Of Squirrels.."

"oh wait cameraman,cameraman.."

scene fades to black

Former 2× X-treme ChampIon
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