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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
Descendent?(Rp 2)
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-15-2014, 12:42 PM

Undelivered letters littered the main street of the small town. Tge camera panned over the gruesome scene. A cop with his baton shoved down his throat, only to protrude out the back of his skull. Zoom out. Bodies impaled anally on the lamp posts, exiting through the jugular. Bodies litter the street, and we see The War Machine with his foot on a female postal workers chest. She begs him to stop as he slowly uses his talons to literally rip her skin from her face. The shopkeeper of the pawn shop has no head and has a shotgun stuck up his ass, which is up in the air like a bitch.

Just when he is about to finish the postal worker off, a big screen tv in the window catches his attention. He watches the man on the tv, watching his visage burn. His solid black, pupiless eyes go wide and he growls, baring his fangs like a feral animal.

"That prick!"

The poor young postal worker sobs.

"Please...let me go...I...I'm a single mother..."

Cain's anger caused him to push down harder on the woman's chest, blood seeping from her mouth. It matched her lipstick. He yelled at her.

"Shut up, whore! I'm watching this bitch steal my shit!"

"But....(cough) kids..."

"I said shut the fuck up!"

She yelled out in pain as he kicked her in the stomach so hard that she rolled a couple of times. Face half torn off, ribs shattered, she laid there, sobbing and coughing.

"You humans make me sick. Yet another reason for me to kill you..." He said, moving closer. "...and now, this Sacrelidge fellow, he wants to burn shit like I do. Next he'll be murdering people..."

"...why did you do all...(cough)...why did you wipe out our town? We"'ve done nothing...(hic sob) you."

The War Machine's mouth curved upward.

"I cannot kill everyone on this shit ball, but please believe that those whom I kill ask for it. It's called "Rage". Don't you know who I am? You should. Everyone does. I am Cain. I am the walking death. The destroyer of worlds. It is my destiny to shed as much blood as possible. All, if possible."

He shrugged.

"...I am a tornado of death and destruction, and who so ever shall stand in my path will be ended. You and your townsfolk were in the wrong place at the wrong time."

His large claw shot out abd the claws of his fingers dug into her throat. Then, that feral growl returned once more. She moaned weakly before he jerked his hand backwards, blood spraying him, her throat in his hand. Cain grinned insanely, looking over the dead. A sick pride glints in his eyes.

"Hrmf...weak mortals. Another sacrifice recorded in the book of Cain."

Dust swirled in the light breeze, complete silence falling over the small town. Cain non-chalantly shrugged his shoulders, and turned. He began to walk toward the highway, making his way toward the show. On foot. One bad mother fucker. Suddenly, the anti-hero felt a tug at his black duster. He stopped in his tracks and looked back.

"Hey Mister..."

He saw a child, no more than six standing there. A little girl, in a little black dress. Her eyes...her eyes were pupiless. Solid black. He felt the urge to kill the child, but something wouldn't allow it. He lowered his claws and turned away from her.

"Go away, kid."

But as he tried to move forward, he bumped into the child. He looked at her, aggravation in his eyes.

"Please, go to your mother. If you like breathing, you will..."

"I can't Mister...mommy's dead."

He narrowed his eyes. He thought back to women he'd killed in the town, but this child looked like none of them. In fact, she reminded him of himself. Then...she suprised him.

"You didn't kill her, daddy. I did." She giggled, her little black eyes flashing as she forced him to catch her. Jumping into his arms.


-To Be Continued-

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