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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Clean Lucena
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Clean Lucena Offline
the cleanest player of the game

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

01-29-2014, 05:16 PM

In-Ring Name: Clean Lucena

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Ernesto Lucena

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: 15/8/85

Height: 6ft

Weight: 172lb

Hometown: Almeria, Spain

Personality: Former prick that loved to Cheat, redeeming himself to make his way up to the heart of the people trying to do the things the Cleanest way... but sometimes things got to vintage Cheat. Still overconfidence, arrogant and egomaniac, but try to cover it with his supossedly new personality of "Mr. Respeto".

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face

Physical Build Description: Just a bit muscular, not really wrestling-esque.

Ring Attire: wrestling trunks, with a blazer for the entrance.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: "I'm with this stupid" kind of shirt and jeans.

Ethnicity: Spanish latino (From Spain)

Pic Base:
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSd168vwWKyiZ0MpreFc3K...Y0mazhneG5]

Wrestling Style: Soft generic face #3423 looking for the comeback, turning into a elbow expert when the match get longer, and turning "Cheat" when he gets crazy.

Strengths: The one that once liked to provocate his opponents to get DQ wins, roll-ups, cradles, cheating in general, now trying to overcome the odds by comebacking and hulk-uping. Elbow strikes also.

Weaknesses: Get annoyed by anything related to homosexual world despite he try to be tolerant. Usually afraid of get his ass cover by a cock. People that doesn't now a shit about Spain and think that is part of Mexico

Entrance Theme Music:

Entrance Description: The proud man walk to the ring, exactly like the man on "mi gran noche" videoclip, vintage classic gentleman, smiling and pretending to be nice, pointing everyone.

Manager (if applicable): The Biographer
Manager's Pic Base:

[Image: ca%C3%B1ita%2Bbrava.jpg]

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Clean Flurry (Three punches, rock style)
Gedo Clutch
Inside Cradle
Crucifix Pin
Running Single Leg Dropkick
Rolling Elbow
Roundhouse Kick
Running Big Boot
Running Corner Elbow
Diving Crossbody
Sprinboard Elbow Strike
Elbow to the back of the head
Back Stabber
Suicide Dive

Trademark Move(s): Clean-Up ("Hulk's up parody")
Description(s): Getting nervous "Hulk style", YOU!, and then the Clean Flurry of punches, big boot, and then, any cheating move in a undetermined number of times low blow/eye poke/dirty roll-up/Spanish Rogue

Primary Finisher: Metta World Peace
Description: Spinning Back Elbow
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