X-treme Wrestling Federation
Jimmy... (the warning to the XWF) - Printable Version

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Jimmy... (the warning to the XWF) - Great Buzzard Eli James IV - 01-21-2014

I remember when time started its first click... it was somethin' beautiful for every ear to hear for the first time...

Someone is coughing violently. They can shake the tickle in their throat. Finally some quiet, but only for a few seconds when a few sniffs are heard. A scary creek noise that causes echo is sounded close by. You can't see much, but much is left to the imagination and it doesn't seem safe. It feels odd. Then, the familiar voice people hate listening to makes its presence known...

"Jimmy Crack Corn... and I Don't Care... Hehehehe. Jimmy Crack Corn... and I Don't Care... heh.. heh.. hehe. Jimmy was someone that didn't belong in his circle. Nah, man. He was different. He was the Rudolph in his pack. Everyone looked at him funny. They tried to make peace within themselves that he's gonna be just fine. 'It's Okay, Jimmy!', they would tell him. 'Be Strong! You belong here'. All they did was try to cage a wild animal for the beautiful viewing pleasure from everyone else. Jimmy sat in quiet while the others rambled and stumbled with their words. They all bathed and enjoyed the warm water over their skin. Jimmy craved the cold water bringing chills upon his skin. They would enjoy the warm steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans at meal time over a friendly conversation. Jimmy just wanted food and didn't care where it came from, or what it was. Oh, and the conversations... he loved the quiet a bit too much.

Jimmy did what he did. Jimmy followed his heart. He went out in the field with the rest of his family and simply worked like the rest of 'em. Jimmy Crack Corn... and no one cared. The family had fun thinking those few words in their heart while he worked the same as everyone else, and probably even harder than them all... it didn't change what his own flesh and blood thought about him. No one cares about Jimmy and no one cares about anything he does. Until they need him...

A famine strikes. Health causes the parents to be less active in getting food and cooking meals for everyone. The daughters grow up and leave with their own husbands. The brothers are away living their own lives. The parents die because they refused to accept what was handed to them early. Jimmy took possession of the land while the others did their thing. Once the famine gets larger and the prices of all the food you need to survive.. they all come runnin' home to the only farm they know where they can get food. Who's there? Jimmy. The one they refused to like, like family. They pretended he was adopted when he was a part of their own flesh and blood. They begged Jimmy for help, and all Jimmy could do was turn his ear away from their cry and let them die.

I came here like all of you. Flesh, bone, blood... I thirst like all of you.. I hunger like all of you.. I bleed like all of you.. and yet because I came preaching a different message your ears have never heard... and it shakes the core of what you all know... you treated me like an outsider.. like someone who didn't belong. If a cold winter came.. most of ya would have chosen your worst enemy here, like The Black Circle, to join in survival as long as it kept me out to die.

I told ya all I came to extend the hand of the Almighty's mercy to everyone. You all heard the warnings and saw the signs. The famine was comin' and you chose to live your own lives.

And now, here we are... The Black Circle wants to end me. They want the Congregation gone. One... by... One they've all fallen away from the truth.

Mystica is in the middle of his own self battle...

Elisha is quiet and comin' into his own...

Dr. Casey Jones disappeared...

Death Merchant got too cocky for his own good and his sins destroyed him...

Sincere Lee Wild lusted after things of this world and its what she was handed...

Alexandra Callaway became blind in her search, by love, and ran away...

The truth is too difficult for many. Broad is the path that leads to destruction but narrow is the way that leads to life. The narrow way is a difficult way and not many are willing to suffer the cause to stay the course.

Wednesday, I fight someone by the name of Simon Lee Nash... I feel for ya. You've walked into the wrong place at the wrong time.. and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to make an example out of ya, little one.

Life is not a box of anything. Life is conjured up by time, and once time is taken away from your pathetic world then away you go. Bye-Bye. Hehehehe...