X-treme Wrestling Federation
The Barn Part 2 - Printable Version

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The Barn Part 2 - Elisha - 12-19-2013

I'm not exactly sure what happened in that place. I was too exhausted to try and remember much of what went down. I went in there a beaten mess from a previous match and the last sight I saw was Eli... looking at me with the largest grin I've ever seen... telling me I'm home and to deal with my selfish ways.

I'm not sure how long I was in that place, or when the others left, but I know I was there for a while. You were never allowed to rest. Never allowed to sleep. You had to repeat the phrase, "Obey. Sacrifice." You felt the worse pain you've ever felt in your life, both physically and mentally. This didn't seem to fit in with the world of a preacher man. This would fit a serial killer, a psycho, a mad man, a fucking lunatic. Maybe it's who he is.

All I know is I went in as Eric Rex. An average guy with a determination to accomplish his goal list and make money. I loved money. That's what got me into this whole fucking mess with Eli James. He had plenty of money, and I wanted all of it.. or as much as he was willing to give me for small jobs.

I came out as the person he wanted to have by his side. I came out as the prophet he dreamed of having. I came out transformed into something I'm not even sure how it all worked. I came out as Elisha. Eric Rex was a memory somewhere in my brain. He was forgotten in the XWF for what he had done with Wallace Witasick and Lacey Rex. Eric Rex went in the XWF with goals in mind, and became half of the Tag Team Champions. Eric Rex left as a champion, and came back as something evil. I came back as something deranged. What did Eli do to Eric Rex to make him form into this Elisha?

I got away from this God forsaken place known as The Village. I came back to the XWF. I was working alongside Eli and my mind had been torn to shreds. What happened in that barn, only Eli can recall everything. I can only remember a few things, and those things I'd like to not remember. It's too dark. It's too evil. It fucks with your mind and brings out someone that was never meant to be. Eric Rex is suppose to be alive and well. It wasn't in Eli's plan or His God's plan. Elisha was in their plan and they knew it from day one. DAY ONE they saw me, sought me, and used my weakness to lead me to the darkness that is The Village and the barn.

He sent me to The Promise Land. I was back among regular people, sort of, but no one wanted to be near me. And at that moment in time I didn't want to be near them. I wanted to be left alone and eat. I was so grateful for Eli and his followers for some reason that I'm not really sure of, that I left dead animals on porches as a gift.

I am a dark prophet.

I am an usher of evil and darkness.

I am the heated coals your feet walk on.

Here I am back at this zombie land. The Village. And oddly, I have no ill-will towards Eli or his actions to what he had done. To be honest, I really am thankful for everything. Eric Rex was meant to die. He was meant to be used as a sacrifice for something far bigger than himself. He was chosen to be the vessel where Elisha can live. For Elisha to live through Eric Rex, then blood had to be spilled. Selfishness and greed had to be buried. It was the only way. It's not evil. It's a pleasure.

Elisha is sitting near by in the full moon light. He's stroking his baby doll known as Lacey.

"Lurking. Looking. Seeking.

Hide your secret in the concrete
But I promise you will find it's way to the surface
The ocean isn't made for your feet to walk on
A rear view mirror is a destiny of purpose

One should talk as if they have the brain
When it's not aligned to them it's seen as insane
Isn't it odd how clear you can see once you're free
Just accept the hand that brings out relief

Collect the inner working of darkness
It's for the trusting of the man with a hand behind his back
Cold created for the revolutionist front
Wait for him to give the sign to attack

Lurking. Looking. Seeking.

I'm coming for you. Who? Who am I coming for? Hee-Hee-Hee. I know. You don't. Hee-Hee-Hee. Just wait. The clouds are moving to where you are and, hee-hee-hee, the rain falls on you. Just you. I won't tell if you don't.

Too much noise for this. So listen closely to the words I will carry to your ears. This match isn't about Me, Mystica, or LJ Havok. This match isn't about The Congregation, nor is it about John Austin or the United States Championship. This is a little bit bigger than that. It's much bigger. I know. Do you? Hee-hee-hee.

I know. Do you?