X-treme Wrestling Federation
Aftermath pt.2 - Printable Version

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Aftermath pt.2 - Mr.Natural - 12-08-2013

Mr.Natural: In fact, that's exactly what's going happen. Next week on Shove-It, Mr.Natural vs steve Sayors in a Barbed Wire Steel cage X-Treme Rules match. Better get ready. Now get out of here. Now on to other news, after my win, The Natural can't help but think about his next step. And whn thinking, he can't help but think about one man. One Mr.Sid Feder. You shocked the world when you showed everyone that you were choking a man with a Food Lion bag, but my brother, do you think you can do that again? I give you an open invitation t come to my estate kin charlotte, North carolina for our long overdue business meeting, and if you have the guts, choke me with a plastic bag again. Do you have the guts, or are yu scared, Mr.Horsemen. I'll be waiting. Naturally Yours.

Aftermath pt.2 - Sid Feder - 12-10-2013

Sid finishes hearing this and his reaction is to scream. He just screams and screams; at the top of his lungs, so hard that his entire face looks like a fire engine. He throws a chair through his television screen while screaming "FUCK!" again and again. He also kicks over a lamp and flips some tables in what appears to be his own living room.

:3 x Better: This fucking guy?

He starts to lift one end of his couch, but it's an incredibly large and heavy couch so he calls his father in to help.

:3 x Better: Yo Poppa! Get the fuck in here and help me out! We've got a situation on our hands and it ain't fucking pretty!

Poppa Feder comes lumbering into the room, half awake and in his pajamas, with a bowl of soup cupped in one hand and a wooden spoon in his other hand. He scoops another helping of noodles and broth into his mouth, letting it run down his gray and white beard, calmly watching Sid rearrange the living room like it's just another day.

:3 x Better: Don't just stand there -- that fuck face Mr. Natural just challenged me to another match!

Poppa Feder's eyes get wide and light up like Christmas trees; he had no idea it was this serious. He has already thrown the bowl of soup aside and is frantically lifting and tugging the giant couch to help Sid lift it vertically and then they tilt it toward the large front window and send the entire couch flying out of the house. A woman walking past on the sidewalk sees a large couch fire out of the front of the Feder home like a missile, but she seems to not even take much notice. Must be a local.

Back inside, Sid is screaming and losing his shit.

:3 x Better: That piece of fucking shit wants me to suffocate him again? Again?!?!?!?!? Like I've got all this time to just waste with losers like him? I won't even be here in another month according to everybody who fears me! How am I going to fit Mr. Natural into another match?

Sid and his father continue trashing the place. Sid legitimately looks to be enraged and Poppa Feder just looks like he wants to break shit. Poppa actually looks a little funny with his all red, one piece pajama outfit and his big ass beard flowing all over the place. Sid takes a picture of himself and his wife and throws it out the window before taking a stand alone air purifier and whacking it like a baseball bat against the wall while he shouts--

:3 x Better: Well Mr. Natural, if you thought our match was fun when I was playing another character and hiding my identity, just wait until you get the complete Three Times Better package! I accept!

Aftermath pt.2 - Peter Fn Gilmour - 12-10-2013

oh shit!