X-treme Wrestling Federation
Fear the Reaper - Printable Version

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Fear the Reaper - Theo Pryce - 11-25-2013

Several hours after completing his meeting with Michael McBride, Theo thought it would be a good idea Sin and Theo to further discuss Sin’s role within the organization, specifically, her role as part of Theo’s Personal Guard. As part of her “Welcoming Package” into Theo’s employ she has been set up in an apartment outside of the Phoenix city limits. It’s nothing fancy as that’s not really Sin’s style but it’s a place to lay her head when she isn’t giving Theo’s sister migraines and giving Theo…well, let’s just leave that for another discussion entirely. Theo has just picked up Sin from her residence and is en route to Pryce Towers.

“So tell me Sin, how have things been for you at Pryce Industries this last week?”


“Fine? That’s all you have? Give me something here.”

“Does it really matter? I do what you need me to do and that’s it. That’s why you brought me on board is it not?”

“Yes it is. You have a unique skill set, one that I plan to capitalize on. But I am a strong believer in getting the most out of those I pay. It’s all part of a business plan that has made me a lot of money in a rather short period of time. And you know how I go about doing that? How I capitalize on everyone’s skill set?”

“Not in the slightest. Enlighten me.”

“It would be my pleasure. And it’s rather simple. I pay attention, I listen. It may not always look like. In fact most times it probably looks as though I am completely checked out but that isn’t the case at all. People are honest when they don’t think you are listening and believe me. People always have more to say than what they lead on.”

“Sounds thrilling, truly. But I prefer to let my actions speak for me.”

“Indeed you do. And that’s why you collect a pay check from me every two weeks. In addition to that I am going to give you and the team you will be working with a little space in Pryce Towers where you can do all you’re planning.”

“Team? What team? I thought I was working for you. I made it very clear I would only deal with you.”

“You did. And you will be. But part of that is working with this team I am assembling. I think you will be very pleased with them and with the work you all will be doing. Additionally you will all be compensated very well for your efforts.”

“I don’t care about money.”

“Everyone cares about money. Well except for my buddy Nova.”

“Speaking of Nova and the rest of The Black Circle, what is my role with them?”

“You don’t have one. Don’t take this the wrong way but you aren’t exactly Black Circle material.”

“That’s just as well. I have no desire to associate myself with them anyway. They aren’t my kind of people anyway.”

“I find that rather interesting. Not enough to have you elaborate but interesting none the less. Either way, we’re here. Let’s head up to my office, I have some things I need to take care. I think we will take the public elevator up to the Executive Floor.”

“Why? You have a private elevator. Why not use that?”

“Because I rather enjoy the look on people’s faces when they see you walking through the building, it…amuses me.”

“And what look would that be?”

“There are several actually. Fear, sometimes confusion, once in a while jealousy.”

“You can tell all that just from looking at people’s faces?”

“As I told you before, I pay attention, reading people is one of my biggest strengths. Now let’s go.”

Theo and Sin exit the vehicle and make their way towards the bank of elevators directly in front of them. Theo hands his keys to a valet stationed near the entrance of the subterranean parking structure and pushes the Up Arrow on the elevator panel. A moment later the elevator doors open and the duo step inside. Theo casually pushes the button that leads to the Executive Floor and a moment later the doors open again and a young woman in a black suit with her hair pulled up and black glasses steps inside. She takes a glance at Sin and then Theo before turning her back towards them and putting her head down. A few seconds later the elevator reaches the 45th floor which is where Finance is located. The blonde steps out and then the doors close behind her.

“And what did her face tell you oh “Great Observer”?”

“That for the few seconds she shared an elevator with us she would have preferred to be anywhere else in the world. Ah and here we are.”

The doors to the elevator opens and the Executive Floor is a buzz with employers racing around trying to get their work done. With the holiday coming up everyone is trying to get as much done as fast as possible so that they can extend what will already be a 4 day paid weekend. Theo and Sin weave their way through the hallways and make their final approach towards Theo’s office however before they can enter the office Theo notices something rather odd, Jimmy Durance, Theo’s personal bitch boy is seated at the desk routinely reserved for Theo’s secretaries.

“Jimmy…why the hell are you sitting there?”

“Nancy sent me up here.”

“Who the hell is Nancy?”

“She’s the lady that runs the Secretary Pool.”

“And she thought that sending you up here was a good idea?”


"Did you ask Nancy why she thought it would be a good idea to send you up here?"

"Yes, and she said that I should speak with Ms.Rayner."

"And did you do that?"

"No, I've been rather busy since I got up here."

“Jimmy get Erica on the phone. Get her down here immediately. We are in crisis mode now.”

“Ok but first I need to tell you something.”

“Not now Jimmy, we need to get this nonsense worked out immediately.”

“But sir, it’s very important.”

“Not more important than this I assure you. Now get Erica down here.”

Jimmy picks up the phone, dials Erica’s extension and asks for her to come down to Theo’s office immediately. In the meanwhile Theo takes notice of Sin who is standing off to the side with a look of amusement on her face.

“This is amusing to you?”

“It sure it. Don’t you think you are overreacting a bit? Is not having a Secretary really that big of a problem?”

“It’s about routine Sin. I don’t like when my routine is fucked with. Especially by some lady named Nancy.”

“Have you ever been diagnosed for OCD?”

“What are you a fucking doctor now?

“Now, just a silent observer.”

“Well then do me a favor, until you become a Doctor try being more silent.”

“What is it Theo?”

“Erica, why the hell is Jimmy up here?”

“Because you fired the last secretary.”

“I fire a lot of secretary’s. What does that have to do with anything?”

“Well Nancy is tired of the revolving door that has been your secretary’s desk.”


“What do you mean and? That’s the sum of it. She doesn’t want to send anyone up here anymore.”

“Ok, two things. First, fuck her. And two, what the fuck is going on here? Did everyone take crazy pills this morning? Since when do people just decide that they don’t want to do their job anymore?”

“Excuse me sir…”

“Not now Jimmy. I’m busy.”

“But sir…”

“Shut the fuck up Jimmy.”



“You’re making a scene.”

“I’m making a what? Who cares? All these people work for me and if they want to continue to do so they will go about their work and pretend like they are oblivious to what is going on here.”

“Sir I am sorry to interrupt but NAZI is waiting in your office.”

“What? Why the fuck didn’t you tell me? You are the worst god damn secretary of all time.”

“I tried to tell you sir. Twice.”

“Now is not the time for you to show me the balls you just grew Jimmy. Don’t get cute with me. How long has been in there?”

“20 minutes or so. No more than a half hour.”

“Jesus fucking Christ. What the fuck is happening around here?”

Everyone in the immediate area continues to stare at Theo as his disgust turns into a mini meltdown. Sin seems amused, Jimmy is scared and Erica stone faced. She would make an excellent poker player.

“Ok Jimmy I want you to go downstairs and tell Nancy that if she wants to have a Christmas with her family…she does have a family right?”

“I have no idea sir.”


“Yes she has a family.”

“Ok then. Jimmy, I want you to go downstairs to wherever the fuck Nancy sits and you tell her that if she doesn’t get a secretary up here in the next 15 minutes she’s mother fucking fired.”

“Do you want me to say it to her just like that?”

“Yes Jimmy I do. You suddenly have balls so this shouldn’t be too difficult for you. In fact, why don’t you take Sin with you. Nancy probably won’t listen to you but she will definitely listen to Sin. And if not, well then I won’t have to worry about firing her as I am sure Sin will take care of the problem.”

Jimmy comes around from behind the desk and heads towards the elevators with Sin in tow.

“Was that all necessary?”

“Was what all necessary?”

“Ripping into Jimmy like that?”

“No but I enjoy it. So until I no longer enjoy it I’m going to continue to do it. Is there anything else?”

“Yes there is as a matter of fact. How did your meeting with Mr. McBride go?”

“Swimmingly. I’ll fill you in later. Anything else”

“Yes as a matter of fact, what is NAZI doing here?”

“I have no idea because someone didn’t tell me he was here until 20 minutes after the fact.”

“Does he want more money? What is he using the money for anyway? You know what kind of person he is. He wants wipe out most of the human race. He’s insane.”

“I’m not sure that I agree with your definition of insane. I really don’t have an issue with making sure the strong survive. Besides is what he wants that much different than what we do? We sell weapons and just about anything we can develop that at the end of the day is used for one purpose, and one purpose only ; to end lives.”

“We are completely different and you know it.”

“I know no such thing. Don’t be fooled my dear sister. I may look debonair but I’m the Devil in disguise. I am the Reaper but instead of a cloak and a sickle I have an expensive suit and a check book. This world, cliché as it may sound is not a nice place and we cash in mightily on that nastiness and greed. So you need to reconcile yourself with that reality, and quickly. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see what my friend wants.”

Theo turns away from his sister who is left with a look of utter disgust on her face. Theo makes his way into his office and sees NAZI standing at the windows looking down on the city of Phoenix.

“Nathaniel. Good to see you again. I’m sorry you had to travel so far to come and see me. A shame you can’t just teleport or whatever the hell it is that Nova does that allows him to just appear out of thin air.”

“A fun parlor trick for sure. You sound better my friend.”

“Indeed I do. That voodoo juice you suggested seems to have done the trick. Now, what can I do for you?”

“Voodoo juice?”

“Well unless you have a name for it that’s what I came up with.”

“That should work for now. Do you have some time?”

“For you absolutely. Care for a drink?”

“No thank you.”

“Mind if I do?”

“Not at all.”

Theo walks over to his bar and grabs a bottle of Lagavulin 16 and slowly and methodically pours it into a glass.

“Shall we begin?”